Latvian numerals

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Latvian numerals

I see you've already done the structural + header corrections for me -- thanks! I hope everything is now in agreement with local policies. Only one thing -- I had to undo the template changes and re-create the form-of categories; these help me keep track of forms (their numbers should be multiples of each other) and to find missing forms or errors and correct them. I hope this doesn't go against any local policies? --Pereru (talk) 02:26, 17 August 2012 (UTC)

Pereru (talk)02:26, 17 August 2012

Not as such, but it does seem rather excessive to have one category for each kind of form...

CodeCat10:03, 17 August 2012

I think in general, from the viewpoint of the casual user, all those PoS categories are pretty useless -- nobody is going to find the word they want by looking through Category:en:Verbs, for instance. I suppose the point of PoS categories is internal bookkeeping, stats, etc. Personally, I use them to look for mistakes (in principle, the number of dative plural forms must be equal to the number of dative singular forms minus the number of pluralia tantum (+ the singularia tantum); if the numbers don't match, then something is wrong... Not very efficient, but then again, better than nothing).

Pereru (talk)12:42, 17 August 2012