Minor edits revoked

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Minor edits revoked

Hi, and thanks for the great work. Why did you revoke my minor edits at the beer parlor (not that I drink beer)? IMHO they clarified the long discussion, which I had initiated, setting it into sections. Also, why did you erase my extra remarks, and corrections to editing and spelling mistakes (like the template:against instead of template:oppose and others)?

Please return it, or at least correct the mistakes and insert my comments.

Pashute (talk)15:59, 11 July 2013

Please look at a calendar?

CodeCat16:01, 11 July 2013

Today is July 11 2013 in Israel, where I am now working. Why what do you seem to see? I cannot put in four tildas, the signature is given automatically.

So that's the problem?

Pashute (talk)17:16, 11 July 2013

You posted those discussions on the June page, today.

CodeCat17:18, 11 July 2013