PGmc *ak

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Hello! True, the regular development of *auk is eke (actually, we should be spelling it eak); but Koebler states that *ak is derived from the unstressed form of *auk; similar to the Scandinavian forms (cf. Swed och) are also from *auk. What say you on this? Wheere else would *ak derive? Leasnam (talk) 01:51, 6 July 2012 (UTC)

Leasnam (talk)01:51, 6 July 2012

Gothic has both ak and auk, and Gothic is old enough that it doesn't have any changes related to lack of stress. There are certainly no signs that au could have become a when unstressed. So the only possible relationship between the two would be in PIE, but that isn't possible on the grounds that their root formations necessarily differ because of the -u-, which doesn't participate in ablaut and so can't account for alternative forms lacking it.

CodeCat10:52, 6 July 2012

In that case do we know where *ak stems from? Leasnam (talk) 18:13, 6 July 2012 (UTC)

Leasnam (talk)18:13, 6 July 2012

I haven't found anything about it so far.

CodeCat18:53, 6 July 2012