Phonetic changes

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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No change is absolutely inevitable, nor is any change absolutely impossible. There's only general tendencies and changes that are common or rare. I don't know if there's a list anywhere, it comes down to experience really.

CodeCat17:26, 3 November 2016

I see, thanks for the answer! I'm asking this since, for fun (and to try and understand linguistics better without a formal education in it outside of High School) I've started up a conlang (constructed language, if you're unfamiliar) which is essentially "Future French". I'm trying to figure out what changes may happen to the phonemes involved. French is my second mother-tongue, so I understand a lot of why it's like it is now (the circumflex accent comes from doubled vowels or a vowel followed by s like baston > bâton and roole > rôle, but I'm at a disadvantage when coming up with future sound changes given I have no background in linguistics.

UtherPendrogn (talk)17:29, 3 November 2016