Script names

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Hi CodeCat, I brought the subject to the attention of just an hour ago, if at all that is a proper way. There also seem to be more knowledgeable people behind Wiktionary, but the message and communication system itself of Wiktionary deems rather intricate to me. One may write on someone's Talk page, messages do sometimes come through email, message pop up after clicking a "Thanks"-button or similar. I know I got lost there. So, yes, manually would be my way. It reminds me of all those monks copying book after book by hand in medieval monasteries. I will not, however, change all entries one after another. I may proceed on a "when encountered" basis.

Redav (talk)22:28, 14 July 2014

I am the one reading your email message at the moment, but I think local talk pages are a better place now you understand how the system works. At the helpdesk we mainly help newbies to find their way at the Wiki.

Jcb (talk)23:28, 14 July 2014