Templating forms between protolanguages

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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It's still better than having it tagged as English, isn't it? Also, {{m}} doesn't produce the same output as '', it's not just tagging the language that matters, there's also taggin mentions.

CodeCat01:55, 16 November 2015

Wait, are you saying that running text on Wiktionary is tagged as English by default? That seems like a bad idea.

Tropylium (talk)02:33, 16 November 2015

Yes, it is.

CodeCat02:39, 16 November 2015

I'm curious, what's the difference in effect between using {{m|[LANG]||[TERM]}} versus using {{lang|[LANG]|[TERM]}}? I've been using {{lang}} when I wish to specify the language without creating a link, but I'm happy to change if {{m}} is better somehow.

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig18:18, 16 November 2015