
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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I'm not sure what the locative is there for. It barely even survived into classical Latin. Did it survive into Vulgar Latin? Also, why not use a module?

CodeCat21:43, 8 May 2013

No, that’s just a relic that I di’n’t know what to do with. Not sure what you mean by module. Since case functions were shared variously in different conjugations, I would rather not make a mother template; my template knowledge is still rather crude.

Æ&Œ (talk)23:54, 8 May 2013

I meant a Lua module. That way, there wouldn't need to be two parameters, just one would be enough.

CodeCat01:13, 9 May 2013

I told you, my knowledge of templates is crude. I dun know exactly what an Lua module is, or how to create one. And am not sure what you mean by parameters. Are talking about the digits sandwiched with braces?

Æ&Œ (talk)14:51, 9 May 2013

Yes, those. A Lua module is like Module:nl-verb.

CodeCat14:52, 9 May 2013

That code reads like Chinese to me.

Æ&Œ (talk)14:54, 9 May 2013

It is much more powerful than templates though, and faster too. It can look inside text and search for or replace individual characters. So it could also strip out acute accents and underdots from accented Vulgar Latin forms, which a template can't do.

CodeCat14:56, 9 May 2013

Templates are cryptic enough as it is. Spending frustrated weeks trying to learn complicated programming does not rank high on my priority list. Just delete the template that I made, and consider making a module.

Æ&Œ (talk)15:13, 9 May 2013