Re: diff 48378753 -- "glosses should not use [[Template:l]]"

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Re: diff 48378753 -- "glosses should not use Template:l"

In the edit summary for diff, you mentioned that "glosses should not use Template:l". I seem to have missed that memo. I've been quite active in using Template:l to specify the language of the linked term, in part due to various usability issues people have reported over time, such as when using tabbed languages.

Is there a specific reason not to use Template:l?

‑‑ Eiríkr Útlendi │Tala við mig20:38, 6 January 2018

The TabbedLanguages issue no longer applies since changes were made to its code. It now defaults to English or Translingual.

Rua (mew)20:42, 6 January 2018