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I think you are wrong here It is a quirk of Dutch orthography that [u] is written as "oe"..

Cf. en: good nl: goed de: gut

Please don't tell me they are from different origin just because of the spelling.

Jcwf (talk)20:16, 29 June 2020

Rua knows that <oe> is /u/. It's that (Middle) Dutch /u/ comes from PGem *ō, not PGem *u.

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds20:23, 29 June 2020

Indeed, the descendant of this verb in Middle Dutch, if one had existed, would be *genōgen, whereas genoegen is a derivative of *ganōgaz. Note the difference in the vowels: ō > oe, u > ō.

Rua (mew)08:42, 30 June 2020