JavaScript exportations

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JavaScript exportations

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Last edit: 19:01, 23 February 2011

Hello, we have many wills to import the current site tools on all the wiki family. However, as you could see at the bottom of this gadgets list, the customized API seems to be a little bit too hermetic of us now.

Could you please try to manage a kind of JavaScript library, to allow any wiki to pick up easily into them (by copying one page), for example here.

JackPotte21:44, 22 February 2011

Great idea. How about category:Wiktionary scripts (it can include Python scripts (and can be divided into subcats if it gets too large)).​—msh210 (talk) 21:47, 22 February 2011 (UTC)

​—msh210 (talk)21:47, 22 February 2011

Umm... Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

Yair rand (talk)22:36, 22 February 2011

I believe that the time has come to gather all the wiki scripts on only one site, allowing anyone to install them by a simple copy.

Apart from that, thank you very much for your comments on fr.wikt today.

JackPotte19:00, 23 February 2011

Oh, all on one site? That's not what I understood, and I don't support it. What I thought you meant, and definitely support, is an easy way to find enwikt scripts, as an enwikt category: of such.

​—msh210 (talk)19:23, 23 February 2011