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This is George V73GT!

I am an West Coast American Born Native English speaker.

I also have a toddler's vocabulary in Cebuano, and Filipino. I am fluent in dit dahdit dahdahdit ditdahditdit ditdit ditditdit ditditdit ditdit dandit dah dit ditdahdit dahdit ditdah ditdahditdit dahdah dahdahdah ditdahdit ditditdit dit dahditdahdit dahdahdah dahditdit dit with a fluency nearly equivalent to my English.




I have also been, WN6VPS, WB6VPS, ZD8GT, ZD7GT, ZD9CR, XZ0A[4] (as a Team Member ... 160 meter World Record still stands!) and am currently AH8H! I have also operated from TU2YJ.

I do some coding, mainly in ancient/archaic languages like GWBasic, and MBasic. My current love is LABVIEW! I am beginning to learn (and teach my Daughter Georgene) the programming language "Scratch" Go GUI programming! See and .

Feel free to contact me here at Wikionary.


Thank you for reading!

George V73GT George DU9/AH8H George AH8H George ZD8GT George ZD9CR


  1. ^ Click, Refresh Spots (2015 December 10 (last accessed)) “Filter Search V73GT”, in DX Summit[1], Radio Arkala
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Duck Duck, Go (2015 December 10 (last accessed)) “X0ZA”, in Ham Gallery[2], QSL dot NET