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hu	-r	akar	avar	becsmérel	dicsér	fintorog	fodor	gyönyörű	hadar	hever	homorú	kanyar	kavar	kever	komor	kotor	kísér	kövér	sodor	tompor	tömör
hu	Almás	Alma	Almas	Almaș	Almaș-Săliște	Almașu	Almașu Mare	Almașu Mic	Almașu Mic de Munte	Almașu Sec	Almașu de Mijloc	Almăj	Almășel	Hălmăcioaia
hu	kiköt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	condition	dock	end up	kikötő	moor	provide	undo	untie	wind up
hu	szász	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	Sascut	Saxon	Spătac	Szászország	Săsăuș	angolszász	saschiu
hu	Kövesd	Chieșd	Chiojdeanca	Chiojdeni	Chiojdu	Coveș	Cuejdiu	Cuieșd	Cuveșdia
hu	félretesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allocate	appropriate	earmark	on hold	put aside	save	spare
hu	kitesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	account for	amount	best	kitevő	make up	number	subject
hu	otthagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	defect	drop out	fail	leave	leave behind	quit
hu	elbocsátás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	discharge	dismissal	elbocsát	redundancy	removal	termination
hu	feljegyzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	crib	endorsement	entry	minute	notation	record
hu	felment	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	absolve	acquit	exculpate	excuse	exempt	exonerate
hu	felmentés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	acquittal	dispensation	exemption	exoneration	relief	waiver
hu	folyás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	befolyás	lower reaches	middle reaches	upper reaches	vent	watercourse
hu	helyénvaló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	apposite	appropriate	becoming	behove	due	fitting
hu	higgadtság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	aplomb	composure	higgadt	poise	serenity	temper
hu	kóró	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Corod	Corodești	Coroi	kórón	runt
hu	kószál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dawdle	hang	ramble	roam	spacíroz	wander
hu	megdöbbent	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	astonish	dismay	megdöbbentek	megdöbbentem	shock	stupefy
hu	megszáll	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	invade	megszállott	megszállás	possess	sleep over	szálló
hu	rovás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Răvășel	notch	rovására	ró	răvaș	score
hu	sróf	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Schraube	šaraf	šraf	шараф	шраф
hu	szabados	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Sabadaș	Sabadoș	Sabadîș	Săbădiș	licentious
hu	vádló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	accusatory	accuser	legvádlóbban	vádlóan	vádlóbban	vádoló
hu	-p	harap	síp	sípol	telepít	települ	térdepel
hu	Hodos	Hodiș	Hodișa	Hodișel	Hodișu	Hodoș	Hodoșa
hu	belenyugszik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	acquiesce	ha nincs ló, jó a szamár is	resign	resign oneself	swallow
hu	betart	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	abide by	betartás	obey	observe	respect
hu	borsódzik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	creep out	give someone the creeps	heebie-jeebies	háta	make someone's skin crawl
hu	egyre megy	egyik kutya, másik eb	egyik tizenkilenc, másik egy híján húsz	six of one, half a dozen of the other	tomayto, tomahto	toss-up	whatever
hu	elenged	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	elengedhetetlen	excuse	let go	release	set free
hu	elrendezés	disposal	elrendez	landscape	layout	order	scheme
hu	elvisz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	drive	elvitelre	pick up	take	take out
hu	elzár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	el-	lock	shut up	turn off	turn out
hu	előrehaladás	advance	drive	előrehalad	march	precession	progress
hu	enyhít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allay	alleviate	minced oath	slake	solace
hu	esztergál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	eszterga	esztergályos	forgácsol	lathe	turn
hu	felülvizsgál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	felülvizsgálat	reconsider	revise	vet
hu	házfelügyelő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	caretaker	concierge	janitor	steward	superintendent
hu	hódos	Hodiș	Hodișa	Hodișel	Hodișu	Hodoș	Hodoșa
hu	kifizetés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	disbursement	expenditure	lump sum	payment	settlement
hu	kilő	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	discharge	expel	kilövés	shoot
hu	kiürít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deplete	discharge	evacuate	pass	void
hu	megszabadul	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dispose	get rid of	good riddance	jettison	shed
hu	morog	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	grouse	growl	grunt	rumble
hu	méltat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian words with a fleeting final vowel	condescend	deign	mélt	praise
hu	null	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	love	neutral	nil	nullhipotézis
hu	nyúz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	flay	megnyúz	skin	tűz
hu	pusztulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	decay	holocaust	pusztul	shambles	shipwreck
hu	rostély	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	grate	gridiron	grill	roštilj	роштиљ
hu	sorjában	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	egyik a másik után	first things first	in turn	one after another	soron kívül
hu	szóösszevonás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	acronym	betűszó	contraction	mozaikszó	portmanteau word
hu	tájékozott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enlightened	hip	in the know	informed	woke
hu	tönkremegy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	break	decay	fail	spoil
hu	vádemelés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	accusation	arraignment	charge	indictment	vádat emel
hu	zönge	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	voice/translations	voicedness	voicing	zöngés	zöngétlen
hu	átültet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adapt	graft	render	translate	transpose
hu	élelmes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	knowing	practical	resourceful	shrewd	street-smart
hu	ósdi	-sdi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	creaky	obsolete	stale
hu	önhitt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	arrogant	conceited	hubristic	presumptuous	proud
hu	öntelt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	arrogant	complacent	conceited	proud	vain
hu	üledék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	deposition	grounds	lees	residue	silt
hu	-ium	berillium	neodímium	nobélium	prométium	rénium
hu	Forró	Faraoanele	Faraoani	Forău	Forăști	Fărău
hu	Magas	Mogoș	Mogoșani	Mogoșeni	Mogoșești	Mogoșoaia
hu	Szabados	Sabadaș	Sabadoș	Sabadîș	Săbădiș	Săbăduș
hu	Szilágy	Salatiu	Silaghi	Silagiu	Sălaj	Sălățig
hu	advent	Advent	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adventista	adventus	mód
hu	aláz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	alázat	megaláz
hu	avas	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Oaș	rancid	ó
hu	batyu	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	jiaozi	swag	túró
hu	becenév	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hypocorism	hypocoristic	nickname	term of endearment
hu	bejegyzett	corporate	cégbíróság	proprietary	registered	statutory
hu	bejár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bejárat	bejárónő	journey	traverse
hu	beoszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allocate	beosztás	save	stretch
hu	berak	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	berakás	load	pleat	put on
hu	bevakol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	parget	plaster	render	roughcast
hu	bevonat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	application	coating	finish	plate
hu	birtoklás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	birtokol	occupancy	possession	tenure
hu	bogaras	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bogár	eccentric	erratic	kinky
hu	civil	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	citizen	civilian	collateral damage	plainclothes
hu	csirkefogó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	csibész	rascal	rogue	zsivány
hu	csiszol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cultivate	grind	lap	sandpaper
hu	diós	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Deușu	Dioșod	dió
hu	díjazás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	consideration	díjaz	pay	remuneration
hu	elbizakodott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	conceited	presumptuous	pretentious	proud
hu	elcsépelt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hackneyed	stale	trite	triviális
hu	eligazítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	briefing	direction	directions	reality check
hu	ellenálló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	ellenállóképes	impervious	refractory	resilient
hu	elsajátít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	elsajátítás	learn	learn the ropes	master
hu	elszakad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	break	defect	secede	tear
hu	elszámol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	account for	account to	el-	elszámoltatható
hu	eltesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	put aside	save	stow	tevés
hu	eltöröl	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	abolish	obliterate	repeal	rescind
hu	elutasítás	declination	dismissal	elutasít	refusal	rejection
hu	elvan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	do without	el-	ellett	ellettünk
hu	elvon	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	elvont	elvonás	von	withdraw
hu	elállít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	lélegzetelállító	stanch	staunch	stem
hu	eláraszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deluge	invade	overwhelm	whelm
hu	elítél	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	damn	deprecate	proscribe	sentence
hu	elüt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	elgázol	run down	run over
hu	előtér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	entry	entryway	foreground	portico
hu	elővesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	extract	get out	produce	take out
hu	elűz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	banish	drive	oust
hu	emelő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	jack	lever	purchase	súlyemelő
hu	enyhülés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	letup	release	remission	solace
hu	feddés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	castigation	fedd	reprimand	talking-to
hu	feldühít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	anger	exasperate	set off	wind up
hu	felemel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	lever	pick up	purchase	raise
hu	felfogható	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	comprehensible	conceivable	felfog	tangible
hu	felhoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adduce	broach	instantiate	raise
hu	feljegyez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enter	record	register	score
hu	felold	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	dissolve	feloldójel	raise	unblock
hu	feltör	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	break	crack	force	well
hu	fennálló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	actual	extant	outstanding	score
hu	fiatalkorú	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	fiatalkor	juvenile delinquent	statutory rape	youth detention centre
hu	foglalat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	epitome	lampholder	socket	summary
hu	folyamodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	appeal	folyamodvány	invoke	resort
hu	forgács	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Forgaci	chip	forgácsol	splinter
hu	fölényes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	arrogant	condescending	fölény	haughty
hu	gyutacs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fuse	percussion cap	primer	touch-paper
hu	gót	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	Goth	Gothic	gót betű
hu	gördül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	gör-	gördülékeny	gördülőállomány	görget
hu	hatálytalanít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	invalidate	nullify	repeal	rescind
hu	hecc	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	felheccel	practical joke	prank
hu	hegyszoros	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	canyon	gap	notch	pass
hu	hidegvér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	aplomb	composure	poise	sangfroid
hu	hozzáilleszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adapt	adjust	fit	suffix
hu	hullajt	-ajt	-ít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hullat	shed
hu	huncut	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	lewd	mischievous	naughty	rogue
hu	házmester	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	caretaker	fröccs	steward	superintendent
hu	hézag	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	clearance	gap	hiatus	void
hu	húzás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	draft	haul	időhúzás	secret Santa
hu	igazodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	align	eligazodik	igazít	mold
hu	illendőség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	decency	decorum	manner	propriety
hu	izeg-mozog	Appendix:Hungarian compound verbs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fidget	forgolódik	niggle
hu	jeles	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	elégséges	elégtelen	közepes	outstanding
hu	kiadós	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	abundant	copious	hearty	solid
hu	kicsinyel	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	kicsiny	lekicsinyel
hu	kidob	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	chuck	dump	jettison	turn out
hu	kifeszít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	crowbar	force	stretch	tenter
hu	kihagyás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	ellipsis	gap	hiatus	omission
hu	kihív	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	call out	kihívás	tempt	test
hu	kikötés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	condition	qualification	stipulation	string
hu	kirabol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	loot	maraud	plunder	rob
hu	kiró	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	charge	impose	levy
hu	kisajátít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	appropriate	confiscate	expropriate	hog
hu	kitöröl	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	erase	expunge	scratch	strike
hu	kiálló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	outstanding	projecting	prominent	proud
hu	kiüt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	KO	kiütés
hu	kohol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	fable	koh	koholmány	kohó
hu	kondicionál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	condition	légkondicionált	légkondicionálás	légkondicionáló
hu	koppan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian verbs whose past forms coincide with the present forms of another verb	kopik	kopog	éhkopp
hu	kopó	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Reconstruction:Proto-Turkic/köpek	căpău	sleuth
hu	kotnyeles	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	busybody	meddler	nosey parker	nosy
hu	kény	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	kényelem	kényeztet	kénytelen
hu	kényúr	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	despot	potentate	tyrant	zsarnok
hu	kétségbeesik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	despair	kétségbeesett	kétségbeesés
hu	kétségbevonhatatlan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	incontrovertible	indubitable	kétségbe von	unquestioned
hu	kézenfekvő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	apparent	natural	obvious	self-explanatory
hu	kökény	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Cuchiniș	blackthorn	göyəm	sloe
hu	köntörfalazás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	circumlocution	equivocation	evasion	köntörfalaz
hu	körülírás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	circumlocution	paraphrase	periphrasis	periphrastic
hu	köszméte	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	büszke	egres	gooseberry	pedig
hu	közread	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	get out	közre-	publish
hu	kürtő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	chimney	chimney stack	kürtőskalács
hu	lecsendesít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	calm	hush	silence	still
hu	leszármazott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	descendant	offspring	progeny	scion
hu	lesújt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	distress	excoriate	oppress	overwhelm
hu	liheg	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	gasp	pant	wheeze
hu	léhűtő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	deadbeat	good-for-nothing	lazybones	loafer
hu	lézeng	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	dawdle	hang about	loiter	loll
hu	lökés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	nudge	széllökés	súlylökés	tremor
hu	maximum	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	at most	cap	maximum	up to
hu	megakad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	lock	lodge	stall	stick
hu	megemel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	heighten	lever	purchase	raise
hu	meghátrál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cringe	give way	resile	withdraw
hu	meghúz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bowdlerize	censor	keep a low profile	redact
hu	megken	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	bribe	grease	megkent	minden hájjal megkent
hu	megkerül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bypass	circumnavigate	dodge	round
hu	meglép	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	abscond	dine and dash	skedaddle	split
hu	megrögzött	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	habitual	incurable romantic	religious	unrepentant
hu	megvilágít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	elucidate	enlighten	illuminate	illustrate
hu	megvádol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	accuse	charge	frame	indict
hu	mentesség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	dispensation	exemption	relief	waiver
hu	merít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	kimerít	merítek	scoop	submerge
hu	mesterkélt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	affected	artificial	contrived	mannered
hu	metszet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	intersection	metszetek	profile	section
hu	mostohatestvér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	mostoha	stepbrother	stepsibling	stepsister
hu	nagykorú	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	come of age	korú	major	of age
hu	nagyképű	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	arrogant	haughty	presumptuous	pretentious
hu	no	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	mind you	noha	nos	so
hu	nyomorék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cripple	crippled	lame	nyomorú
hu	ostromol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	assault	besiege	charge	lay siege
hu	paplak	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	manse	parsonage	rectory	vicarage
hu	parókia	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	manse	parish	parsonage	vicarage
hu	pörköl	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bake	pörkölt	roast	singe
hu	rabszolgaság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	abolition	bondage	slavery	thrall
hu	rajtakap	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	catch out	catch red-handed	rajta-
hu	rajtaüt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	raid	rajta-	rajtaütés
hu	rikácsol	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cry	rigó	shriek
hu	romlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	decay	impairment	relapse	shipwreck
hu	rontás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bane	gyomorrontás	hex	ront
hu	ráakad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	chance	chance upon	come across	stumble upon
hu	rábíz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	charge	commend	commit	leave
hu	rágódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	mull over	ruminate	study
hu	rángat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	jolt	tug	wrench
hu	részvét	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	condolence	condolences	részt vesz	sympathy
hu	sarkall	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	prompt	sarkallt	spur
hu	serkent	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbs whose past forms coincide with the present forms of another verb	sarkantyú	serkentőszer	urge
hu	szaglás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Appendix:Senses	olfaction	scent	smell
hu	szivárog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	drip	leak	ooze	szivar
hu	szóda	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	carbonated water	soda	soda water
hu	szólista	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	glossary	soloist	vocabulary	wordlist
hu	súlyosbít	-b	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	aggravate	heighten	súlyosbodik
hu	takarítónő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	charwoman	cleaner	cleaning lady	takarító
hu	találó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	apposite	neat	pertinent	poignant
hu	tanúságtétel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	evidence	testimony	tevés	witness
hu	tartalékol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	allocate	készletez	put aside	stockpile
hu	tolmácsolás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	chuchotage	delivery	interpretation	rendition
hu	tragacs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bomb	jalopy	rustbucket	teher
hu	tropikus	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	tropic	tropical	trópus	trópusi
hu	tárház	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adattárház	repository	treasury	well
hu	térköz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	clearance	gap	interval	space
hu	tökfej	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	chucklehead	chump	dolt	oaf
hu	tűnődik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	consider	ponder	study	wonder
hu	tűrhető	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cut the mustard	decent	tolerable	tűrhetetlen
hu	tűző	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	torrid	tűzőgép	tűzőkapocs
hu	udvarhely	Odorhei	Odorheiu Secuiesc	Odrihei	Someș-Odorhei	Șieu-Odorhei
hu	ugrándozik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bound	caper	frisk	skip
hu	verejték	-ít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	sweat	verejtékezik	veríték
hu	vetélés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	abort	abortion	miscarriage	vetél
hu	visszautasítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	declination	refusal	rejection	visszautasít
hu	visszavétel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	repossession	return	reuptake	withdrawal
hu	végződés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	desinence	suffix	termination	végződik
hu	zavargás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	disorder	riot	trouble	zavarog
hu	áthalad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	cross	pass	transit	traverse
hu	átkel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cross	transit	traverse	átkelő
hu	áttetsző	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	diaphanous	limpid	sheer	translucent
hu	átutalás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	remittance	standing order	transfer	wire transfer
hu	átvisz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	pass	transfer	átvitel	átvitt
hu	ízléses	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	neat	stylish	tasteful	tasty
hu	ízléstelen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	borderline	garish	meretricious	tasteless
hu	önhittség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	arrogance	conceit	hubris	self-conceit
hu	önteltség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	arrogance	conceit	self-conceit	vanity
hu	összeolvadás	coalescence	fusion	incorporation	merger	univerbation
hu	összeomlik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crash	crumble	fall apart	go
hu	összeomlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	crash	debacle	idegösszeomlás	omlik
hu	összetör	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	break	break down	crack	mash
hu	úrrá lesz	get the better of	overcome	overwhelm	surmount	úrrá
hu	üdvöz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	üdvösség	üdvözít	üdvözöl	üdvözül
hu	ügyintéző	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	administrator	cashier	executive	registrar
hu	ülőke	-ke	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	seat	zsámoly	ülő
hu	-v	szerv	terv	élv	érv
hu	Egyed	Adjud	Aegidius	Aiud	Giles
hu	Halmágy	Halmaghi	Hălmagiu	Hălmeag	Hălmăgel
hu	Keresztúr	Cherestur	Crestur	Cristorel	Cristur
hu	Kékes	Checheș	Chechiș	Chichișa	Chiochiș
hu	Remete	Remetea	Remeți	Remeți pe Someș	Râmetea
hu	Udvarhely	Odorhei	Odrihei	Someș-Odorhei	Șieu-Odorhei
hu	Valkó	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	Valcău de Jos	Valcău de Sus	Valko
hu	aggik	agg	aggaszt	aggály	aggódik
hu	ajjaj	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	ajvé	alas	oops
hu	akadékoskodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	find fault	niggle	nitpick
hu	alapelv	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	philosophy	policy	rule
hu	alsóház	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	felsőház	lower house	member of lower house
hu	amulett	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	amulet	charm	mojo
hu	anód	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	anode	plate
hu	aszketikus	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	ascetic	aszkéta	aszkézis
hu	atlétatrikó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	atléta	singlet	trikó
hu	azért, hogy	in order that	in order to	so	so that
hu	bagatell	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bagatelle	bagatellizál	petty
hu	bajkeverő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	firebrand	mischief	troublemaker
hu	ballon	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	ballonkabát	balloon	luftballon
hu	barangol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	roam	rove	wander
hu	barlangkutatás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	barlang	barlangtan	speleology
hu	basszuskulcs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bass	fuck	shoot
hu	beadás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	administration	bead	delivery
hu	beburkol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cocoon	cover	envelop
hu	becstelenség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	becstelen	foul play	wrong
hu	behajt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	collect	dog-ear	levy
hu	behoz	-atal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	behozatal	make up
hu	behív	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	draft	levy	summon
hu	bej	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	bey	bég
hu	beleavatkozik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	interfere	intervene	meddle
hu	bemocskol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	besmirch	defile	spot
hu	bendő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	gyomor	paunch	rumen
hu	benyom	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	benyomni	benyomás	press
hu	besorolás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	grade	placement	triage
hu	beszennyez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	defile	spot	sully
hu	beszüntet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	cease	munkabeszüntetés	raise
hu	beáll	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	beállta	beálló melléknévi igenév	get high
hu	beüt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	drive	shit happens
hu	bizalmatlan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	diffident	distrustful	suspicious
hu	body	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	bodice	body	y
hu	bolyong	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bolygó	bolyongás	véletlen bolyongás
hu	borzol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	borzad	borzalom	borzaszt
hu	borítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	borít	covering	sheath
hu	botlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	botlik	nyelvbotlás	stumble
hu	brit	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	British	imperial
hu	buggyant	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbs whose past forms coincide with the present forms of another verb	cuckoo	poach
hu	bunkósbot	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bludgeon	club	cudgel
hu	buzdít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	encourage	hearten	prompt
hu	bálványozás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bálványoz	idolatry	worship
hu	bántalom	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	bánt	complaint	trouble
hu	bénít	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	béna	cramp
hu	bérlés	bérel	charter	lakás	rental
hu	bíráló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	critic	critical	műbíráló
hu	bök	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	nudge	stab
hu	bükkös	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Bichigi	Bichigiu	Bichiș
hu	bütyök	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bunion	bütyke	bütykös
hu	bütü	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	butt	bütüz
hu	bőgő	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	kisbőgő	nagybőgő
hu	bűnbocsánat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	absolution	indulgence	remission
hu	cic	-a	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	cica
hu	cselekvő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	active	actor	agent
hu	csempészáru	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bootleg	contraband	loot
hu	csetlik-botlik	Appendix:Hungarian compound verbs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	botlik	zűrzavar
hu	csiklandoz	-and	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	csiklandj	csikló
hu	csillapíthatatlan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	csillapít	uncontrollable	unquenchable
hu	csillapító	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cushion	fájdalomcsillapító	lázcsillapító
hu	csillám	-ám	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	csillámpala	mica
hu	csiripelés	chirp	csiripel	tweet	twitter
hu	csitt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	shh	st
hu	csodaszer	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	cure-all	magic wand	panacea
hu	csurgó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Cergău	Ciurgău	fasz
hu	csáva	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Ceuaș	Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/sьčava
hu	csúszik-mászik	Appendix:Hungarian compound verbs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	csúszik	kowtow
hu	csüggedt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	crestfallen	depressed	downhearted
hu	dadogás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	dadog	stutter	stuttering
hu	dicsőít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	emblazon	laud	praise
hu	dorgálás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	dorgál	reprimand	talking-to
hu	dudor	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bulge	hunch	profile
hu	döbben	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian verbs whose past forms coincide with the present forms of another verb	megdöbben	rádöbben
hu	döbbenet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	dismay	shock	stagger
hu	dögös	dög	fit	foxy	sick
hu	dörmög	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	grouse	rumble
hu	dúl-fúl	Appendix:Hungarian compound verbs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dúl	zűrzavar
hu	dőlés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	cant	dől	rake
hu	dűlő	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	lane
hu	egy szempillantás alatt	azonnal	in a jiffy	in no time	in the blink of an eye
hu	egyházközség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	parish	synagogue	ward
hu	egymás után	egyik a másik után	in turn	one after another	soron kívül
hu	egyvégtében	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	at a time	hossz	straight
hu	egyéni vállalkozó	self-employed	sole proprietor	sole trader	vállalkozó
hu	elakad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	lock	stall	stick
hu	elbeszélget	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	chat	elbeszélgetés	have a word
hu	elborít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	cover	overwhelm	whelm
hu	elcsügged	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	despair	despond	lose heart
hu	elegy	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	compound	mixture
hu	elemel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	filch	lift	purloin
hu	elgondolás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	design	idea	notion
hu	elhagyás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	cold turkey	ellipsis	omission
hu	elhatározás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	determination	elhatároz	resolution
hu	eljár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	attend	eljárás	eljáró
hu	eljátszik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	el-	entertain	represent
hu	elkap	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	catch	nail	pinch
hu	elkötelez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	commit	elkötelezett	pledge
hu	ellenszegülő	defiant	insubordinate	rebellious	refractory
hu	ellenségeskedik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	ellenségeskedés	viszálykodik
hu	elmaradás	arrear	backlog	behind	elmarad
hu	elnyel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	elnyelő	swallow	whelm
hu	elnyomás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	elnyom	oppression	repression
hu	elszámolás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	account	clearance	score
hu	eltalál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	guess	nail	sitting duck
hu	eltol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	eltolás	screw up	translate
hu	eltorzít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	distort	skew	twist
hu	eltökélt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	determined	firm	gutsy
hu	eltörlés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	abolition	remission	removal
hu	eltűr	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	abide	put up with	suffer
hu	eléget	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	burn	burn up	el-
hu	elítélt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	con	convict	detainee
hu	elönt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	inspire	overwhelm	whelm
hu	elül	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	taper off
hu	elülső	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	forward	front	front vowel
hu	előcsarnok	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	entry	lounge	portico
hu	előirányoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allocate	appropriate	earmark
hu	előjegyzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	appointment	key signature	natural
hu	előjel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	forerunner	harbinger	sign
hu	ereszcsatorna	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	drainpipe	eavestrough	gutter
hu	esetlen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cloddish	clumsy	ügyetlen
hu	eszményít	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	eszmény	idealize
hu	ezennel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	ezen	hereby	herewith
hu	fach	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	ch	locker
hu	fajankó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	dummy	oaf	simpleton
hu	fanyalog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fanyar	pout	sniff
hu	farkinca	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	cedilla	farok	ogonek
hu	faszesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	metanol	methanol	wood alcohol
hu	faszi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bastard	fasz
hu	fecseg	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fecske	talk out of turn
hu	fecsegő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	chatty	talkative	verbose
hu	felborít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	capsize	topple	tumble
hu	felderít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	case	locate	reconnoiter
hu	feldíszít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	decorate	dress	hang
hu	felebarát	-barát	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	brethren	neighbour
hu	felfordulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	clutter	mayhem	mess
hu	felfordít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	capsize	invert	reverse
hu	felfúj	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	blow up	distend	inflate
hu	felhagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	break	desist	renounce
hu	felhajt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	down	raise	turn up
hu	feljogosít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	authorize	enable	qualify
hu	fellengzős	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bombastic	bombasztikus	magniloquent
hu	felmér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	canvass	case	felmérés
hu	feloszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	divide	felosztás	split
hu	felszámol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dispose	eliminate	wind up
hu	felszólítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	demand	felszólít	prompt
hu	feltálal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	feltálalja	feltálalok	feltálalók
hu	feltűnés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	appearance	keep a low profile	profile
hu	felvilágosodás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Enlightenment	enlightenment	megvilágosodás
hu	felvilágosít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enlighten	felvilágosítás	inform
hu	felvonás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	act	egyfelvonásos	végi
hu	felzúdulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	brouhaha	fuss	hullabaloo
hu	felér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	amount	tantamount	vetekedik
hu	felülbírál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	overrule	revise
hu	fennáll	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	fennállás	persist
hu	ferdít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	ferde	ferdül	üde
hu	fiaskó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	debacle	failure	fiasco
hu	fizetőeszköz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	currency	fizető	money
hu	fiús	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	boyish	lányos
hu	fogamzik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	fogamzz	fogamzás	rajzik
hu	fogyás	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	fogy	weight loss
hu	fonat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hajfonat	plexus	ply
hu	fontolgat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	consider	ponder	study
hu	fríz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Frisian	frieze
hu	fugáz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	caulk	fuga	grout
hu	furdalja az oldalát	furdal	furdalja	oldala	oldalát
hu	furkósbot	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bludgeon	club	cudgel
hu	félbehagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	drop out	félbe-
hu	félárva	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	anyátlan	apátlan	half orphan
hu	föd	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	fed	födém
hu	földhözragadt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	banausic	down-to-earth	earthbound
hu	földszinti	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	downstairs	földszint	lakás
hu	fölösleg	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	excess	fölösleges	surplus
hu	fúria	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	nagger	vixen
hu	függés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	attachment	dependence	poise
hu	függőség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	addiction	attachment	interdependence
hu	fütyi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	fasz	wee-wee	willy
hu	fütykös	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bludgeon	cudgel	fasz
hu	gombos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Gomboș	Gomboșiu	gombostű
hu	gondolkodásmód	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	attitude	cast	mentality
hu	gránát	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	canister	gránátalma	kézigránát
hu	grönlandi	Greenlander	Greenlandic	Greenlandish	Grönland
hu	gyújtós	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	kindling	primer	tinder
hu	gyűrődik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crease	gyűr	gyűrődés
hu	gátlásos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	inhibited	self-conscious	shy
hu	gömbölyű	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	gömbölyded	round	spherical
hu	haha	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	ha	haha
hu	hajszol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	gaslight	pursue	rush
hu	halálozás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	death	hatch, match, and dispatch	mortality
hu	helyesség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	accuracy	appropriateness	propriety
hu	hemzseg	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	crawl	mill	swarm
hu	herélt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	castrated	gelding	ló
hu	hibázik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	hibáztat	make a mistake	vét
hu	hiu	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	heon	hiú
hu	homlít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	homlok	homorú	kumota
hu	horzsol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crease	excoriate	graze
hu	hozzáfér	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	access	hozzáférhető	hozzáférés
hu	hozzáigazít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adapt	adjust	fit
hu	hánykolódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	forgolódik	toss	tumble
hu	hárpia	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	harpy	harpy eagle	vixen
hu	hátrahagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	leave	leave behind	maroon
hu	hátralék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	arrear	backlog	behind
hu	hímnős	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	androgynous	androgün	hermaphroditic
hu	hóbortos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	balmy	eccentric	kinky
hu	húsleves	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bouillon	broth	stock
hu	hőemelkedés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	fever	low-grade fever	temperature
hu	hőstett	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	achievement	exploit	feat
hu	idegenkedés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	aversion	dislike	idegenkedik
hu	igyekvés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	igyekezet	igyekezik	igyekszik
hu	igásló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	draft horse	ló	workhorse
hu	igénylés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	application	claim	igény
hu	ildomos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	becoming	behove	decent
hu	illemhely	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	convenience	public toilet	toilet
hu	indokolt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	indicate	righteous	valid
hu	irdatlan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	humongous	juggernaut	obscene
hu	iszákos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	drunk	intemperate	részeges
hu	izgatottság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fever	inquietude	izgatott
hu	javas	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	javasasszony	jós	vajas
hu	javítóintézet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	approved school	reform school	youth detention centre
hu	juttat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allocate	introduce	juttatás
hu	jól van	OK	fair enough	right	there you go
hu	jószág	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	beast	javak	stock
hu	jótállás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	surety	warrant	warranty
hu	kapzsi	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	greedy	hog	sordid
hu	karabély	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	blunderbuss	carbine	rifle
hu	kartács	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Kartätsche	canister	grapeshot
hu	kerülőút	back door	bypass	detour	roundabout
hu	kibogoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	kibogozhatatlan	unravel	untie
hu	kicsal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	elicit	grift	swindle
hu	kidolgoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	kidolgozott	kidolgozás	work out
hu	kidudorodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bulge	prominent	swell
hu	kiegyenlít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	even	offset	pay off
hu	kiegyensúlyoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	egyensúly	kiegyensúlyozott	poise
hu	kiemelkedés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	profile	projection	relief
hu	kifordít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	invert	reverse	turn out
hu	kihirdetés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	announcement	kihirdet	publication
hu	kihoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	exfiltrate	make head or tail of	release
hu	kiirt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	eliminate	extirpate	obliterate
hu	kikényszerít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enforce	extort	force
hu	kikövetkeztet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deduce	infer	work out
hu	kilátó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	kilátótorony	lookout	overlook
hu	kimos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bathe	wash	wash up
hu	kinyilvánít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	declare	evince	show
hu	kinyom	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	express	hang up	wring
hu	kinyújt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	flatten	stretch	stretch out
hu	kinyúlik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	flatten	prominent	stretch
hu	kinő	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	nőhet	outgrow
hu	kiold	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	unbuckle	undo	untie
hu	kiolvaszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	defrost	render	thaw
hu	kiosztás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	allotment	dispensation	layout
hu	kirendel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	call out	detail	second
hu	kirándul	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	holiday	kirándulás
hu	kisbetűs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	betűs	kisbetű	lowercase
hu	kisebbedik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	dwindle	lessen
hu	kiszabadít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deliver	get out	set free
hu	kiszolgáltat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deliver	hand over	surrender
hu	kiszorít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	drive	oust	supersede
hu	kitakar	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bare	blur	occlude
hu	kivitelez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	conduct	kivitelezés
hu	kivonatol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	epitomize	redact
hu	kiváj	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bore	excavate	scoop
hu	kiás	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	excavate	exhume
hu	kiürítés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	elimination	evacuation	vacation
hu	kiűz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	kiűzetik	oust
hu	komfort	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	convenience	komfortos	modern convenience
hu	konferanszié	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	host	master of ceremonies	presenter
hu	korpás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Corpaș	teljes kiőrlésű	wholegrain
hu	korrigál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	adjust	correct	corrigo
hu	korántsem	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	far from	sem	sincs
hu	kotkodál	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	kot	kotkodács
hu	krikszkraksz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	mojibake	scrawl	squiggle
hu	kuki	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	fasz	wee-wee	willy
hu	kába	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	groggy	light-headed
hu	kábult	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	groggy	light-headed	numb
hu	káptalan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	Căptălan	captalan	chapter
hu	képzelt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	fictitious	fiktív	ideal
hu	kérges	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Chergheș	callous	horny
hu	készültség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	készült	preparedness	readiness
hu	késő bánat ebgondolat	bánat	cry over spilt milk	késő	there's no point crying over spilt milk
hu	kétbalkezes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	balkezes	butterfingers	two left hands
hu	kétlábú	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	biped	bipedal	two-legged
hu	kéve	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	garb	sheaf
hu	kóc	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	kócos	oakum
hu	kölcsönzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	loan	rental	videókölcsönzés
hu	köszörül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	grind	sharpen	whet
hu	közbenjár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	intercede	mediate
hu	közeledés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	advance	approaching	approximation
hu	közhivatalnok	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	civil servant	közalkalmazott	köztisztviselő
hu	központosít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	centralize	központosított	pontosít
hu	közrefog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	bookend	közre-
hu	köztes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	by-	intermediate	limbo
hu	közzétesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	publish	release
hu	közzététel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	disclosure	publication	publikáció
hu	közösül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	copulate	have sex	közösülés
hu	különc	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	eccentric	oddball	weirdo
hu	különítmény	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	force	különít	squad
hu	kütyü	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	gadget	történet	widget
hu	lapu	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Lăpugiu de Jos	Lăpugiu de Sus
hu	lebegés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	lebeg	levitation	poise
hu	lebont	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	break down	take down	tear
hu	lebzsel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	dawdle	lounge
hu	lefagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	crash	freeze	hang
hu	lefekszik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	go to bed	go to bed with	lie down
hu	lefektet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	put to bed	score	tuck in
hu	lefizet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bribe	le-	pay off
hu	lehajol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bend down	bend over	stoop
hu	lehangoló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	abysmal	depressing	dismal
hu	lehuny	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	close	lehunyja	örökre lehunyja a szemét
hu	lehúz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	pull down	rip off	slate
hu	lekapcsol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	switch off	turn off	turn out
hu	leköt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	busy	engage	take up
hu	lemaradás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	arrear	backlog	lemarad
hu	leront	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deteriorate	explode	lerontás
hu	leszop	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	give head	go down on	suck
hu	levegőzik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	breathe	get some air
hu	levezet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	deduce	le-	reason
hu	levág	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	butcher	lop	shear
hu	leállít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	pull over	stem	stop
hu	liftakna	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	liftshaft	shaft	well
hu	locsoló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	locsolócső	locsolókanna	sprinkler
hu	lopakodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	creep	slope	sneak
hu	lopó	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	lopótök	naplopó
hu	lápos	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Lapoș	Lăpuș	marshy
hu	láthatás	access	lakhatás	megélhetés	visitation
hu	látványosság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	látványos	pageant	spectacle
hu	látómező	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	field of view	field of vision	view
hu	lázító	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	firebrand	lázít	seditious
hu	légtömeg	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	air mass	airmass	depression
hu	lóbál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dangle	lóg	sway
hu	lófrál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	dawdle	hang	prowl
hu	magához tér	come to	come to one's senses	magához	recover
hu	mappa	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	directory	folder	portfolio
hu	matt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	checkmate	sober
hu	megakaszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	disrupt	interrupt	stem
hu	megbecsülés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	appreciation	credit	respect
hu	megbilincsel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	handcuff	manacle	shackle
hu	megbirkózik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cope	deal	out of one's depth
hu	megbántódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	joggal	offend	take umbrage
hu	megbélyegez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	brand	damn	stigmatize
hu	megcáfol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	disprove	falsify	gainsay
hu	megdug	fuck	hump	nail	shaft
hu	megdöbbenés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	consternation	dismay	surprise
hu	megelégszik	ha nincs ló, jó a szamár is	make do	megelégedik	önelégült
hu	megesik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	eset	eshetőség	happen
hu	megformál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	form	jól formált	mold
hu	megfő	-tt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cook	megfőtt
hu	meggyes	-es	Appendix:Hungarian hyphenation	Mediaș	Megheș
hu	meghatalmazott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	agent	receiver	trustee
hu	meghódít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	captivate	conquer	win
hu	megkeményedik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cake	firm	harden
hu	megkockáztat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	chance	take a chance	venture
hu	megkísérel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bid	try	venture
hu	megkönyörül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	have mercy	pity	take pity
hu	meglóg	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	abscond	dine and dash	skip
hu	megostromol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	assault	charge	lay siege
hu	megpróbálkozik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	próbaképpen	take a chance	try
hu	megrohamoz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	assault	charge	scramble
hu	megrágalmaz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	calumniate	denigrate	rágalmaz
hu	megszab	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	condition	provide	ration
hu	megszán	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	have mercy	pity	take pity
hu	megsért	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	break	megsértés	violate
hu	megsül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bake	boil	cook
hu	megtagad	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	deny	refuse	renounce
hu	megtakarít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	put aside	save	spare
hu	megtapasztal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	know	pass	undergo
hu	megtestesítő	embodiment	epitome	incarnation	personification
hu	megtestesült	embodiment	epitome	incarnation	personification
hu	megtisztel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	grace	honor	megtiszteltetés
hu	megtérít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	convert	refund	reimburse
hu	megtör	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	break	crack	supple
hu	megvet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	despise	disdain	scorn
hu	megvetés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	contempt	disdain	scorn
hu	megvilágítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	light/translations	lighting	speed
hu	megvág	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	cut	fleece	rip off
hu	megvált	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	book/translations	megváltás	save
hu	megítél	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	adjudge	judge	megítélés
hu	megúszik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	close shave	get away with	miss
hu	megőrül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crazy	freak out	out of one's mind
hu	mennybemenetel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Ascension	Ascension Day	assumption
hu	mentesít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	exempt	exonerate	jégmentesítő
hu	mentesítés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	exemption	release	relief
hu	merrefelé	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	where	whereabouts	whither
hu	mesterember	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	artisan	craftsman	trade
hu	mind-	akár-	bár-	se-	ugyan-
hu	minden bizonnyal	definitely	have to	in all probability	must
hu	minden-	akár-	bár-	se-	ugyan-
hu	modoros	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	affected	lah-di-dah	mannered
hu	monyoró	Monoroștia	Mânerău	Mănerău	Mănărade
hu	morzsol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crumble	grind	morzsolódik
hu	mutál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	break	crack	képmutató
hu	mál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	Chendremal	Geomal
hu	mánia	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	mania	obsession	spree
hu	máskülönben	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	besides	or else	otherwise
hu	mélyedés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	cavity	recess	well
hu	mérséklődik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	csillapul	slake	taper off
hu	módfelett	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	felett	most	remarkably
hu	múló	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	fleeting	temporal
hu	művezető	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	foreman	mű-	tenter
hu	művi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	abortion	contrived
hu	nagyhangú	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bombasztikus	highfalutin	mouthy
hu	nekifog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	address	embark	take up
hu	nem mondod	no way	shut up	tell me about it	you don't say
hu	nem vagyunk egyformák	kinek a pap, kinek a papné	there's no accounting for taste	your mileage may vary	ízlések és pofonok
hu	neveletlen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	churlish	faragatlan	ill-mannered
hu	nyakra-főre	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	főre	helter-skelter	nyakra
hu	nyanya	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	biddy	hag
hu	nyomorúság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	nyomorúságos	poverty	tribulation
hu	nyugi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	easy does it	nyugalom	take it easy
hu	nyáladzik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	drool	salivate	slobber
hu	nyárfa	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Miersig	aspen	poplar
hu	nyíres	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	Mirșid	Nireș	nyír
hu	nyúlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	extension	lengthening	stretch
hu	növényevő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	herbivore	herbivorous	vegetarian
hu	odafigyelés	attention	consideration	heed	odafigyel
hu	odavan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	beside oneself	breathe	partial
hu	okol	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	blame
hu	olvasmányos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	olvasmány	readable	unreadable
hu	omlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	kőomlás	omlik	omlásveszély
hu	osztás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	deal	division	graduation
hu	pacsi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	high five	pacsizik
hu	palló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	batten	deal	plank
hu	papírtörlő	kitchen paper	paper towel	papír zsebkendő	tissue paper
hu	paródia	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	parodizál	parody	travesty
hu	passz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	out of sorts	pass
hu	passzát	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	passzátszél	trade	trade wind
hu	paszta	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	krém	pasta	paste
hu	pattogtat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	dribble	pattogatott kukorica	skip
hu	penget	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	pluck	strum	twang
hu	permi	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Permian	Permic	perm
hu	persely	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	canister	malacpersely	piggy bank
hu	pettyes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	brindled	dappled	mottled
hu	phű	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	fű	hő
hu	pih	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	pehely	pihen
hu	pipi	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	biddy	chick
hu	piskóta	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	babapiskóta	pișcot	sponge cake
hu	pocsék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	abysmal	miserable	suck
hu	pojáca	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	buffoon	mugger	pagliaccio
hu	potya	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	deal	snip
hu	pszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	shh	st
hu	puskatus	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	butt	stock	tus
hu	pusztaság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	heath	waste	wasteland
hu	páka	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	forrasztópáka	soldering iron
hu	pézsma	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	musk	pejmă	pézsmatök
hu	pólya	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	fess	swaddling clothes
hu	pöszméte	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	büszke	egres	pedig
hu	ragaszkodás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	attachment	fidelity	obsession
hu	reccsen	-en	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	crack	recseg
hu	refrén	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	chorus	refrain	ének
hu	rejtőzik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	hide	rejlik	rejtőzz
hu	reménység	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	beacon	hope	trust
hu	rendjel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	decoration	dekoráció	order
hu	rendű	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	alsóbbrendű	felsőbbrendű	rate
hu	restaurál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	restaurálás	restaurátor	restore
hu	rettenthetetlen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	fearless	intrepid	undaunted
hu	rezgés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	rezeg	utórezgés	vibe
hu	riad	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	felriad	riadó
hu	rikolt	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	cry	rigó
hu	ringlispíl	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Ringelspiel	merry-go-round	roundabout
hu	rojt	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	fringe	tassel
hu	romboló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	annihilator	destroyer	tekintélyromboló
hu	rongál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	destroy	megrongál	spoil
hu	rosszabbodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	deteriorate	relapse	worsen
hu	rugalmasság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	resilience	rugalmas	stretch
hu	ráeszmél	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	realize	wake up	work out
hu	ráhagy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	allow	bequeath	leave
hu	ráncol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	crease	ránc
hu	ráncosodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	corrugate	crease
hu	rándulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	crick	start	twist
hu	rátör	-hatnék	-hetnék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	invade
hu	rázkódás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	agyrázkódás	jolt	tremor
hu	részrehajlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bias	partiality	predilection
hu	röfögés	grunt	oink	röf	röfög
hu	röpke	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	ephemeral	fleeting	momentary
hu	rőt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	rufous	russet
hu	sajog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	ache	rankle	sejt
hu	segédmunkás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	laborer	roughneck	roustabout
hu	selejtező	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	heat	qualifier	rosta
hu	semmibevevés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	contempt	disregard	vevés
hu	semmittevő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	deadbeat	layabout	loafer
hu	sietség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	haste	hurry	precipitation
hu	siettet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hasten	rush	urge
hu	siheder	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	kamasz	lad	youngster
hu	sikkaszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	embezzle	sikkasztás	sikít
hu	sorba állít	align	line	line up	sequence
hu	suhanc	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	kamasz	rowdy	šohaj
hu	sulyom	Appendix:Hungarian minimal pairs	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	sulyma	water caltrop
hu	szajkóz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	cuckoo	parrot	szajkó
hu	szakaszvezető	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	corporal	lance corporal	sergeant
hu	szakkifejezés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	technical term	term	terminology
hu	szamárság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	drool	nonsense	shoot
hu	szedés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	markup	szedéstükör	typesetting
hu	szegez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	batten	nail	szeg
hu	szerelmeskedik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	have sex	love/translations	make love
hu	szerencsejáték	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	gamble	gambling	game of chance
hu	sziklevél	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cotyledon	egyszikű	szikű
hu	szitkozódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	minced oath	swear	szitok
hu	szolgaság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bondage	servitude	thrall
hu	szurkol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	drukkol	root	szurkoló
hu	szágó	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	sago	sagu
hu	szédülés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	dizziness	szédül	vertigo
hu	szépítőszer	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	cosmetic	cosmetics	kozmetikum
hu	szétoszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	allocate	deal	split
hu	szívderítő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	derít	feast	sight for sore eyes
hu	szívélyes üdvözlettel	best regards	regards	yours faithfully	yours sincerely
hu	szódavíz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	carbonated water	soda	soda water
hu	szóhasználat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	expression	turn of phrase	usage
hu	szórakozott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	absent	absent-minded	away with the fairies
hu	szórakozottság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	absence	absent-mindedness	distraction
hu	szószátyár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	garrulous	mouthy	verbose
hu	szögmérő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	protractor	teodolit	theodolite
hu	szőrzet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	arcszőrzet	body hair	fanszőrzet
hu	súrol	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	crease	graze	scour
hu	süvít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hiss	whiz	zip
hu	takarékosság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	parsimony	saving	thrift
hu	tapogat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	feel	grope	tapaszt
hu	tekintetbe vesz	consider	respect	take into consideration	understandable
hu	tenyésztés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	baromfitenyésztés	tenyészt	tenyésztő
hu	tepertő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	greaves	pork rind	töpörtyű
hu	terméketlen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	barren	fruitless	sterile
hu	tervrajz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	blueprint	plan	scheme
hu	tesz-vesz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	dawdle	forgolódik	vevés
hu	tolakodó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	forward	inquisitive	nosy
hu	tompító	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cushion	hangtompító	muffle
hu	torkolat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	confluence	folyótorkolat	muzzle
hu	tudatosság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	awareness	consciousness	mindfulness
hu	tulajdonjog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	ownership	property	title
hu	tágulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	dilation	extension	inflation
hu	táltos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	ló	shaman	sámán
hu	tántoríthatatlan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	inexorable	intransigent	unwavering
hu	tápanyag	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	food	nourishment	nutrient
hu	tápláló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	hearty	nourishing	nutritious
hu	társasági	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bylaw	corporate	social
hu	távirányítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	irányít	remote control	távirányító
hu	térdeplő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	hassock	kneeler	prie-dieu
hu	téveszme	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	tév-	téveszméje	wrong
hu	törtvonal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	fraction bar	fraction slash	slash
hu	törvényszék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	court	court of justice	court of law
hu	türk	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Turk	Turkic	török
hu	tőkés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bourgeoisie	tőke	tőkés réce
hu	vakbuzgó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	churchy	fanatikus	zelóta
hu	vallatás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	interrogation	question	vallat
hu	vargánya	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	boletus	vrganj	вргањ
hu	vasfű	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	verbena	verbéna	vervain
hu	vegytisztító	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cleaner	dry cleaner	vegy-
hu	velejáró	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	corollary	ramification	vele
hu	velős	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	concise	pithy	succinct
hu	vesztegetés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bribe	bribery	veszteget
hu	vető	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	alapvető	caster
hu	vigasztalan	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	disconsolate	dismal	inconsolable
hu	vigyázatos	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	elővigyázatos	vigyáz	vigyázat
hu	villás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	pallet jack	villa	villásreggeli
hu	világra hoz	deliver	exclude	give birth	világra
hu	világtáj	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cardinal point	compass point	point
hu	világító	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	világítócső	világítórák	világítótorony
hu	visong	Appendix:Hungarian animal sounds	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	visongd	visít
hu	visszaeső	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	habitual	recidivistic	recidivous
hu	visszavonás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	undo	visszavon	withdrawal
hu	visszaállít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	reinstate	reset	undo
hu	vonalas	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	linear	lined	ruled
hu	vontatás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	draft	haul	vontat
hu	vonzerő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	appeal	call	mojo
hu	vádirat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	bill	charge	indictment
hu	vádpont	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	accusation	charge	count
hu	vágtat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	gallop	vágta	zip
hu	vágyódás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	craving	desire	vágy
hu	vándorlás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	lélekvándorlás	vándorol	wander
hu	védőbeszéd	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	apologize	apology	plea
hu	végső soron	all things considered	at the end of the day	deep down	végső
hu	végül is	after all	at the end of the day	eventually	végül
hu	vészmadár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	bird of ill omen	shearwater	worrywart
hu	vörhenyes	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	rufous	vörheny	vörhenyestorkú nyaktekercs
hu	yard	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	y	yard
hu	zavarban van	cringe	embarrassed	szégyell	zavarban
hu	zendül	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	riot	zendülés	zeng
hu	zsibbadás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	numbness	pins and needles	zsibbad
hu	ágytakaró	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	bedspread	cover	coverlet
hu	állandósít	-sít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	perpetuate	tenure
hu	áporodott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	fusty	musty	stale
hu	ármánykodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	intrigue	scheme	ármány
hu	árukészlet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	inventory	stock	stockpile
hu	árulás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	hazaárulás	treason	árul
hu	átenged	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	assign	resign	yield
hu	átgondolt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	considerate	deliberate	mature
hu	áthat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	inform	inspire	pervade
hu	áthidal	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bridge	span	surmount
hu	átirat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	transcript	transcription	transzkripció
hu	átjár	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	inform	inspire	pervade
hu	átkelés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	crossing	révátkelés	transit
hu	átkozódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	minced oath	szitok
hu	átkutat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	poke around	rake	search
hu	áttérés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	changeover	conversion	transition
hu	átvág	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bullshit	dupe	screw
hu	átváltozik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	transition	turn	turn into
hu	átváltozás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	metamorphosis	transfiguration	transubstantiation
hu	átvétel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	receipt	reception	take
hu	átállít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adapt	reset	óraátállítás
hu	átél	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	know	pass
hu	átölel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	caress	cuddle	fathom
hu	ékes	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	ékesszólás	ékesszóló
hu	élelem	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	food	élelme	élelmiszer
hu	élősdi	-sdi	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	vermin	élősködő
hu	éppúgy	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	as well as	likewise	épp
hu	érdemrend	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	decoration	dekoráció	order
hu	értesülés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	lowdown	tip	értesül
hu	érvényesít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enforce	exercise	érvényes
hu	érvényesítés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	enforcement	foreclosure	validation
hu	ócskaság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	schlock	tripe	ócska
hu	óvakodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	beware	guard	shy
hu	óvás	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	caution	caveat
hu	összefoglalás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	epitome	summary	synopsis
hu	összefoglaló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	profile	summary	synopsis
hu	összefon	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cross	lock	twist
hu	összejön	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	turn out	work out	összejövetel
hu	összerezzen	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	cringe	start	wince
hu	összetartás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	camaraderie	cohesion	freemasonry
hu	összetevő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	constituent	ingredient	tevő
hu	összetéveszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	conflate	confuse	tévesztendő
hu	összetűzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	feud	tiff	wrangle
hu	összezsugorodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	deflate	shrink	wither
hu	ösztönzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	drive	incentive	inspiration
hu	útmutatás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	direction	directions	hint
hu	útonálló	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	bandita	highwayman	zsivány
hu	üdít	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	üde	üdítő
hu	üdül	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	vacation	üde
hu	ülep	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	behind	butt
hu	üszög	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	mildew	rust
hu	üszök	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	zsarátnok	üszke
hu	őrszem	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	lookout	sentinel	watchman
hu	-gén	-gen	-genous	hidrogén
hu	-ia	Albánia	Norvégia	Portugália
hu	-ikál	-ify	-kál	sántikál
hu	-oly	fogoly	sikoly	szipoly
hu	Allah	Allah	doh	الله
hu	Arany	Uroi	arany	aranyat
hu	Belarusz Köztársaság	Belarus	Fehéroroszország	Republic of Belarus
hu	Bogdán	Bogdan	Bogdand	Reconstruction:Proto-Slavic/Bogъdanъ
hu	Buddha	Buddha	buddhista	buddhizmus
hu	Ditró	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	Ditrău	ditroite
hu	EEG	electroencephalogram	electroencephalograph	electroencephalography
hu	Erdő	Ardeoani	Ardeova	Ardeu
hu	George	-dzsal	George-dzsal	George-dzsá
hu	Gombos	Gombos	Gomboș	Gomboșiu
hu	Gyurák	Ghiorac	Ghioroc	Giroc
hu	Gábris	Gabriș	Gavriș	Gavrișiu
hu	Ivánka	Iván	Jack	Johnny
hu	Krakkó	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	Cracow	Cricău
hu	Krisztiána	Christiana	Krisztina	Krisztián
hu	Kövi	Cuvin	Căuia	Căuiești
hu	Nikoletta	Nicola	Niki	Nikolett
hu	Nyíres	Mireș	Nereju	Nireș
hu	Nádasd	Nădăștia	Nădăștia de Jos	Nădăștia de Sus
hu	Petri	Petri	Petri-csésze	Petrindu
hu	Rákos	Rachiș	Racoș	Racâș
hu	Solymos	Soimuș	Șoimoș	Șoimuș
hu	Szatmár	Satmar	Satu Mare	סאַטמאַר
hu	Sárd	Șard	Șardu	Șoard
hu	a fenébe	damn	dash	goddamn
hu	adalék	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	addition	additive
hu	adjunktus	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	assistant professor	lecturer
hu	adogatás	serve	service	szerva
hu	adásvétel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	purchase	vevés
hu	adókivetés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	assessment	levy
hu	agyszülemény	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	brainchild	fantasy
hu	agyvelő	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	agyvelőgyulladás	brains
hu	agyő	Appendix:Hungarian three-letter words	adieu	goodbye
hu	ajakkerekítéses	labialization	round	rounded
hu	akcentus	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	accent	accentus
hu	akol	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	akla
hu	aktualizálás	aktualizáció	aktualizál	update
hu	akut	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	acute
hu	alakulat	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	formation	lexicalization
hu	alakítás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	acting	transformation
hu	alapnyelv	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Proto-Finno-Ugric	Proto-Uralic
hu	alapokmány	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	charter	statute
hu	alapozás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	primer	undercoat
hu	alaprajz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	floor plan	layout
hu	alkotmányozó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	constituent	constitutional
hu	altiszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	mate	non-commissioned officer
hu	alvajárás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	alva	sleepwalking
hu	alváz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	chassis	undercarriage
hu	aláhúzás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	underline	underscore
hu	alán	Alanic	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q
hu	alárendelt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	hyponym	subordinate
hu	alávet	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	abide by	subject
hu	alázatoskodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	kowtow
hu	anyagias	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	sordid	worldly
hu	apacs	Apache	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy
hu	apraja-nagyja	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Appendix:Hungarian words with an alternating final vowel	nagyja
hu	aprófa	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	kindling	tinder
hu	apácakolostor	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	nunnery	zárda
hu	apáti	Apateu	Apatiu	apát
hu	arasz	Appendix:Hungarian four-letter words	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	span
hu	artikulál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	articulate	artikulált
hu	asszimiláció	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	anabolism	assimilation
hu	ateista	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	atheist	atheistic
hu	autóút	0-s	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	drive
hu	avik	avat	avul	olt
hu	avítt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	dated	ó
hu	azon nyomban	at once	forthwith	immediately
hu	babrál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	fidget	fuss
hu	bajtársiasság	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	camaraderie	freemasonry
hu	baldachin	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	canopy	ch
hu	balerina	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	balerinazokni	ballerina
hu	ballaszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	ballast	jettison
hu	bamba	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bambul	opaque
hu	barangolás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	roaming	wander
hu	barkács	DIY	barkácsbolt	do-it-yourselfer
hu	baszakodik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	baszik	fuck around
hu	baszd meg	baszik	bazmeg	fuck you
hu	beborul	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	borult	overcast
hu	bebugyolál	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	cocoon	muffle
hu	becsapás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	becsap	swindle
hu	becsmérlés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	becsmérel	depreciation
hu	becsukás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	becsuk	closing
hu	bedeszkáz	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	batten	plank
hu	bedug	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	tuck	tuck in
hu	bedől	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	fall for	go bankrupt
hu	befúj	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	peach	squeal
hu	beható	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	profound	thorough
hu	beilleszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	enter	paste
hu	beindít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	start	turn on
hu	beiratkozik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	register	sign up
hu	bekapcsolódik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	affiliate	bekapcsol
hu	belakik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	people	populate
hu	belefog	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	embark	engage
hu	belehel	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	breathe
hu	belemászik	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words H–L	bele-	photobomb
hu	beleun	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	elege van	tele van a hócipője
hu	bellebbez	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	Appendix:Hungarian verbal prefixes	beljebb
hu	belsőség	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	chitterlings	pluck
hu	belátás	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	pleasure	understanding
hu	belégzés	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words R–S	inspiration	légzés
hu	bemetszés	incision	score	section
hu	bemond	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	bid	call out
hu	bemondó	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Ly–Q	announcer	newscaster
hu	benépesít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	people	populate
hu	beosztott	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	asszisztens	underling
hu	bepiszkít	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	spot	sully
hu	berekeszt	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	adjourn	cloture
hu	berkenye	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words A–Gy	Berchieșu	rowan
hu	beruház	Appendix:Hungarian reverse-alphabetized words Sz–Zs	befektet	invest