User talk:Chuterix/Chuterix's Proto-Japonic Reconstruction Dictionary Project/Proto-Japonic words possibly borrowed from other Proto-Languages?

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Feedback and comparison:


fukureru - I'd best compare it with Skt. phūtkaroti (root phūt- + kar- "to do, make") and treat it as onomatopoeic. A form phakkati would have best yielded *hakeru, according to my proposal. Eng. fill is best compared with Jp. afureru "to overflow" (< prefixed form of *pl̥-né-h₁-ti, root *pleh₁-) and fat with futoi "fat" (< *pih₂-wn̥-tó-, root *peyh₂-).

haru - Primary meaning "fill, spread", can be straightfowardly derived from either *pleh₁- and *pleth₂- or both in the full-grade. The derivation from *bʰel- would make sense only if its primary meaning was "blow".

furu - Should reflect *pápt- < *pépt- (aorist form), reduplication of *peth₂-. I assume regular rhotacization (and later loss of one) of unstressed dentals. *pátati would have yielded horu < *purar- (cf. toru "to take, (archaic) hold" < *turar- < *dhárati) assuming vowel centralization.

fureru - Primary sense "to come into contact, touch" best fits the root *per- or *sperH- (Eng. spurn, Skt. sphuráti), cf. Slavic *perti.

motsu - How does one explain *t here? I assume it was derived from an extension of the root with *-t-.

korosu - An archaic s-causative of a now-lost verb. Ryukyuan has additional meanings of "beat, strike". *kewh₂- would be a poor fit, something like *kub- or *kob- would be expected. A better proposal is *gʷʰen-, with rhotacization of unstressed *n(t) attested also in Kamkata-vari.

kau - *kʰā́dati should have yielded something like *kor-. Stressed *ā́ is assumed to have yielded *o in PJ except when a *u was present on the next syllable. I can't think of any other root yet.

nai - I agree. Though the various forms suggest to an innovative grammaticalization of the negative marker as a verb *n-.

hayai - Primary sense is "early, fast, quick". Semantically very doubtful and should be connected to Eng. speed instead.

yaku - Initial y < *d is very doubtful. Evidence points to the opposite direction *y > d, which means Yonaguni innovated. Better is taku with the same meaning. Kwékwlos (talk) 14:04, 28 February 2023 (UTC)Reply