User talk:Jjurieee

From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Latest comment: 2 months ago by Jjurieee
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Hi @Jjurieee and @Rombituon! Thanks for contributing to Wiktionary. I was looking at Central Dusun and noticed a number of issues:

  • Lack of internal links: when you add a sense (definition), you should add internal links using [[...]]. I've tried to fix this issue for most entries, see e.g. diff, diff, diff
  • Broken internal links: you need to ensure the linked items exist; if you see red colour, that's a bad sign. See e.g. diff
  • Noun plurals: some nouns use a plural form in the definition, e.g. sondulu (I changed this to singular), kooturan (also changed)) and koonduan. Typically, we would list the singular only. Are these singular nouns or plural nouns? For real plurals, we'd normally add one entry for the singular and another entry for the plural but this would use a template indicating its the plural of the singular.
  • Wrong classification of words. There are *many* words that are misclassified. "using" and "blocking" are not verb infinitives. "use" and "block" are verbs. "using" and blocking" are nouns. (They can also be verb forms, but we list verb infinitives.) "hated" is not a verb but an adjective. I've no idea if the classification or the definition/sense is wrong, but I found a lot of entries with this issue. Some of them are: kaantob, karaatan, mogonsok, mokinongou, momoguno, magapon, manangkus, mihad, suminding, sumayau, aadang, atag. I tried to fix some but maybe I got them wrong (please double check): diff, diff
  • Verbs: you should usually say "to cry" and not just "cry". I fixed most of these.
  • Formatting issues: please familiarize yourself with WT:NORM (e.g. adding newlines between certain elements). I believe I've fixed most of these issues, e.g. diff, diff

Thanks again for contributing to Wiktionary! tbm (talk) 07:30, 18 June 2024 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for the feedback. I will review the corrections that have been made & ensure my contributions are done properly. Rombituon (talk) 12:39, 18 June 2024 (UTC)Reply
Copy that, thank you so much tbm. Jjurieee (talk) 02:05, 19 June 2024 (UTC)Reply