User talk:X8BC8x

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Latest comment: 8 years ago by X8BC8x in topic Babel
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(Non-Historical) - (A Non-Copied Entry)


Hi, non-historical and a non-copied entry are not references so please don't put them in the references. 'A non-copied entry' is not a reader facing comment so should not be included at all, while 'non-historical' is the default, we don't have labels for 'not slang, 'not obsolete', 'not rare' etc. rather when something is slang, obsolete or rare, we say so. Also what is your native language I think it might help us help you if we knew that. Renard Migrant (talk) 12:40, 19 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

rule nisi


What you wrote is incomprehensible. What is your language? —Stephen (Talk) 18:12, 29 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

Changes - Language


Hello, I just figured out how to use 'talk'. I sent an email in response to the first users concerns, and also of concerns. What determines the 'rule nisi' changes to be incomprehensible? I amended such entry because i believe there to be faults but it may be that such changes should've been applied to 'nisi' instead. I am a native english speaker although i'm not that skilled in specific grammar and such, though I would like to learn specifics in order to become more fluent. x8BC8x (talk) 20:15, 29 April 2016 (UTC)Reply

You wrote: A rule to a claims validity & legitimacy unless a parties cause demonstrates why not if not as a nullity of illegitimacy for nullification.
First, "a rule to a claims validity and legitimacy" does not make good sense. What is a "claims validity"? What is a "claims legitimacy"? What does the preposition "to" mean here? Do you mean "for"? Second, "unless". It is not properly related to the preceding words. Third, "a parties"? Or is it "a parties cause"? I could go on and on, but suffice it to say, I cannot understand a bit of what you wrote. You might as well have written it in Chinese. —Stephen (Talk) 20:57, 29 April 2016 (UTC)Reply



Would you add {{Babel}} to your user page? I'd appreciate it. --Dan Polansky (talk) 08:31, 6 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

Dan , Yooo , Umm yes , this is the first time I'm hearing of this feature. The thing is that, I really have no clue what I should put it as or how to go about doing such a thing. I have like a form of amnesia of me being a child in school & possibly learning certain details of proper grammatical construction & plus I've made adjustments to how I speak after studying individual words & their "semantics", as one would maybe say hopefully (lol), & not specific grammer or linguistics, I think is the way I could explain it, so I can't really make an educated guess on my linguistic//lexical skill. Was there something specific I've said in an entry or on a talk page? I either may have been in some type of error & typo, or I may have written in foreign/exotic English which could come across as good and interesting, so again I'm really not sure how I should respond or how to determine my level of skill. Could you inform me of a specific 'form' I've partaken in? As I've said in an previous encounter here on Wiktionary, I'm very open to informative information & also correction on how to proceed with my direction of word usage. I'll read up more on your posted link of 'babel' & I'll try. Oh & you might've meant Babel (Gate Of God)? lol just joshin'. Thanks Dan x8BC8x (talk) 13:47, 6 July 2016 (UTC)Reply

On Wiktionary, it is nice to know what the native language is, and what other languages a person speaks or understands. The ranking does not need to be perfect. This ranking helps assess reliability of contribution in various languages. The ranking proves useful.
As an example, {{Babel|en|es-3}} is markup for a native English speaker with advanced knowledge of Spanish. --Dan Polansky (talk) 17:57, 6 July 2016 (UTC)Reply
Oh okay yea, I would like to think I understand my own English native language pretty well but I guess it's a challenge to be certain due to the fact that there is a decent amount of linguistic terms & other expressions//specifics which I currently just don't have knowledge of. I've also took the time to relearn some really simple grammatical errors I've made on wiktionary so hopefully that's doing me some good. I will update my profile a bit but if something isn't quite right then definitely let me know. Also the babel is definitely a bit confusing because based on what I've said it's difficult to distinguish if I'm a 4 as what they call a native speaker or a 2 as intermedaite due to not knowing all the details of Lexocology//Linguistics//Semantics, etc. Well anyways thank you for the input of info & introduction of the production of a Wiktionary individuals Babel. Feel free to message me whenever for whatever & especially in regard to my specialty in law & of legal legalisms. My user page is just about ready for public view. Thanks again. x8BC8x (talk) 19:00, 6 July 2016 (UTC)Reply