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From From cam- +‎ adweinyddu (to administer).





camweinyddu (first-person singular present camweinyddaf)

  1. to maladminister
    • 2002 March 19, The Local Government (Best Value Performance Indicators) (Wales) Order 2002:
      Nifer y cwynion i Ombudsmon a ddosbarthwyd fel camweinyddu.
      The number of complaints to an Ombudsman classified as maladministration.
    • 1878 September 20, Y Celt[1]:
      O bosibl na bydd i'r camwri, y camliwio, y camesbonio, y camweinyddu, a'r camweith- redu, y bydd hyn, meddwn, yn wrthfachau yn nghydwybodau rhai pan ar eu gwely angeu..
      It is possible that the injustice, the misrepresentation, the misinterpretation, the maladministration, and the malpractice, that this, I say, will be adversaries in the consciences of some when on their deathbed..




Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
camweinyddu gamweinyddu nghamweinyddu chamweinyddu
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.