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desconcert m (plural desconcerts)

  1. bewilderment, confusion
    • 2017 January 4, “Un superbessó rescata el seu germà”, in El Periódico[1]:
      El 'DailyMail' mostra el vídeo de l'incident, en què Bowdy, després de diversos segons de desconcert, sense saber què fer, es col·loca a l'altre costat de la pesada còmoda i, fent servir tota la seva força, aconsegueix rescatar el seu germà, que plora desconsolat, probablement traumatitzat per uns segons que es devien fer eterns.
      The Daily Mail shows the video of the incident, in which Bowdy, after several seconds of confusion, not knowing what to do, goes to the other side of the heavy chest of drawers, and using all his strength, manages to rescue his brother, who cries in distress, probably traumatized by a few seconds that must have felt endless.

Further reading
