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See also: Kight



kight (plural kights)

  1. Obsolete spelling of kite (bird of prey).
    • 1575, George Gascoigne, “Councell to Duglasse Diue Written vpon This Occasion. [...]”, in The Posies of George Gascoigne Esquire. [], printed at London: For Richard Smith, [], →OCLC; republished in William Carew Hazlitt, compiler, The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne [] In Two Volumes, volume I, [London]: Printed for the Roxburghe Library, 1869, →OCLC, page 370:
      And yet the ſillie kight, well weyde in each degree, / May ſerue ſometimes (as in his kinde) for mans commoditie. / The kight can weede the worme from corne and coſtly ſeedes, / The kight cã kill the mowldiwarpe, in pleaſant meads yͭ breeds: / Out of the ſtately ſtreetes the kight can clenſe the filth, / As mẽ can clẽſe the worthleſſe weedes frõ fruteful fallow tilth; []
    • 1600, Thomas Danett, chapter 13, in A Continuation of the Historie of France, from the Death of Charles the Eight where Comines [i.e., Philippe de Commines] Endeth, till the Death of Henry the Second, London: Printed by Thomas East for Thomas Charde, →OCLC, page 91:
      [] Monſieur de Sanſſac was appointed to attend vpon him [Francis I of France] with all ſorts of Haukes, wherein the ſaide Emperour ſemed to take great delight, eſpecially with flying at the Kight, which the French call Voler le Milan, []