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Classical Nahuatl




From ochpāna (to sweep), as brooms and sweeping featured prominently in the purification rituals associated with this veintena.


  • IPA(key): [ot͡ʃpaːˈnist͡ɬi]



ochpāniztli (inanimate)

  1. (it is) the eleventh of the eighteen veintenas (20-day periods) of the xiuhpōhualli, dedicated to the chthonic mother goddess Teteoh Innan.
    • 1585, Bernardino de Sahagún, Kalendario mexicano, latino y castellano, f. 91r:
      Vndecimo Mes delos mexnos llamado: Ochpaniztli, enq́ hazian fiesta ala madre delos dioses llamada: Teteo innan/, o tocih, nŕa abuela.
      Eleventh month of the Mexicans, called Ochpaniztli, in which they celebrated the mother of the gods, called Teteoh Innan, or Tocih, “our grandmother”.