sal xema

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From sal (salt) and xema (gem).





sal xema f (uncountable)

  1. (uncountable) rock salt
    Synonym: sal de roca
    • 1409, G. Pérez Barcala, editor, A tradución galega do "Liber de medicina equorum" de Joradanus Ruffus, Santiago de Compostela: USC, page 184:
      E se os ollos teveren pano vello ou rezente, filla a siba e o sarro da cuba e a sal gema, tanto de ũu como doutro, e fage poo de todo e peneirao moi ben e lançao nos ollos deste poo por ũu canudo duas vezes no dia asaz del
      And if the eyes have old or recent cloth, take cuttlefish bone and wine tartar and rock salt, as much of one as of the other, and make a powder of everything and sieve it well; and with a tube throw a good quantity of it in the eyes, twice a day

