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See also: sequela



Borrowed from Latin sequēla. In the sense of "sequel", a semantic loan from English sequel.


seqüela f (plural seqüeles)

  1. consequence
  2. (pathology) sequela
    • 2015 February 13, Gemma Tramullas, “Víctor Cabezas:«¡Desperteu-vos, esglésies! ¡Deixeu de mirar-vos el melic!»”, in El Periódico[1]:
      Dels seus anys de missioner esperità a Angola--on va arribar per primera vegada fa 50 anys, coincidint amb la independència del país africà--i de les recurrents infeccions de paludisme i refredats mal curats li ha quedat com a seqüela física una tos persistent.
      From his years as a Spiritan missionary in Angola--where he arrived for the first time 50 years ago, coinciding with the independence of that African country--and the recurring infections of malaria and badly-treated colds, he has kept as a physical sequela a persistent cough.
  3. sequel
  4. sequence, series

See also[edit]

Further reading[edit]



seqüela f (plural seqüelas)

  1. Pre-reform spelling (until Brazil 1990/Portugal 1945) of sequela.