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From terra (earth, ground) +‎ -ádego.





terrádego m (plural terrádegos)

  1. (historical, law) rent paid for a rustic property
    • 1474, Andrés Martínez Salazar, editor, Documentos gallegos de los siglos XIII al XVI, A Coruña: Casa de la Misericordia, page 153:
      Et mays queremos et prazenos que se os labradores que morarẽ enos dictos lugares de Segelle et Grueyro que vos assy aforamos forẽ a fazer et labrar estiuadas enos dictos montes da dicta Graña de Carnẽes que se veñam a saluo para vos et vos paguen o terradego del.
      And we want, and it pleases us, that if the farmers that live in that places names Seselle and Brueiro, that we rent to you, went to slash and burn in the aforementioned hills belonging to the Farm of Carnes, that they can came safely unto you and they shall pay to you the corresponding rents

