till rätta

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Alternative forms




till rätta (not comparable)

  1. to the right position or state
    Jag har ställt allt till rätta
    I've put everything right
    Han kom till rätta med sina problem
    He worked out his problems (came to the right state with his problems)
    Sätt dig till rätta vid bordet så kommer maten snart
    Sit down [where you need to be, which is] at the table, and the food will be served soon
    Han visade dom till rätta
    He showed them the way (showed them to the right location)
    Han fann sig till rätta
    He settled in (found himself to the right state)

Usage notes


Also has connotations of making oneself comfortable when of sitting down and the like: putting oneself into the right (comfortable) state.

Derived terms


