User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-fi-p

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p. {n} (page) :: s.
paan {n} /pɑːn/ (psychoactive preparation of betel leaf) :: paan
pablum {n} /ˈpæbləm/ (something bland or simplistic) :: puppu
pablum {n} (nourishment) SEE: nourishment ::
paca {n} /ˈpækə/ (rodent of genus Cuniculus) :: paka
pace {n} /peɪs/ (step: step) :: askel
pace {n} (step: distance covered) :: askel [one], askelpari [two], askelmitta
pace {n} (way of stepping: rate or style of how someone moves with their feet) :: liike, jalkatyö
pace {n} (way of stepping: gait of a horse) :: passi, askellaji
pace {n} (speed) :: tahti
pace {n} (collective noun for donkeys) :: lauma
pace {v} (to walk to and fro) :: astella edestakaisin
pace {v} (to set a race’s speed) :: määrätä tahti
pace {v} (to measure by walking) :: mitata askelin
pace {prep} /ˈpætʃeɪ/ (With due respect to) :: kaikella kunnioituksella
pace egg {n} /peɪs ɛɡ/ (coloured egg) :: pääsiäismuna
pacemaker {n} /ˈpeɪsˌmeɪkəɹ/ (one who sets the pace in a race) :: vauhdinpitäjä
pacemaker {n} (anatomy: set of nerves) :: sydänhermo
pacemaker {n} (medical implement) :: sydämentahdistin, tahdistin
pacesetter {n} (one who sets pace) :: kirittäjä [sports]
pachinko {n} /pəˈtʃɪŋkəʊ/ (game) :: pachinko
pachinko {v} (tumble down) :: pomppia alas
pachyderm {n} /ˈpæk.ɪˌdɜː(ɹ)m/ (someone with thick skin) :: paksunahkainen
pachyptile {n} (seabird in Pachyptila) SEE: prion ::
pacification {n} (the process of pacifying) :: rauhoittaminen
Pacific herring {n} (Clupea pallasii) :: tyynenmerensilli
Pacific Northwest {prop} (region of North America) :: Pohjois-Amerikan luoteisosa
Pacific Ocean {prop} (the world's largest body of water) :: Tyyni valtameri, Tyynimeri, [rare] Iso valtameri
Pacific Rim {prop} (lands around the rim of the Pacific Ocean) :: Tyynenmeren reunavaltiot
Pacific silver fir {n} (Abies amabilis) :: purppurapihta
pacifier {n} /ˈpæsɪfaɪɚ/ (one who pacifies) :: rauhoittaja
pacifier {n} (for a baby) :: tutti, huvitutti
pacifism {n} (doctrine that disputes should be settled without violence) :: pasifismi, rauhanaate
pacifist {adj} /ˈpæsɪfɪst/ (one who loves, supports, or favours peace) :: pasifisti
pacifist {adj} (one who avoids violence) :: pasifisti
pacifist {adj} (one who opposes violence and is anti-war) :: pasifisti
pack {n} /pæk/ (bundle to be carried) :: taakka
pack {n} (full set of playing cards) :: pakka
pack {n} (group of dogs) :: lauma
pack {n} (group of wolves) SEE: wolfpack ::
package {n} /ˈpækɪdʒ/ (something which is packed) :: pakkaus, paketti
package {n} (something consisting of components) :: paketti
package {n} (computing: piece of software that it can be installed with a package manager) :: paketti, pakkaus
package {n} (act of packing) :: pakkaaminen
package {n} (something resembling a package) :: pakkaus, paketti
package {n} (package holiday) :: pakettiloma
package {n} (football formation) :: ryhmitys
package {v} (to pack) :: pakata
package {v} (to go on a package holiday) :: mennä pakettimatkalle
package holiday {n} (type of holiday) :: pakettimatka
package manager {n} (program responsible for installing and updating other software) :: paketinhallintatyökalu
package store {n} (liquor store) SEE: liquor store ::
packaging {n} (the act of packing something) :: paketointi, pakkaaminen
packaging {n} (the materials used to pack something) :: pakkausmateriaali
packaging {n} (the industry that produces such material) :: pakkausteollisuus
packaging {n} (the manner in which a person or product is promoted) :: pakkaus
packaging gas {n} (gas used to provide a modified atmosphere) :: pakkauskaasu
pack animal {n} (animal used to carry heavy items) SEE: beast of burden ::
packed lunch {n} (picnic meal) :: eväät, eväspaketti
packet {n} /ˈpæk.ɪt/ (small pack) :: paketti
packet {n} (vessel to convey mail) :: paketti
packet {n} (small fragment of data) :: paketti
packet {v} ((transitive) make into a packet) :: paketoida
packet switching {n} (means of directing information in a network) :: pakettikytkentä
pack horse {n} (horse used for carrying luggage) :: kuormahevonen
packhorse {n} (packhorse) SEE: pack horse ::
pack ice {n} (large consolidated mass of floating sea ice) :: ahtojää
packing snow {n} (type of snow) :: nuoska, nuoskalumi
pack journalism {n} /ˈpæk ˈdʒəːn(ə)lɪz(ə)m/ (tendency of reporting to become homogeneous) :: sopulismi
packsaddle {n} (saddle for carrying goods) :: kuormasatula
packshot {n} (close-up of a product in advertising) :: lähikuva (tuotteesta)
pact {n} /pækt/ (an agreement; a league; a compact; a covenant) :: sopimus
pad {v} (to stuff) SEE: stuff ::
pad {n} /pæd/ (flattened mass of anything soft) :: pehmuste, tyyny
pad {n} (cushion used as saddle) :: tyynysatula
pad {n} (soft or small cushion) :: tyyny
pad {n} (cushion-like thickening of the skin on the underside of the toes of animals) :: antura, polkuantura
pad {n} (animal's foot or paw) :: tassu, käpälä
pad {n} (any cushion-like part of human body) :: sormenpää, tyyny
pad {n} (stuffed guard or protection) :: pehmuste
pad {n} (soft bag or cushion) :: antura, tyyny
pad {n} (floating leaf of a water plant) :: kelluslehti
pad {n} (cricket: batsman's leg pad) :: pehmuste
pad {n} (block of paper) :: lehtiö
pad {n} (panel or strip of material sensitive to pressure or touch) :: levy, painike
pad {n} (keypad) :: näppäimistö
pad {n} (flat surface or area from which a helicopter or other aircraft may land or be launched) :: kenttä
pad {n} (electrical extension cord with a multi-port socket) :: jatkojohto
pad {n} (music: effect produced by sustained lower reed notes) :: matto
pad {n} (slang: bed) :: punkka
pad {n} (colloquial: place of residence) :: luukku
pad {v} (to furnish with a pad or padding) :: pehmustaa, topata
pad {v} (figuratively: to fill or lengthen) :: suurennella, paisutella, paikata
pad {v} (to imbue uniformly with a mordant) :: läpivärjätä
pad {v} (to travel along sthg) :: kulkea jotakin pitkin
pad {v} (to travel on foot) :: tallata
pad {v} (to wear a path by walking) :: tallata
pad {v} (to walk softly, quietly or steadily) :: tassutella
pad {interj} (indicating soft footsteps) :: tassun, tissun-tassun
pad {n} (sound of soft footsteps) :: tassutus
Padasjoki {prop} (municipality) :: Padasjoki
padawan {n} (any apprentice or student) SEE: apprentice ::
padding {n} /ˈpædɪŋ/ (soft filling material) :: pehmuste, pehmike
padding {n} (extra characters such as spaces added to a record) :: täyte
padding {n} (extraneous text added to a message) :: täyte
paddle {n} /ˈpʰæ.ɾɫ̩/ (two-handed, single-bladed oar) :: mela
paddle {n} (double-bladed oar used for kayaking) :: mela
paddle {n} (time spent on paddling) :: melonta, melontaretki
paddle {n} (slat of a paddleboat's wheel) :: siipi
paddle {n} (paddlewheel) :: siipiratas
paddle {n} (blade of a waterwheel) :: siipi
paddle {n} (meandering walk or dabble through shallow water) :: kahlailu
paddle {n} (kitchen utensil) :: lasta
paddle {n} (bat-shaped spanking implement) :: lätkä
paddle {n} (ping-pong bat) :: maila
paddle {n} (flat limb of turtle etc.) :: evä
paddle {n} (in a sluice, a panel that controls the flow of water) :: läppä
paddle {v} (to propel something through water with a paddle, hands or similar instrument) :: meloa
paddle {v} (to spank with a paddle) :: piestä
paddle {v} (to walk or dabble playfully in shallow water) :: kahlailla
paddleboat {n} (pedalo) SEE: pedalo ::
paddle box {n} (structure around paddlewheel) :: siipirattaan suojus
paddlefish {n} (fish of the family Polyodontidae) :: miekkasampi (Psephurus gladius), lapasampi (Polyodon spathula)
paddle steamer {n} (steam-powered vessel propelled by paddle wheel(s)) :: siipiratasalus
paddle wheel {n} (wheel fitted with paddles) :: siipiratas
paddling {n} (collective noun for ducks) :: melonta, melominen
paddling pool {n} (type of pool) SEE: wading pool ::
paddock {n} /ˈpædək/ (small enclosure or field) :: haka
paddock {n} (field of grassland of any size) :: laidun
paddock {n} (delimited part of a sheep or cattle property) :: laidun
paddock {n} (motor racing: area where the racing vehicles are parked and worked on) :: varikko
paddy {n} /ˈpædi/ (wet land where rice grows) :: riisipelto
paddy field {n} (field where rice is grown) SEE: paddy ::
paddyfield warbler {n} (Acrocephalus agricola) :: kenttäkerttunen
paddy wagon {n} (a police van for transporting prisoners) :: mustamaija
pademelon {n} (species of Thylogale) :: vallabi
Padishah {n} /ˈpɑːdɪʃɑː/ (Padishah) :: padišah
padlock {n} /ˈpadˌlɒk/ (type of lock) :: riippulukko, munalukko
padlock {v} (to lock using a padlock) :: sulkea riippulukolla
pad out {v} (add something) :: paikata, topata
pad out {v} (sleep) :: nukahtaa
pad saw {n} (type of narrow-bladed saw) SEE: keyhole saw ::
pad thai {n} /ˌpæd ˈtaɪ/ (Thai dish) :: phat thai, pad thai
paean {n} /ˈpiː.ən/ (any loud and joyous song; a song of triumph) :: ilolaulu, paiaani
paean {n} (enthusiastic expression of praise) :: ylistys
paediatry {n} (paediatry) SEE: pediatrics ::
paedopsychology {n} /ˌpidoʊsaɪˈkɑləd͡ʒi/ (child psychology) :: lapsipsykologia
paella {n} /pɑːˈeɪ.(j)ə/ (Savory, cooked dish) :: paella
pagan {adj} /ˈpeɪɡən/ (relating to non main world religions) :: pakanallinen, pakana-
pagan {adj} (immoral, uncivilized, savage) :: pakanallinen, pakana-
pagan {n} (person not adhering to a main world religion) :: pakana
pagan {n} (uncivilized or unsocialized person) :: pakana [dated], sivistymätön ihminen
pagan {n} (unruly, badly educated child) :: kakara, kauhukakara
paganism {n} /ˈpeɪɡənɪzm̩/ (local religions practiced before the introduction of Christianity) :: pakanuus
pagatoric {adj} :: pagatorinen
page {n} (boy child) SEE: boy ::
page {n} /peɪd͡ʒ/ (one side of a leaf of a book) :: sivu
page {n} (one of the pieces of paper bound together within a book or document) :: lehti
page {n} (type set up for printing a page) :: sivuttaa, taittaa
page {n} (computing: contiguous block of memory) :: sivu
page {v} (turn several pages of a publication) :: selata, selailla
page {n} (serving boy) :: paaši, paašipoika
page {n} (British: youth doing errands) :: paašipoika
page {n} (Internet: web page) SEE: web page ::
pageant {n} (beauty pageant) SEE: beauty pageant ::
page boy {n} (young male attendant at a wedding ceremony) :: sulhaspoika [in the service of the bridegroom]
pageboy {n} (shoulderlength hair) :: paašikampaus
Page Down {n} (a key that scrolls down to the next page of content) :: sivu alas, page down
pager {n} /peɪdʒə(ɹ)/ (device) :: hakulaite
Paget's disease {n} (Paget's disease) :: Pagetin tauti
Page Up {n} (a key that scrolls down to the previous page of content) :: sivu ylös, page up
pagewise {adj} (in terms of pages) :: sivuttainen
pagewise {adv} (one page at a time) :: sivuttain
paging {n} /ˈpeɪdʒɪŋ/ (transfer of pages) :: sivutus
pagoda {n} /pəˈɡoʊ.də/ (a tiered tower with multiple eaves) :: pagodi
paid-in {adj} (having already paid) :: maksettu
pai gow {n} (Chinese gambling game played with dominoes) :: pai gow
pail {n} (bucket) SEE: bucket ::
pain {n} /peɪn/ (ache or bodily suffering) :: kipu, kärsimys, särky, tuska, piina
pain {n} (suffering or anguish, especially mental) :: kärsimys, tuska
pain {n} (annoying person or thing) :: maanvaiva
pain {n} (suffering as punishment) :: piinaaminen
pain {v} (to hurt; to put to bodily uneasiness or anguish) :: satuttaa, piinata
pain {v} (to render uneasy in mind, to grieve) :: piinata
pain {v} (to inflict suffering upon as a penalty) :: rangaista
painful {adj} /ˈpeɪn.fəl/ (causing pain) :: kivulias, tuskallinen
painful {adj} (suffering with pain) :: kipeä, kivulias, tuskallinen
painful {adj} (requiring labor or toil) :: raskas, rasittava, työläs
painfully {adv} /ˈpeɪnfəli/ (in a painful manner) :: kivuliaasti, tuskallisesti
painfulness {n} (state of being painful) :: tuskaisuus
pain in the arse {n} (pain in the ass) SEE: pain in the ass ::
pain in the ass {n} (something that causes discomfort) :: riesa, maanvaiva, kiusanhenki, kiusankappale, piikki lihassa
pain in the butt {n} (nuisance) SEE: pain in the ass ::
pain in the neck {n} (that which is annoying) SEE: pain in the ass ::
painkiller {n} /ˈpeɪnˌkɪlə(ɹ)/ (a drug that numbs the pain in the body) :: kipulääke
painless {adj} (without pain or trouble) :: kivuton
painlessly {adv} (in a painless manner) :: kivuttomasti
pain point {n} (difficult aspect) :: kipupiste
painstaking {adj} /ˈpeɪnˌsteɪkɪŋ/ (careful attentive; diligent) :: vaivalloinen
paint {n} /peɪnt/ (substance) :: maali
paint {n} (paints: set of containers or blocks of paints of different colours) :: värit {p}
paint {v} (apply paint to) :: maalata, sivellä
paint {v} (apply in the manner of paint) :: sivellä
paint {v} (practise the art of painting pictures) :: maalata
paintball {n} (sport) :: värikuulasota
paintball {n} (capsule) :: värikuula
paintbrush {n} /ˈpeɪntˌbɹʌʃ/ (thin brush) :: sivellin
painted bunting {n} (Passerina ciris) :: sateenkaarikardinaali
painted dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted hunting dog {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painted lady {n} (butterfly) :: ohdakeperhonen
painted snipe {n} /ˈpeɪntɛd.snaɪp/ (bird of the family Rostratulidae) :: kurppo
painted wolf {n} (Lycaon pictus) SEE: African hunting dog ::
painter {n} /ˈpeɪntɚ/ (artist) :: maalari, taidemaalari
painter {n} (one who paints surfaces using a paintbrush) :: maalari
painter {n} (rope) :: kiinnitysköysi
painter's tape {n} (masking tape intended to protect areas from paint) :: maalarinteippi
painting {n} /ˈpeɪn.tɪŋ/ (an illustration or artwork using paint) :: maalaus
painting {n} (the action of applying paint) :: maalaustaide
painting {n} (artistic application of paint) :: maalaustaide
painting by numbers {n} (art, recreation) :: maalaus numeroiden mukaan
paintinglike {adj} (resembling a painting) :: maalauksellinen
paint oneself into a corner {v} /ˈpeɪnt wʌnsɛlf ɪntʊ ə ˈkɔɹnɚ/ (to create a predicament or problem for oneself) :: maalata itsensä nurkkaan
paintress {n} (female painter) :: taiteilijatar
paint shop {n} (shop) :: maalikauppa
paint shop {n} (part of a factory) :: maalaamo
paint the town red {v} (party in a rowdy, wild manner) :: juhlia railakkaasti
paint thinner {n} (solvent) :: tinneri
painty {adj} (covered or smeared with paint) :: maalinen
pair {n} (number of things resembling one another, or belonging together) SEE: set ::
pair {n} /pɛə(ɹ)/ (two similar or identical things) :: pari
pair {n} (two people in a relationship) :: pari
pair {n} (used with binary nouns) :: pari
pair {n} (couple of working animals attached to work together) :: parivaljakko
pair {n} (poker hand) :: pari
pair {n} (slang: pair of breasts) :: daisarit
pair of binoculars {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
pair of compasses {n} (tool used to draw circles) :: harppi
pair of eyeglasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of forceps {n} (forceps) SEE: forceps ::
pair of glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of goggles {n} (goggles) SEE: goggles ::
pair of pincers {n} (pincers) SEE: pincers ::
pair of scissors {n} (scissors) SEE: scissors ::
pair of specs {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of spectacles {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
pair of tongs {n} (tongs) SEE: tongs ::
pair of tweezers {n} (tweezers) SEE: tweezers ::
pairwise {adj} (occurring in pairs) :: parittainen
paisley {n} /ˈpeɪzli/ (motif) :: kašmirkuvio
paisley {n} (fabric) :: kašmirkuvioinen kangas
Paiwan {prop} (the people, collectively) :: paiwanit
Paiwan {prop} (the language) :: paiwan
Paiwan {n} (a person of Paiwan descent) :: paiwan
pajamas {n} /pəˈd͡ʒɑ.məz/ (clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in) :: pyjama, yöpuku
Pakistan {prop} /ˈpækɪsˌtæn/ (country in South Asia) :: Pakistan
Pakistani {n} (A person from Pakistan or of Pakistani descent) :: pakistanilainen
Pakistani {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Pakistan, or its people) :: pakistanilainen
palace {n} /ˈpælɪs/ (large, lavish residence) :: palatsi
Palace of Westminster {prop} (building in London housing the House of Commons and House of Lords) :: Westminsterin palatsi
palaeoaeolian {adj} (relating to ancient winds) :: muinaisten tuulten + agent participle of verb e.g. kuluttama, kuljettama, aiheuttama
palaeoclimatology {n} (science) :: paleoklimatologia
palanquin {n} /ˌpæləŋˈkiːn/ (a covered type of litter) :: palankiini
palatable {adj} /ˈpæl.ə.tə.bəl/ (pleasing to the taste) :: maukas, maittava, makoisa
palatable {adj} (tolerable, acceptable) :: hyväksyttävä
palatal {adj} /ˈpælətl̩/ (pertaining to the palate) :: maku-
palatal {adj} ((dentistry) on the side facing the palate) :: palataalinen
palatal {adj} ((phonetics) articulated at the hard palate) :: palataalinen
palatal {n} ((phonetics) palatal consonant) :: palataali, lakiäänne
palatalization {n} /ˌpælətəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ (state) :: liudentuminen, palatalisaatio
palatalization {n} (instance) :: liudennus, palatalisointi
palate {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (roof of the mouth) :: suulaki, kitalaki
palate {n} (sense of taste) :: makuaisti
palate {n} (figuratively: relish; taste; liking) :: maku
palate {n} (figuratively: mental relish; intellectual taste) :: maku
Palatinate {prop} (Palatinate) :: Pfalz
Palatine {prop} (hill of Rome) :: Palatinus
palatine bone {n} (bones that make up the hard palate) :: suulaenluu
palatine tonsil {n} (palatine tonsil) :: nielurisa
Palau {prop} /pəˈlaʊ/ (Republic of Palau) :: Palau
Palauan {prop} (language) :: palau
Palauan {n} (someone from Palau) :: palaulainen
Palauan {adj} (from Palau) :: palaulainen
palaver {n} /pəˈlɑː.və(ɹ)/ (unnecessary talk, fuss) :: pulina
palaver {n} (a meeting at which there is much talk) :: palaveri
pale {adj} /peɪl/ (light in color) :: kalpea, kalvakka, kelmeä, vaalea
pale {v} (to become pale) :: kalveta
pale {n} (wooden stake) :: paalu, seiväs
pale {n} (fence made of wooden stakes) :: paaluaita
pale {n} (limits, bounds) :: rajoitus, rajoite
pale {n} (bounds of morality) :: moraalin rajat
pale {n} (heraldry: vertical band) :: halkio, paalu
pale {n} (defensive area held in another country) :: tukikohta, etuvarustus
palea {n} (zoology: pendulous process of the skin on the throat of a bird) SEE: dewlap ::
paleanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains) SEE: paleoanthropology ::
pale clouded yellow {n} (Colias hyale) :: vaaleakeltaperhonen
paleface {n} (a white person of European descent, in the context of American Indians) :: kalpeanaama
pale in comparison {v} (appear unimportant) :: kalveta jonkun rinnalla
palely {adv} (in a pale manner) :: kalpeasti
paleness {n} (condition or degree of being pale or of lacking color) :: kalpeus
paleo- {prefix} /ˈpæ.li.əʊ/ (old) :: paleo-, muinais-
paleo- {prefix} (primitive) :: paleo-
paleo- {prefix} (related to paleontology) :: paleo-
paleoanthropologist {n} (specialist in paleoanthropology) :: paleoantropologi
paleoanthropology {n} (study of ancient human remains) :: paleoantropologia
Paleoarchean {adj} (of a geologic era from 3,600 to 3,200 million years ago) :: varhaisarkeeinen
Paleoarchean {prop} (Paleoarchean era) :: varhaisarkeeinen maailmankausi
paleoatmosphere {n} (atmosphere in the geological past) :: esi-ilmakehä
paleobiology {n} (branch of study) :: paleobiologia
paleobotany {n} (branch of paleontology) :: paleobotaniikka
Paleocene {adj} /ˌpeɪ.liː.əʊˈsiːn/ (of or pertaining to the Paleocene epoch) :: paleoseeninen, paleoseenikautinen
Paleocene {prop} (geologic epoch) :: paleoseeni
paleochristian {adj} (relating to the early Christian church) :: varhaiskristillinen
paleoclimate {n} (the climate of the Earth at a specified point in geologic time) :: paleoilmasto, muinaisilmasto
paleoclimatologist {n} (specialist in paleoclimatology) :: paleoklimatologi
paleoclimatology {n} (palaeoclimatology) SEE: palaeoclimatology ::
paleodistribution {n} (distribution in prehistoric times) :: muinainen levinneisyys
paleoecology {n} :: paleoekologia
paleoeolian {adj} (palaeoaeolian) SEE: palaeoaeolian ::
Paleogene {adj} (of period from 65 to 23 million years ago) :: paleogeenikautinen, paleogeeninen
Paleogene {prop} (Paleogene period) :: paleogeenikausi
paleographic {adj} (of or pertaining to paleography) :: paleografinen
paleography {n} /ˌpeɪliˈɑɡɹəfi/ (study of old forms of writing) :: paleografia
paleography {n} (ancient scripts or forms of writing) :: vanhat kirjoitustyylit {p}
Paleolithic {n} /ˈpæl.ɪi.oʊˌlɪθ.ɪk/ (Old Stone Age) :: paleoliittinen kausi
Paleolithic {adj} (of or referring to the Old Stone Age) :: paleoliittinen
paleomagnetism {n} /peɪlɪə(ʊ)ˈmaɡnətɪzm/ (study of the Earth's magnetic field as it has changed over time) :: paleomagnetismi
paleontological {adj} (of or pertaining to paleontology) :: paleontologinen
paleontologist {n} (one who studies paleontology) :: paleontologi
paleontology {n} (study of prehistoric forms of life) :: paleontologia
paleo-organism {adj} (prehistoric organism) :: muinaiseliö
paleopathology {n} (the study of ancient diseases) :: paleopatologia
Paleoproterozoic {prop} (era 2,500-1,600 Ma) :: varhaisproterotsooinen maailmankausi
Paleoproterozoic {adj} (of an era from 2,500 to 1,600 million years ago) :: varhaisproterotsooinen
Paleozoic {adj} :: paleotsooinen
Paleozoic {prop} (Paleozoic era) :: paleotsooinen maailmankausi
paleozoology {n} (branch of zoology dealing with fossils) :: paleozoologia
Palestine {prop} /ˈpæləsˌtaɪn/ (geographic region) :: Palestiina
Palestine {prop} (West Bank and Gaza Strip collectively) :: Palestiina
Palestine {prop} (historical: Roman province) :: Palestiina
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British entity) :: Palestiina
Palestine {prop} (historical: former British Mandate) :: Palestiina
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine and/or the Palestinian people) :: palestiinalainen
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Palestine) :: palestiinalainen
Palestinian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to a Palestinian or Palestinians) :: palestiinalainen
Palestinian {n} (inhabitant of Palestine or Arab of Palestinian descent) :: palestiinalainen
pale-throated sloth {n} (Bradypus tridactylus) :: kolmivarvaslaiskiainen
pale thrush {n} (Turdus pallidus) :: amurinrastas
paletot {n} /ˈpalɪtəʊ/ (A loose outer jacket, overcoat) :: palttoo
palette {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (board) :: paletti
palette {n} (range of colors) :: väripaletti
palette knife {n} (knife used in painting) :: palettiveitsi
Pali {prop} /ˈpɑːli/ (a Middle Indo-Aryan language) :: paali
palilalia {n} /ˌpælɪˈleɪliə/ (tic comprising the repetition or echoing of one's own spoken words) :: palilalia
palindrome {n} /ˈpælɪndɹoʊm/ (a sequence of units that reads the same forwards as backwards) :: palindromi
paling {n} /ˈpeɪlɪŋ/ (stick) :: paalu, aitapylväs
paling {n} (fence) :: paaluaita
palisade {n} (long, strong stake with sharpened head) :: paalu, teroitettu paalu
palisade {n} (wall of wooden stakes) :: paaluaita, paaluvarustus, palisadi
pall {n} /pɔːl/ (heavy cloth laid over a coffin or tomb) :: arkkuvaate
pall {n} (charge representing an archbishop's pallium) :: haaruristi
pall {n} (pallium) SEE: pallium ::
palladium {n} /pəˈleɪdiəm/ (chemical element) :: palladium
Pallas {prop} :: Pallas
Pallas's grasshopper warbler {n} (Locustella certhiola) :: sarasirkkalintu
Pallas's gull {n} (Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus) :: mustapäälokki
Pallas's leaf warbler {n} (Phylloscopus proregulus) :: hippiäisuunilintu
pallbearer {n} (casket bearer) :: arkunkantaja
pallet {n} /ˈpælɪt/ (a portable platform) :: kuormalava, lava
pallet {n} (A straw bed) :: olkivuode
pallet jack {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) :: pumppukärry, haarukkavaunu
pallet truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack ::
palliate {v} /ˈpæl.i.eɪt/ (to relieve the symptoms of) :: lievittää
palliate {v} (to cover or disguise the seriousness of something by excuses and apologies) :: selitellä
palliate {v} (to placate or mollify) :: hyvitellä
palliation {n} /pælɪˈeɪʃən/ (palliation) :: lievitys
palliative {adj} /ˈpæli.eɪtɪv/ (reducing progression and relieving symptoms) :: palliatiivinen, oireita lievittävä
palliative care {n} (specialized area of healthcare) :: palliatiivinen hoito, oireita lievittävä hoito
pallid {adj} /ˈpælɪd/ (appearing weak, pale or wan) :: kalpea
pallid harrier {n} (Circus macrourus) :: suohaukka
pallidity {n} (state of being) SEE: pallor ::
pallium {n} (cerebral cortex) SEE: cerebral cortex ::
pallium {n} /ˈpæliəm/ (liturgical vestment) :: pallium
pallium {n} (cloak) :: pallium
pallium {n} (mantle of mollusk) :: vaippa
pallium {n} (sheet of cloud) :: pilvipeite
pallor {n} /pælə(r)/ (paleness; want of color; pallidity) :: kalpeus
palm {n} /pɑm/ (inner, concave part of hand) :: kämmen
palm {n} (corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal) :: kämmen
palm {v} (to hold or conceal something in the palm of the hand) :: piilottaa kämmeneensä
palm {v} (to hold something without bending the fingers) :: pitää kämmenellä
palm {v} (to move something with the palm of the hand) :: siirtää kämmenellä
palm {n} (palm tree) SEE: palm tree ::
palmate {adj} (botany: having three or more lobes or veins arising from a common point) :: sormijakoinen [lobes]; kourasuoninen [veins]
palmate {adj} (botany: having more than three leaflets arising from a common point) :: sormiosainen
palmated {adj} (having digits connected by thin membrane) :: räpylä-, räpylöillä varustettu
palm card {n} (card listing items) :: muistilappu
palmistry {n} (telling fortunes from the lines on the palms of the hand) :: kädestäennustaminen
palmitic acid {n} (saturated fatty acid) :: palmitiinihappo
palm oil {n} (edible plant oil) :: palmuöljy
Palm Sunday {n} (Sunday before Easter) :: palmusunnuntai
palm thief {n} (coconut crab) SEE: coconut crab ::
palmtop {n} (personal digital assistant) SEE: personal digital assistant ::
palm tree {n} (tropical tree) :: palmu, palmupuu
palm wine {n} (alcoholic beverage made from palm) :: palmuviini
palomino {n} /pæləˈmiːnoʊ/ (horse) :: palomino, voikko
palooka {n} (stupid, oafish or clumsy person) :: palikka
palp {n} /pælp/ (zoology: appendage) :: pyyntileuka, pedipalppi
palp {v} (to explore by touch) :: tunnustella, palpoida
palpable {adj} /ˈpælpəbəl/ (capable of being touched) :: käsinkosketeltava, kouriintuntuva
palpable {adj} (obvious) :: selvä, kouriintuntuva, käsinkosketeltava
palpable {adj} (that can be detected by palpation) :: tunnustelemalla havaittava, tunnusteltava
palpably {adv} (in a palpable manner; tangibly) :: selvästi, kouraantuntuvasti
palpate {v} /ˈpælpeɪt/ (to examine by feeling) :: tunnustella
palpation {n} (in medicine) :: palpaatio
palpitate {v} /ˈpælpɪteɪt/ (of the heart: to beat strongly or rapidly) :: tykyttää, hakata, jyskyttää
palpitate {v} (to cause to beat strongly or rapidly) :: aiheuttaa tykytystä
palpitate {v} (to shake tremulously) :: täristä, väristä, hytistä
palpitation {n} (abnormal beating of the heart) :: sydämentykytys
palsa {n} (hummock rising out of a bog) :: palsa
palsy {n} /ˈpɔːlzi/ (complete or partial muscle paralysis of a body part) :: halvaus, pareesi
Paltamo {prop} (municipality) :: Paltamo
paltry {adj} /ˈpɔltɹi/ (trashy, trivial, of little value) :: surkea
paltry {adj} (meager; worthless; pitiful; trifling) :: mitätön
palynology {n} (study of spores, pollen etc.) :: palynologia
pamidronic acid {n} (drug) :: pamidronihappo
Pamir {prop} (mountain range) :: Pamir
Pamir {prop} (language group) :: pamirilaiset kielet
Pamir Mountains {prop} (mountain range in Central Asia) :: Pamir-vuoret
pampas cat {n} (Leopardus pajeros) :: pampakissa
pampas deer {n} (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) :: pampahirvi
pamper {v} /ˈpæmpə(ɹ)/ (to treat with excessive care, to indulge) :: hemmotella, hyysätä, lelliä
pamphlet {n} (booklet) SEE: booklet ::
pan- {prefix} (a combining form meaning "all") :: yleis-, pan-
pan {n} /pæn/ (flat vessel used for cooking, see also: frying pan) :: paistinpannu, pannu
pan {n} (contents of a pan) :: pannullinen
pan {n} (cylindrical receptacle with one long handle) :: kasari
pan {n} (wide receptacle used in gold washing) :: vaskooli
pan {n} (geography: type of lake, natural depression or basin) :: hauta
pan {n} (strong criticism) :: murska-arvostelu, lyttäys
pan {n} (base part of a toilet) :: allas
pan {n} (slang: face) :: lätty
pan {v} (to wash in a pan) :: vaskata
pan {v} (to criticise severely) :: lytätä
pan {v} (to turn out well) :: onnistua, käydä hyvin
pan {v} (to beat convincingly) :: pieksää, piestä, rökittää
pan {v} (to turn horizontally) :: kiertää, panoroida
Pan {prop} (Greek god of nature) :: Pan
panacea {n} /ˌpæn.əˈsiː.ə/ (remedy believed to cure all disease) :: yleislääke, ihmelääke
panacea {n} (something that will solve all problems) :: yleislääke, ihmelääke, ihmeratkaisu
panacea {n} (particular plant) :: panacea
panache {n} /pəˈnæʃ/ (ornamental helmet plume) :: sulkatöyhtö, sulkakoriste
panache {n} (flamboyant style or action) :: vauhdikkuus, lennokkuus, into
Panama {prop} /ˈpæn.ə.mɑː/ (country) :: Panama
Panama {n} (Panama hat) SEE: Panama hat ::
Panama Canal {prop} (Canal) :: Panaman kanava
Panama hat {n} (a type of brimmed hat from South America) :: panamahattu
Panamanian {n} /pænəˈmeɪni.ən/ (person from Panama) :: panamalainen
Panamanian {adj} (pertaining to Panama) :: panamalainen
Pan-American {adj} (covering or representing all of the Americas) :: panamerikkalainen
pan-Arabism {n} /panˈaɹəbɪz(ə)m/ (movement) :: panarabialaisuus
panarchism {n} (advocacy of panarchy) :: panarkismi
Panasonic {prop} (a multinational corporation in Japan) :: Panasonic
pancake {n} /ˈpæn.keɪk/ (thin batter cake) :: ohukainen, räiskäle, lätty; pannukakku
Pancake Day {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday ::
Pancake Tuesday {prop} (Shrove Tuesday) SEE: Shrove Tuesday ::
Panchen Lama {n} (second-highest ranking lama of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism) :: Panchen-lama
pancreas {n} /ˈpæŋkɹɪəs/ (gland near the stomach) :: haima
pancreatectomy {n} (surgical operation) :: haimanpoistoleikkaus
pancreatic cancer {n} (malignant neoplasm of the pancreas) :: haimasyöpä
pancreatic duct {n} (duct) :: haimatiehyt
pancreatic juice {n} (juice produced by the pancreas) :: haimaneste
panda {n} /ˈpændə/ (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, see also: giant panda) :: isopanda, jättiläispanda, panda, pandakarhu
panda {n} (police car) SEE: police car ::
panda {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda ::
panda bear {n} (panda) SEE: panda ::
pandan {n} (Pandanus gen. et spp.) SEE: screw pine ::
pandanus {n} (Pandanus gen. et spp.) SEE: screw pine ::
pandeism {n} /pænˈdiːɪz(ə)m/ (belief in a god both pantheistic and deistic) :: pandeismi
pandeist {adj} /pænˈdiːɪst/ (of or relating to pandeism) :: pandeistinen
pandeist {n} (one who believes in pandeism) :: pandeisti
pandemic {adj} (general, widespread) SEE: general ::
pandemic {adj} /pænˈdɛmɪk/ (epidemic over a wide geographical area and affecting a large proportion of the population) :: pandeeminen
pandemic {n} (disease that affects a wide geographical area and a large proportion of the population) :: pandemia
pandemonium {n} /ˌpændɪˈmoʊni.əm/ (an outburst; loud, riotous uproar) :: mekastus
pander {n} (pimp or procurer) SEE: pimp ::
pander {n} /ˈpændə/ (offer of illicit sex with a third party) :: paritus
pander {v} (to appeal or cater to) :: vedota
pander {v} (to offer illicit sex with a third party) :: parittaa
Pandora {prop} /ˌpænˈdɔɹə/ (Character in Greek mythology) :: Pandora
Pandora's box {n} (a source of unforeseen trouble) :: Pandoran lipas
pane {n} /peɪn/ (a layer in the build-up of a GUI) :: ruutu
panegyric {n} /ˌpænəˈd͡ʒɪɹɪk/ (formal speech or opus publicly praising someone or something) :: ylistys
panegyrical {adj} (lavish with praise) :: ylistävä
panegyrically {adv} /pænəˈdʒɪɹək(ə)li/ (with lavish praise) :: ylistävästi
panel {n} /ˈpænəl/ (rectangular section of a surface) :: formal: paneeli, usually: paneli
panel {n} (group of people gathered to judge, interview, discuss etc) :: paneeli, lautakunta, raati
panel {n} (single frame in a comic strip) :: ruutu
panel beater {n} (one who repairs vehicle bodywork) :: autopeltiseppä
panelboard {n} (distribution board) SEE: distribution board ::
panel discussion {n} (type of conversation) :: paneelikeskustelu
panentheism {n} /pænˈɛnθiɪzəm/ (a doctrine that the universe is within God) :: panenteismi
panentheist {n} /pænˈenˈthiˈĭst/ (person who believes in panentheism) :: panenteisti
Pan-European {adj} (for most or all of Europe) :: yleiseurooppalainen
panfish {n} (fish suitable for frying pan) :: pannukala
pan flute {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes ::
pan-fry {v} (fry in a pan) :: paistaa pannulla vähässä rasvassa, käristää
panga {n} /ˈpaŋɡə/ (type of knife) :: panga, viidakkoveitsi
panga {n} (fish, see also: iridescent shark) :: pangasius, haimonni
Pangaea {prop} /pænˈdʒiːə/ (supercontinent prior to Triassic) :: Pangea
pangasius {n} (fish of the genus Pangasius, see also: iridescent shark; panga) :: haimonni [fish], pangasius [meat]
Pan-Germanism {n} (movement striving to unite all Germans) :: pangermanismi
pang of conscience {n} (A feeling of shame, guilt, or embarrassment, resulting from behavior which one regrets) :: omantunnontuska
pangolin {n} /ˈpæŋɡəlɪn/ (mammal) :: muurahaiskäpy
pangram {n} /ˈpæn.ɡɹæm/ (a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet) :: pangrammi
panhandle {n} /ˈpænˌhændəl/ (handle of a pan) :: pannun kahva
panhandle {n} (any arm or projection suggestive of the handle of a pan) :: uloke
panhandler {n} /ˈpæn.hænd.lə(ɹ)/ (one who panhandles) :: kerjäläinen, pummi
panhandler {n} (bum) :: pummi
panic {n} /ˈpænɪk/ (overpowering fright) :: paniikki
panic attack {n} (sudden period of intense anxiety) :: paniikkikohtaus
panic buying {n} (buying of commodities earlier than normal) :: hamstraus
panic disorder {n} (anxiety disorder involving severe recurring panic attacks) :: paniikkihäiriö
panicgrass {n} (grass of the genus Panicum) :: hirssi
panini {n} (a sandwich) :: panini
panjandrum {n} /pænˈd͡ʒæn.dɹəm/ (important, powerful or influential person) :: kiho, vaikuttaja
panjandrum {n} (self-important or pretentious person) :: lesottaja
pankration {n} /pæn.ˈkɹeɪti.ɒn/ (ancient Greek martial art) :: vapaaottelu, pankration
panleukopenia {n} (distemper of cats) :: kissarutto
panna cotta {n} /ˌpanə ˈkɒtə/ (Italian dessert made from double cream) :: panna cotta
pannier {n} /ˈpæn.i.ɚ/ (large basket or bag fastened to the back of a bicycle or pack animal) :: kuormakori (general), pyörälaukku [bicycles, motorcycles]
pannier {n} (hoop used to expand a woman's skirt to either side) :: vanne
panoply {n} /ˈpænəpli/ (splendid display of something) :: komeus
panoply {n} (collection or display of weaponry) :: asekokoelma
panoply {n} (ceremonial garments, complete with all accessories) :: juhla-asu
panoply {n} (complete set of armour) :: täyshaarniska, sotisopa, haarniska
panoply {n} (something that covers and protects) :: suoja
panopticon {n} (type of prison) :: panoptikon
panopticon {n} (room for the exhibition of novelties) :: panoptikon
panorama {n} /ˌpæ.nəˈɹæ.mə/ (unbroken view of an entire surrounding area) :: panoraama, yleisnäkymä
panorama {n} (picture representing a continuous scene) :: panoraamakuva
panorama {n} (figurative: comprehensive survey) :: yleiskuva
pan pipes {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes ::
panpipes {n} (musical instrument) :: panhuilu
panpsychism {n} /panˈsʌɪkɪz(ə)m/ (the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect) :: panpsykismi
panpsychistic {adj} (relating to panpsychism) :: panpsykistinen
pansexuality {n} /ˌpænsɛkʃuˈælɪti/ (sexual orientation) :: panseksuaalisuus
Pan-Slavism {n} (movement) :: panslavismi
pansy {n} /ˈpæn.zi/ (plant) :: orvokki, tarhaorvokki
pansy {n} (colour) :: orvokinsininen
pant {n} (a pair of pants) SEE: pants ::
pant {n} /pænt/ (a quick breathing) :: huohotus, puuskutus
pant {n} (a violent palpitation of the heart) :: läpätys
pant {v} (to breathe quickly or in a labored manner) :: huohottaa, läähättää, puuskuttaa
pant {v} (long for (something); be eager for (something)) :: kaivata
pant {v} (of the heart, to beat with unnatural violence) :: läpättää, hakata
pantheism {n} /ˈpæn.θi.ɪz.əm/ (belief that the universe is divine) :: panteismi
pantheist {n} (person who believes in pantheism) :: panteisti
pantheistic {adj} /pænˈθiɪstɪk/ (pertaining to pantheism) :: panteistinen
pantheistical {adj} (pantheistic) SEE: pantheistic ::
pantheon {n} (a temple dedicated to all the gods) :: pantheon
panther {n} /ˈpænθɚ/ (big cat with black fur) :: musta pantteri
panther {n} (big cat of genus Panthera) :: suurkissa
panther cap {n} (Amanita pantherina) :: pantterikärpässieni
panties {n} (underpants for women or girls) :: pikkuhousut {p}, [underpants] alushousut {p}
pant leg {n} (either of the legs of a pair of pants) :: lahje
pantlessness {n} (state) :: housuttomuus
pantograph {n} /ˈpantəɡɹɑːf/ (mechanical drawing aid) :: pantografi, suhdepiirrin
pantograph {n} (accordion-like extendable structure) :: haitari
pantograph {n} (rail transport: device that collects electric current from overhead lines) :: virroitin
pantry {n} /ˈpæntɹi/ (storage room) :: ruokakomero; pentteri [nautical]
pants {n} /pænts/ (garment covering the body from the waist downwards) :: housut {p}
pants {n} (undergarment covering the genitals) :: alushousut, [for women] pikkuhousut
panty {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
pantyhose {n} /ˈpæntɪhəuz/ :: sukkahousut {p}
pantyliner {n} (pad worn inside underwear) :: pikkuhousunsuoja
panvitalism {n} (belief that all things are part of a single living universe) :: panvitalismi
panvitalism {n} (belief that all things in the universe are alive) :: panvitalismi
Panzerfaust {n} (grenade launcher) :: panssarinyrkki
Panzerschrek {n} (portable anti-tank weapon) :: panssarikauhu
pap {n} /pæp/ (soft food) :: mössö
pap {n} (colloquial: nonsense) :: potaska, lööperi, mössö
pap {n} (support from official patronage) :: tukiaiset {p}
pap {n} (pulp of fruit) :: hedelmäliha
pap {adj} (without character) :: nössö
pap {v} (to feed with pap) :: syöttää mössöä
pap {n} (female breast) :: tissi, tisu
pap {n} (porridge) SEE: porridge ::
papa {n} /ˈpɑː.pə/ (the letter "P") :: Paavo
papa {n} (Father (familiar, conversational)) SEE: dad ::
papakha {n} (type of hat) :: papaha
papal {adj} /ˈpeɪpəl/ (related to the pope or papacy) :: paavillinen
Papal States {prop} (state) :: Kirkkovaltio
paparazzi {n} (paparazzo) SEE: paparazzo ::
paparazzo {n} /ˌpɑpəˈɹɑtsoʊ/ (freelance photographer of celebrities) :: paparazzi, lehtikuvaaja
papaveraceous {adj} (of or relating to Papaveraceae) :: unikonsukuinen, unikko-, unikon
papaverous {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the poppy) :: unikkoinen
papaverous {adj} (inducing sleep) :: unettava
papaya {n} /pəˈpaɪə/ (fruit) :: papaija
papeda {n} (sago congee) :: papeda
papeda {n} (subgenus Papeda) :: papeda
papeda {n} (Ichang papeda) SEE: Ichang papeda ::
paper {n} /ˈpeɪpɚ/ (sheet material) :: paperi
paper {n} (open hand in the game of rock paper scissors) :: paperi
paper {n} (written document shorter than a book) :: raportti
paper {n} (academic paper) :: julkaisu, tutkimus, artikkeli, esitelmä
paper {n} (scholastic essay) :: aine, tutkielma
paper {n} (slang: money) :: tuohi
paper {n} (university course) :: kurssi
paper {n} (paper packet) :: paperipakkaus, aski
paper {n} (medicinal preparation) :: paperi
paper {adj} (made of paper) :: paperinen, paperi-
paper {v} (to apply paper to) :: paperoida [general], tapetoida [with wallpaper]
paper {n} (newspaper) SEE: newspaper ::
paper {n} (wallpaper) SEE: wallpaper ::
paper {n} (wrapping paper) SEE: wrapping paper ::
paper {v} (to document) SEE: document ::
paper aeroplane {n} (toy aeroplane made by folding up a sheet of paper) :: paperilennokki
paper airplane {n} (paper aeroplane) SEE: paper aeroplane ::
paperback {n} :: taskukirja, pokkari
paperback {adj} (having flexible binding) :: pehmeäkantinen, nidottu
paper birch {n} (Betula papyrifera) :: paperikoivu
paperboard {n} (thick paper) :: kartonki
paperboy {n} (male who delivers newspapers) :: lehdenjakaja
paper candidate {n} /ˈpeɪpə ˈkændɪdət/ (candidate with little chance of winning) :: apuehdokas
paperchase {n} (dealing with paperwork) :: paperisota
paper clip {n} (paper clip) :: paperiliitin, klemmari [colloquial]
paper cup {n} (disposable cup) :: pahvikuppi, pahvimuki
paper cut {n} (wound caused by piece of paper) :: paperihaava, viiltohaava
paper cut {n} (decorative ornament made by artful cutting of paper, as into silhouettes) :: paperileikkaus
papercutting {n} (jianzhi) SEE: jianzhi ::
papercutting {n} (art of cutting decorative designs out of paper) :: paperileikkaus, paperinleikkaus
paper doll {n} (dolls made of paper, card, or similar products) :: paperinukke
paper fastener {n} :: haaraniitti
paper flower {n} (Bougainvillea glabra) :: kaljuihmeköynnös, ihmeköynnös
paper flower {n} (Campanula persicifolia) :: kurjenkello
paperknife {n} (a knife for cutting paper or opening envelopes) SEE: letter opener ::
paperless office {n} (office where paper is not necessary) :: paperiton toimisto
papermaking {n} (craft of making paper) :: paperinvalmistus
paper mill {n} (factory) :: paperitehdas
paper money {n} /ˌpeɪpəɹ ˈmʌni/ (a form of banknotes) :: paperiraha, setelit {p}, seteliraha
paper money {n} (type of joss paper) :: joss-raha
papers {n} /ˈpeɪpɚz/ (official documents or identification) :: paperit {p}
papers {n} (collection of documents) :: paperit {p}
paper tape {n} (early storage medium consisting of paper) :: reikänauha
paper-thin {adj} (very thin) :: paperinohut
paper tiger {n} (paper tiger) :: paperitiikeri
paper towel {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: talouspaperi, talouspaperin pala
paperweight {n} (small, decorative, somewhat weighty object) :: paperipaino
paperweight {n} (any object for this purpose) :: paperipaino
paperweight {n} (slang: useless object) :: verkonpaino
paperwork {n} /ˈpeɪ.pɚˌwɝk/ (work involving written documents) :: paperityöt, paperisota
papery {adj} (being like paper) :: paperimainen, paperinohut
papescent {adj} (porridge-like) :: puuromainen
Paphian {adj} /ˈpeɪfɪən/ (of or relating to Paphos) :: paphoslainen
Paphian {n} ((literary) a prostitute) :: kurtisaani
Paphian {n} (resident of Paphos) :: paphoslainen
Papiamento {prop} (creole language) SEE: Papiamentu ::
Papiamentu {prop} /ˌpɑːpiəˈmɛntoʊ/ (language) :: papiamento
papier-mâché {n} /ˌpeɪpɚ məˈʃeɪ/ (paper mixed with glue to create a sculptural object) :: paperimassa
papilla {n} (anatomical structure) :: papilli, papilla
papilloma {n} (epithelial tumour) :: papillooma
papillomavirus {n} /papɪˈləʊməvʌɪɹəs/ (member of the genus Papillomavirus) :: papilloomavirus
papism {n} (papistry) SEE: papistry ::
papist {n} /ˈpeɪp.ɪst/ (slur: Roman Catholic) :: papisti
papistry {n} (derogatory: Roman Catholic faith) :: paavinusko
paprika {n} /pəˈpɹiːkə/ (ground spice) :: paprika, paprikajauhe
paprika {n} (variety of the spice) :: paprika
paprika {n} (dried peppers) :: kuivattu paprika [bell peppers]; kuivattu chili [chilli peppers]
Pap smear {n} (gynaecology: screening test) :: Papa-koe
Pap test {n} (gynaecology: screening test) :: Papa-koe
Papuan {adj} (pertaining to Papua or Papua New Guinea) :: papualainen, papuauusiguinealainen
Papuan {n} (Someone from Papua or Papua New Guinea) :: papualainen, papuauusiguinealainen
Papua New Guinea {prop} /ˈpæp.u.ə ˌnu ˈɡɪn.i/ (country in Oceania) :: Papua-Uusi-Guinea
Papua New Guinean {n} (citizen of Papua New Guinea or of Papua New Guinean descent) :: papuauusiguinealainen
Papua New Guinean {adj} (pertaining to Papua New Guinea) :: papuauusiguinealainen
papule {n} (small, inflammatory spot on skin without pus) :: näppylä
papyrologist {n} (a student of papyrology) :: papyrologi
papyrology {n} (the study of ancient texts written on papyrus) :: papyrologia
papyrus {n} /pəˈpaɪɹəs/ (plant in the sedge family) :: papyruskaisla
papyrus {n} (material made from this plant) :: papyrus
papyrus {n} (scroll or document written on this material) :: papyrus
parable {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.bəl/ (short story illustrating a lesson) :: paraabeli, vertauskertomus
parabola {n} /pəˈɹæbələ/ (a conic section) :: paraabeli
paracetamol {n} (acetaminophen) SEE: acetaminophen ::
parachute {n} /ˈpæɹəʃuːt/ (a device designed to control the fall of an object) :: laskuvarjo
parachute {v} (to jump with a parachute) :: hypätä laskuvarjolla
parachuting {n} (sport) :: laskuvarjohyppy
parachutist {n} (parachute user) :: laskuvarjohyppääjä
parade {n} /pəˈɹeɪd/ (organized procession) :: paraati, komeilu
paradigm {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.daɪm/ (way of viewing reality) :: paradigma, maailmankatsomus
paradigm {n} (example serving as a model or pattern) :: paradigma, ajatusmalli
paradigm {n} (linguistics: all forms which contain a common element) :: paradigma, taivutuskaava, muotosarja
paradigm shift {n} (change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new one, necessitated by scientific discoveries) :: paradigman muutos, ajattelutavan muutos
paradigm shift {n} (change in thinking from an accepted point of view to a new belief) :: paradigman muutos, ajattelutavan muutos
paradise {n} /ˈpæ.ɹə.daɪs/ (heaven) :: taivas, paratiisi
paradise {n} (very pleasant place) :: paratiisi
Paradise {prop} /ˈpæɹədaɪs/ (Heaven) :: taivas
Paradise {prop} (the Garden of Eden) :: paratiisi
paradise on earth {n} (ideal or idyllic place) :: maanpäällinen paratiisi, paratiisi maan päällä
paradise parrot {n} (colourful parrot) :: paratiisikaija
paradox {n} /ˈpæɹədɑks/ (apparent contradiction which is nonetheless true) :: paradoksi
paradox {n} (in logic: a self-contradictory statement) :: paradoksi
paradox {n} (person or thing with contradictory properties) :: kummajainen
paradoxical {adj} /ˌpæɹəˈdɒksɪkəl/ (having self-contradicting properties) :: paradoksaalinen
paraffin {n} (kerosene) SEE: kerosene ::
paraffin {n} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.fɪn/ (alkane hydrocarbon) :: alkaani
paraffin {v} (treat with paraffin) :: parafinoida
paraffin {n} (paraffin wax) SEE: paraffin wax ::
paraffin wax {n} (paraffin wax) :: parafiini, parafiinivaha
paraglider {n} (one who paraglides) :: varjoliitäjä
paraglider {n} (equipment) :: varjoliidin
paraglider {n} (wing) :: varjoliidin
paragliding {n} /ˈpæɹəɡlaɪdɪŋ/ (the sport of gliding with a paraglider) :: varjoliito
paragogic {adj} :: paragoginen
paragon {n} /ˈpæɹəɡən/ (model or pattern) :: perikuva, esikuva
paragon {v} (to serve as a model for) :: olla esikuvana
paragraph {n} /ˈpɛɹəɡɹæf/ (passage in text) :: kappale, paragraafi
Paraguay {prop} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.ɡweɪ/ (country in South America) :: Paraguay
parakeet {n} /ˈpaɹəkiːt/ (various species of small parrots) :: aratti
parakeratosis {n} (retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum layer of skin) :: parakeratoosi
paralanguage {n} (non-verbal elements of speech) :: parakieli, vokaliikka
paralegal {n} (one who assists a lawyer) :: asianajajan avustaja
paralipsis {n} /ˌpæ.ɹəˈlɪp.sɪs/ :: paralipsis
parallax {n} :: parallaksi
parallel {adj} /ˈpæɹəˌlɛl/ (equally distant from one another at all points) :: yhdensuuntainen, samansuuntainen
parallel {adj} (having the same overall direction) :: genitive + suuntainen; samansuuntainen, rinnakkainen (jonkin kanssa)
parallel {adj} (computing: processing multipe tasks at the same time) :: rinnakkainen
parallel {adv} (with a parallel relationship) :: genitive + suuntaisesti; samansuuntaisesti (jonkun kanssa)
parallel {n} (line of latitude) :: leveyspiiri
parallel {v} (of a path etc: to be parallel to something else) :: olla samansuuntainen
parallel {v} (to compare or liken something to something else) :: rinnastaa
parallel bars {n} (set of apparatus) :: nojapuut {p}
parallelepiped {n} /ˌpæɹəˌlɛləˈpaɪpɪd/ (solid figure) :: suuntaissärmiö
parallel import {n} (import without permission of the intellectual property owner) :: rinnakkaistuonti
parallelism {n} /ˈpaɹəlɛlɪz(ə)m/ (state or condition of being parallel) :: samansuuntaisuus
parallelism {n} (agreement, similarity, resemblance) :: samanlaisuus
parallelism {n} (parallel position) :: samansuuntaisuus
parallelism {n} (grammar) :: parallelismi, kerto
parallelism {n} (philosophy) :: parallelismi
parallelism {n} (the use of parallel methods in computing) :: rinnakkaisuus
parallelization {n} (act of making parallel) :: yhdensuuntaistus
parallelly {adv} (??) :: samansuuntaisesti
parallelogram {n} /ˌpæ.ɹə.ˈlɛl.ə.ˌɡɹæm/ (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length) :: suunnikas
parallel park {v} (to park in line with other vehicles) :: taskupysäköidä
parallel port {n} (computing: physical interface) :: rinnakkaisportti
parallel postulate {n} (axiom of Euclidean geometry) :: paralleeliaksiooma
parallel text {n} (text placed alongside its translation) :: rinnakkaisteksti
parallel text {n} (text similar to one being translated) :: rinnakkaisteksti
parallel universe {n} (universe that exists separately alongside another universe) :: rinnakkainen maailmankaikkeus, rinnakkaistodellisuus
Paralympic Games {prop} (international sports competition for people with physical disabilities, see also: Paralympics) :: paralympialaiset
Paralympics {prop} (sport event, see also: Paralympic Games) :: paralympialaiset {p}
paralyse {v} (paralyse) SEE: paralyze ::
paralysis {n} /pəˈɹæləsəs/ (loss of muscle control) :: halvaus
paralysis {n} (state of inability to act) :: lama, lamaannus
paralytic {adj} /ˌpæɹəˈlɪtɪk/ (affected by paralysis) :: halvaantunut
paralyze {v} (to afflict with paralysis) :: halvaannuttaa
paralyzed {adj} ((of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement; disabled) :: halvaantunut
paramagnetism {n} /ˌpæ.ɹə.ˈmæɡ.nə.tɪ.zəm/ (tendency of dipoles) :: paramagnetismi
paramecium {n} /ˌpæ.ɹəˈmiː.si.əm/ (organism) :: tohvelieläin
paramedic {n} (individual trained to stabilize people outside of hospital) :: ensihoitaja
parameter {n} /pəˈɹæm.ɪ.tə/ (variable kept constant during an experiment, calculation or similar) :: parametri
parameter {n} (name in a function or subroutine definition) :: parametri
parametric {adj} (of, relating to, or defined using parameters) :: parametrinen
parametric equation {n} (equations that define coordinates of dependent variables of a curve or surface) :: parametriyhtälö, parametrinen yhtälö
paramilitary {adj} /ˌpɛɹəˈmɪlɪˌtɛɹi/ (relating to a paramilitary) :: puolisotilaallinen
paramount {adj} /ˈpæ.ɹəˌmaʊnt/ (supreme) :: tärkein
paramour {n} /ˈpæɹəmɔɹ/ (illicit lover) :: rakastaja [male], rakastajatar [female]
paranasal sinus {n} (one of air-filled spaces, or sinuses) :: nenän sivuontelo
paranoia {n} /ˌpæɹ.əˈnɔɪ.ə/ (A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution) :: paranoia, vainoharhaisuus
paranoia {n} (Extreme, irrational distrust of others) :: vainoharhaisuus
paranoiac {n} (somebody who has paranoia) SEE: paranoid ::
paranoid {adj} /ˈpɛɹ.ə.ˌnɔɪd/ (of, related to, or suffering from paranoia) :: vainoharhainen [common language]; paranoidinen, paranoidi [medical terminology]
paranoid {adj} (exhibiting extreme and irrational fear or distrust of others) :: vainoharhainen
paranoid {n} (someone suffering from paranoia) :: vainoharhainen
paranoid schizophrenia {n} (form of schizophrenia accompanied by delusions) :: paranoidinen skitsofrenia
paranormal {adj} (can not be explained by scientific methods) :: paranormaali, yliluonnollinen
parapatric {adj} (not significantly overlapping) :: parapatrinen
parapet {n} /ˈpæɹ.ə.pɪt/ (a low retaining wall) :: parapetti
parapet {n} (a fortification consisting of a wall) :: rintavarustus, parapetti
paraphernalia {n} /ˌpæɹəfəˈneɪli.ə/ (miscellaneous items) :: varusteet {p}, tarvikkeet, tavarat
paraphrase {n} (restatement of a text) :: parafraasi
paraphyletic {adj} (Excluding some descendants of the most recent common ancestor) :: parafyleettinen
paraplegia {n} (paralysed condition) :: alaraajahalvaus
paraplegic {adj} /ˌpɛɹəˈplid͡ʒɪk/ (of, related to, or suffering from paraplegia) :: alaraajahalvaantunut, parapleginen
paraplegic {n} (person who suffers from paraplegia) :: parapleegikko, alaraajoista halvaantunut
paraprosdokian {n} /ˌpæɹəˌpɹoʊsˈdoʊkiən/ (figure of speech) :: yllätys
parapsychological {adj} (of or pertaining to parapsychology) :: parapsykologinen
parapsychology {n} /ˌpɛɹəˌsaɪˈkɑlədʒi/ (study of that which cannot yet be explained) :: parapsykologia
parasite {n} /ˈpæɹəˌsaɪt/ (useless person who always relies on other people's work and gives nothing back) :: parasiitti {m}
parasite {n} ((generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing resources from another living organism) :: loinen
parasitic {adj} /pɛɹ.əˈsɪt.ɪk/ (pertaining to a biological or symbolic parasite) :: lois-
parasitic {adj} (drawing upon another organism for sustenance) :: lois-
parasitical {adj} (parasitic) SEE: parasitic ::
parasitise {v} (parasitize) SEE: parasitize ::
parasitize {v} (live off a host) :: loisia, olla loisena
parasitology {n} (study of parasites) :: parasitologia
parasol {n} /ˈpɛɹəˌsɑl/ (umbrella used as protection from the sun) :: auringonvarjo
parasol tree {n} (Polyscias kikuyuensis) :: Polyscias kikuyuensis
parasol tree {n} (Firmiana simplex) :: Firmiana simplex
parasomnia {n} (sleep disorder) :: unihäiriö
parasympathetic nervous system {n} (parasympathetic nervous system) :: parasympaattinen hermosto, parasympatikus
parasynonym {n} (near-synonym) SEE: near-synonym ::
parasynthetic {adj} (formed by multiple changes) :: parasynteettinen
parataxis {n} /paɹəˈtaksɪs/ (in grammar) :: parataksis
parataxis {n} (in literature) :: parataksis
parathyroid gland {n} (any one of four endocrine glands situated in the neck) :: lisäkilpirauhanen
paratransit {n} (auxiliary transit service for the disabled) :: invataksi
paratrooper {n} (soldier that parachutes from aircraft) :: laskuvarjojääkäri
paratyphoid fever {n} (acute infectious intestinal disease) :: pikkulavantauti
parautochthonous {adj} (which has a character intermediate between that of autochthonous rock and allochthonous rock) :: parautoktoninen
parboil {v} (partially boil) :: kiehauttaa, ryöpätä
parcel {n} /ˈpɑɹsəl/ (package wrapped for shipment) :: paketti
parcel {n} (division of land bought and sold as a unit) :: tontti
parcel {v} (to wrap into a package) :: paketoida
parcel bomb {n} (bomb disguised as a parcel) :: pakettipommi
parch {v} /pɑɹtʃ/ (to burn the surface of; to scorch) :: korventaa, polttaa, paahtaa
parch {v} (to become scorched or superficially burnt; to be very dry) :: korventua
parched {adj} /pɑɹtʃt/ (dry) :: kuiva
parched {adj} (thirsty) :: janoinen
parchment {n} /ˈpɑːtʃmənt/ (material) :: pergamentti
parchment {n} (document) :: pergamentti
parchment {n} (imitating paper) :: pergamenttipaperi
parchment paper {n} (paper used in baking) :: leivinpaperi
pardon {n} /ˈpɑɹ.dn̩/ (forgiveness for an offence) :: anteeksianto
pardon {n} (releasing order) :: armahdus
pardon {v} (to forgive) :: antaa anteeksi
pardon {v} (to grant an official pardon) :: armahtaa
pardon {interj} (interjection, request to repeat) :: anteeksi?, anteeksi kuinka?; mitä? [colloquial]
pardoned {adj} (forgiven) :: armahdettu
pardon me {phrase} (sorry, as an apology) :: suokaa anteeksi
pardon me {phrase} (polite expression to get someone to repeat) :: anteeksi
pardon my French {v} (please excuse my swearing or bad language (idiomatic)) :: anteeksi kielenkäyttöni
pare {v} /peə(ɹ)/ (To remove the outer covering or skin of something with a knife) :: kuoria
pare {v} (To reduce or trim something (as if) by cutting off) :: leikata, supistaa
pareidolia {n} /pæɹ.aɪˈdəʊ.li.ə/ (tendency to interpret vague stimuli as something familiar) :: pareidolia
paremiology {n} (the study of proverbs) :: paremiologia
parent {n} /ˈpɛəɹənt/ (person from whom one is descended) :: vanhempi
parent {n} (person who acts as a parent in rearing a child) :: vanhempi, ottovanhempi
parent {n} (biology: organism from which a plant or animal is biologically descended) :: vanhempi
parent {n} (source or origin of something) :: syntyperä
parent {v} (to act as parent) :: kasvattaa
parent {n} (parent company) SEE: parent company ::
parental {adj} (relating to parent) :: vanhempien
parental leave {n} (leave of absence for a parent to take care of a baby) :: vanhempainvapaa
parent company {n} (a company that owns or controls another company) :: emoyhtiö
parenteral {adj} (Intravenously or by injection) :: parenteraalinen
parenthesis {n} /pəˈɹɛnθəsɪs/ (a clause, phrase or word inserted into a passage which is already grammatically complete) :: parenteesi
parenthesis {n} (either of a pair of brackets ( )) :: sulkumerkki, sulje
parenthesis {n} ((mathematics, logic) brackets used to clarify expressions by grouping terms affected by a common operator) :: sulkeet
parenthood {n} (state of being parent) :: vanhemmuus
parenting {n} (process of raising and educating a child from birth until adulthood) :: kasvatus
parent-in-law {n} (mother-in-law or father-in-law) :: appivanhemmat {p}
parents {n} /ˈpɛɹənts/ (one's parents) :: vanhemmat {p}
paresthesia {n} /ˌpærɪsˈθiːziə, -ʒə/ (sensation of burning, prickling, itching, or tingling of the skin with no obvious cause) :: parestesia
paresthesis {n} (paresthesia) SEE: paresthesia ::
Pareto principle {prop} (principle) :: Pareton periaate
par excellence {adj} /ˌpɑɹ ˌɛksəˈlɑns/ (being a quintessential example of a general type) :: loistava, par excellence
parfait {n} /ˈpɑː(ɹ)feɪ/ (an iced dessert) :: jäädyke, parfait, parfee
Pargas {prop} (city of Finland) :: Parainen
parhelion {n} (bright spot in the sky due to refraction of the sun by ice crystals) SEE: sun dog ::
parietal bone {n} (either of two bones at the sides and top of the skull) :: päälaenluu
parietal lobe {n} /pəˈɹaɪətəl ˌloʊb/ (division of cerebrum) :: päälaenlohko, parietaalilohko
Parikkala {prop} (municipality) :: Parikkala
pari-mutuel {n} /ˌpaɹiˈmjuːtʃʊəl/ (betting system) :: toto, totalisaattori
pari-mutuel {n} (booth) :: totokoppi
paring knife {n} (A thin-bladed knife for paring fruit) :: juuresveitsi, kuorimaveitsi
Paris {prop} /ˈpæɹ.ɪs/ (capital of France) :: Pariisi
Paris {prop} (Trojan prince) :: Pariisi
parish {n} /ˈpæɹɪʃ/ (part of a diocese) :: seurakunta
parish {n} (members of the parish) :: seurakunta
parish {n} (civil subdivision of a county) :: kunta
parish assembly {n} (Jersey: the decision-making body of local government) :: kuntakokous
parish church {n} (church that serves as the religious centre of a parish) :: seurakunta
parishioner {n} /pəˈɹɪʃənə(ɹ)/ (member of a parish) :: seurakuntalainen
parish priest {n} (main priest serving a parish) :: kirkkoherra
parish pump politics {n} (putting local concerns over national interest) :: siltarumpupolitiikka
parish register {n} (record book of a parish) :: kirkonkirja
Parisian {n} /pəˈɹiʒən/ (someone from Paris) :: pariisilainen, pariisitar {f}
Parisian {adj} (of Paris) :: pariisilainen
Parisienne {n} /pəɹɪzɪˈɛn/ (woman from Paris) :: pariisitar
parison {n} /ˈpɛɹəsən/ (primary mass in glassblowing) :: aihio, lasiaihio
Paris syndrome {n} (psychological disorder) :: Pariisin syndrooma
parity {n} /ˈpæɹɪti/ (equality, comparability) :: vastaavuus
parity {n} (math: classification into one set or the other) :: pariteetti
parity {n} (physics: symmetry of interaction) :: pariteetti
park {n} /pɑɹk/ (ground for preservation of game, etc.) :: luonnonpuisto, kansallispuisto
park {n} (ground for recreation) :: puisto, viheralue
park {v} (bring to a halt) :: pysäköidä
parka {n} /ˈpɑɹkə/ (long jacket) :: parka, anorakki
parkade {n} (multilevel parking garage) :: pysäköintitalo
Parkano {prop} (town) :: Parkano
parking {n} /ˈpɑːkɪŋ/ (action) :: pysäköinti
parking {n} (space) :: pysäköintipaikka
parking attendant {n} (person who issues tickets for parking violations) :: pysäköinninvalvoja
parking brake {n} (brake intended for keeping a vehicle stationary without constant operator attention) :: seisontajarru
parking coupon {n} /ˈpɑɹkɪŋ ˈkjuˌpɑn/ (coupon used to pay for parking) :: pysäköintilippu
parking disc {n} (device placed inside a parked vehicle) :: pysäköintikiekko
parking garage {n} (building) :: colloquially: parkkihalli, formal: pysäköintihalli; pysäköintitalo, paikoitustalo [separate building]; pysäköintiluola [underground]
parking lot {n} (open area, generally paved, where automobiles may be left when not in use) :: pysäköintialue
parking meter {n} (device for collecting parking fees) :: pysäköintimittari
parking permit {n} (printed permission to park) :: pysäköintilupa; asukaspysäköintitunnus
parking space {n} (space in which a vehicle can be parked) :: pysäköintipaikka, [informal] parkkipaikka, autopaikka
parking ticket {n} /ˈpɑː.kɪŋ ˈtɪk.ɪt/ (legal summons for parking incorrectly) :: pysäköintivirhemaksu
parking ticket {n} (ticket as proof of payment) :: pysäköintilippu
parking violation {n} (illegal parking) :: pysäköintivirhe
Parkinson's disease {n} (Parkinson's disease) :: Parkinsonin tauti
park light {n} (light) :: seisontavalo
parkour {n} /pɑɹˈkʊɹ/ (athletic discipline) :: parkour
parlance {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ləns/ (A certain way of speaking (or using words)) :: puhetapa, -kieli, -slangi
parliament {n} /ˈpɑːləmənt/ (institution with elected or appointed members) :: eduskunta, parlamentti, valtiopäivät
Parliament {prop} (parliament) SEE: parliament ::
parliamentarian {n} (member of parliament) :: kansanedustaja, parlamentaarikko
Parliament House {prop} (building) :: eduskuntatalo, valtiopäivätalo, parlamenttitalo
parlor {n} /ˈpɑːlə/ (drawing room) :: salonki
parlous {adj} (appalling, dire, terrible) SEE: appalling ::
parlous {adj} (attended with peril) SEE: dangerous ::
parmesan {n} /ˈpɑːmɪˌzæn/ (hard, full-fat Italian cheese from Parma) :: parmesaani
Parmesan {n} (parmesan) SEE: parmesan ::
Parnassus {prop} (mountain) :: Parnassos
Parnassus {prop} (home of poetry, literature and learning) :: Parnassos
parochial {adj} /pəˈɹoʊki.əl/ (pertaining to a parish) :: seurakunnallinen, pitäjän-
parochial {adj} (characterized by an unsophisticated focus on local concerns) :: nurkkakuntainen
parochialism {n} (state of being parochial) :: nurkkakuntaisuus
parody {n} /ˈpæɹədi/ (expression making fun of something else) :: parodia
parody {v} (to make a parody of something) :: parodioida
paroemia {n} (proverb) SEE: proverb ::
parole {n} /pə.ˈɹoʊɫ/ (law: a release of (a prisoner)) :: ehdonalainen
parole {n} (an amount of time) :: ehdonalainen
parole {n} (linguistics: language in use) :: puhekieli, puhe
parole officer {n} (probation officer) SEE: probation officer ::
paronychia {n} (infection under the cuticle) SEE: whitlow ::
parosmia {n} (olfactory disorder) :: parosmia
parotid {n} (parotid gland) SEE: parotid gland ::
parotid gland {n} (salivary gland) :: korvasylkirauhanen
parotitis {n} (inflammation of parotid gland) :: parotiitti
paroxysm {n} /ˈpæɹ.əkˌsɪz.əm/ (random or sudden outburst) :: kohtaus
paroxysm {n} (sudden recurrence of a disease) :: kohtaus
paroxysmal {adj} /pæɹ.əkˈsɪz.məl/ (of, pertaining to, causing or accompanied by paroxysms) :: kohtauksittainen
parquet {n} (the part of a theatre between the orchestra and the parquet circle) SEE: stall ::
parquet {n} /pɑːɹˈkeɪ/ (a wooden floor made of parquetry) :: parketti
parr {n} /pɑː(ɹ)/ (young salmon) :: jokipoikanen
parricide {n} /ˈpæ.ɹɪ.saɪd/ (someone who kills a relative) :: isänmurhaaja, äidinmurhaaja
parrot {n} /ˈpæɹət/ (kind of bird) :: papukaija
parrot {n} (person who repeats what was said) :: papukaija
parrot {v} (to repeat exactly without showing understanding) :: hokea, toistella
parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
parrot fever {n} (disease) :: papukaijakuume, ornitoosi, psittakoosi
parrotfish {n} (tropical marine fish) :: papukaijakala
parrothouse {n} (aviary for parrots) :: lintutalo, papukaijatalo
parrotlet {n} (miniature parrot) :: aranen
parry {v} /ˈpæɹi/ (avoid, deflect, or ward off) :: torjua
parry {n} (a defensive or deflective action; an act of parrying) :: torjunta
parse {v} /pɑːz/ ((linguistics) to resolve into elements) :: jäsentää
parse {v} ((computing) to resolve (a string) into its elements to determine if it conforms to a particular grammar) :: jäsentää
parse {v} ((computing) to split data into pieces) :: jäsentää
parse {v} ((computing, linguistics) to conform to rules of grammar) :: jäsentyä
parse {n} (act of parsing) :: jäsentäminen, jäsennys, lauseenjäsennys, jäsentely
parse {n} (result of parsing) :: jäsennys
parse {v} (to examine closely) SEE: scrutinize ::
parser {n} /ˈpɑː(ɹ).zə/ (computer program) :: parseri, jäsentäjä
parsimonious {adj} /pɑɹ.sɪˈmo͡ʊn.i.əs/ (Exhibiting parsimony) :: kitsas, pihi
parsimony {n} /ˈpɑɹ.sə.ˌmoʊ.ni/ (great reluctance to spend money unnecessarily) :: säästäväisyys
parsimony {n} (principle of using the least resources or explanations to solve a problem) :: säästäväisyys
parsley {n} /ˈpɑː(ɹ)sli/ (plant Petroselinum crispum) :: persilja
parsley {n} (dried leaves of this plant) :: persilja
parsnip {n} /ˈpɑɹ.snɪp/ (the plant Pastinaca sativa) :: palsternakka
parsnip {n} (the edible root of Pastinaca sativa) :: palsternakka
parson {n} /ˈpɑɹsən/ (cleric having full control of a parish) :: kirkkoherra
parson {n} (protestant minister) :: pappi
part {n} (math: factor) SEE: factor ::
part {n} /pɑːt/ (fraction of a whole) :: osa
part {n} (distinct element of something larger) :: osa
part {n} (group inside a larger group) :: osa, osasto, osajoukko
part {n} (share, especially of a profit) :: osuus
part {n} (unit of relative proportion in a mixture) :: osa
part {n} (3.5 cl portion in a drink) :: annos
part {n} (section of a document) :: osa
part {n} (section of land; an area of a country or other territory; region) :: alue
part {n} (room in a public building, especially a courtroom) :: sali
part {n} (duty, responsibility) :: osa
part {n} (position or role, especially in a play) :: osa, rooli [in play]; asema [in general]
part {n} (each of two contrasting sides of an argument, debate etc.) :: osapuoli, puoli
part {n} (hair dividing line) :: jakaus
part {v} (to leave the company of) :: erota
part {v} (to cut hair with a parting) :: tehdä jakaus
part {v} (to divide in two) :: jakaa kahtia
part {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
partake {v} /pɑɹˈteɪk/ (to take part in an activity) :: osallistua, ottaa osaa
part and parcel {n} (essential piece) :: erottamaton osa [integral]; olennainen osa [essential]
parthenogenesis {n} /ˌpɑːθɪnəʊˈd͡ʒɛnɪsɪs/ (reproduction from a single gamete without fertilisation) :: partenogeneesi, neitseellinen lisääntyminen
parthenogenesis {n} (virgin birth) :: neitseestä syntyminen
Parthia {prop} /ˈpɑɹθi.ə/ ((historical) region) :: Parthia
Parthia {prop} (empire of the Parthians) :: Parthia
Parthian {n} /ˈpɑɹθiən/ (language) :: parthia
partial {adj} /ˈpɑɹʃəl/ (existing in part) :: osittainen, osa-
partial {adj} (biased) :: puolueellinen
partial derivative {n} (derivative with respect to one variable) :: osittaisderivaatta
partial differential equation {n} (equation) :: osittaisdifferentiaaliyhtälö
partial fraction {n} (mathematics: any of several fractions to the sum of which a single fraction is equal) :: osamurtokehitelmä
partially ordered set {n} (set having a specified partial order) :: osittain järjestetty joukko
partial object {n} (object that indicates incomplete action) :: osaobjekti
partial order {n} (binary relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive) :: osittainen järjestys, osittaisjärjestys
partial pressure {n} (pressure one component of a mixture of gases would contribute to the total pressure) :: osapaine
partial sum {n} (the sum of the first n terms) :: osasumma
participant {n} /pɑːɹˈtɪsəpənt/ (one who participates) :: osanottaja, osallistuja
participate {v} /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ (to join in, to take part, to involve oneself) :: osallistua, ottaa osaa
participation {n} (act of participating) :: osallistuminen
participatory {adj} /pɑː(ɹ)ˈtɪsɪpətəɹi/ (open to participation) :: osallistumiselle avoin
participial {n} (participle) SEE: participle ::
participial {adj} (of or relating to a participle) :: partisiippinen
participle {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪˌsɪpəl/ (verb form) :: partisiippi
particle {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪkəl/ (body with very small size) :: hiukkanen, partikkeli
particle {n} (elementary particle or subatomic particle) :: alkeishiukkanen [elementary particle], subatominen hiukkanen [subatomic particle], hiukkanen
particle {n} (word that does not obviously belong to any particular part of speech) :: partikkeli
particle accelerator {n} (a device that accelerates electrically charged particles to extremely high speeds) :: hiukkaskiihdytin
particle board {n} (structural material manufactured from wood particles) :: lastulevy
particle physics {n} (particle physics) :: hiukkasfysiikka
particular {adj} /pəˈtɪkjəlɚ/ (specific; discrete; concrete) :: nimenomainen, yksittäinen
particular {adj} (specialised; characteristic of a specific person or thing) :: erityinen, ominainen
particular {adj} (distinguished in some way; special) :: erityinen
particular {adj} (of a person, concerned with, or attentive to, details) :: pikkutarkka, tarkka
particular {adj} (concerned with, or attentive to, details; minute; precise; fastidious) :: yksityiskohtainen, tarkka
particular {adj} (legal: containing a part only) :: osittainen
particular {adj} (legal: holding a particular estate) :: osa- [e.g. particular tenant - "osavuokralainen"]
particular {adj} (logic: forming a part of a genus) :: erityinen, partikulaari
particular {n} (small part) :: yksityiskohta
particular {n} (person's own individual case) :: yksilö
particular {n} (philosophy: individual thing as opposed to a whole class) :: partikulaari
particular {adj} (partial) SEE: partial ::
particular {adj} (known only to an individual person or group) SEE: confidential ::
particular church {n} (ecclesiastical community) :: paikalliskirkko, partikulaarikirkko
particularly {adv} /pəˈtɪkjəlɚli/ (especially) :: erityisen
parting {n} /ˈpɑɹtɪŋ/ (farewell) :: jäähyväiset
parting {n} (line dividing hair) :: jakaus
parting shot {n} :: loppulaukaus, viimeinen sivallus
partisan {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ɾɪ.zən/ (adherent to a party) :: kannattaja [supporter]; puolueaktiivi [activist]
partisan {n} (fervent supporter of a party) :: puoluepukari
partisan {adj} (adherent to a party or faction) :: puolue-
partisan {adj} (devoted to a party or group) :: puolue-, ryhmäkuntainen, puolueellinen
partisan {adj} (serving as a commander or member of a body of detached light troops) :: partisaani-, sissi-
partisan {n} (type of spear) :: pertuska
partisan {n} (soldier) :: pertuskamies
partisan {n} (member of a body of detached light troops) SEE: guerrilla ::
partition {n} /pɑɹˈtɪʃən/ (action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another) :: ositus, osittaminen, jako, jakaminen
partition {n} (part of something that has been divided) :: osuus, osa
partition {n} (division of a territory) :: jako, jakaminen
partition {n} (vertical structure that divides a room) :: tilanjakaja
partition {n} (section of a hard disk separately formatted) :: osio, levyosio
partition {n} (collection of non-empty, disjoint subsets of a set) :: ositus
partition {v} (to divide something parts) :: osittaa, jakaa
partition {v} (to divide into territories) :: jakaa
partition {v} (to divide a room) :: jakaa
partitive {adj} (that divides something into parts) :: jakava, erottava
partitive {adj} (grammar: indicating a part) :: partitiivi-, partitiivinen
partitive {n} (partitive case) :: partitiivi, osanto
partitive case {n} (case used to indicate that an object is affected only partially by the verb) SEE: partitive ::
partiture {n} (score (music)) SEE: score ::
partly {adv} /ˈpɑɹtli/ (in part) :: osittain
partner {n} /ˈpɑɹtnɚ/ (someone who is associated with another in a common activity or interest) :: partneri, kumppani, yhteistyökumppani
partner {n} (a member of a business or law partnership) :: kumppani, yhtiömies
partner {n} (spouse, domestic, or romantic partner) :: partneri, puoliso, kumppani, [domestic only] avomies {m}
partner {n} (dancing partner) :: pari, tanssipari, partneri
partner {n} (either member of a pair in a card game or sports team (1.4)) :: pari
partnership {n} (state of being associated with a partner) :: kumppanuus
partnership {n} (association of two or more people to conduct a business) :: henkilöyhtiö
part of speech {n} (the function a word or phrase performs) :: sanaluokka
partridge {n} /ˈpɑɹtɹɪd͡ʒ/ (any bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris) :: [Perdix] peltopyy, [Alectoria] punapyy
partridgeberry {n} (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry ::
partridgeberry {n} (Gaultheria procumbens) SEE: teaberry ::
partridgeberry {n} (Mitchella repens) :: pyynmarja
parts interpreter {n} (someone who sells replacement parts for motor vehicles) :: varaosamyyjä
part-time {adj} (involving less than the normal time) :: osa-aikainen, sivutoiminen
part-timer {n} (someone who is employed, or does something, part-time) :: osa-aikainen työntekijä
parturition {n} (act of giving birth) :: synnytys
part ways {v} (go in different directions) :: luovuttaa, luopua
part with {v} (let go of) :: luovuttaa, luopua
party {n} /ˈpɑɹ.ti/ (law: particular side in a contract or legal action) :: osapuoli [contract], asianosainen [legal action], taho
party {n} (someone who takes part) :: osallinen
party {n} (group of people forming one side in a given dispute, contest etc.) :: osapuoli
party {n} (military: discrete detachment of troops) :: joukko
party {n} (social gathering) :: juhla, juhlat {p}
party {n} (group of people travelling or attending an event together) :: seurue
party {v} (to celebrate at a party) :: juhlia
party {n} (political group) SEE: political party ::
party animal {n} (person known for frequent, enthusiastic attendance at parties) :: bilehile
party dress {n} (woman's elegant dress) :: juhlamekko
party favor {n} /pɑɹɾiːˌfejvɹ̩/ (souvenir for a party guest) :: osallistujalahja, pöytälahja
party game {n} (game played at a party) :: seurapeli, seuraleikki
party game {n} (multiplayer video game) :: seurapeli
party leader {n} (person who leads a political party) :: puoluejohtaja
party line {n} (official policy) :: puoluelinja
party member {n} (member of a political party) :: puoluetoveri [Communist]
party pie {n} (small meat pie) :: pikkupiirakka
party political {adj} (relating to party politics) :: puoluepoliittinen
party politics {n} :: puoluepolitiikka
party pooper {n} (one who dampens the fun of a group activity) SEE: spoilsport ::
parula {n} (bird of the genus Parula) :: kerttuli
par value {n} (face value) SEE: face value ::
parvenu {n} /ˈpɑɹ.və.nju/ (a person who has risen, climbed up, or has been promoted to a higher social class) :: nousukas
parvenu {adj} (being a parvenu; also, like or having the characteristics of a parvenu) :: nousukasmainen
parvoviral {adj} (relating to parvoviruses) :: parvovirus-; parvoviruksen aiheuttama [caused by parvovirus]
parvovirus {n} (virus of the genus Parvovirus) :: parvovirus
pas {n} (step) :: askel, tanssiaskel
pascal {n} /pæˈskæl/ (SI unit of pressure and stress) :: pascal
Pascal's triangle {n} (Pascal's triangle) :: Pascalin kolmio
Paschal Lamb {n} /ˈpæs.kəl ˈlæm/ (the lamb eaten at Passover) :: pääsiäislammas
Paschal Lamb {n} (Jesus Christ symbolized as a sacrifice) :: Jumalan Karitsa
Paschal Lamb {n} (heraldry: a lamb depicted with nimbus and bearing a flag) :: Jumalan Karitsa
pasha {n} /ˈpɑʃə/ (title) :: pašša
Pashto {n} /ˈpæʃtəʊ/ (official language of Afghanistan) :: paštu
Pashtun {prop} (Pashto) SEE: Pashto ::
Pashtun {adj} (of or relating to the Pashtuns) :: pataanilainen, paštulainen
Pashtun {n} (Pashtun person) :: pataani, paštu
Pashtun {n} (Pashto-speaking person) :: pataani, paštu
paska {n} (paskha) SEE: paskha ::
paskha {n} (Easter dessert) :: pasha
paso doble {n} (Spanish ballroom dance) :: paso doble
paspalum {n} /ˈpaspələm/ (a type of grass) :: helmihirssi
pasque flower {n} (flower of Pulsatilla) :: kylmänkukka, vuokko
pass {v} /pɑːs/ (move or be moved from one place to another) :: liikkua [intransitive], liikuttaa [transitive]
pass {v} (to go past) :: ohittaa
pass {v} (change from one state to another) :: muuttua, vaihtua
pass {v} (move beyond the range of the senses or of knowledge) :: kadota
pass {v} (die) :: poistua, kuolla
pass {v} (happen) :: tapahtua, käydä
pass {v} (elapse) :: kulua, mennä
pass {v} (go from one person to another) :: siirtyä
pass {v} (advance through all the steps or stages necessary to validity or effectiveness) :: läpäistä, mennä läpi
pass {v} (go through any inspection or test successfully) :: mennä läpi, läpäistä, päästä läpi
pass {v} (to be tolerated) :: sietää, käydä
pass {v} (to continue) :: jatkua
pass {v} (go through the intestines) :: ohittaa
pass {v} (law: to be conveyed or transferred by will, deed, or other instrument of conveyance) :: siirtyä
pass {v} (decline to play in one's turn) :: passata, jättää väliin
pass {v} (go by, over, etc) :: kulkea
pass {v} (go by without noticing) :: ohittaa
pass {v} (transcend) :: ylittää
pass {v} (go successfully through) :: päästä läpi
pass {v} (cause to advance by stages of process) :: hyväksyttää
pass {v} (fencing: make, as a thrust, punto) :: pistää
pass {v} (sports: to move the ball or puck to a teammate) :: syöttää
pass {n} (opening, road, or track, available for passing) :: sola, reitti
pass {n} (fencing: thrust or push) :: pisto
pass {n} (movement of a tool over something, or something over a tool) :: pyyhkäisy
pass {n} (the state of things) :: tila, asiaintila
pass {n} (permission or license to pass, or to go and come) :: kulkulupa
pass {n} (document granting permission to pass or to go and come) :: passi, kulkulupa, lippu
pass {n} (password) SEE: password ::
passable {adj} (That may be passed or traversed) :: kulkukelpoinen
passable {adj} (Tolerable; satisfactory; adequate) :: välttävä
passacaglia {n} /ˌpɑsəˈkɑljə/ (historical Spanish dance) :: passacaglia
passage {n} /ˈpæsɪd͡ʒ/ (section of text or music) :: jakso, jae [numbered section of text]; juoksutus [section of music]
passage {n} (part of a journey) :: etappi, osuus, taival, taipale
passage {n} (official agreement of a bill or act) :: hyväksyminen
passage {n} (passageway) :: käytävä, välikkö, kulkuväylä
passage {n} /ˈpasɑːʒ/ (movement in dressage) :: passage
passageway {n} (covered walkway) :: käytävä
passageway {n} (any way for passing in, out or through something) :: reitti, käytävä
passata {n} /pəˈsɑːtə/ (sieved raw tomatoes) :: tomaattipassata
pass away {v} (to die (euphemistic)) :: nukkua pois
passbook {n} (booklet used to record bank transactions) :: vastakirja, säästökirja
pass by {v} (go by) SEE: go by ::
passcode {n} (string of characters used for authentication on a digital device) :: salasana
passed pawn {n} (pawn that has passed beyond enemy pawns) :: vapaasotilas
passenger {n} /ˈpæsɪnd͡ʒɚ/ (one who rides or travels in a vehicle) :: matkustaja
passenger car {n} (A railroad car that carries passengers) :: matkustajavaunu
passenger car {n} (A road vehicle that carries passengers) :: henkilöauto
passenger dedicated line {n} (railroad line dedicated for the exclusive use of passenger trains) :: henkilöjunarata
passenger kilometer {n} (unit) :: matkustajakilometri
passenger pigeon {n} (an extinct bird of the species Ectopistes migratorius) :: muuttokyyhky
passenger ship {n} (type of ship) :: matkustajalaiva
passenger train {n} (type of train) :: matkustajajuna, henkilöjuna
passer {n} /ˈpæsəɹ/ (sports) :: syöttäjä, passari
passer-by {n} (a person who is passing by) :: ohikulkija
passerine {n} /ˈpæsəɹən/ (any bird of the order Passeriformes) :: varpuslintu
passerine {adj} (relating to a passerine) :: varpus-, varpuslintu-, varpuslintujen
pass gas {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind ::
passing {adj} /ˈpɑːsɪŋ/ (that passes away; ephemeral) :: ohimenevä
passing {adj} (pre-eminent, excellent) :: suurenmoinen
passing {adj} (vague, cursory) :: ohimennen [adverb]
passing {adj} (going past) :: ohittava
passing {adv} ((now literary or archaic) Surpassingly, greatly) :: perin
passing {n} (death, dying; the end) :: poismeno, loppu
passing {n} (fact of going past; movement from one place or state to another) :: ohittaminen, ohitus, siirtyminen
passing {n} (law: act of approving a bill etc.) :: hyväksyminen, läpimeno
passing {n} (sports: act of passing) :: syöttö, syöttäminen
passing {n} (form of juggling) :: syöttely
passion {n} /ˈpʰæʃən/ (any great emotion) :: intohimo
passion {n} (fervor, determination) :: intohimo, kiihko, tunteen palo
passion {n} (object of passionate love or strong interest) :: intohimo, intohimon kohde
passion {n} (suffering of Jesus) :: kärsimys
passion {n} (commemoration of the suffering of Jesus) :: passio, kärsimysnäytelmä
passionate {adj} /ˈpæʃənɪt/ (fired with intense feeling) :: intohimoinen, kiihkeä, tulinen, palava
passionately {adv} /ˈpæʃənətli/ (in a passionate manner) :: intohimoisesti
passionflower {n} (plant of the genus Passiflora) :: kärsimyskukka
passionflower {n} (flower) :: kärsimyskukka
passion fruit {n} (edible fruit) :: passiohedelmä
passion fruit {n} (flesh of the fruit) :: passiohedelmä
passion pit {n} (drive-in theatre) SEE: drive-in ::
passion pit {n} (place where sexual activity commonly occurs) :: kutupaikka
passion play {n} (play depicting the Passion of Christ) :: kärsimysnäytelmä
passion play {n} (religious story of martyrdom) :: kärsimysnäytelmä
passivate {v} (to reduce the chemical reactivity of a surface) :: passivoida
passive {n} (passive voice) SEE: passive voice ::
passive {adj} /ˈpæs.ɪv/ (not active, but acted upon) :: passiivinen
passive {adj} (taking no action) :: passiivinen
passive {adj} (grammar: being in the passive voice) :: passiivinen, passiivimuotoinen
passive {adj} (psychology: being inactive and receptive in a relationship) :: passiivinen
passive {adj} (finance: not bearing interest) :: koroton
passive {n} (form of verb) :: passiivimuoto, passiivi
passive-aggressive {adj} (passive resistance) :: passiivis-aggressiivinen
passive income {n} (regular monetary income) :: passiivitulo, passiivinen tulo
passively {adv} /ˈpæs.ɪ (in a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action) :: tahattomasti, passiivisesti
passively {adv} (in an acquiescent manner; resignedly) :: hiljaisesti, passiivisesti
passive matrix {n} (form of liquid crystal display) :: passiivimatriisi
passive smoking {n} (inhalation of smoke from somebody else's tobacco) :: passiivinen tupakointi
passive vocabulary {n} (words and phrases that someone understands but does not commonly use) :: passiivinen sanavarasto
passive voice {n} (grammatical term) :: passiivi
pass muster {v} /ˌpæs ˈmʌs.tɚ/ (to meet or exceed a particular standard) :: mennä läpi, läpäistä testi
pass muster {v} (to pass a formal or informal inspection) :: päästä läpi
pass off {v} (to happen) :: kulua, mennä
pass off {v} (to misrepresent) :: esittää, tarjota
pass on {v} (To die) SEE: die ::
pass out {v} (to faint) :: pyörtyä, menettää tajuntansa, sammua [alcohol, colloquial]
pass out {v} (to distribute) :: jakaa, jaella
pass out {v} (to graduate) :: valmistua
Passover {prop} (Jewish festival) :: pesah, (juutalainen) pääsiäinen
passport {n} /ˈpæspɔɹt/ (official document) :: passi
pass the buck {v} (to transfer responsibility or blame from oneself) :: pakoilla vastuuta
pass the torch {v} :: antaa kapula eteenpäin
pass through {v} (to infiltrate) SEE: infiltrate ::
pass through {v} (to make something move through something else) :: mennä läpi
pass through {n} (aperture) :: tarjoiluaukko, tarjoiluluukku
passthrough {n} (The act of passing through) :: läpimeno
pass under the yoke {v} :: joutua voittajan nöyryyttämäksi, kulkea ikeen alta
pass unnoticed {v} :: jäädä huomaamatta
pass up {v} /pɑːs ˈʌp/ (literal sense) :: ojentaa (ylös)
pass up {v} (to refuse; forgo) :: kieltäytyä, jättää väliin
pass up {v} (to submit, such as homework to a teacher) :: luovuttaa
pass wind {v} (break wind) SEE: break wind ::
password {n} /ˈpæswɜːɹd/ (word used to gain admittance) :: salasana, tunnussana
password {n} (computing: string of characters known only to a user) :: salasana
past {adj} (ago) SEE: ago ::
past {n} /pæst/ (period of time that has already happened) :: menneisyys
past {n} ((grammar) past tense) :: imperfekti
past {adj} (having already happened; in the past) :: mennyt
past {adj} (of a period of time: having just gone by) :: viime
past {adj} (grammar: expressing action that has already happened) :: mennyt
past {adv} (in a direction that passes) :: ohi
past {prep} (beyond in place) :: jälkeen; yli [in expressions of time]
pasta {n} /ˈpɑstə/ (dough) :: pasta
pasta {n} (dish or serving) :: pastaruoka [dish]; pasta-annos [serving]
pasta {n} (type of pasta) :: pastalaji
pasta e fagioli {n} /ˌpastə ɛ faˈdʒəʊlɪ/ (soup made with pasta and beans) :: pasta e fagioli -keitto, italialainen pasta-papukeitto
Pastafarianism {n} (a parody religion) :: pastafarismi
paste {n} /peɪst/ (a soft mixture) :: massa
paste {n} (soft mixture used in making pastry) :: taikina
paste {n} (soft mixture of pounded foods) :: tahna
paste {n} (an adhesive paste) :: liisteri
paste {n} (lead-containing glass, or an artificial gemstone thereof) :: korulasi
paste {v} (to cause to stick, adhere) :: liimata tahnalla
paste {v} (to insert a piece of text) :: liittää
pasteboard {n} (card stock) :: kartonki
pastel {n} /pæsˈtɛl/ (any of several subdued tints of colors) :: pastellisävy
pastel {n} (drawing made with these colors) :: pastelli, pastellityö
pastel {n} (crayon made from such a paste) :: pastelliliitu
pastel de nata {n} (Portuguese egg tart pastry) :: munatorttu
pastern {n} /ˈpæstəɹn/ (area on a horse's leg) :: vuohinen
pasteurisation {n} (treatment of perishable food) :: pastörointi
pasteurise {v} (pasteurize) SEE: pasteurize ::
pasteurize {v} /ˈpæstʃəɹaɪz/ (to heat food in order to kill harmful organisms) :: pastöroida
Pasteur pipette {n} (an item of laboratory equipment) :: pasteur-pipetti
past historic tense {n} (tense) :: preteriti
pastiche {n} /pæsˈtiːʃ/ (work that imitates the work of a previous artist) :: pastissi
pastille {n} /pæsˈtil/ (soft flavoured candy) :: pastilli
pastille {n} (medicinal pill) :: kurkkupastilli
pastille {n} (small granular half spheroid piece of material) :: pastilli
pastime {n} /ˈpæs.taɪm/ (that which amuses) :: ajanviete, viihdyke, huvi
past imperfect tense {n} (grammatical tense) :: imperfekti
pastor {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
pastor {n} /ˈpæstɚ/ (a minister or priest) :: pastori, pappi
pastor {n} (main priest serving a parish) :: pastori
pastoral {adj} /ˈpæs.tə.ɹəl/ (of or pertaining to shepherds) :: paimen-, pastoraalinen
pastoral {adj} (relating to the care of souls, or to the pastor of a church) :: papillinen
pastoral {n} (poem) :: pastoraali
pastoral {n} (cantata) :: pastoraali
pastoral {n} (letter of a pastor) :: paimenkirje
pastoral {n} (letter of the house of bishops) :: paimenkirje, piispan kirje
pastorally {adv} (in a pastoral manner) :: papillisesti [of priest]; pastoraalisesti [of the manner of shepherds]
pastorally {adv} (in the role of a pastor) :: papillisesti [of priest]
past participle {n} (past participle) :: partisiipin perfekti
past perfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense ::
past perfect {n} (tense) :: pluskvamperfekti
pastrami {n} /pəˈstɹɑːmi/ (seasoned smoked cut of beef) :: pastrami
pastry {n} /ˈpeɪstɹi/ (food group) :: leivos, leivonnaiset, konditoriatuotteet
pastry {n} (type of dough) :: torttutaikina, pullataikina, murotaikina
pastry bag {n} (bag used to pipe cakes with icing) :: pursotinpussi
pastry chef {n} (baker of pastry products) :: kondiittori
pastrymaker {n} (baker of pastry products) SEE: pastry chef ::
past tense {n} (grammatical form) :: imperfekti, kertoma
pasture {v} (graze) SEE: graze ::
pasture {n} /ˈpæstʃɚ/ (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding) :: laidun, laidunmaa
pasture {v} (to herd animals into a pasture) :: laiduntaa
pastureland {n} (land for grazing) :: laidunmaa
pasty {adj} /ˈpeɪsti/ (pale, lacking colour) :: kalpea
pasty {n} /ˈpæsti/ (A type of seasoned meat and vegetable pie) :: pasteija, piirakka
pat {n} /pæt/ (sound of a light slap or tap) :: taputus
pat {n} (light tap or slap) :: taputus
pat {n} (flattish lump of soft matter) :: nokare
pat {v} (to tap gently) :: taputtaa
pat {v} (to hit to make smooth or flat) :: taputtaa, taputella
pat {v} (to gently rain) :: lopottaa
pat {adv} (opportunely) :: sopivasti, sattuvasti, oikein
pataca {n} (monetary unit of Macau) :: pataca
Patagonia {prop} (geographical region) :: Patagonia
patch {n} (figuratively: fit) SEE: fit ::
patch {n} (paltry fellow) SEE: fool ::
patch {n} /pætʃ/ (piece of cloth used to repair a garment) :: paikka
patch {n} (small piece of anything used to repair a breach) :: paikka
patch {n} (piece of black silk stuck to the face) :: kauneuspilkku
patch {n} (medicine: piece of material used to cover a wound) :: paikka, side
patch {n} (medicine: adhesive piece of material impregnated with a drug) :: laastari, lääkelaastari
patch {n} (a small, distinct part of something larger - period of time) :: kausi, ajanjakso
patch {n} (a small area, plot of land, or piece of ground) :: tilkku, maatilkku; palsta
patch {n} (guns: block to do away with the effect of dispart in sighting) :: jyvä, etutähtäin
patch {n} (computing: file describing changes made to source code) :: paikkaus, korjaustiedosto; pätsi [colloquial]
patch {n} (small piece of material used to clean a gun barrel) :: tilkku
patch {n} (cable connecting two pieces of electrical equipment) :: yhdyskaapeli
patch {v} (mend by sewing on cloth) :: paikata
patch {v} (mend with pieces) :: paikata
patch {v} (repair clumsily) :: paikata, paikkailla
patch {v} (repair as with patches) :: paikata
patch {v} (arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner) :: paikata, improvisoida
patch {v} (computing: update source code with a patch) :: paikata
patch {v} (connect two pieces of electrical equipment) :: liittää, kytkeä
patch {n} (computing: patch file) SEE: patch file ::
patch file {n} (patch) SEE: patch ::
patch file {n} (input to a patch program) :: paikkaustiedosto
patchouli {n} /pəˈtʃuli/ (any of several East Indian plants) :: patsuli
patchouli {n} (the oil or perfume made from these plants) :: patsuli
patch pocket {n} (pocket made of a patch) :: paikkatasku
patchwork {n} (a work composed of many different colors and shapes) :: tilkkutäkki
patchwork {n} (any kind of creation that utilizes many different aspects to create one, whole piece) :: palapeli
patchwork quilt {n} (decorative quilt) :: tilkkutäkki
patchwork quilt {n} (disorganized structure) :: tilkkutäkki
patchy {adj} /ˈpætʃi/ (Not constant or continuous) :: epätasainen, hajanainen
pate {n} /peɪt/ (top of the head) :: päälaki
patella {n} (kneecap) SEE: kneecap ::
patellofemoral pain syndrome {n} (pain originating from the patella and the femur) :: polvilumpion kondromalasia
paten {n} /ˈpætən/ (plate for the host during Eucharist) :: pateeni, öylättilautanen
patent {n} /ˈpeɪtənt/ (declaration issued by a government to an inventor) :: patentti
patent {v} (successfully register an invention with a government agency; to secure a letter patent) :: patentoida
patent {adj} (explicit and obvious) :: suoranainen, ilmeinen
patent {n} (patent leather) SEE: patent leather ::
patentability {n} (condition of being patentable) :: patentoitavuus
patented {adj} (for which a patent has been granted) :: patentoitu
patent leather {n} (glossy leather) :: kiiltonahka, lakeeri
patent log {n} (taffrail log) SEE: taffrail log ::
patent medicine {n} (medicine protected by a patent) :: patentoitu lääke
patent medicine {n} (any medicine with a proprietary formula) :: patenttilääke
patent troll {n} /ˈpætənt ˌtɹəʊl/ (company, person, etc., that owns and enforces patents in an aggressive and opportunistic manner) :: patenttitrolli
paternal {adj} /pəˈtɜː(ɹ)nəl/ (of or pertaining to one's father) :: isänpuoleinen
paternal {adj} (fatherly; behaving as or characteristic of a father) :: isällinen
paternal {adj} (received or inherited from one's father) :: isänpuoleinen
paternal {adj} (acting as a father) :: isän tekemä
paternal aunt {n} (the sister of one's father) :: täti, isän sisko; sedän vaimo [in-law]
paternal cousin {n} (a child of one's father's sibling) :: serkku isän puolelta
paternal custody {n} (arrangement in which the father has the custody of a child) :: isän yksinhuoltajuus
paternal grandfather {n} (one's father's father) :: isänisä
paternal grandmother {n} (one's father's mother) :: isänäiti
paternal uncle {n} (brother of one's father) :: setä, setäpuoli [father's brother-in-law]
paternity {n} (fatherhood) SEE: fatherhood ::
paternity leave {n} (leave of absence from a job for a father to care of a baby) :: isyysloma
paternity test {n} (test) :: isyystesti
paternoster {n} (a rosary) SEE: rosary ::
path {n} /pʰæθ/ (a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians) :: polku
path {n} (a course taken) :: polku, reitti, rata
path {n} (a metaphorical course) :: latu, tola, polku
path {n} (a method or direction of proceeding) :: suunta, reitti
path {n} (computing: a specification for a location within a hierarchical or tree-like structure) :: polku
path {n} (graph theory: a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another) :: polku
path {n} (topology: a continuous map) :: polku
-path {suffix} (used to form nouns indicating someone with a particular disorder) :: -paatti
-path {suffix} (used to form nouns indicating someone with a particular capability, as a type of remedial treatment) :: -paatti
pathetic {adj} /pəˈθɛtɪk/ (arousing pity, sympathy, or compassion) :: säälittävä
pathetic {adj} (arousing scorn or contempt) :: säälittävä
patheticness {n} (state of being pathetic) :: pateettisuus
pathobiology {n} (branch of biology that deals with pathology) :: patobiologia
path of least resistance {n} :: helpoin reitti, helpoin tie
pathogen {n} /ˈpæθədʒn̩/ (an organism or substance that causes disease) :: patogeeni, taudinaiheuttaja
pathogenetic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or causing pathogenesis) :: patogeneettinen
pathogenic {adj} (able to cause disease) :: patogeeninen
pathologic {adj} (pathological) SEE: pathological ::
pathological {adj} (pertaining to pathology) :: patologinen
pathologically {adv} (in a pathological manner) :: patologisesti
pathologist {n} (expert in pathology) :: patologi
pathology {n} /pəˈθɒlədʒi/ (branch of medicine) :: patologia, tautioppi
pathology {n} (medical specialty) :: patologia
pathology {n} (abnormality) :: poikkeama
pathophysiology {n} (physiological processes associated with disease or injury) :: patofysiologia
pathos {n} /ˈpeɪˌθoʊs/ (the quality or property of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions) :: paatos
pathos {n} (a writer or speaker's attempt to persuade an audience through appeals) :: tunteisiin vetoaminen, paatos
patience {n} /ˈpeɪʃəns/ (quality of being patient) :: maltti, kärsivällisyys
patience {n} (game that can be played by one person) :: pasianssi
patience is a virtue {proverb} (it is better to be patient than impatient) :: kärsivällisyys on hyve
patience of Job {n} (great amount of patience) :: Jobin kärsivällisyys
patient {adj} /ˈpeɪʃənt/ (not losing one's temper while waiting) :: kärsivällinen
patient {adj} (constant in pursuit) :: pitkämielinen
patient {n} (someone who receives treatment from a doctor) :: potilas
patiently {adv} /ˈpeɪʃəntli/ (in a patient manner) :: kärsivällisesti
patina {n} /pəˈtiː.nə/ (colour or incrustation which age and wear give to objects) :: patina
patinate {v} (coat with patina) :: patinoida
patisserie {n} (pastry shop) :: konditoria
patissier {n} (pastry chef) SEE: pastry chef ::
pat on the back {v} (to praise or congratulate) :: taputtaa selkään
Patras {prop} /pəˈtɹæs/ (city of Greece) :: Patraksesta
patriality {n} /ˌpeɪtɹiˈælɪti/ (right) :: kotipaikkaoikeus
patriarch {n} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹiɑɹk/ (male leader) :: patriarkka
patriarchate {n} (term of office) :: patriarkaatti
patriarchate {n} (office or ecclesial jurisdiction) :: patriarkaatti
patriarchate {n} (office space) :: patriarkaatti
patriarchy {n} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹiɑɹki/ (social system) :: patriarkia
patriarchy {n} (power structure) :: patriarkia
patriarchy {n} (dominance of men in social or cultural systems) :: patriarkia, miesvalta, miesvaltaisuus
patriarchy {n} (office of the patriarch) SEE: patriarchate ::
patricide {n} /ˈpætɹɪsaɪd/ (murder of one's father) :: isänmurha
patricide {n} (murderer of own father) :: isänmurhaaja
patrimony {n} (inheritance from one's ancestor) :: isänperintö, perintö
patriot {n} /ˈpeɪ.t(ʃ)ɹi.ət/ (person who loves, supports and defends their country) :: patriootti
patriotic {adj} /ˈpeɪ.t(ʃ)ɹi.ɑ.tɪk/ (inspired by patriotism) :: isänmaallinen, patrioottinen
patriotism {n} /ˈpeɪtɹi.əˌtɪzəm/ (love of one's own country) :: isänmaallisuus
patrol {n} /pəˈtɹoʊl/ (going of the rounds) :: partiointi
patrol {n} (movement by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts) :: partiointi
patrol {n} (guards who go the rounds for observation) :: partio, vartio, vartiomies
patrol {n} (perambulation of a particular line or district) :: partio
patrol {v} (go the rounds along a chain of sentinels) :: partioida
patrol {v} (go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard or policeman) :: partioida
patrol boat {n} (small naval vessel designed for coast defence) :: partiovene
patrol car {n} (police car) :: partioauto
patrolman {n} (police officer, especially a junior officer assigned patrol duty) :: passipoliisi
patron {n} /ˈpeɪ.tɹən/ (supporter) :: tukija, suojelija; (saint) suojeluspyhimys
patron {n} (regular customer) :: kanta-asiakas, asiakas
patron {n} (wealthy individual who supports an artist etc.) :: tukija, mesenaatti
patronage {n} /ˈpeɪtɹənɪd͡ʒ/ (the act of providing approval and support) :: tukeminen, kannattaminen
patronage {n} (customers collectively; clientele; business) :: asiakaskunta, asiakkaat {p}
patronage {n} (a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient) :: holhoaminen, alentuvuus
patronage {n} (guardianship, as of a saint) :: suojelus
patronage {n} (right of nomination) :: nimitysvalta
patronage {n} (legal: right of presentation to church or ecclesiastical benefice) :: nimitysvalta
patronising {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patronize {v} /ˈpeɪt(ʃ)ɹənaɪz/ (to make oneself a customer of a business) :: asioida, olla asiakkaana
patronize {v} (to assume a tone of unjustified superiority) :: holhota, suhtautua alentuvasti
patronizing {adj} (offensively condescending) SEE: condescending ::
patron saint {n} /ˈpeɪtɹən ˈseɪnt/ (saint from whom a specific group claims special protection or prayer) :: suojeluspyhimys
patronymic {n} (patronymic (noun)) :: patronyymi, isännimi
patsy {n} /ˈpætsi/ (a person who is taken advantage of) :: syntipukki; uhri
patter {n} /ˈpætə/ (soft repeated sound) :: tepsutus
patter {v} (to make irregularly repeated sounds) :: rapsahdella
patter {n} (glib and rapid speech) :: paukutus
patter {v} (to speak glibly and rapidly) :: paukuttaa
pattern {n} /ˈpætəɹn/ (that from which a copy is made) :: alkuperäinen, originaali, malli
pattern {n} (motif or decoration) :: kuvio, aihe, kuosi
pattern {n} (intelligible arrangement which has a mathematical, geometric, statistical etc. relationship) :: kuvio, kaavamaisuus
patty {n} /ˈpæti/ (a portion of ground meat or vegetarian equivalent) :: pihvi [does not connotate beef as in bovine meat]
patty {n} (a pastry of various fillings) :: pasteija, piiranen
pattypan {n} (pattypan squash) SEE: pattypan squash ::
pattypan squash {n} (squash) :: kiekkokurpitsa, patisson
paucity {n} /ˈpɑsɪti/ (fewness in number; a small number) :: niukkuus
paucity {n} (smallness in size or amount) :: niukkuus
Paul {prop} /pɔl/ (the Apostle) :: Paavali
Paul {prop} (male given name) :: Paavali, Paavo, Pauli
Paula {prop} /ˈpɔːlə/ (female given name) :: Paula
Pauli exclusion principle {n} (a principle in quantum mechanics) :: Paulin kieltosääntö
Pauline {prop} /ˈpɔːˌliːn/ (female given name) :: Pauliina
paunch {n} /pɔːntʃ/ (first stomach of ruminant; rumen) :: pötsi
paunch {n} (large, protruding belly) :: pötsi
paunch {v} (to remove organs of a ruminant) :: suolistaa
pauper {n} /ˈpɔpɚ/ (one who is extremely poor) :: tyhjätasku, keppikerjäläinen; rutiköyhä [adj.]
pauper {n} (one living on or eligible for public charity) :: sosiaaliturvan varassa elävä [living on charity]; sosiaaliturvaan oikeutettu [eligible]
pause {v} /pɔz/ (to take a temporary rest or break) :: pitää tauko, huilata [colloquial]
pause {v} (to interrupt something) :: pysähtyä, tauota, tauottaa, pitää tauko
pause {v} (halt playback temporarily) :: laittaa tauolle, pistää tauolle, keskeyttää
pause {n} (temporary stop or rest) :: pysähdys, tauko, keskeytys, väliaika, lepoaika, katko
pave {v} /peɪv/ ((British) to cover with paving stones) :: kivetä
pave {v} ((North American) to cover with stones, asphalt, etc) :: päällystää, kivetä
paved {adj} /peɪvd/ (covered in pavement) :: päällystetty
pavement {n} /ˈpeɪvmənt/ (footpath) :: jalkakäytävä, katukäytävä
pavement {n} (surface of road) :: tiepäällyste, päällyste
pavement artist {n} (artist) :: katumaalari
pavement artist {n} (specialist of outdoor surveillance on foot) :: jalkamies
pave the way {v} /ˈpeɪv ðə ˈweɪ/ (to make future development easier) :: tasoittaa tietä
pavilion {n} /pəˈvɪljən/ (ornate tent) :: paviljonkiteltta
pavilion {n} (light roofed structure used as a shelter in a public place) :: paviljonki
pavilion {n} (structure erected to house exhibits at a fair, etc) :: paviljonki
pavilion {n} (cricket building) :: paviljonki
pavilion {n} (detached / semi-detached building in a building complex) :: siipi
pavilion {n} (lower surface of a brilliant-cut gemstone) :: alaosa
pavilion {n} (cartiliginous part of the outer ear) SEE: pinna ::
paving tile {adj} (floor tile) SEE: floor tile ::
pavlova {n} (meringue dessert) :: pavlova
Pavlovian {adj} /pævˈloʊvi.ən/ (of or relating to the theories of Ivan Pavlov) :: pavlovilainen, Pavlovin [genitive of the name]
Pavlovian conditioning {n} (classical conditioning, see also: classical conditioning) :: pavlovilainen ehdollistuminen
Pavo {prop} (constellation of the southern sky) :: Riikinkukko
pavonine {adj} /ˈpævəˌnaɪn/ (of or pertaining to the genus Pavo) :: riikinkukkojen [genitive of noun]
pavonine {adj} (possessing the coloring or iridescence of a peacock feather) :: riikinkukkomainen
paw {n} /pɔ/ (soft foot of an animal) :: tassu, käpälä
paw {v} (to feel or scrape with a paw or hoof) :: kuopia
paw {v} (to touch someone (with the hands) in a sexual way) :: käpälöidä, lääppiä
pawa {n} (edible univalve mollusc) :: abaloni, punamerikorva
pawn {n} /pɔn/ (chess piece) :: sotilas
pawn {n} (someone who is being manipulated) :: pelinappula
pawn {n} (instance of pawning something) :: panttaus
pawnbroker {n} /ˈpɔːnˌbɹəʊ.kə(ɹ)/ (person who makes monetary loans at interest, taking personal property as security) :: panttilainaamon pitäjä
pawnbroking {n} (business of a pawnbroker) :: panttilainaus
pawnshop {n} /ˈpɔnʃɑp/ (business premises of a pawnbroker) :: panttilainaamo
pawpaw {n} (fruit) :: papaija
pay {v} /peɪ/ (to give money in exchange for goods or services) :: maksaa
pay {v} (to discharge by giving or doing what is due or required) :: maksaa
pay {v} (to be profitable for) :: kannattaa
pay {v} (to give (e.g. attention)) :: antaa
pay {v} (to be profitable) :: kannattaa
pay {v} (intransitive: to discharge an obligation or debt) :: maksaa
pay {v} (intransitive: to suffer consequences) :: maksaa
pay {n} (money given in return for work) :: palkka
pay {adj} (operable or accessible on deposit of coins) :: maksullinen, maksu-
pay {adj} (pertaining to or requiring payment) :: maksullinen, maksu-
pay {v} (to cover with a waterproof substance) :: tervata, pietä, tiivistää
pay as you earn {n} (deduction of tax from salary) :: ennakonpidätys
pay-as-you-go {n} (financial policy) :: tulorahoitus
pay attention {v} (to be attentive) :: huomioida, kiinnittää huomiota
pay a visit {v} (to visit) :: käydä kylässä, vierailla
pay back {v} /peɪ bæk/ (to repay) :: maksaa takaisin, palauttaa, hyvittää, maksaa
pay back {v} (to exact revenge) :: maksaa samalla mitalla, maksaa potut pottuina, palauttaa
payback {n} /ˈpeɪbæk/ (an act of revenge) :: takaisinmaksu, kosto
payback {n} (a form of recompense) :: kompensaatio
pay back in someone's own coin {v} :: maksaa samalla mitalla
pay day {n} (the day of the week/month etc. when wages are received) :: palkkapäivä
payday {n} /ˈpeɪdeɪ/ (day on which an employee's salary is paid) :: palkkapäivä
payee {n} (One to whom money is paid) :: saaja, maksettava
payer {n} /ˈpeɪ.ɚ/ (one who pays) :: maksaja
pay for {v} (exchange for) :: maksaa
pay for {v} (held accountable for) :: maksaa
pay gap {n} /ˈpeɪ ɡæp/ (difference in salaries between one group and another) :: palkkakuilu
pay grade {n} (level indicating a base salary) :: palkkaluokka
pay grade {n} (level of authority or responsibility) :: asemataso
payload {n} /ˈpeɪloʊd/ (That part of a cargo that produces revenue) :: hyötykuorma
payload {n} (The total weight of passengers, crew, equipment and cargo carried by an aircraft or spacecraft) :: hyötykuorma
payload {n} (That part of a rocket, missile or torpedo that is not concerned with propulsion or guidance) :: hyötykuorma
payload {n} (The actual data in a data stream) :: tietosisältö
payment {n} /ˈpeɪmənt/ (the act of paying) :: maksu
payment card {n} (card) :: maksukortti
payment order {n} (instruction to pay or cause a bank to pay an amount of money) :: maksumääräys
pay-off {n} /ˈpeɪ.ɔːf/ (a payment) :: maksu
pay-off {n} (a reward) :: palkkio
pay-off {n} (a bribe) :: lahjus
payola {n} /peɪˈoʊlə/ (bribe) :: lahjus
pay one's last respects {v} :: jättää viimeinen tervehdyksenä, jättää viimeinen tervehdys
pay one's respects {v} (grieve or mourn) :: osoittaa kunnioitustaan, esittää osanottonsa
pay out {v} (to distribute money; to disburse) :: maksaa
pay out {v} (nautical: to slacken by lengthening) :: antaa löysää
pay out {v} (to repay, take revenge) :: maksaa potut pottuina, kostaa
payout {n} (an amount of money paid out) :: maksu
payout {n} (the value of dividends paid to shareholders) :: osinkosumma
pay packet {n} (sealed envelope containing wages) :: palkkapussi
pay packet {n} (amount a person earns) :: palkkapussi
payphone {n} (a public telephone) :: rahapuhelin, yleisöpuhelin
pay raise {n} (increase in salary) SEE: pay rise ::
pay respect {v} (demonstrate respect) :: kunnioittaa, osoittaa kunnioitusta
pay rise {n} (increase in pay) :: palkankorotus
payrise {n} (pay rise) SEE: pay rise ::
payroll {n} /ˈpeɪɹoʊl/ (list of employees who receive salary or wages, together with the amounts due to each) :: palkkalista
payroll {n} (total sum of money paid to employees) :: palkkasumma, palkkakulut {p}
payroll {n} (calculation of salaries and wages, department that does this) :: palkanlaskenta, palkkatoimisto
paysheet {n} (document) SEE: payroll ::
payslip {n} (document of employee's wage or salary) :: palkkalaskelma, palkkanauha, tilinauha
pay the bills {v} (provide enough income) :: tuoda voita leivän päälle
pay TV {n} (subscription-based television services) :: maksu-TV
paywall {n} /ˈpeɪ.wɔːl/ (a feature of a website that only allows access to paying subscribers) :: maksumuuri
P-complete {adj} (describing any problem in P to which there exists a polynomial time mapping from any other problem in P) :: P-täydellinen
PDA {n} (handheld computing device) :: kämmentietokone
pe {n} /peɪ/ (Semitic letter) :: pe
pea {n} /piː/ (plant) :: herne
pea {n} (edible seed) :: herne
peace {n} /piːs/ (tranquility, quiet, harmony; absence of violence) :: rauha, hiljaisuus
peace {n} (state of mind) :: rauha, mielenrauha, rauhallisuus
peace {n} (harmony; lack of conflict in personal relations) :: rauha, harmonia
peace {n} (state of being free from war) :: rauha
peaceable {adj} /ˈpiːsəb(ə)l/ (in favour of peace) :: rauhaarakastava, rauhantahtoinen
peaceable {adj} (characterized by peace) :: rauhallinen
peaceably {adv} (in a peaceable manner) :: rauhanomaisesti
peace and quiet {n} (tranquility) :: rauha ja hiljaisuus
peace bond {n} (Court order forbidding one party to bother another) :: lähestymiskielto
peaceful {adj} /ˈpiːsfəl/ (not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil) :: rauhallinen, rauhanomainen
peaceful {adj} (inclined to peace; peaceable) :: rauhallinen, rauhantahtoinen
peaceful {adj} (motionless and calm; placid) :: rauhallinen
peaceful coexistence {n} (mutual non-interference) :: rauhanomainen rinnakkaiselo
peacefully {adv} /ˈpiːsfəli/ (in a peaceful manner) :: rauhallisesti
peacekeeper {n} (one that preserves the peace) :: rauhanturvaaja
peacekeeper {n} (member of a military force charged with peacekeeping duties) :: rauhanturvaaja
peacekeeping {n} /ˈpiːskiːpɪŋ/ (preserving peace) :: rauhanturvaaminen
peacemaking {n} (act of reconciling two people or groups who disagree) :: rauhanpalauttaminen, rauhanhieronta
peace of mind {n} (absence of mental stress) :: mielenrauha
peace out {v} (to pass out) SEE: pass out ::
peace out {v} (to render unconscious) :: tainnuttaa
peace out {v} (to experience altered state of consciousness) :: olla muissa maailmoissa
peace out {v} (slang: to depart) :: häipyä, häippästä, ottaa hatkat
peace pipe {n} (pipe) :: rauhanpiippu
peace process {n} (negotiations) :: rauhanprosessi
peace talks {n} (discussions between nation-states held to resolve conflict) :: rauhanneuvottelut
peacetime {n} /ˈpiːstaɪm/ (period of peace) :: rauhanaika
peace treaty {n} (an agreement to end fighting or conflict) :: rauhansopimus
peach {n} /piːt͡ʃ/ (tree) :: persikka
peach {n} (fruit) :: persikka
peach {n} (colour) :: persikka
peach blossom {n} (flower) :: persikankukka
peach blossom {n} (moth) :: vadelmavillaselkä
peachfuzz {n} (soft, scanty beard of an adolescent male) :: nukka, haituva, maitoparta
peachfuzz {n} (fuzz on the skin of a peach) :: nukka
peachtree {n} (peach) SEE: peach ::
peachy {adj} /ˈpiːtʃi/ (very good) :: mahtavaa, ihanaa
pea coat {n} (type of coat) :: merimiestakki, kipparitakki
peacock {n} /ˈpikɑk/ (pheasant of one of the genera Pavo and Afropavo) :: riikinkukko
peacock butterfly {n} (butterfly) :: neitoperhonen
Peacock Throne {prop} (throne once used in Persia) :: riikinkukkovaltaistuin
Peacock Throne {prop} (former Persian monarchy) :: riikinkukkovaltaistuin
peafowl {n} /ˈpiːˌfaʊl/ (pheasant of the genera Pavo or Afropavo) :: riikinkukko
peak {n} /piːk/ (point, sharp end) :: kärki, lippa
peak {n} (highest value reached) :: huippu
peak {n} (mountain top) :: huippu
peak {n} (narrow part of bow) :: keulapiikki
peak {n} (tip of anchor fluke) :: kynsi
peak {n} (point where a function attains a maximum) :: maksimipiste
peak {v} (to reach a peak) :: saavuttaa huippunsa, olla korkeimmillaan
peak {v} (to rise or extend into a peak, to form or appear as a peak) :: nousta huipulle [to rise]; olla huippu [to form]
peak hour {n} (rush hour) SEE: rush hour ::
pea-knuckle {n} (thumb war) SEE: thumb war ::
pea-knuckle war {n} (thumb war) SEE: thumb war ::
peak season {n} (highest demand) :: huippusesonki
peal {n} /piːl/ (loud sound) :: kumina, kumu, jylinä, jyly, jyrinä, jyrähdys
peal {v} (to sound with a peal) :: kumistaa, soittaa [transitive]; kumista, soida [intransitive]
peanut {n} /ˈpinət/ (a legume resembling a nut) :: maapähkinä
peanut brittle {n} (confection) :: maapähkinäkrokantti
peanut butter {n} /ˈpi.nʌtˌbʌ.tɚ/ (spread made from ground peanuts) :: maapähkinävoi
peanut milk {n} (milky liquid from peanuts) :: maapähkinämaito
peanuts {n} /ˈpinəts/ (insignificant amount of money) :: suolarahat {p}
pea pod {n} (botany) :: herneenpalko
pear {n} /pɛɚ/ (fruit) :: päärynä
pear {n} (tree) :: päärynä, päärynäpuu
pear {n} (wood of the pear tree) :: päärynäpuu
pear cider {n} (perry) SEE: perry ::
pearl {n} (light-colored tern) SEE: tern ::
pearl {n} (mother-of-pearl) SEE: mother-of-pearl ::
pearl {n} /pɝl/ (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks) :: helmi
pearl {n} (figuratively: something precious) :: helmi
pearl {n} (capsule) :: helmi, kapseli
pearl {n} (whitish speck on the eye) :: kaihi
pearl {n} (5-point type) :: helmi
pearl {n} (fringe or border) SEE: fringe ::
pearl {n} (brill) SEE: brill ::
pearl {n} (one of the tubercles on a deer's antler) SEE: tubercle ::
pearl diver {n} (person who dives for pearls) :: helmensukeltaja
pearl diver {n} (dishwasher) SEE: dishwasher ::
Pearl Harbor {prop} /ˌpɝ˞l ˈhɑɹbɚ/ (a harbor on Oahu) :: Pearl Harbor
pearl millet {n} (Pennisetum glaucum) :: helmisulkahirssi, helmihirssi
pearl necklace {n} (necklace made of pearls) :: helminauha
pearl oyster {n} (bivalve mollusc that is a source of pearls) :: helmisimpukka
pearl tapioca {n} (edible balls made from tapioca) SEE: tapioca pearl ::
pearlwort {n} (plant of genus Sagina) :: haarikko
pearly antshrike {n} (passerine bird) :: helmipuumuura
pearly penile papules {n} (skin condition affecting male genitals) :: helmiäisnystyt {p}
Pearson's long-clawed shrew {n} (Solisorex pearsoni) :: pearsoninpäästäinen
pear tree {n} (a tree of the genus Pyrus) :: päärynäpuu, päärynä
peasant {n} /ˈpɛzənt/ (member of the agriculture low class) :: pienviljelijä, torppari
peasant {n} (country person) :: maalainen
peasant {n} (uncouth, crude, or ill-bred person) :: moukka
peasant {n} (strategy games: worker unit) :: talonpoika
peasantly {adj} (like a peasant) :: talonpoikainen
peasantry {n} (impoverished rural farm workers) :: maalaisköyhälistö
peashooter {n} (toy gun) :: hernepyssy
pea soup {n} (soup made from peas) :: hernekeitto
pea-souper {n} /ˈpiːˌsuːpə/ (dense, yellowish fog) :: hernerokkasumu
peat {n} /piːt/ (soil) :: turve
peat moss {n} (sphagnum) :: rahkasammal
pebble {n} /ˈpɛb.əl/ (stone) :: pikkukivi
pebble {v} (To pave with pebbles) :: päällystää mukulakivillä
PEBCAK {n} /ˈpɛbkæk/ (problem experienced with a user's computer that is due to user error) :: ongelma sijaitsee näppäimistön ja tuolin välissä
pec {n} (a pectoral muscle) :: rintalihas
pecan {n} /piːˈkɑːn/ (tree) :: pekaanipähkinäpuu
pecan {n} (nut) :: pekaanipähkinä
pecan pie {n} (pie made from corn syrup and pecans) :: pekaanipähkinäpiirakka
peccary {n} (a family of mammals related to pigs and hippos) :: pekari
Pechenga {prop} (town in Russia) :: Petsamo
pechka {n} (Russian oven) SEE: Russian oven ::
Pechora pipit {n} (Anthus gustavi) :: tundrakirvinen
peck {v} /pɛk/ (to strike or pierce with the beak or similar) :: nokkia
peck {v} (to do something in small, intermittent pieces) :: näykkiä
peck {v} (to type key by key) :: hakata
peck {v} (to type) :: naputtaa, naputella
peck {v} (to kiss) :: pussata
peck {n} (short kiss) :: pusu
peck {n} (one quarter of a bushel, eight quarts) :: peck
peck {n} (great deal; a large or excessive quantity) :: kasa, läjä
pecker {n} (slang for penis) SEE: dick ::
pecker {n} (slang for woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
pecker {n} (slang for courage) SEE: courage ::
peckerwood {n} (woodpecker) SEE: woodpecker ::
peckerwood {n} (white, especially ignorant or rustic) SEE: redneck ::
peckerwood {n} (peckerwood sawmill) SEE: peckerwood sawmill ::
peckerwood sawmill {n} (small-scale sawmill) :: piensaha
pecking order {n} (The usually informal hierarchy of authority or command, often partial or approximate) :: nokkimisjärjestys [idiomatic]
pectin {n} /ˈpɛktɪn/ (substance) :: pektiini
pectineus {n} (muscle) :: harjannelihas
pectoral {adj} /pɛkˈtɔɹəl/ (of or pertaining to the breast or chest) :: rinta-; pektoraalinen
pectoral fin {n} (fin located on each side of a fish) :: rintaevä
pectoral sandpiper {n} (Calidris melanotos) :: palsasirri
peculiar {adj} /pʰə̥ˈkʰj̊uljʊɹ̠/ (out of the ordinary) :: outo, kummallinen, erikoinen, poikkeuksellinen, merkillinen
pecuniary {adj} /pəˈkjuniɛɹi/ (of or relating to money) :: raha-, rahallinen, monetaarinen
ped {n} (pedestrian) SEE: pedestrian ::
pedagogic {adj} (pedagogical) SEE: pedagogical ::
pedagogical {adj} (of, or relating to pedagogy) :: pedagoginen; opetuksellinen, opetusopillinen
pedagogical {adj} (haughty and formal) :: oppimestarimainen, ylimielinen, muodollinen, jäykkä
pedagogy {n} /ˈpɛdəˌɡoʊdʒi/ (profession of teaching) :: pedagogiikka
pedagogy {n} (activities of educating, teaching or instructing) :: pedagogiikka, kasvatustiede
pedal {n} /ˈpɛdəl/ (lever operated by one's foot) :: poljin, [in instruments] pedaali
pedal {v} (to operate a pedal) :: polkea
pedal car {n} (toy car with pedals) :: polkuauto
pedalo {n} /ˈpɛdələʊ/ (small boat propelled by pedals) :: polkuvene
pedant {n} /ˈpɛdənt/ (person overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning) :: saivartelija, viisastelija, pedantti
pedant {n} (person who emphasizes their knowledge through strict adherence to rules of vocabulary and grammar) :: viisastelija, saivartelija
pedantic {adj} /pəˈdæn.tɪk/ (like a pedant) :: pedanttinen, pikkumainen, pikkutarkka
pedantic {adj} (being showy of one's knowledge) :: pedanttinen, rikkiviisas
pedantic {adj} (being finicky with language) :: pedanttinen, sanatarkka, kirjaimellinen
pedantical {adj} (pedantic) SEE: pedantic ::
pedantry {n} /ˈpɛd.ən.tɹi/ (excessive attention to detail or rules) :: pikkutarkkuus, pedanttisuus, saivartelu
pedantry {n} (instance of being pedantic) :: viisastelu, saivartelu
pedantry {n} (overly ambitious display of learning) :: viisastelu, rikkiviisaus
peddle {v} /ˈpɛdəl/ (to sell things, especially door to door) :: kaupustella, kaupitella
peddle {v} (to sell illegal narcotics) :: diilata [slang], välittää [common language]
peddle {v} (to spread or cause to spread) :: levittää
peddler {n} (itinerant seller of small goods) :: kulkukauppias, kaupustelija
peddler {n} (drug dealer) SEE: drug dealer ::
pederast {n} /ˈpɛd.ɚ.ɹæst/ (practitioner of pederasty) :: pederasti
pederastic {adj} (relating or pertaining to pederasty) :: pederastinen
pederasty {n} /ˈpɛd.ə.ɹæs.ti/ (pederasty) :: pederastia
pederasty {n} (archaic: homosexual anal sex) SEE: sodomy ::
pedestal {n} /ˈpɛdɪstəl/ (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like) :: jalusta
pedestal fan {n} (electric oscillating fan) :: jalkatuuletin
pedestrian {adj} /pəˈdɛst.ɹi.ən/ (of or intended for pedestrians) :: jalankulku, jalka
pedestrian {adj} (ordinary) :: mitäänsanomaton
pedestrian {n} (somebody walking rather than using a vehicle) :: jalankulkija
pedestrian crossing {n} (place for pedestrians to cross a street) :: suojatie
pedestrian island {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island ::
pedestrian precinct {n} (area for pedestrians) :: jalankulkualue
pedestrian refuge {n} (refuge island) SEE: refuge island ::
pediatrician {n} /ˌpidi.əˈtɹɪʃən/ (physician who specialises in pediatrics) :: lastenlääkäri
pediatrics {n} (branch of medicine) :: lastentautioppi, pediatria
pedicab {n} /ˈpɛdiˌkæb/ (vehicle) :: polkupyörätaksi
pedicel {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪs.əl/ (stalk of an individual flower) :: kukkaperä
pedicure {n} (superficial cosmetic treatment of the feet and toenails) :: pedikyyri
pedigree {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪ.ɡɹi/ (chart of ancestors) :: sukutaulu, kantakirja
pediment {n} /ˈpɛd.ɪ.mənt/ (architectural element) :: päätykolmio, frontoni
pedipalp {n} (appendage) :: pedipalppi, leukajalka
pedology {n} (soil science) :: pedologia
pedology {n} (study of children's behaviour) :: pedologia
pedometer {n} /pɪˈdɑː.mə.t̬ɚ/ (device) :: askelmittari
pedophile {n} /ˈpɛ.dəˌfaɪl/ (an adult who is sexually attracted to children) :: pedofiili
pedophilia {n} /ˌpɛ.dəˈə/ (sexual feeling or desire by adults towards children) :: pedofilia
pedophilia {n} ([medicine] sexual feeling or desire by adults or older adolescents towards prepubescent children) :: pedofilia
pedophilia {n} (sexual acts between adults and children) :: pedofilia
pedophilic {adj} (of, relating to, or pertaining to pedophilia) :: pedofiilinen
pee {n} /piː/ :: pissa, pisu, pissi
pee {v} :: pissata, pisauttaa
pee {n} (name of the letter P, p) :: pee
peek {v} /piːk/ (To look slyly, or with the eyes half closed, or through a crevice; to peep) :: kurkistaa
peek {v} (To be only slightly, partially visible) :: pilkottaa, pilkistää
peek {v} (computing: To retrieve the value from a memory address) :: hakea, lukea
peekaboo {n} (game for small children) :: kurkistusleikki
peekaboo {adj} (of clothing, with holes, slits, or transparent fabric) :: paljastava [revealing]
peel {v} /piːl/ (to remove skin) :: kuoria
peel {v} (to remove the outer layer) :: kuoria
peel {v} (to come away, especially in flakes or strips) :: kuoriutua
peel {v} (to remove one's clothing) :: riisuutua
peel {n} (skin of a fruit) :: kuori
peel {n} (cosmetic preparation) :: kuorintavoide
peel {n} (spadelike implement for removing loaves from an oven) :: leipälapio
peeler {n} /ˈpiːlɚ/ (person who peels food) :: kuorija
peeler {n} (kitchen utensil) :: kuorimaveitsi
peen {n} /piːn/ (end of the head of a hammer opposite the main hammering end) :: haarapää [wedge-shaped]; pallopää, kuulapää [spherical]
pee one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself ::
peep {n} /pip/ (quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird) :: piipitys
peep {n} (feeble utterance or complaint) :: pihaus, hiiskaus
peep {v} (make a noise like a baby bird) :: piipittää
peep {v} (speak briefly with a quiet voice) :: kuiskata
peep {v} (to look) :: vilkuilla, vilkaista
peep {n} (look) :: vilkaisu
peep {n} (sandpiper) SEE: sandpiper ::
pee-pee {n} (childish: urine) SEE: wee-wee ::
pee-pee {n} (childish: genitalia) SEE: wee-wee ::
peephole {n} /pʰiphoʊɫ/ (hole) :: ovisilmä; kurkistusreikä, kurkistusaukko, kurkistusluukku
peeping tom {n} (person who secretly watches someone to gain sexual pleasure) :: tirkistelijä, voyeuristi
peepshow {n} (sex show) :: peepshow
peepul {n} (Ficus religiosa) SEE: sacred fig ::
peer {v} /pɪə/ (to look with difficulty or as if searching) :: tiirailla, tähyillä
peer {n} /pɪə/ (someone or something of equal level) :: vertainen
peer {n} (someone of same age) :: ikätoveri
peer {n} (noble) :: pääri
peer {n} (comrade, companion, associate) :: toveri
peerless {adj} (without peer or equal) :: verraton, vertaansa vailla oleva
peer pressure {n} (encouragement by one's peers) :: ryhmäpaine
peer review {n} (scholarly process) :: vertaisarviointi
peer-reviewed journal {n} :: vertaisarvioitu tiedejulkaisu, vertaisarvioitu julkaisu
peer-to-peer {adj} (of a social network of equal partners able to conduct business without using a middle man) :: keskinäinen, vertainen
peer-to-peer {adj} (of a network of two or more computers connected as equal partners) :: vertaisverkko-
peeve {n} /piːv/ (annoyance or grievance) :: riesa, kiusa
peeve {v} (annoy; vex) :: ärsyttää, pänniä, ottaa päähän
peevish {adj} /ˈpivɪʃ/ (constantly complaining) :: mariseva
peg {n} /pɛɡ/ (a cylindrical object) :: tappi
peg {n} (a protrusion used to hang things on) :: naula [esp. for clothes], tappi
Pegasus {prop} (mythical winged horse) :: Pegasus
Pegasus {prop} (constellation) :: Pegasus
pegbox {n} (part of a stringed instrument) :: tappirasia
Pe̍h-ōe-jī {n} (a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Nan) :: Pe̍h-ōe-jī -ortografia
Pei-ching {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
Peipus {prop} /ˈpaɪpəs/ (lake in Estonia/Russia) :: Peipsijärvi
pejorative {adj} /pəˈdʒɔɹəɾɪv/ (disparaging, belittling or derogatory) :: halventava, väheksyvä, alentava
pejorative {n} (disparaging, belittling or derogatory word or expression) :: pejoratiivi, haukkumasana
pejoratively {adv} (pejorative manner) :: halveksuen, halveksien, halventavasti
pekan {n} (fisher) SEE: fisher ::
Peking {prop} (Beijing) SEE: Beijing ::
Peking duck {n} (dish consisting of duck and pancake) :: Pekingin ankka
Pekingese {n} (someone from Beijing) :: pekingiläinen, beijingiläinen
Pekingese {n} (dog) :: kiinanpalatsikoira, pekingeesi
Peking Man {prop} (Homo erectus pekinensis) :: pekinginihminen
Peking opera {n} (form of Chinese theatre) :: Pekingin ooppera
Peking willow {n} (Salix babylonica) SEE: weeping willow ::
pelagic {adj} /pəˈlædʒɪk/ (living in the open sea) :: pelaginen
pelagically {adv} (in a pelagic way) :: pelagisesti
pelargonium {n} (flower of the genus Pelargonium) :: pelargoni
peled {n} (Coregonus peled) :: peledsiika
pelican {n} /ˈpɛl.ɪ.kən/ (any of various seabirds of the family Pelecanidae) :: pelikaani
pelican crossing {n} (type of pedestrian crossing) :: valo-ohjattu suojatie
pelite {n} ( A sedimentary rock containing very fine particles) :: peliitti
Pelkosenniemi {prop} (municipality) :: Pelkosenniemi
pellagra {n} /pɪˈlaɡɹə/ (disease) :: pellagra
pellet {n} /ˈpɛlɪt/ (A small, compressed, hard chunk of matter) :: pelletti
pellet {n} (A lead projectile used as ammunition in rifled air guns) :: luoti
pellet {n} (Compressed byproduct of digestion regurgitated by owls) :: oksennuspallo
pelletize {v} (to form into pellets) :: pelletoida
pelmeni {n} (Russian dumplings) :: pelmeni
Peloponnese {prop} /pɛləpəˈniːs/ (region of Greece) :: Peloponnesos
pelorus {n} /pɪˈlɔːɹəs/ (device to take bearing) :: suuntimalevy
peloton {n} (main group of riders in a cycling race) :: pääjoukko
pelt {n} /pɛlt/ (skin of a beast with the hair on) :: vuota [raw], talja [preserved]
pelt {n} (human skin, see also: skin) :: nahka, iho
pelt {v} (to bombard) :: pommittaa
pelt {v} (to throw) :: heittää, heitellä; paskata, paiskoa [with force]
pelt {v} (to rain heavily) :: sataa kaatamalla
pelt {v} (to throw out words) :: paasata, pauhata, raivota
pelt {v} (to beat or hit repeatedly) :: hakata, pieksää, piestä
pelt {v} (to move rapidly) :: rynnätä, sännätä, syöksyä
Peltier effect {n} (thermodynamic effect) :: Peltier'n ilmiö
pelvic {adj} /ˈpɛlvɪk/ (of, pertaining to, or in the region of, the pelvis; as, pelvic cellulitis) :: lantio-
pelvic diaphragm {n} (pelvic floor) SEE: pelvic floor ::
pelvic fin {n} (either of a pair of fins) :: vatsaevä
pelvic floor {n} (muscular partition) :: lantionpohja
pelvis {n} /ˈpɛlvɪs/ (bone) :: lantiorengas
pemmican {n} /ˈpɛmɪkən/ (food mixture) :: pemmikaani
pen {n} (wing) SEE: wing ::
pen {n} /pɛn/ (enclosure (enclosed area) for animals) :: karsina, tarha
pen {n} (prison cell) :: selli, häkki
pen {v} (to enclose) :: karsinoida, sulkea selliin/karsinaan
pen {n} (writing tool) :: kynä, mustekynä
pen {n} (writer, or his style) :: kynäilijä [writer], kynä [style]
pen {n} (internal cartilage skeleton of a squid) :: selkäkilpi
pen {n} (flight feather) :: lentosulka
pen {v} (to write) :: kynäillä
pen {n} (female swan) :: naarasjoutsen
pen {n} ((baseball) bullpen) SEE: bullpen ::
pen {n} (light pen) SEE: light pen ::
penal code {n} (penal code) SEE: criminal code ::
penal colony {n} (colonial territory) :: rangaistussiirtola, työsiirtola
penalize {v} /ˈpiː.nəl.aɪz/ (to subject to a penalty) :: rangaista
penalize {v} (to impose a handicap on) :: rangaista
penalty {n} /ˈpɛnəlti/ (legal sentence) :: rangaistus
penalty {n} (punishment for violating rules of procedure) :: sopimussakko, sopimuskorvaus
penalty {n} (punishment in ice hockey) :: rangaistus, jäähy
penalty {n} (penalty kick) SEE: penalty kick ::
penalty area {n} (area on a soccer pitch) :: rangaistusalue
penalty box {n} (in ice hockey, enclosed bench for serving a penalty) :: rangaistusaitio, jäähyaitio
penalty box {n} (penalty area) SEE: penalty area ::
penalty goal {n} (goal scored from a penalty) :: rangaistusmaali
penalty kick {n} ((soccer) a form of direct free kick) :: rangaistuspotku, rangaistuslaukaus, [colloquial] rankkari
penalty kill {n} (period during the game) :: alivoimapeli
penalty rate {n} (higher than usual wage) :: työaikakorvaus
penalty shootout {n} (a series of penalty kicks) :: rangaistuslaukauskilpailu [ice hockey], rangaistuspotkukilpailu [association football / soccer]
penalty unit {n} (amount used as a basis of a penalty fine) :: sakkoyksikkö
penchant {n} /ˈpɛnt͡ʃənt/ (taste, liking, or inclination (for)) :: mieltymys
pencil {n} /ˈpɛnsəl/ (graphite writing-instrument) :: lyijykynä
pencil box {n} (container for stationery) SEE: pencil case ::
pencil case {n} /ˈpɛnsəl ˌkeɪs/ (object purposed to contain stationery) :: penaali
pencil crayon {n} (pencil crayon) SEE: colored pencil ::
pencil in {v} (to make a tentative booking) :: tehdä alustava varaus
pencil pusher {n} (one who does office work) :: kynänpyörittäjä (pencil circler), konttorirotta
pencil sharpener {n} (device used to sharpen pencils) :: kynänteroitin
pencil stub {n} (tiny pencil) :: kynänpätkä
pencil tree {n} (Euphorbia tirucalli) SEE: naked lady ::
pend {n} /pɛnd/ (a large vaulted passageway) :: holvikäytävä
pendant {n} /ˈpɛnd(ə)nt/ (a piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck) :: riipus, vitja
pending {adj} /ˈpɛndɪŋ/ (awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation) :: avoin, ratkaisematon
pending {adj} (begun but not completed) :: vireillä oleva
pending {adj} (about to happen; imminent or impending) :: tulossa oleva
pen drive {n} (flash drive) SEE: flash drive ::
penduline tit {n} (bird) :: pussitiaiset
pendulous {adj} (hanging down) :: riippuva, roikkuva
pendulum {n} /ˈpɛnd͡ʒələm/ (body suspended from a fixed support) :: heiluri
pendulum clock {n} (clock that uses a pendulum) :: heilurikello
penetrate {v} /ˈpɛnɪtɹeɪt/ (enter into) :: tunkeutua, työntyä
penetrate {v} (insert the penis into an opening, such as a vagina) :: penetroida
penetrating {adj} /ˈpɛnɪtɹeɪtɪŋ/ (able to pierce or penetrate) :: läpitunkeva, viiltävä
penetrating {adj} (demonstrating keen understanding) :: viiltävä, syvällinen
penetration {n} /pɛnɪˈtɹeɪʃ(ə)n/ (act of penetrating) :: läpäisy, lävistys
penfriend {n} (person with whom one exchanges letters) SEE: pen pal ::
peng {n} (enormous bird of Chinese myth) SEE: roc ::
penguin {n} /ˈpɛŋɡwɪn/ (flightless sea bird) :: pingviini
penholder {n} (a device for storing pens) :: kynäteline
penicillin {n} /ˌpɛnɪˈsɪlɪn/ (penicillin) :: penisilliini
penile duplication {n} (diphallia) SEE: diphallia ::
peninsula {n} /pəˈnɪn.sjə.lə/ (piece of land projecting into water) :: niemimaa
penis {n} /ˈpinɪs/ :: siitin, penis; [colloquial] elin, kalu
penis {n} (penis) SEE: member ::
penis envy {n} (unconscious desire) :: peniskateus
penisless {adj} (without a penis) :: peniksetön
penis pump {n} (tubelike device placed over the penis) :: penispumppu
penis worm {n} (marine worm of the phylum Priapulida) :: makkaramato
penitence {n} (condition of being penitent) :: katumus
penitent {adj} /ˈpɛnɪtənt/ (Feeling pain or sorrow on account of sins or offenses; repentant; contrite; sincerely affected by a sense of guilt, and resolved on amendment of life) :: katuvainen, katuva
penitent {n} (one who repents of sin) :: katumuksentekijä
penknife {n} (small pocketknife) :: linkkuveitsi
penlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic of a pen) :: kynämäinen
penmanship {n} (art of good handwriting) :: kaunokirjoitus
pen name {n} (writer's pseudonym) :: nimimerkki, kirjailijanimi
pennant {n} /ˈpɛnənt/ (flag on ship to represent special condition) :: viiri
penniless {adj} /ˈpɛ.nɪ.ləs/ (utterly without money) :: pennitön
Pennsylvania {prop} /ˌpɛnsɪlˈveɪni.ə/ (US state) :: Pennsylvania
Pennsylvanian {n} (resident of Pennsylvania) :: pennsylvanialainen
Pennsylvanian {n} (geology: Pennsylvanian epoch) :: myöhäiskivihiilikausi
Pennsylvanian {adj} (of or pertaining to Pennsylvania) :: pennsylvanialainen
Pennsylvanian {adj} (geology: of a Pennsylvanian epoch) :: myöhäiskivihiilikautinen
penny {n} /ˈpɛ.ni/ (1/100 of a pound sterling or British pound) :: penny
penny {n} (one-cent coin in US and Canada) SEE: cent ::
penny bun {n} (Boletus edulis) SEE: porcini ::
pennycress {n} (plant of the genus Thlaspi) :: taskuruoho
penny farthing {n} (bicycle) :: velosipedi
penny for your thoughts {phrase} /ˈpɛn.i fɔɹ jʊɹ ˈθɑts/ (inquiry into the thoughts) :: penni ajatuksistasi
penny pincher {n} (one who spends little money) :: penninvenyttäjä
pennyroyal {n} /pɛnɪˈɹɔɪəl/ (Mentha pulegium) :: puolanminttu
penny stock {n} (highly speculative stock) :: senttiosake
pennywhistle {n} (instrument) :: tinapilli
penny wise and pound foolish {adj} (thrifty with small amounts of money but wasteful with large amounts) :: pikkuasioissa tarkka mutta suurissa tuhlaavainen
pennywort {n} (Umbilicus rupestris) :: napalehti
pen pal {n} (friend with whom one communicates using letters) :: kirjekaveri, kirjeenvaihtotoveri, kirjeystävä
pen-pusher {n} (person who performs routine office work) SEE: pencil pusher ::
Penrose staircase {n} (Penrose stairs) SEE: Penrose stairs ::
Penrose stairs {n} (endless staircase) :: Penrosen portaat
Penrose steps {n} (Penrose stairs) SEE: Penrose stairs ::
pension {n} /ˈpɛnʃ(ə)n/ (regular payment due to a person in consideration of past services) :: eläke
pension {n} (boarding house) :: matkakoti, majatalo
pension {v} (to force to retire) :: siirtää eläkkeelle
pensioner {n} /ˈpɛnʃənɚ/ (someone who lives on a pension) :: eläkeläinen
pensioner {n} (someone at typical age for a pensioner) SEE: senior citizen ::
pension fund {n} (pool of assets) :: eläkerahasto
pensive {adj} /ˈpɛn.sɪv/ (having the appearance of thinking) :: mietteliäs
pensive {adj} (looking thoughtful or sad) :: mietteliäs
penstock {n} (sluice or pipe) :: tulokanava
pentachloride {n} (pentachloride) :: pentakloridi
pentaerythritol tetranitrate {n} (explosive) :: pentriitti
pentafluoride {n} (compound that contains five fluorine atoms) :: pentafluoridi
pentagon {n} /ˈpɛn.tə.ɡɑn/ (a polygon with five sides and five angles) :: viisikulmio, pentagoni
Pentagon {prop} /ˈpɛntəɡɑn/ (headquarters of the United States of America's Department of Defense) :: Pentagon
pentagram {n} (shape of five-pointed star) :: pentagrammi, viisikanta
pentahedron {n} /ˌpɛntaˈhiːdɹən/ (solid geometric figure) :: pentaedri
pentalogy {n} (series of five related works of art) :: pentalogia
pentameter {n} (line in a poem) :: pentametri
pentameter {n} (poetic metre) :: pentametri
pentane {n} (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C5H12) :: pentaani
pentanoic acid {n} (valeric acid) SEE: valeric acid ::
pentanol {n} (isomer) :: amyylialkoholi
pentasyllabic {adj} /ˌpɛn.tə.sɪˈlæb.ɪk/ (having five syllables) :: viisitavuinen
Pentateuch {prop} /ˈpɛn.təˌtjuːk/ (first five books of the Bible) :: pentateukki
pentathlete {n} /ˈpɛn.tæθ.lit/ (An athlete who competes in the pentathlon) :: viisiottelija
pentathlon {n} (ancient pentathlon) :: antiikin viisiottelu
pentathlon {n} (modern pentathlon) :: nykyaikainen viisiottelu
pentatomic {adj} (having five atoms in each molecule) :: viisiatominen
pentatonic {adj} (based on five notes) :: pentatoninen, viisisävelinen
pentatonic scale {n} (scale having five notes) :: pentatoninen asteikko, viisisävelinen asteikko
pentavalent {adj} (having a valence of 5) :: viisiarvoinen
Pentecost {prop} /ˈpɛntɪkɔst/ (Jewish festival) :: helluntai
Pentecost {prop} (Christian festival) :: helluntai
Pentecostal {n} (a member of a Pentecostal church) :: helluntailainen, [colloquial, somewhat derogatory] helluntalainen
Pentecostalism {n} (Christian religious movement) :: helluntailaisuus
penthouse {n} /ˈpɛnthaʊs/ (an outhouse or other structure attached to the outside wall of a building) :: kylkirakennus
penthouse {n} (an apartment or suite on the top floor of a tall building) :: kattohuoneisto
penthouse {n} (any of the sloping roofs at the side of a real tennis court) :: katsomon katto
pentice {n} (extension of a building's roof) :: katos
pentode {n} (thermionic valve) :: pentodi
pentoic acid {n} (valeric acid) SEE: valeric acid ::
pentose {n} (saccharide containing five carbon atoms) :: pentoosi
pentoxide {n} (oxide containing five oxygen atoms) :: pentoksidi
pent roof {n} (sloping roof with a singular surface) :: pulpettikatto
pent roof {n} (short roof appended to the side of a building) :: sivukatos
pent roof {n} (engine type) :: vinokone
pentroof {n} (pent roof) SEE: pent roof ::
penult {n} /ˈpiːˌnʌlt/ (next-to-last syllable of a word) :: penultima
penultimate {adj} /pɪˈnʌltɪmət/ (next-to-last in a sequence) :: toiseksi viimeinen, viimeistä edellinen
penultimate {n} (something right before the last one) :: toiseksi viimeinen, viimeistä edellinen
penumbra {n} /pəˈnʌmbɹə/ (partially shaded area around a shadow, especially an eclipse) :: puolivarjo, penumbra
penumbra {n} (region around a sunspot) :: penumbra
peony {n} /ˈpiːəni/ (Paeonia genus of flowering plants) :: pioni
people {n} /ˈpipəl/ (a body of human beings; a group of two or more persons) :: väki, ihmiset {p}
people {n} (a group of persons forming or belonging to a particular nation etc.) :: kansa, väestö
people {n} (a group of persons regarded as being employees etc.) :: väki, henkilökunta
people {n} (a person's ancestors, relatives or family) :: suku, sukulaiset
people {n} (the mass of community as distinguished from a special class) :: kansa
people {v} (to fill with people) :: asuttaa
people {v} (to become populous) :: lisääntyä
people {v} (to inhabit, to occupy) :: asua
peoplehood {n} (collective sense of being part of a distinct people) :: kansallistunto
people mover {n} (automated mass transit system) :: automaattijuna, automaattimetro
people person {n} (one who interacts skilfully with others) :: sosiaalinen henkilö
people's army {n} (communist-based military organization) :: kansanarmeija
people's commune {n} (administrative area) :: kansankommuuni
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria {prop} (official name of Algeria) :: Algerian demokraattinen kansantasavalta
People's Democratic Republic of Yemen {prop} (South Yemen) :: Jemenin demokraattinen kansantasavalta
people's house {n} (leisure and cultural centre) :: seurantalo, työväentalo
People's Liberation Army {prop} (army branch) :: Kansan vapautusarmeija
people smuggler {n} (person who engages in people smuggling) :: ihmissalakuljettaja
people smuggling {n} (smuggling of people) SEE: human smuggling ::
people's republic {n} (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments) :: kansantasavalta
People's Republic of Angola {prop} (socialist state) :: Angolan kansantasavalta
People's Republic of Bangladesh {prop} (People's Republic of Bangladesh) :: Bangladeshin kansantasavalta
People's Republic of China {prop} (official name of China) :: Kiinan kansantasavalta
People's Republic of Mozambique {prop} (communist state) :: Mosambikin kansantasavalta
People's Republic of the Congo {prop} (African socialist state) :: Kongon kansantasavalta
peoplewatching {n} (observing people as a recreational activity) :: ihmisten tarkkailu, ihmisten katselu
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones {proverb} (one shouldn't criticize others for having the same fault) :: lasitalossa asuvan ei pitäisi heitellä kiviä
pepino melon {n} (Solanum muricatum) :: päärynämeloni
pepo {n} /ˈpi.poʊ/ (kind of fruit) :: kurkku, meloni, kurpitsa (no single word covering all)
pepo {n} (plant producing such a fruit) :: kurkkukasvi
pepper {n} /ˈpɛpɚ/ (plant) :: pippuri
pepper {n} (spice) :: pippuri
pepper {n} (fruit of the capsicum) :: [mild] paprika, [strong] chili, chilipippuri
pepper {v} (add pepper to) :: pippuroida
pepper {v} (strike with small particles) :: suolata
pepper {v} (add at frequent intervals) :: höystää
peppercorn {n} /ˈpɛpəkɔːn/ (the seeds of the plant Piper nigrum) :: pippuri, pippurinmarja
peppercorn {n} (a small, insignificant quantity) :: mitätön määrä
peppered {adj} (speckled) SEE: speckled ::
pepper mill {n} (a small handheld grinder) :: pippurimylly
peppermint {n} /ˈpɛpɚˌmɪnt/ (herb) :: piparminttu
peppermint {n} (confection) :: piparminttukaramelli
pepper shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold pepper and facilitate sprinkling it) :: pippurisirotin
pepper spray {n} (non-lethal riot-control agent) :: pippurisumute, paprikasumutin
pepperwort {n} /ˈpɛpəwəːt/ (plant in the genus Lepidium) :: krassi
Pepsi {prop} /ˈpɛpsi/ (the brand of drink) :: Pepsi
pepsin {n} /ˈpɛpsɪn/ (digestive enzyme) :: pepsiini
pep talk {n} /ˈpɛp ˌtɔk/ (a rallying speech made to instill enthusiasm) :: kannustuspuhe
peptic ulcer {n} (ulcer) :: mahahaava, vatsahaava
peptide {n} (class of organic compounds) :: peptidi
peptide bond {n} (amine bond) :: peptidisidos
peptization {n} (reaction) :: peptisoituminen
per {prep} /pɝ/ (for each) :: per, jokaiselta
per {prep} (used in expressing ratios of units) :: per, -ssa [inessive case]
per {prep} (via) :: kautta
per {prep} (in accordance with) :: mukaisesti
perambulator {n} (pram) SEE: pram ::
per annum {prep} (in a year) :: vuosittain, joka vuosi
per annum {prep} (for each year) :: vuosittain, vuodessa
PE ratio {n} (price-earnings ratio) SEE: price-earnings ratio ::
P-E ratio {n} (price-earnings ratio) SEE: price-earnings ratio ::
per capita {adj} (per person) :: henkilöä kohti, asukasta kohti
perceivable {adj} (capable of being perceived) :: havaittava
perceive {v} /pəˈsiːv/ (to understand) :: huomata, havaita, tajuta, oivaltaa, hahmottaa
percent {n} /pɚˈsɛnt/ (a part or other object per hundred) :: prosentti, sadasosa
percentage {n} /pəˈsɛntɪd͡ʒ/ (part of a whole) :: prosenttiosuus, prosentti, prosenttiluku
percentage {n} (share of the profits) :: prosenttiosuus, prosentti, osuus
percentage {n} (informal: advantage) :: hyöty
percentage point {n} (unit of the difference of two percentages) :: prosenttiyksikkö
percentage rate {n} (coefficient) :: prosentuaalinen muutosvauhti
percentile {n} (any of the ninety-nine points) :: persentiili
percentile {n} (any one of the hundred groups so divided) :: persentiili
percentual {adj} (expressed as a percentage) :: prosentuaalinen
percentually {adv} (proportionately in percents) :: prosentuaalisesti
percentwise {adj} (in percentage terms) :: prosentuaalinen
percentwise {adv} (in percentage terms) :: prosentuaalisesti
perception {n} /pɚˈsɛpʃ(ə)n/ (conscious understanding of something) :: havainnointi, havaintokyky
perception {n} (vision (ability)) :: näkökyky, näkö
perception {n} (that which is detected by the five senses) :: aistimus, havainto
perception {n} (acuity) SEE: acuity ::
perceptive {adj} /pəˈsɛptɪv/ (having or showing keenness of perception, insight, understanding, or intuition) :: havaintokykyinen, tarkkanäköinen, terävä
perceptual {adj} (relating to perception) :: aisti-
perch {n} /pɝtʃ/ (fish of the genus Perca) :: ahven
perch {n} (fish in the taxonomic family Percidae) :: ahven
perch {n} (fish in the taxonomic order Perciformes) :: ahvenkala, ahven
perch {n} (rod used by bird) :: orsi
perch {v} (to rest on a perch, to roost) :: istua orrella
perch {v} (to stay in an elevated position) :: olla korkealla
perch {v} (to place something on a perch) :: ripustaa, panna orrelle
perch {v} (to inspect cloth using a perch) :: tarkastaa
perchlorate {n} (salt) :: perkloraatti
perchloric acid {n} (strong acid) :: perkloorihappo
perciform {n} (fish) :: ahvenkala
percolate {v} /ˈpəɹkəleɪt/ ((transitive) pass a liquid through a porous substance) :: suodattaa
percolate {v} ((intransitive) drain through a porous substance) :: siivilöityä, tihkua läpi
percolation {n} (seepage or filtration of a liquid) :: tihkuminen, perkolaatio
percolator {n} /ˈpɝkəleɪtɚ/ (coffee brewing device) :: perkolaattori, pulputuspannu
percussion {n} /pɚˈkʌʃən/ (collision producing a sound) :: lyönti
percussion {n} (sound produced by collision) :: lyöntiääni
percussion {n} (medicine: tapping of the body) :: koputtelu
percussion {n} (music: section of percussion instruments) :: lyömäsoittimet {p}, lyömäsoitinryhmä
percussion {n} (engineering: repeated striking) :: tärytys
percussion cap {n} (metal cap on muzzleloading firearms) :: nallihattu
percussion fuse {n} (type of fuse) :: iskusytytin
percussion instrument {n} (type of instrument) :: lyömäsoitin
percussionist {n} (musician) :: lyömäsoittaja, perkussionisti
percutaneous {adj} /pɜːkjuːˈteɪnɪəs/ (taking place through the skin) :: perkutaaninen
per diem {n} (daily stipend) :: päiväraha
per diem {n} (daily allowable limit for expendables) :: päiväannos, päiväkiintiö
perdition {n} /pɜː(ɹ).ˈdɪ.ʃən/ (eternal damnation) :: kadotus
perdition {n} (hell) :: helvetti
perdition {n} (absolute ruin) :: tuho
peregrination {n} /ˌpɛɹɪɡɹɪˈneɪʃən/ (journey by foot) :: vaellus
peregrine falcon {n} /ˈpɛɹəɡɹɪn ˈfælkən/ (Falco peregrinus) :: muuttohaukka, jalohaukka
peremptory {adj} /pəˈɹɛmptəɹi/ ((law) Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal) :: lopullinen
peremptory {adj} (Positive in opinion or judgment; decided, dogmatic) :: ehdoton
peremptory {adj} ((obsolete) Firmly determined; obstinate) :: ehdoton
perennial {adj} /pəˈɹɛni.əl/ (lasting or remaining active throughout the year, or all the time) :: ympärivuotinen
perennial {adj} ((of a plant) Having a life cycle of more than two years) :: monivuotinen
perennial {adj} (continuing without cessation or intermission; perpetual; permanent; unceasing; never failing) :: jatkuva
perennial {adj} (enduring; lasting; timeless) :: ajaton
perennial {adj} (recurrent; appearing or recurring again and again) :: toistuva
perennial {n} (perennial plant) :: perenna, monivuotinen kasvi
perennialize {v} (to return as perennial) :: perennoida
perestroika {prop} /pɛɹ.ɪˈstɹɔi.kə/ (reform in the Soviet Union in 1980s) :: perestroika [of the Soviet Union], uudelleenrakentaminen [more general term]
perfect {adj} /ˈpɝfɪkt/ (fitting its definition precisely) :: täydellinen
perfect {adj} (having all of its parts in harmony with a common purpose) :: täydellinen
perfect {adj} (without fault or mistake) :: täydellinen, virheetön
perfect {adj} (thoroughly skilled or talented) :: taitava, täydellinen, mestarillinen
perfect {adj} (excellent and delightful in all respects) :: täydellinen, suurenmoinen
perfect {adj} (grammar: of a tense or verb form: representing a completed action) :: perfektinen, perfekti-
perfect {adj} (biology: sexually mature and fully differentiated) :: kypsä
perfect {adj} (botany: having both male and female parts) :: kaksineuvoinen, täydellinen
perfect {adj} (music: interval or any compound interval of a unison, octave, or fourths and fifths that are not tritones.) :: täydellinen
perfect {v} /pɚˈfɛkt/ (make perfect) :: tehdä täydelliseksi
perfect fifth {n} (interval between the first and second overtones or of seven semitones) :: puhdas kvintti
perfection {n} /pɚˈfɛkʃən/ (being perfect) :: täydellisuus
perfectionism {n} (a dislike for anything less than perfection) :: perfektionismi
perfectionist {n} (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect) :: perfektionisti
perfectionist {adj} (inclined or related to perfectionism) :: perfektionistinen
perfectionistic {adj} (perfectionist) SEE: perfectionist ::
perfectitude {n} (perfection) SEE: perfection ::
perfective aspect {n} (grammatical term) :: perfektiivinen aspekti
perfectly {adv} /ˈpɝfɪktli/ (with perfection) :: täydellisesti
perfectly {adv} (wholly, completely) :: täysin, täydellisen, kaikin puolin
perfectness {n} (quality of being perfect) :: täydellisyys
perfect number {n} (a number that is the sum of all of its divisors except itself) :: täydellinen luku
perfect pitch {n} (ability) :: absoluuttinen sävelkorva
perfect pitch {n} (exact pitch) SEE: absolute pitch ::
perfect tense {n} (verb form indicating that an action has been completed) :: perfektimuoto
perfidious {adj} /pɚˈfɪdi.əs/ (pertaining to perfidy) :: petollinen
perfidy {n} /ˈpɝ.fɪ.di/ (the act of violating faith or allegiance.) :: petollisuus, kavaluus
perfidy {n} (in warfare) :: sotapetos
perfin {n} (perforated initial) :: reijite
perforate {adj} (perforated) SEE: perforated ::
perforate {v} (to pierce or penetrate) :: rei’ittää, lävistää, puhkaista
perforate {v} (to make a line of holes) :: rei’ittää
perforated {adj} (having a series of holes) :: rei'itetty, perforoitu
perforator {n} (hole punch) SEE: hole punch ::
perforator {n} (machine that bores) :: pora
perform {v} /pəˈfɔːm/ (to do something) :: suorittaa, tehdä
perform {v} (to do something in front of an audience) :: esittää
performance {n} /pɚ.ˈfɔɹ.məns/ (the act of performing; carrying into execution or action; accomplishment) :: suoritus
performance {n} (that which is performed or accomplished) :: suoritus, saavutus
performance {n} (live show or concert) :: esitys, esiintyminen, näytäntö, näytös
performance {n} (amount of useful work accomplished) :: suorituskyky
performance anxiety {n} (anxiety about performing in front of an audience) SEE: stage fright ::
performance anxiety {n} (anxiety about the impressiveness of one's sexual performance) :: suorituspaine
performance art {n} (a form of art) :: performanssitaide
performance management {n} (process of ensuring that organisational goals are met) :: suorituskyvyn johtaminen
performer {n} /pɚˈfɔɹmɚ/ (performer, see also: actor; singer; musician) :: esiintyjä
performing arts {n} (arts involving performance) :: esittävät taiteet {p}
perfume {n} /pɚˈfjuːm/ (pleasant smell) :: tuoksu
perfume {n} (substance providing a pleasant smell) :: hajuste, hajuvesi, parfyymi
perfume {v} (to apply perfume to) :: hajustaa, parfymoida
perfumer {n} /pəˈfjuːmə/ (person who makes or sells perfume) :: hajuvesimyyjä, parfymisti
perfumery {n} (shop selling perfumes) :: parfymeria
perfunctorily {adv} /pəɹˈfʌŋkt(ə)ɹɪli/ (in a perfunctory manner) :: puolihuolimattomasti, pintapuolisesti
perfunctory {adj} /pɚˈfʌŋk.tɚ.i/ (performed out of routine, with little care) :: rutiininomainen, pintapuolinen, puolihuolimaton
perfuse {v} (to permeate or suffuse) :: virrata läpi
perfusion {n} /pəɹˈfjuʒən/ (act of perfusing) :: perfuusio, läpivirtaus
pergola {n} /ˈpɜːɡələ/ (framework) :: pergola
perhaps {adv} /pɚˈhæps/ (indicating a lack of certainty) :: ehkä, mahdollisesti, kenties
perianth {n} (sterile parts of a flower) :: kehä
periapse {n} (periapsis) SEE: periapsis ::
periapsis {n} :: periapsis
pericardium {n} (serous membrane that surrounds the heart) :: sydänpussi, pericardium
pericarp {n} /ˈpɛɹɪˌkɑːp/ (outermost layer of a ripe fruit or ovary) :: perikarppi, hedelmän seinä
periclase {n} (a mineral, cubic magnesium oxide) :: periklaasi
Pericles {prop} /ˈpɛɹɪkliːz/ (Greek politician) :: Perikles {m}
pericope {n} /pəˈɹɪkəpi/ (section of text forming a coherent thought) :: perikooppi
pericope {n} (passage of religious Scripture) :: raamatunkohta
peridot {n} /ˈpɛɹɪdɒt/ (form of olivine) :: peridootti
peridotite {n} /pəˈɹɪd.əˌtaɪt/ (rock) :: peridotiitti
perigee {n} /ˈpɛɹədʒi/ (closest point in an orbit about the Earth) :: perigeum
perigee {n} (closest point in an orbit about a planet) :: periapsis
perigee {n} (closest point to the Earth) :: perigeum
periglacial {adj} /pɛɹɪˈɡleɪʃəl/ (pertaining to the area around the edge of a glacier) :: periglasiaalinen
perigone {n} (perianth) SEE: perianth ::
perihelion {n} (point where the planet or comet is nearest to the Sun) :: periheli
peril {n} /ˈpɛɹɪl/ (a situation of serious danger) :: vaara, vaaratilanne
peril {n} (something that causes, contains, or presents danger) :: vaara
perilla {n} /pəˈɹɪl.ə/ (East Asian herb) :: veripeippi
perilous {adj} /ˈpɛɹ.ɪ.ləs/ (dangerous, full of peril) :: vaarallinen, hengenvaarallinen
perilune {n} (point of lunar orbit that is closest to the Moon) :: periluni
perimeter {n} /pəˈɹɪmɪtə(ɹ)/ (sum of the distance of all the lengths of the sides of an object) :: kehä
perimeter {n} (outer limits of an area) :: ulkoreuna, reuna
perinatal {adj} (of or pertaining to the time around birth) :: perinataalinen
perineum {n} /ˌpɛɹ.ɪˈniː.əm/ (anatomical term) :: väliliha
period {n} /ˈpɪəɹɪəd/ (a length of time) :: jakso, ajanjakso, aika
period {n} (length of time for a disease to run its course) :: kestoaika
period {n} (end or conclusion; final point of a process) :: päätepiste
period {n} (history: period of time seen as coherent entity) :: aika, ajanjakso
period {n} (rhetoric: complete sentence) :: lause
period {n} (punctation mark “.”) :: piste
period {n} (length of time during which something repeats) :: jakso
period {n} (specific moment during a process) :: hetki, ajankohta
period {n} (section of an artist's career) :: kausi
period {n} (division of school day) :: tunti
period {n} (division of sports match) :: erä
period {n} (chemistry: row in the periodic table) :: jakso
period {n} (geology: subdivision of an era) :: kausi
period {interj} (and nothing else) :: piste
period {n} (menstruation) SEE: menstruation ::
periodic {adj} /ˌpɪɹiˈɒdɪk/ (relative to a period or periods) :: jaksollinen, aikakautinen
periodic {adj} (having repeated cycles) :: jaksollinen
periodic {adj} (occurring at regular intervals) :: säännöllinen, jaksollinen
periodic {adj} (periodical) :: jaksollinen, kausittainen
periodic {adj} ((astronomy) pertaining to the revolution of a celestial object in its orbit) :: jaksollinen
periodic {adj} ((mathematics) of a state) :: jaksollinen
periodical {n} (publication that appears at fixed intervals) :: aikakauslehti
periodical {n} (thematic publication) :: aikakausjulkaisu
periodically {adv} (intermittently) SEE: intermittently ::
periodically {adv} (in a regular, periodic manner) :: säännöllisesti
periodicity {n} (property of being periodic) :: jaksollisuus
periodic table {n} /ˌpɪɹiˈɒdɪk ˈteɪb(ə)l/ (tabular chart of the chemical elements) :: jaksollinen järjestelmä, alkuaineiden jaksollinen järjestelmä
periodize {v} /ˈpɪəɹɪəˌdaɪz/ (divide history into periods) :: jaksottaa
periodize {v} (split a training program into segments) :: jaksottaa
periodlike {adj} (resembling a period (time of menstruation)) :: kuukautismainen
periodogram {n} (graph used in harmonic analysis) :: periodogrammi
Perioikoi {n} /ˌpɛɹiˈɔɪkɔɪ/ (ancient inhabitant of Laconia) :: perioikit
perioperative {adj} (relating to operation) :: leikkaus-
periosteum {n} (membrane surrounding a bone) :: luukalvo
peripatetic {adj} /ˌpɛɹ.ɪ.pəˈtɛt.ɪk/ (walking about; itinerant) :: vaelteleva, kuljeskeleva
peripatetic {adj} (constantly traveling) :: vaeltava, jatkuvasti liikkeellä oleva
peripatetic {adj} (Having to do with Aristotle's philosophy or school of thought) :: peripateettinen
peripatetic {n} (one who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant) :: kulkija, vaeltaja
peripatetic {n} (Aristotelian) SEE: Aristotelian ::
peripatric {adj} (living in overlapping territories) :: peripatrinen
peripatric {adj} (living in overlapping territories wothout interbreeding) :: peripatrinen
peripheral {adj} /pəˈɹɪf(ə)ɹ(ə)l/ (on the periphery or boundary) :: ääri-, reuna-
peripheral {adj} (beside the point) :: toisarvoinen
peripheral {adj} (unimportant) :: toisarvoinen
peripheral {adj} (auxiliary) :: lisä-, oheis-
peripheral {n} (computing device) SEE: peripheral device ::
peripheral device {n} (device that is outside the computer's system unit) :: oheislaite
peripheral nervous system {n} (part of the nervous system which is not the central nervous system) :: ääreishermosto
peripheral vision {n} :: ääreisnäkö
periphery {n} /pəˈɹɪfəɹi/ (outside boundary, parts or surface) :: syrjäseutu
periphrase {n} (use of more words than necessary) SEE: periphrasis ::
periphrasis {n} /pəˈɹɪfɹəsɪs/ (use of a longer expression instead of a shorter one) :: perifraasi
periphyton {n} :: perifyton
periscope {n} (viewing device) :: periskooppi
perish {v} /ˈpɛɹɪʃ/ (to decay and disappear; to waste away to nothing) :: menehtyä
perish {v} (to die, to pass away, see also: die) :: menehtyä
perishable {n} (food that does not keep) :: tuoretuote
perishable {adj} (liable to perish) :: pilaantuva
perissodactyl {n} (odd-toed ungulate) :: kavioeläin
peristalsis {n} /ˌpɛɹɪˈstælsɪs/ (rhythmic contraction of the digestive tract) :: peristaltiikka
peristaltic {adj} /pɛr.ɪˈstal.tɪk/ (of or pertaining to peristalsis) :: peristalttinen
peritoneal {adj} (of, relating to or affecting the peritoneum) :: vatsakalvon, vatsakalvo-
peritoneal dialysis {n} (treatment for patients with severe chronic kidney disease) :: vatsakalvodialyysi
peritoneum {n} /ˌpɛɹ.ɪt.əˈniː.əm/ (serous membrane in mammals) :: vatsakalvo
peritonitis {n} (inflammation of the peritoneum) :: vatsakalvontulehdus, peritoniitti
peri-urban {adj} /ˌpɛɹ.ə.ˈɝ.bən/ (immediately adjoining an urban area) :: ympärys-, reuna-, reunus-, kehys-
periwinkle {n} /ˈpɛɹiˌwɪŋkəl/ (plant) :: talvio
perjure {v} /ˈpɜː(ɹ)dʒə(ɹ)/ (knowingly make a false statement of witness) :: vannoa väärä vala
perjurer {n} /ˈpəɹdʒəɹəɹ/ (Someone who has lied under oath) :: valapatto
perjury {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ)dʒəɹi/ (deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath) :: väärä vala, perätön lausuma
perk {n} /pɜː(r)k/ (perquisite) :: etu
perky {adj} /ˈpɝki/ (lively or enthusiastic) :: pirteä, pirtsakka, virkeä, terhakka
perky {adj} (standing upright; firm) :: terhakka, pysty
perlite {n} (perlite) :: perliitti
Perm {prop} (city in Russia) :: Perm
permafrost {n} /ˈpɝməˌfɹɔst/ (permanently frozen ground) :: ikirouta
permalink {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).mə.lɪŋk/ (static address) :: ikilinkki
permanence {n} /ˈpɜɹmənəns/ (the state of being permanent) :: pysyvyys
permanent {adj} /ˈpɝmənənt/ (without end) :: pysyvä, ikuinen, jatkuva, kestävä, vakituinen
permanent {adj} (lasting for an indefinitely long time) :: pysyvä, ikuinen, jatkuva, kestävä, vakituinen
permanent {n} (hair treatment) :: permanentti, kestokiharat
permanent {n} (sum over all permutations) :: permanentti
permanently {adv} /ˈpɝmənəntli/ (in a permanent manner) :: pysyvästi
permanent magnet {n} (material which retains its magnetism all the time) :: kestomagneetti
permanent residency {n} (visa status) :: pysyvä oleskelulupa
permanent resident {n} (person with permanent residency) :: pysyvän oleskeluluvan haltija
permanent wave {n} (series of waves in the hair) SEE: permanent ::
permanent wave {n} (physics: wave that does not change shape) :: seisova aalto
permanganate {n} (salt of permanganic acid) :: permanganaatti
permeability {n} /ˌpɝmi.əˈbɪlɪti/ ((physics) measure of magnetization of a material in the presence of a magnetic field) :: permeabiliteetti
permeable {adj} (that absorbs or allows the passage of fluids) :: läpäisevä
permease {n} (enzyme that transports membrane proteins) :: permeaasi
Permian {n} /ˈpəːmɪən/ (person) :: permiläinen
Permian {adj} (pertaining to the Permian period) :: permikautinen
Permian {prop} (Permian period) :: permikausi
Permic {prop} (group of Finnic languages) :: permiläiset kielet {p}
permille {n} /pə(ɹ)ˈmɪli/ (per thousand) :: promille
permission {n} /pəˈmɪʃən/ (authorisation) :: oikeus, lupa
permission {n} (act of permitting) :: lupa
permission {n} (in computing) :: oikeudet, käyttöoikeudet
permissive {adj} (lenient) :: salliva, suvaitsevainen
permit {v} /pɚˈmɪt/ (allow (something) to happen) :: sallia, antaa lupa
permit {n} (an artifact or document rendering something allowed or legal) :: lupa
permittivity {n} (property of a dielectric medium) :: permittiivisyys
permutation {n} (one-to-one mapping) :: permutaatio
permutation {n} (ordering of a set of distinct elements) :: permutaatio
permutation {n} (music: transformation of a set's prime form) :: permutaatio
permutation group {n} (group whose elements are permutations) :: permutaatioryhmä
permute {v} ((mathematics) to make a permutation) :: permutoida
pern {n} (honey buzzard) SEE: honey buzzard ::
pernicious {adj} /pəˈnɪʃəs/ (causing much harm) :: turmiollinen, haitallinen, tuhoisa
pernicious {adj} (causing death or injury) :: tappava
pernicious anemia {n} (severe form of anemia) :: näivetysveritauti
pernoctation {n} (an overnight stay) :: yöpyminen
pernoctation {n} (action or instance of walking about at night) :: yövartio
pernoctation {n} (Christianity: religious watch) :: yömessu
Peronism {prop} (the ideology of the presidents Perón) :: peronismi
perovskite {n} (a mineral, calcium titanate) :: perovskiitti
peroxide {n} (chemical compound with two oxygen atoms) :: peroksidi
peroxide {n} (hydrogen peroxide) SEE: hydrogen peroxide ::
perpendicular {adj} /pɝ.pɛnˈdɪk.ju.lɚ/ (at or forming a right angle to) :: kohtisuora, kohtisuorassa, pystysuorassa
perpendicular {n} (line or plane) :: kohtisuora
perpendicularity {n} (the condition of being perpendicular) :: kohtisuoruus
perpetrate {v} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pə.ˌtɹaɪt/ (to be guilty of, or responsible for; to commit) :: tehdä (+ accusative), syyllistyä (+ illative), suorittaa
perpetrator {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pɪ.ˌtɹeɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (one who perpetrates) :: tekijä, syyllinen
perpetual {adj} /pɚˈpɛtʃuəl/ (lasting forever) :: ikuinen, päättymätön
perpetual {adj} (continuing uninterrupted) :: jatkuva, päättymätön
perpetual {adj} (flowering throughout the growing season) :: koko kasvukauden kukkiva
perpetual motion machine {n} (hypothetical device) :: ikiliikkuja
perpetuate {v} (to make perpetual) :: säilyttää
perpetuate {v} (to prolong the existence of) :: jatkaa, pitkittää
perpetuation {n} (prolonging existence) :: ikuistaminen, säilyttäminen
Perpignan {prop} /ˌpɝpiˈnjɑ̃/ (city in Pyrénées-Orientales, France) :: Perpignan
perplex {v} /pɚˈplɛks/ (To cause to feel baffled) :: hämmentää, saattaa ymmälle, askarruttaa
perplexed {adj} /pɚˈplɛkst/ (confused or puzzled) :: ymmällään, hämmentynyt
perplexed {adj} (bewildered) :: ymmällään, hämmentynyt
perplexity {n} /pəɹˈplɛksədi/ (Quality of being confused or puzzled) :: hämmennys, hämmentyneisyys
perquisite {n} /ˈpɜːkwɪzɪt/ (benefit beyond salary) :: etuus
perquisite {n} (gratuity) :: juomaraha, palveluraha
perquisite {n} (privilege) :: etuoikeus
perry {n} /ˈpɛɹi/ (Beverage from pears) :: päärynäsiideri
per se {adv} /pəːˈseɪ/ (by itself) :: sinänsä, pohjimmiltaan, itsessään
per se {adv} (as such; as one would expect from the name) :: sellaisenaan, varsinaisesti
persecute {v} /ˈpɝsəkjut/ (to pursue in a manner to injure, grieve, or afflict) :: vainota, sortaa
persecute {v} (to harass with importunity) :: ahdistella, riivata [informal]
persecution {n} /ˌpɝsəˈkjuʃən/ (the act of persecuting) :: vainoaminen, vaino, sorto
persecution {n} (a program or campaign to subjugate or eliminate a specific group of people) :: vaino
Persephone {prop} /pɚˈsɛfəniː/ (Greek goddess) :: Persefone
Persepolis {prop} /pɝˈsepəlɪs/ (ancient city of Persia) :: Persepolis
Perseus {prop} /ˈpɝsi.əs/ (constellation) :: Perseus
perseverance {n} /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪəɹəns/ (persistent determination to adhere to a course of action; insistence) :: hellittämättömyys, itsepintaisuus, peräänantamattomuus, määrätietoisuus
perseverant {adj} /pɚsɪˈvɪɹənt/ (enduring) :: sinnikäs
Persia {prop} (Iran) SEE: Iran ::
Persia {prop} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).ʒə/ (region of ancient Iran) :: Persia
Persian {n} /ˈpɝʒən/ (the Persian language) :: persia, persian kieli, farsi, farsin kieli
Persian {n} (person from Persia) :: persialainen
Persian {n} (Persian cat) :: persialainen
Persian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Persia) :: persialainen
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian people) :: persialainen
Persian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Persian language) :: persialainen, persiankielinen
Persian cat {n} (breed of cat) :: persialainen; persiankissa [dated]
Persian Gulf {prop} /ˌpɝʒən ˈɡʌlf/ (gulf between Iran and the Arabian peninsula) :: Persianlahti
Persianness {n} (quality) :: persialaisuus
persimmon {n} /pəɹˈsɪmən/ (fruit) :: kaki, persimoni, sharon
persimmon {n} (tree) :: kaki
persist {v} /pɚˈsɪst/ (continue to exist) :: itsepintaisesti pitää kiinni, pysyä järkähtämättömänä, olla edelleen olemassa
persistence {n} /pəˈsɪst(ə)ns/ (property of being persistent) :: sitkeys
persistent {adj} /pɚˈsɪstənt/ (refusing to give up) :: sitkeä
persistent {adj} (insistently repetitive) :: jatkuva, itsepintainen
persistent {adj} (indefinitely continuous) :: jatkuva, toistuva
persistent {adj} (botany: lasting past maturity without falling off) :: pysyvä
persistent {adj} (computing: existing after the execution of the program) :: pysyvä
persistent {adj} (math: non-transient) :: pysyvä
person {n} /ˈpɝsən/ (individual) :: henkilö, yksilö, persoona
person {n} (specifically a human being, see also: human; human being; man) :: ihminen
person {n} (character or part, as in a play) :: henkilö
person {n} (Christianity: any one of the three hypostases of the God) :: persoona
person {n} (science fiction: sentient or socially intelligent being) :: olento
person {n} (someone who likes or has an affinity for a specified thing) :: -ihminen
person {n} (the physical body seen as distinct from the mind) :: ruumis
person {n} (any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts) :: henkilö, oikeushenkilö
person {n} (law: human genitalia) :: sukupuolielin, sukuelin
person {n} (grammar: linguistic category) :: persoona
person {n} (biology: shoot or bud of a plant; individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals) :: yksilö [individual]
personal {adj} /ˈpɜɹ.sən.əl/ (pertaining to human beings) :: inhimillinen
personal {adj} (of or pertaining to a particular person) :: henkilökohtainen
personal {adj} (pertaining to the external or bodily appearance) :: fyysinen, ruumiillinen
personal {adj} (done in person) :: henkilökohtainen, omakohtainen
personal {adj} (relating to an individual in an invidious and offensive manner) :: henkilökohtainen
personal {adj} (grammar: denoting person) :: persoona-
personal {n} (advertisement) :: henkilökohtaista -ilmoitus
personal {n} (movable) :: irtain; irtaimisto [one's movables as a whole]
personal area network {n} (very short range wireless network) :: likiverkko
personal assistant {n} (personal assistant) :: henkilökohtainen avustaja
personal attack {n} (making an abusive remark) :: henkilökohtainen hyökkäys
personal best {n} (person's best performance at a task) :: henkilökohtainen ennätys
personal computer {n} (small computer for use by one person at a time, see also: PC) :: henkilökohtainen tietokone
personal conduct {n} (set of rules) :: arvot {p}
personal conduct {n} (way a person behaves) :: käytös, käyttäytyminen
personal data {n} :: henkilötiedot {p}
personal day {n} (day off for attending to personal matters) :: henkilökohtainen vapaapäivä
personal digital assistant {n} (hand-held electronic organizer) :: kämmentietokone
personal effect {n} (item of personal property) :: henkilökohtainen tavara
personal hygiene {n} (personal hygiene) :: henkilökohtainen hygienia
personal identification number {n} (number used to confirm identity) SEE: PIN ::
personal injury {n} (injury to the body) :: henkilövahinko
personalism {n} (doctrine of subjective idealism) :: personalismi
personality {n} /pɜːsəˈnælətɪ/ (set of qualities that make a person distinct from other people) :: luonne, persoonallisuus
personality {n} (assumed role or manner of behavior) :: luonne
personality {n} (celebrity) :: henkilö
personality {n} (charisma) :: persoonallisuus
personality {n} (something said or written which refers to the person of some individual) :: henkilökohtaisuus
personality clash {n} (conflict between two people) :: luonteiden yhteensopimattomuus
personality disorder {n} (class of mental disorders) :: persoonallisuushäiriö
personalityless {adj} (devoid of personality) :: persoonaton
personalize {v} (adapt to an individual) :: personoida
personal lubricant {n} (lubricant used during human sexual activity) :: liukuvoide, liukaste
personally {adv} /ˈpɜːsnəli/ (in a personal manner) :: persoonallisesti, henkilökohtaisesti
personally {adv} (in person) :: henkilökohtaisesti
personally {adv} (concerning oneself) :: henkilökohtaisesti
personally {adv} (as a person) :: henkilönä
personal pronoun {n} (part of speech) :: persoonapronomini
personal record {n} (person's best performance) SEE: personal best ::
personal space {n} (physical space closely surrounding a person) :: henkilökohtainen tila, henkilökohtainen alue
personal space {n} (area regarded as belonging to a person) :: henkilökohtainen tila, henkilökohtainen alue
personal stereo {n} (portable audio cassette player) :: korvalappustereot {p}
personal trainer {n} (someone employed to help another with their fitness) :: henkilökohtainen valmentaja, kuntosaliohjaaja
personal video recorder {n} (video recording device for personal use) :: PVR-laite
personal water craft {n} (watercraft) :: vesiskootteri
persona non grata {n} /pə(ɹ)ˈsəʊnə nɒn ˈɡɹɑːtə/ (a person who is not welcome) :: ei-toivottu henkilö
personification {n} (person, thing or name typifying a certain quality or idea) :: henkilöitymä
personification {n} (literary device) :: henkilöinti, personifikaatio
personification {n} (artistic representation of an abstract quality as a human) :: henkilöitymä
personify {v} (to be an example of) :: henkilöidä
personify {v} (to create a representation in the form of a character) :: henkilöidä
personnel {n} /pɝ.səˈnɛl/ (employees, office staff) :: henkilökunta, henkilöstö
person-to-person {adj} (type of call) :: henkilö- [see "henkilöpuhelu"]
perspective {n} /pɚˈspɛktɪv/ (view, vista or outlook) :: näkymä
perspective {n} (appearance of depth in objects) :: perspektiivi, syvyysvaikutelma
perspective {n} (technique of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface) :: perspektiivikuva, projektio
perspective {n} (choice of a single point of view) :: näkökulma
perspicacious {adj} /ˌpɜːɹ.spɪˈkeɪ.ʃəs/ (showing keen insight) :: tarkkanäköinen
perspicacity {n} /ˌpɜːɹ.spɪˈkæs.ə.tiː/ (Acute discernment or understanding; insight) :: tarkkanäköisyys
perspicacity {n} (Keen eyesight) :: tarkkanäköisyys
perspiration {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
perspiration {n} /ˌpɜːspəˈɹeɪʃən/ (process of perspiring) :: hikoilu, hikoileminen
perspire {v} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
persuade {v} /pɚˈsweɪd/ (convince) :: taivuttaa, vakuuttaa
persuasion {n} /pɚˈsweɪʒən/ (a strongly held conviction, opinion or belief) :: vakaumus
persuasion {n} (one's power of persuading) :: suostutteleminen, suostuttelu
persuasion {n} (a sort, type, or kind with respect to convictions and beliefs) :: kuppikunta
persuasive {adj} (convincing) :: suostutteleva, vakuuttava
PERT {n} (method) :: PERT
pertain {v} /pɚˈteɪn/ (to belong) :: kuulua
PERT chart {n} (chart depicting the flow of dependent tasks) :: PERT-kaavio
Perth {prop} /pɝθ/ (city in Scotland) :: Perth
Perth {prop} (city in Western Australia) :: Perth
pertinaciously {adv} /ˌpɝːtənˈeɪʃəsli/ (in a stubbornly resolute manner) :: jääräpäisesti
pertinent {adj} /ˈpəːtɪnənt/ (pertaining) :: osuva, relevantti, olennainen
pertuisan {n} (kind of halberd or pike) :: pertuska
pertussis {n} (whooping cough) SEE: whooping cough ::
Peru {prop} /pə.ˈɹuː/ (country in South America) :: Peru
peruke {n} /pəˈɹuːk/ (wig) :: peruukki
perusal {n} (studying something carefully) :: tutkiminen, huolellinen lukeminen
peruse {v} /pəˈɹuːz/ (to examine or consider with care) :: tutkia
peruse {v} (to lazily skim read for main ideas) :: lukea huolellisesti
peruse {n} (perusal) :: tutkimus, tarkastelu
Peruvian {n} /pə.ˈɹuː.vi.ən/ (person from Peru) :: perulainen
Peruvian {adj} (pertaining to Peru) :: perulainen
Peruvian slaty antshrike {n} (bird) :: köynnöspuumuura
perv {n} /pɝv/ (pervert) :: pervo
perv {v} (stare at others in a perverted manner) :: pervoilla
pervade {v} /pɚˈveɪd/ (to be in every part of) :: levitä
pervasive {adj} /pɚˈveɪ.sɪv/ (manifested throughout) :: kokonaisvaltainen
pervasiveness {n} (the state or quality of being present in all parts of a particular thing or place) :: läsnäolo kaikkialla
perverse {adj} /pɚˈvɝs/ (Turned aside; hence, specifically, turned away from the (morally) right; willfully erring; wicked; perverted) :: perverssi, kieroutunut
perverse {adj} (Obstinately in the wrong; stubborn; intractable; hence, wayward; vexing; contrary) :: uppiniskainen, jääräpäinen
pervert {n} /ˈpəɹvəɹt/ (one who has turned to error) :: pervertti
pervert {n} (sexually perverted person) :: pervertti, pervo [colloquial]
pervert {v} (to turn another way) :: harhauttaa
pervert {v} (to turn from truth) :: johtaa harhaan
pervert {v} (to misinterpret designedly) :: vääristellä
pervert {v} (to take the wrong course) :: harhautua
perxenate {n} (anion XeO64-) :: perksenaatti
Pesach {prop} (Passover) SEE: Passover ::
Pescadores {prop} (archipelago in the Taiwan Strait currently held by the Republic of China) :: Peskadorit
pescetarian {n} /ˌpɛskɪˈtɛəɹi.ən/ (a person who consumes no animal flesh with the exception of fish) :: pescovegetaristi
Peshawar {prop} (capital of North West Frontier Province, Pakistan) :: Peshawar
peshmerga {n} (a term used by Kurds to refer to armed Kurdish fighters) :: peshmerga
pesky {adj} /ˈpɛski/ (annoying, troublesome, irritating) :: ärsyttävä
peso {n} /ˈpeɪsəʊ/ (currency) :: peso
pessary {n} (supporting device) :: pessaari
pessary {n} (contraceptive device) :: pessaari
pessary {n} (vaginal suppository) :: vagitorio
pessimism {n} (general belief that bad things will happen) :: pessimismi
pessimism {n} (doctrine that this world is the worst of all possible worlds) :: pessimismi
pessimist {n} /ˈpɛsɪmɪst/ (someone who habitually expects the worst outcome) :: pessimisti
pessimistic {adj} /ˌpɛ.səˈmɪs.tɪk/ (marked by pessimism and little hopefulness) :: pessimistinen, synkkä
pessimistic {adj} (always expecting the worst) :: pessimistinen, synkkämielinen
pessimistically {adv} (in a pessimistic manner) :: pessimistisesti
pest {n} /pɛst/ (destructive insect) :: tuhoeläin
pest {n} (annoying person) :: maanvaiva, kiusankappale, kiusanhenki
pest control {n} (regulation or management of another species defined as a pest) :: tuholaistorjunta
pest control {n} (pest control service) :: tuholaistorjunta
pester {v} /ˈpɛstɚ/ (to annoy persistently) :: kiusata
pesticide {n} /ˈpɛstɨsaɪd/ (substance used to kill or repress the activities of pests) :: tuholaismyrkky
pestilence {n} /ˈpɛstələn(t)s/ (any highly contagious epidemic disease) :: rutto, kulkutauti
pestle {n} /ˈpɛsəl/ (instrument used with a mortar to grind things) :: petkel, survin
pesto {n} /ˈpɛstoʊ/ (an Italian sauce especially for pasta) :: pesto, pestokastike
pet {n} /pɛt/ (an animal kept as a companion) :: lemmikkieläin, lemmikki
pet {n} (one who is excessively loyal to a superior) :: lellikki
pet {v} (fondle (an animal)) :: silittää
pet {v} (fondle (another person) amorously) :: hyväillä
pet {v} (intransitive: fondle amorously) :: hyväillä
PET {n} (positron emission tomography) SEE: positron emission tomography ::
PET {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate ::
peta- {prefix} /ˈpɛtə/ (SI prefix) :: peta-
petabyte {n} (1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes) :: petatavu
petal {n} /ˈpɛtl̩/ (one of the component parts of the corolla of a flower) :: terälehti
petaliter {n} (petalitre) SEE: petalitre ::
petalitre {n} (1015 litres) :: petalitra
pet cone {n} (Elizabethan collar) SEE: Elizabethan collar ::
PETE {n} (polyethylene terephthalate) SEE: polyethylene terephthalate ::
petechia {n} /pɪˈtiːkɪə/ (a small spot, especially on an organ, caused by bleeding underneath the skin) :: petekkia
peter {n} /ˈpiːtə/ (slang: penis) :: pippeli, kikkeli
Peter {prop} /ˈpiːtə/ (male given name) :: Pietari, Petteri, Petri
Peter {prop} (the Apostle) :: Pietari
Peter {prop} (one of the epistles of Peter) :: Pietarin kirje
Peter {prop} (surname) :: Pietarinen, Pietarila
peterman {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker ::
Peter principle {prop} (theory) :: Peterin periaate
Petersburgian {adj} (relating to Saint Petersburg) :: pietarilainen
Petersburgian {n} (resident of Saint Petersburg) :: pietarilainen
pet hate {n} (personal dislike) SEE: pet peeve ::
petiole {n} /ˈpɛdiˌoʊl/ (stalk of a leaf) :: lehtikanta
petite {adj} /pəˈtiːt/ (Of a woman: fairly short and of slim build) :: siro
petite {adj} (of women's clothing: of small size) :: pieni
petite {adj} (small, little; insignificant; petty) :: pieni, pikkuinen, pikkuruinen, vähäinen, mitätön
petition {n} /pəˈtɪ.ʃən/ (formal, written request made to an official person) :: anomus, hakemus, pyyntö, adressi
petition {n} (compilation of signatures) :: adressi, vetoomus
petition {n} (legal: formal request for judicial action) :: hakemus
petition {v} (to make a request) :: anoa, pyytää, hakea
petitioner {n} (someone who presents a petition to a court) :: kantaja
petit mal {n} /ˌpɛti ˈmal/ (form of epilepsy) :: pieni kohtaus
pet lamp-shade {n} (Elizabethan collar) SEE: Elizabethan collar ::
pet name {n} (name of endearment) :: lempinimi, kutsumanimi
pet peeve {n} (something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike) :: inhokki
pet project {n} (project pursued as a personal favorite) :: lempiprojekti
Petrarchan {adj} (of or relating to Petrarch) :: petrarcalainen
Petrarchan sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) :: petrarcalainen sonetti, italialainen sonetti
petrel {n} /ˈpɛtɹəl/ (Procellariiformes) :: ulappaliitäjä
petrichor {n} /ˈpɛtɹɪkɚ/ (distinctive scent which accompanies rain) :: sateen tuoksu
Petri dish {n} /ˈpiːtɹi ˌdiʃ/ (dish used to culture bacteria) :: elatusmalja, petrimalja
petrify {v} /ˈpɛ.tɹəˌfaɪ/ (to harden organic matter) :: kivettää
petrify {v} (to produce rigidity akin to stone) :: kovettaa
petrify {v} (to immobilize with fright) :: kivettää, jähmettää
petrify {v} (to become stone, or of a stony hardness) :: kivettyä
petrify {v} (to become stony, callous, or obdurate) :: kovettua
petrify {v} (to make callous or obdurate; to transform as by petrification) :: jähmettää, kovettaa
petrochemistry {n} (the branch of chemistry that deals with petroleum) :: petrokemia
pet rock {n} (rock as a pet) :: lemmikkikivi
petrodollar {n} (money earned from oil) :: öljyraha
petroglyph {n} (a rock carving, especially one made in prehistoric times) :: kalliopiirros
Petrograd {prop} (city) :: Pietari, Petrograd
petrograph {n} (drawing, writing or inscription on stone) :: kalliopiirros
petrol {n} (gasoline) SEE: gasoline ::
petrolatum {n} (petroleum jelly) SEE: petroleum jelly ::
petroleum {n} (oil) SEE: oil ::
petroleum ether {n} (petroleum fraction) :: liuotinbensiini
petroleum jelly {n} (pale yellow semisolid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum) :: vaseliini
petrology {n} /pɛˈtɹɒlədʒi/ (the study of rock) :: petrologia
petrol pump {n} (device at a petrol station that dispenses petrol) SEE: gas pump ::
petrol station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
petrol tank {n} (petrol tank) SEE: gas tank ::
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky {prop} (city in Russia) :: Petropavlovsk-Kamtšatski
Petrovich {prop} (Russian patronymic) :: Petrovitš
Petrozavodsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Petroskoi
pet shop {n} (shop) :: lemmikkieläinkauppa
petticoat {n} /ˈpɛtɪkəʊt/ (woman's undergarment worn under a skirt) :: alushame
petticoat government {n} (government by women) :: akkavalta
pettifogger {n} /ˈpɛtɪˌfɑːɡɚ/ (Someone who quibbles) :: pilkunviilaaja
petting {n} /ˈpɛtɪŋ/ (stroking or fondling an animal) :: silittely
petting {n} (kissing, stroking, etc., in a sexual manner) :: suukottelu, halailu
petting zoo {n} (type of zoo) :: kotieläintarha
petty {adj} /ˈpʰɛɾi/ (begrudging) :: pikkumainen
petty bourgeoisie {n} (social class) :: pikkuporvaristo
petty cash {n} (small amount of cash kept by a business) :: käteiskassa
petty officer {n} (non-commissioned officer) :: kersantti, pursimies
petty theft {n} (theft of property of low value) :: näpistys
pettywhin {n} (needle furze) SEE: needle furze ::
petulant {adj} /ˈpɛtʃələnt/ (easily irritated or annoyed) :: kiukutteleva
petunia {n} /pəˈtuːnjə/ (flower) :: petunia
Peugeot {n} /ˈpɜːʒəʊ/ (car manufactured by Peugeot) :: Peugeot, pösö [colloquial]
pew {n} /pjuː/ (long bench in a church) :: kirkonpenkki
pewter {n} /ˈpjutɚ/ (alloy of tin, copper and antimony) :: astiatina, tina
pewter {n} (alloy of tin and lead) :: tina, tinaseos
pewter {n} (colour) :: tinanharmaa
pewter {adj} (colour) :: tinanharmaa
pewter {n} (items made of pewter) SEE: pewterware ::
pewterware {n} (articles made from pewter) :: tinaesineet {p}, tinaesine
peyote {n} /peɪˈjoʊti/ (cactus) :: myrkkykaktus, meskaliinikaktus
pfennig {n} /ˈpfɛn.ɪɡ/ (a hundredth of a Deutsche Mark) :: pfennig
phablet {n} /ˈfæblɪt/ (electronic handheld device) :: puhletti, fabletti, phabletti
phaeozem {n} (soil type) :: harmaamultamaannos
-phage {suffix} /feɪd͡ʒ/ (something that eats, or consumes) :: -fagi
phagocyte {n} (cell of the immune system) :: syöjäsolu, fagosyytti
phagocyte {v} (phagocytize) SEE: phagocytize ::
phagocytise {v} (phagocytize) SEE: phagocytize ::
phagocytize {v} (destroy by phagosytosis) :: fagosytoida
phagocytosis {n} /ˌfeɪɡəʊsaɪˈtəʊsɪs/ :: fagosytoosi
-phagy {suffix} (the consumption of) :: -fagia
Phaistos {prop} /ˈfɛstɒs/ (ancient Minoan city in southern Crete) :: Faistos {m}
phalange {n} (phalanx) SEE: phalanx ::
phalange {n} /ˈfælændʒ/ (political movement) :: falangi, falangistit
phalanx {n} /ˈfeɪlæŋks/ (ancient Greek military unit) :: falangi
phalanx {n} (finger or toe bone) :: varpaanluu [toe], sormiluu [finger]
phalanx {n} (large group of people) :: falangi
phalarope {n} /ˈfæləɹəʊp/ (wading bird in the family Scolopacidae) :: vesipääsky
phallic {adj} /ˈfælɪk/ (having to do with the penis) :: fallinen, fallos-
phallus {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
phallus {n} /ˈfæləs/ (the penis or its representation) :: fallos
phanerogam {n} (plant that produces seeds) :: siemenkasvi
Phanerozoic {adj} (relating to the Phanerozoic eon) :: fanerotsooinen
phantasmagoria {n} /ˌfæntæzməˈɡɔːɹi.ə/ (a series of events) :: fantasmagoria
phantasmagoria {n} (a dreamlike state) :: fantasmagoria
phantasmal {adj} (eerie or frightening) :: aavemainen
phantom {n} /ˈfæntəm/ (something having no physical reality) :: aave
phantom limb {n} (false sensation) :: aaveraaja
phantom pain {n} (sensation of pain coming from a part of the body that has been amputated) :: aavekipu
pharaoh {n} /ˈfæɹoʊ/ (supreme ruler of ancient Egypt) :: faarao
pharaoh ant {n} (species of ant) :: faraomuurahainen
pharisaic {adj} /ˈfɛɹɪˌseɪjɪk/ (of or pertaining to Pharisees) :: farisealainen
pharisaic {adj} (of or pertaining to observance of ritual over meaning) :: farisealainen, tekopyhä, ulkokultainen
pharisaic {adj} (self-righteous) :: farisealainen, teeskentelevä, tekopyhä, ulkokultainen
pharisaical {adj} (both senses) SEE: pharisaic ::
pharisaism {n} /ˈfaɹɪˌseɪɪz(ə)m/ (doctrines and practices of the Pharisees) :: farisealaisuus
pharisaism {n} (rigid observance of external forms of religion) :: farisealaisuus
Pharisee {n} /ˈfɛɹɪsiː/ (member of an ancient Jewish political party, social movement, etc) :: fariseus
Pharisee {n} (person who values form over content) :: fariseus, farisealainen
pharmaceutics {n} (pharmacy) SEE: pharmacy ::
pharmacist {n} /ˈfɑɹməsɪst/ (professional who dispenses prescription drugs) :: apteekkari, proviisori, farmaseutti
pharmacist {n} (one who studies pharmacy) :: farmasian opiskelija
pharmacochemistry {n} :: farmakokemia
pharmacodynamics {n} (branch of pharmacology) :: farmakodynamiikka
pharmacogenomics {n} (study of genes that code for enzymes that metabolize drugs) :: farmakogenetiikka
pharmacognosy {n} (branch of pharmacology) :: farmakognosia
pharmacokinetics {n} (branch of pharmacology) :: farmakokinetiikka
pharmacologic {adj} (pharmacological) SEE: pharmacological ::
pharmacological {adj} /ˌfɑɹməkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ (of or having to do with pharmacology) :: farmakologinen
pharmacology {n} /ˌfɑɹməˈkɒlədʒi/ (science that studies the effects of chemical compounds on living animals) :: farmakologia
pharmacopoeia {n} /ˌfɑɹ.mə.kəˈpi.ə/ (official book of medicines) :: farmakopea
pharmacopoeia {n} (collection of drugs) :: lääkekaappi, lääkevarasto
pharmacotherapy {n} (use of pharmaceuticals to treat disease) :: farmakoterapia
pharmacy {n} /ˈfɑɹməsi/ (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed) :: apteekki
pharmacy {n} (science of medicinal substances) :: farmasia
pharmacy {n} (occupation of a pharmacist) :: farmasia
pharyngeal {adj} /fəˈɹɪndʒəl/ (of or pertaining to the pharynx) :: nielu-
pharyngeal {adj} (of pharyngeal sounds) :: kurkku-, faryngaalinen
pharyngealization {n} (act or process of pharyngealizing) :: faryngalisaatio
pharyngitis {n} (inflammation of the pharynx) :: nielutulehdus, faryngiitti
pharyngoscope {n} (instrument used to examine the pharynx) :: faryngoskooppi
pharyngoscopy {n} (medical examination of the pharynx) :: faryngoskopia
pharyngotomy {n} (operation of making an incision into the pharynx) :: faryngotomia
pharynx {n} /ˈfæɹɪŋks/ (part of alimentary canal) :: nielu, farynks
phase {n} /feɪz/ (distinguishable part of a sequence) :: vaihe
phase {n} (that which is exhibited to the eye) :: näkymä
phase {n} (aspect of an object or view) :: puoli
phase {n} (astronomy: particular appearance or state in a regularly recurring cycle) :: vaihe
phase {n} (physics: point or portion in a recurring series of changes) :: vaihe
phase {n} (chemistry: component in a material system) :: faasi, olomuotoalue
phase {n} (zoology: colour variation) :: värimuunnos
phase {n} (rugby union: period of play between breakdowns) :: vaihe
phase {n} (haplotype) SEE: haplotype ::
phase diagram {n} (graph, with axes representing temperature and pressure, showing the equilibrium conditions for a given substance to be a solid, liquid or gas) :: faasidiagrammi
phase diagram {n} (similar diagram for a binary mixture of substances, with axes representing composition and temperature) :: faasidiagrammi
phase modulation {n} (form of modulation) :: vaihemodulointi, vaihemodulaatio
phase space {n} (space of states of a system) :: faasiavaruus
phatic {adj} /ˈfætɪk/ (more polite than meaningful) :: faattinen
pheasant {n} /ˈfɛzənt/ (bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food) :: fasaani
pheasant's eye {n} (flowering plant of the genus Adonis) :: ruusuleinikki
pheasant's eye {n} (Narcissus poeticus) :: valkonarsissi
phenakite {n} (mineral) :: fenakiitti
phenanthrene {n} (tricyclic aromatic hydrocarbon from coal tar) :: fenantreeni
phenanthroline {n} (compound) :: fenantroliini
phenocryst {n} (Any relatively large crystal embedded in a more fine-grained or glassy igneous rock) :: hajarae
phenol {n} /ˈfinəl/ (caustic compound derived from benzene) :: fenoli
phenol {n} (any of a class of aromatic organic compounds having at least one hydroxyl group attached directly to the benzene ring) :: fenoli
phenological {adj} (pertaining to phenology) :: fenologinen
phenology {n} (study of the effect of climate) :: fenologia
phenolphthalein {n} /fiːnɒlˈfθæliːn/ (pH indicator) :: fenoliftaleiini
phenomenal {adj} (remarkable) :: ilmiömäinen
phenomenal {adj} (sciences: perceptible) :: havaittava
phenomenal {adj} (philosophy: pertaining to the appearance of the world) :: fenomenaalinen
phenomenalism {n} (doctrine) :: fenomenalismi
phenomenality {n} (state or property) :: ilmiömäisyys
phenomenally {adv} (in a phenomenal manner) :: ilmiömäisesti
phenomenography {n} (research methodology) :: fenomenografia
phenomenology {n} /fɪˌnɑməˈnɑləɡi/ (philosophy based on intuitive experience of phenomena) :: fenomenologia
phenomenon {n} /fɪˈnɑmənɑn/ (observable fact or occurrence) :: ilmiö
phenomenon {n} (knowable thing or event) :: ilmiö
phenomenon {n} (kind or type of phenomenon) :: ilmiö
phenomenon {n} (perceptible aspect of something that is mutable) :: ilmiasu
phenomenon {n} (unusual, curious, or astonishing fact or event) :: ilmiö
phenomenon {n} (wonderful or very remarkable person or thing) :: ilmiö
phenomenon {n} (philosophy: experienced object structured by the mind) :: ilmiö
phenotype {n} /ˈfiːnə(ʊ)ˌtaɪp/ (appearance of organism) :: fenotyyppi, ilmiasu
phenyl {n} /ˈfɛ.n(ə)l/ (univalent hydrocarbon radical (C6H5)) :: fenyyli, fenyyliryhmä
phenylalanine {n} (amino acid; C9H11NO2) :: fenyylialaniini
phenylephrine {n} /ˌfiː.nʌɪlˈɛf.ɹɪn/ (α-adrenergic receptor agonist) :: fenyyliefriini
phenylketonuria {n} /fɛnʌɪlkiːtəˈnjʊəɹɪə/ (metabolic disorder) :: fenyyliketonuria
phew {interj} /fjuː/ (Used to show relief, fatigue, or surprise) :: huh, huhhuh
phi {n} /faɪ/ (Greek letter) :: fii
phial {n} (glass vessel) SEE: vial ::
Philadelphia {prop} /fɪləˈdɛlfi.ə/ (largest city in Pennsylvania) :: Philadelphia
philander {n} (lover) SEE: lover ::
philander {n} /fɪˈlændəɹ/ (Caluromys philander) :: philanderinvillapussirotta, venezuelanvillaopossumi
philander {n} (Macrotis lagotis) :: isopussikaniini, isokorvapusseli
philanderer {n} /fɪ.ˈlæn.də.ɹɚ/ (fickle lover) :: auervaara, hurmuri
philanthropically {adv} (in a philanthropic manner) :: filantrooppisesti
philanthropinism {n} (system of education) :: filantropinismi
philanthropist {n} (person who loves mankind) :: filantrooppi
philanthropy {n} (charity) SEE: charity ::
philanthropy {n} /fɪˈlænθɹəpiː/ (benevolent altruism with the intention of increasing the well-being of mankind) :: filantropia, ihmisystävällisyys
philanthropy {n} (philanthropic act) :: hyvä työ
philanthropy {n} (charitable foundation) :: hyväntekeväisyysjärjestö
philatelist {n} /fɪˈlætəlɪst/ (a person who studies or collects stamps) :: filatelisti
philately {n} /fɪˈlæt.ə.li/ (stamp collecting) :: filatelia, postimerkkeily, postimerkkien keräily
philately {n} (the study of postage stamps, postal routes, postal history, etc.) :: filatelia
-phile {suffix} (Forming nouns and adjectives denoting "friend") :: -fiili
philematology {n} /fɪˌliːməˈtɒləd͡ʒi/ (scientific study of kissing) :: filematologia
Philemon {prop} /ˌfaɪˈliːmɒn/ (book of the Bible) :: Kirje Filemonille
Philemon {prop} (male given name) :: Filemon
philharmonic {adj} (appreciative of the performance of music) :: filharmoninen
philharmonic {n} (full-sized symphonic orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philharmonic orchestra {n} (symphony orchestra) SEE: symphony orchestra ::
philhellene {n} (lover of Greek culture) :: hellenisti
philhellene {n} (supporter of Greek independence) :: filhelleeni
philhellenism {n} (intellectual movement) :: filhellenismi
philia {n} (friendship) SEE: friendship ::
-philia {suffix} (forming words denoting abnormal linking towards a given thing) :: -filia
philia {n} (liking) SEE: liking ::
Philip {prop} /ˈfɪlɪp/ (biblical persons) :: Filippus [disciple], Filippos [deacon]
Philip {prop} (male given name) :: Vilppu
Philippa {prop} /ˈfɪ.lɪ.pə/ (female given name) :: Hilppa
Philippi {prop} /fɪˈlɪpaɪ/ (ancient town) :: Filippoi
Philippians {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Kirje filippiläisille, Filippiläiskirje
philippic {n} /fɪˈlɪpɪk/ (any tirade or declamation full of bitter condemnation) :: filippiikki
Philippine {adj} (Filipino) SEE: Filipino ::
Philippine eagle {n} (species of eagle endemic to the Philippines) :: filippiinienkotka
Philippine Islands {prop} (islands) :: Filippiinit, Filippiinien saaristo
Philippines {prop} /ˈfɪlɪpinz/ (Republic of the Philippines) :: Filippiinit {p}
Philippines {prop} (Philippine Islands) SEE: Philippine Islands ::
Philippine tarsier {n} (Carlito syrichta) :: filippiinienkummituseläin
Philippine Trench {prop} (trench) :: Filippiinien hauta
philistine {n} (Philistine) SEE: Philistine ::
philistine {adj} /ˈfɪləstaɪn/ (lacking in appreciation for art or culture) :: moukkamainen
Philistine {n} /ˈfɪl.ɪ.staɪn/ (person from Philistia) :: filistealainen
Philistine {n} (person lacking appreciation of culture) :: moukka, filisteri
Philistine {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philistines) :: filistealainen
Philistine {adj} (philistine) SEE: philistine ::
Phillips head {n} (screwdriver) :: ristipääruuvimeisseli
Phillips head {n} (screw) :: ristikantaruuvi
Phillips screw {n} (screw) SEE: Phillips head ::
Phillips screwdriver {n} (screwdriver) :: ristipääruuvimeisseli, ristipäämeisseli
phillumenist {n} /fɪˈluːmənɪst/ (collector) :: fillumenisti
phillumeny {n} (hobby) :: fillumenia
philogyny {n} (love or respect for women) :: filogynia
philological {adj} (pertaining to the history of literature) :: filologinen
philologically {adv} (in a philological manner) :: filologisesti
philologist {n} (person who engages in philology) :: filologi
philology {n} /fɪˈlɒlədʒɪ/ (historical linguistics) :: filologia
philosopher {n} /fəˈlɑsəfəɹ/ (person devoted to studying philosophy) :: filosofi
philosopher's stone {n} (philosopher's stone) :: viisasten kivi
philosophical {adj} /ˌfɪləˈsɑfɪkl̩/ (of or pertaining to philosophy) :: filosofinen
philosophize {v} (ponder or reason out philosophically) :: filosofoida
philosophy {n} /fɪˈlɒsəfi/ (academic discipline) :: filosofia
philosophy {n} (comprehensive system of belief) :: filosofia
philosophy {n} (view regarding fundamental principles) :: filosofia
philosophy {n} (general principle) :: filosofia, periaate
philosophy of mind {n} (area of philosophy) :: mielenfilosofia
philosophy of science {n} (study of the assumptions, foundations, and implications of science) :: tieteenfilosofia
philter {n} /ˈfɪltɚ/ (love potion) :: lemmenjuoma
philtrum {n} /ˈfɪltɹəm/ (shallow groove running down the centre of the outer surface of the upper lip) :: filtrum
phimosis {n} /faɪˈməʊsɪs/ (contraction of the foreskin) :: fimoosi
Phineas {prop} (biblical character) SEE: Phinehas ::
Phinehas {prop} (biblical character) :: Pinehas
phish {n} (a phishing attack) :: kalastelu
phishing {n} /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ (malicious act) :: verkkourkinta, tietojen kalastelu; khalastelu [informal]; phishing
phlebitis {n} /flɪˈbaɪtɪs/ (inflammation of vein) :: laskimotulehdus, flebiitti
phlegm {n} /flɛm/ (historical: humour) :: lima
phlegm {n} (mucus secreted in the bronchial passages) :: lima
phlegm {n} (calmness, composure) :: tyyneys, flegma
phlegmatic {adj} /flɛɡˈmætɪk/ (not easily excited to action) :: flegmaattinen
phlegmatic {n} (person) :: flegmaatikko
phloem {n} /ˈfləʊ.əm/ (vascular tissue) :: nila
phlogiston {n} /flə(ʊ)ˈdʒɪstɒn/ (hypothetical fiery principle) :: flogiston
phlogopite {n} (a mica, the magnesium endmember of biotite) :: flogopiitti
phlox {n} (plant of genus Phlox) :: leimu
Phnom Penh {prop} /pəˈnɔːm ˈpɛn/ (capital city of Cambodia) :: Phnom Penh
pho {n} /foʊ/ (Vietnamese soup) :: pho
-phobia {suffix} /ˌfəʊbi.ə/ (used to form nouns meaning fear) :: -fobia
-phobia {suffix} (used to form nouns meaning hate) :: -fobia
phobia {n} /ˈfəʊbi.ə/ (irrational or obsessive fear or anxiety) :: fobia
phobic {adj} /ˈfəʊbɪk/ (relating to a phobia) :: foobinen
phobic {n} (person) :: foobikko
phobophobia {n} (fear of fear) :: fobofobia
Phobos {prop} /ˈfoʊbəs/ (mythology) :: Fobos
Phobos {prop} (moon of Mars) :: Phobos
phocine {adj} /ˈfəʊsʌɪn/ (pertaining to seals) :: hylje-, hylkeiden; hyljemäinen
phocine {n} (member of subfamily Phocinae) :: hylje, varsinainen hylje
Phoenicia {prop} /fəˈnɪʃɪə/ (land of the Phoenicians) :: Foinikia
Phoenician {adj} /fəˈniːʃən/ (of, from, or related to the country or civilisation of Phoenicia) :: foinikialainen
Phoenician {prop} (Semitic language spoken by the inhabitants of Phoenicia) :: foinikia, foinikian kieli
Phoenician {n} (inhabitant of Phoenicia) :: foinikialainen
phoenix {n} /ˈfiːnɪks/ (mythological bird) :: feeniks
Phoenix {prop} /ˈfiːnɪks/ (mythical firebird) :: feeniks
Phoenix {prop} (constellation) :: Feeniks
phon {n} (unit of apparent loudness) :: fooni, foni
phonation {n} (process of producing vocal sound) :: fonaatio
phone {v} /foʊ̯n/ (to call (someone) on the telephone) :: soittaa (puhelimella)
phone {n} (speech segment) :: äänne
phone {n} (telephone) SEE: telephone ::
phone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory ::
phonebook {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory ::
phonebook {n} (large lookup table) :: puhelinluettelo
phone booth {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
phone call {n} (telephone call) SEE: telephone call ::
phonecard {n} (a chargecard used to pay for telephone calls) :: puhelinkortti
phone in {v} (deliver a message by telephone) :: soittaa (jollekin)
phone in {v} (to call a broadcasting station) :: soittaa ohjelmaan
phone in {v} (to fulfill a responsibility with a minimum responsibility) :: tehdä (jotakin) vasemmalla kädellä, tehdä (jotakin) rimaa hipoen
phone in {v} (to make a timid performance) :: arastella
phone-in {n} (show) :: keskusteluohjelma
phone line {n} (telephone line) SEE: telephone line ::
phoneme {n} /ˈfoʊnim/ (indivisible unit of sound) :: foneemi
phonemic {adj} /fəˈniːmɪk/ (relating to phonemes) :: foneeminen, foneeminen
phonemic {adj} (relating to a difference between sounds that can change the meaning of words in a language) :: foneeminen
phone number {n} (telephone number) SEE: telephone number ::
phone sex {n} (erotic or sexual telephone conversation between two or more people) :: puhelinseksi
phonetic {adj} /fəˈnɛtɪk/ (relating to sounds of spoken language) :: äänteellinen, foneettinen
phonetic {adj} (linguistics: relating to phones) :: foneettinen
phonetic {n} (component of a phono-semantic compound that indicates pronunciation) :: foneettinen osa
phonetically {adv} (in the way it sounds) :: foneettisesti
phonetic alphabet {n} (writing system) :: foneettiset aakkoset
phonetic alphabet {n} (list of standard words) :: tavausaakkoset
phonetic erosion {n} :: äänteellinen kuluminen, äänneasun kuluminen
phonetics {n} /fəˈnɛtɪks/ (study of speech sounds and their representation by written symbols) :: fonetiikka, äänneoppi
phone up {v} (to contact by telephone) :: soittaa
Phoney War {prop} (Phoney War) :: valesota
phoniatric {adj} (of or pertaining to phoniatrics) :: foniatrinen
phoniatrics {n} :: foniatria, ääntöhäiriöoppi
phonic {adj} (phonic) :: fooninen
phonics {n} (phonetics) SEE: phonetics ::
phonics {n} (acoustics) SEE: acoustics ::
phonograph {n} /ˈfəʊnəˌɡɹɑːf/ (device that records or plays sound from cylinder records) :: fonografi
phonograph {n} (archaic record player) SEE: gramophone ::
phonograph record {n} (record) SEE: record ::
phonolite {n} (light-coloured rock) :: fonoliitti
phonological {adj} (of or relating to phonology) :: fonologinen, äänneopillinen
phonologically {adv} (in acoordance with phonology) :: fonologisesti, äänneopillisesti
phonology {n} /fəˈnɑlədʒi/ (subfield of linguistics concerned with the way sounds function in languages) :: fonologia
phonology {n} (way sounds function within a given language) :: fonologia
phonometer {n} (instrument) :: fonometri
phonosemantic {adj} (CJKV characters with a semantic and a phonetic) :: fonosemanttinen
phono-semantic compound {n} (a type of Chinese character) :: kuvafoneettinen merkki
phonotactics {n} /ˈfəʊnə(ʊ)ˌtaktɪks/ (branch of phonology) :: fonotaksi
phony {adj} /ˈfoʊni/ (fraudulent; fake) :: väärä, väärennetty
phony {n} (a person who assumes an identity or quality other than their own) :: huijari
phosgenite {n} (mineral) :: fosgeniitti
phosphatase {n} (an enzyme that hydrolyzes phosphate esters) :: fosfataasi
phosphate {n} /ˈfɒsfeɪt/ (any salt or ester of phosphoric acid) :: fosfaatti
phosphine {n} /ˈfɒsfiːn/ (PH3) :: fosfiini
phosphite {n} (any salt or ester of phosphorous acid) :: fosfiitti
phosphofructokinase {n} (enzyme) :: fosfofruktokinaasi
phospholipase {n} (enzyme that hydrolyses phospholipids) :: fosfolipaasi
phospholipid {n} (lipid consisting of a diglyceride combined with a phosphate group) :: fosfolipidi
phosphonate {n} (chemistry: salt or ester of phosphonic acid) :: fosfonaatti
phosphopeptide {n} (peptide that incorporates a phospate group as a result of phosphorylation) :: fosfopeptidi
phosphor {n} /ˈfɑsfɚ/ (compound exhibiting phosphorescence) :: loisteaine
phosphorelay {n} (phosphorus based signal transduction method) :: fosforinsiirto
phosphorescence {n} /ˌfɑːsfəˈɹɛsəns/ (emission of light without heat) :: fosforesenssi
phosphorescent {adj} (emitting light for a period of time after the source of excitation is taken away) :: fosforoiva
phosphoric {adj} (pertaining to phosphorus) :: fosfori-
phosphoric acid {n} (the colourless liquid; H3PO4) :: fosforihappo
phosphorite {n} (rock) :: fosforiitti
phosphorus {n} /ˈfɑsfɚəs/ (element) :: fosfori
phosphorylate {v} (to cause phosphorylation) :: fosforyloida
phosphorylate {v} (to undergo phosphorylation) :: fosforyloitua
phosphorylation {n} (the process of transferring a phosphate group from a donor to an acceptor) :: fosforylaatio
photino {n} (superpartner of the photon) :: fotiino
photo {n} (photograph) SEE: photograph ::
photo {v} /ˈfoʊ.toʊ/ (to take a photograph) :: valokuvata, kuvata
photo album {n} (book with a collection of photographs placed inside) :: valokuva-albumi, valokuvakansio
photobiology {n} (the study of the effects of light on living organisms, and on biological processes) :: fotobiologia
photobomb {n} (a photo containing someone or something that is photobombing) :: photobombaus
photobook {n} (book of photographs) :: kuvateos
photocell {n} (photoelectric cell) SEE: photoelectric cell ::
photochemical {adj} (relating to photochemistry) :: fotokemiallinen
photochemical reaction {n} (chemical reaction) :: fotokemiallinen reaktio
photochemistry {n} (study of photochemical reactions) :: fotokemia, valokemia
photocopier {n} (machine which reproduces documents by photographing the original over a glass plate and printing duplicates) :: kopiokone, valokopiokone
photocopy {n} (copy made using a photocopier) :: valokopio
photocopy {v} (to make a copy using a photocopier) :: valokopioida
photocopying {n} (The process by which photocopies are made) :: valokopiointi
photodiode {n} (semiconductor) :: fotodiodi, valodiodi
photodynamic {adj} (of or relating to photo dynamics) :: fotodynaaminen
photodynamic therapy {n} (treatment) :: fotodynaaminen hoito
photoelectric {adj} (relating to electric effects) :: valosähköinen
photoelectric cell {n} (transducer) :: valokenno
photoelectric effect {n} (emission) :: valosähköinen ilmiö
photoelectricity {n} (electricity produced by the photoelectric effect) :: valosähkö
photogenic {adj} /ˌfoʊ.toʊˈdʒɛn.ɪk/ (generated or caused by light) :: fotogeeninen
photogenic {adj} (producing or emitting light) :: valoa emittoiva
photogenic {adj} (looking good when photographed) :: valokuvauksellinen
photogram {n} (a photograph made without using a camera) :: fotogrammi
photogrammetry {n} (both) :: fotogrammetria
photograph {n} /ˈfoʊ.tə.ˌɡɹæf/ (picture) :: valokuva, foto [informally], kuva
photograph {v} (to take a photograph) :: valokuvata, ottaa kuva
photographer {n} /fəˈtɑɡɹəfɚ/ (one who takes photographs) :: valokuvaaja
photographic memory {n} (eidetic memory) :: valokuvamuisti
photography {n} /fəˈtɑɡɹəfi/ (art and technology of producing images on photosensitive surfaces) :: valokuvaus, valokuvaaminen
photography {n} (occupation of taking (and often printing) photographs) :: valokuvaus, valokuvaaminen
photoluminescence {n} (luminescence due to photon absorption) :: fotoluminesenssi
photometer {n} /fəˈtɑmədəɹ/ (measuring instrument) :: fotometri
photomontage {n} (composite image) :: fotomontaasi
photon {n} /ˈfəʊtɒn/ (quantum of light) :: fotoni, valohiukkanen
photonic {adj} (relating to photons) :: fotoninen
photonics {n} (science and technology of generating and controlling photons) :: fotoniikka, valotiede
photopaper {n} (paper for photographic prints) :: valokuvapaperi
photophobia {n} (excessive sensitivity to light) :: valonarkuus
photophore {n} (light-emitting organ) :: valoelin
photorealistic {adj} (art: of or pertaining to photorealism) :: fotorealistinen
photoreceptor {n} (biology: a specialized neuron able to detect and react to light) :: fotoreseptori
photosensitive {adj} (sensitive to light) :: valoherkkä, valonarka
photo shoot {n} (photo session) :: valokuvaus, kuvaus, kuvaukset {p}
photoshoot {n} (photo shoot) SEE: photo shoot ::
photoshop {n} (to digitally edit a picture) :: photoshopata
photosynthesis {n} /ˌfoʊ.toʊ.ˈsɪn.θə.sɪs/ (biological process) :: fotosynteesi, yhteyttäminen
photosynthesize {v} (to synthesize carbohydrates) :: yhteyttää
photosynthetic {adj} (of or relating to photosynthesis) :: fotosynteettinen, yhteytys-; yhteyttävä
phototaxis {n} (reduced photograph) :: fototaksia
phototransistor {n} (semiconductor) :: fototransistori
phototypesetting {n} (a printing process that generates columns of type on a scroll of photographic paper) :: valoladonta
photovoltaic {adj} (producing a voltage when exposed to light) :: valosähköinen
photovoltaic cell {n} (device) :: valokenno, aurinkokenno
photovoltaic effect {n} (conversion of radiation into electricity) :: valosähköilmiö
photovoltaics {n} (technology) :: aurinkokennotekniikka
phrasal verb {n} (idiomatic phrase) :: partikkeliverbi
phrase {n} /fɹeɪz/ (short written or spoken expression) :: ilmaus
phrase {n} (grammar: group of two or more words that express an idea but do not form a complete sentence) :: lauseke, fraasi
phrase {n} (music: small section of music in a larger piece) :: fraasi, lauseke
phrase {v} (music: to perform a passage with the correct phrasing) :: fraseerata
phrase {v} (to express by means of words) :: ilmaista, pukea sanoiksi
phrase {v} (music: to divide into melodic phrases) :: fraseerata
phrase book {n} (book of everyday expressions and vocabulary) :: tulkkisanakirja, fraasisanakirja
phrasebook {n} (book used to learn foreign language) SEE: phrase book ::
phraseology {n} (phrasebook) SEE: phrase book ::
phraseology {n} /fɹeɪziˈɑlədʒi/ (study of set or fixed expressions) :: fraseologia
phraseology {n} (the style in which words and phrases are used in writing or speech) :: fraseologia
phraseology {n} (group of specialized words and expressions) :: fraseologia
phrasing {n} /ˈfɹeɪzɪŋ/ (the way a statement is put together) :: sanamuoto
phrasing {n} (the way the musical phrases are put together) :: fraseeraus
phreatic {adj} /fɹiːˈætɪk/ (Of, or pertaining to ground water) :: freaattinen
phrenology {n} (the discredited "science" or pseudo-science of phrenology) :: frenologia
Phrygian {adj} /ˈfɹɪdʒɪən/ (of or relating to Phrygia, its people or their culture) :: fryygialainen
Phrygian {n} (native or inhabitant of Phrygia) :: fryygialainen
Phrygian {prop} (language) :: fryygia
Phrygian cap {n} (conical close-fitting cap with the top bent forward) :: fryygialaismyssy
phthalate {n} /ˈ(f)θaleɪt/ (salt or ester) :: ftalaatti
phthiriasis {n} (infestation with crab lice) :: satiaistauti, satiaisia
phycological {adj} (pertaining to the study of algae) :: levätieteellinen, fykologinen
phycologist {n} (one who studies algae) :: levätutkija
phycology {n} (study of algae) :: levätiede
phyllite {n} (type of rock) :: fylliitti
phyllo {n} /ˈfiːloʊ / (type of dough) :: filotaikina
phylloquinone {n} (polycyclic aromatic ketone) :: fyllokinoni
phyllosilicate {n} (type of silicate) :: fyllosilikaatti
phylogenetically {adv} (based on phylogenetics) :: fylogeneettisesti
phylogenetic tree {n} (tree diagram) :: evoluutiopuu, fylogeneettinen puu
phylogeny {n} /faɪˈlɑdʒəni/ (evolutionary history of an organism) :: lajinkehitys
phylum {n} /ˈfaɪləm/ ((biology, taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class) :: pääjakso [fauna], kaari [flora, fungi]
physalis {n} /ˈfɪsəlɪs/ (plant of the genus Physalis) :: lyhtykoiso
physical {adj} /ˈfɪzɪkəl/ (having to do with the material world; tangible) :: fyysinen
physical {adj} (having to do with physics) :: fysikaalinen
physical {adj} (having to do with the body; corporeal) :: ruumiillinen, fyysinen
physical {adj} (involving bodily force; vigorous) :: fyysinen, voima-
physical {n} (physical examination) :: kuntotarkastus
physical change {n} (change affecting the form of a chemical substance) :: fysikaalinen muutos
physical chemistry {n} (the chemistry subdiscipline) :: fysikaalinen kemia
physical culture {n} (bodybuilding) SEE: bodybuilding ::
physical education {n} (curriculum component) :: liikunta
physical examination {n} (type of examination of the patient's body) :: lääkärintutkimus, lääkärintarkastus
physicalism {n} (philosophical position) :: fysikalismi
physicality {n} (physical attributes) :: fysikaalisuus
physically {adv} /ˈfɪzɪkli/ (in a physical manner) :: fyysisesti
physically {adv} (according to the laws of physics.) :: fysiikan lakien mukaan, fysikaalisesti
physically {adv} (using physical force.) :: fyysisesti
physical map {n} (topographical map) SEE: topographical map ::
physical quantity {n} (physical property) :: suure, fyysinen suure
physical science {n} (branch of natural science) :: fyysinen tiede
physical therapy {n} (therapy of exercises and activities to treat injury or dysfunction) SEE: physiotherapy ::
physician {n} /fɪˈzɪʃən/ (medical doctor) :: lääkäri, tohtori
physician, heal thyself {proverb} :: parantaja, paranna itsesi
physicist {n} /ˈfɪz.ɪ.sɪst/ (person whose occupation specializes in the science of physics) :: fyysikko
physic nut {n} (small tree) :: öljyjatropa
physics {n} /ˈfɪz.ɪks/ (branch of science) :: fysiikka
physiocracy {n} (teachings) :: fysiokratia
physiocrat {n} /ˈfɪzɪəkɹat/ (economist) :: fysiokraatti
physiognomy {n} /fɪziˈɑnəmi/ (art or pseudoscience of deducing the character or personality from the bodily appearance) :: fysiognomia
physiologic {adj} (of or pertaining to physiology) SEE: physiological ::
physiological {adj} /ˌfɪzi.əˈlɑdʒɪkəl/ (of, or relating to physiology) :: fysiologinen
physiologically {adv} (in accordance with the science of physiology) :: fysiologisesti
physiologist {n} (person) :: fysiologi
physiology {n} /ˌfɪziˈɑ.lə.d͡ʒi/ (branch of biology) :: fysiologia
physiotherapeutic {adj} (of or relating to physiotherapy) :: fysioterapeuttinen
physiotherapist {n} (therapist who treats physical injury or dysfunction, usually with exercise) :: fysioterapeutti
physiotherapy {n} (therapy that uses physical techniques such as massage and exercise) :: fysioterapia
-phyte {suffix} /faɪt/ (taxonomic group of plants or algae) :: -fyytti
-phyte {suffix} (plant that grows in a specified habitat) :: -fyytti
-phyte {suffix} (plant that grows in a specified form or habit) :: -fyytti
-phyte {suffix} (pathological growth) :: -fyytti
phytic acid {n} (compound) :: fytiinihappo
phytochemistry {n} (the scientific study of the chemicals found in plants) :: fytokemia
phytoestrogen {n} (compound) :: fytoestrogeeni
phytogeography {n} (geobotany) SEE: geobotany ::
phytolith {n} (mineral particle) :: fytoliitti
phytoncide {n} (volatile antimicrobial compound given off by a plant) :: fytonsidi
phytopathology {n} (study of plant diseases) :: fytopatologia
phytophagous {adj} (feeding on plants) :: kasvinsyöjä-
phytophagy {n} (eating of plants) :: kasvinsyönti
phytoplankton {n} (plankton which obatin energy by photosynthesis) :: kasviplankton
phytosterol {n} :: kasvisteroli
phytotherapist {n} (practioner of phytotherapy) :: fytoterapeutti
phytotherapy {n} (medical use of plant extracts) :: fytoterapia
pi {n} /paɪ/ (letter of Greek alphabet) :: pii
pi {n} (irrational mathematical constant) :: pii
pi {adj} (not part of the usual font) :: erikois-
piña {n} (cloth) :: ananashamppu
piaffe {v} (movement in dressage) :: piaffe
pia mater {n} (innermost of the meninges) :: pehmeäkalvo
pianist {n} /ˈpi.ənɪst/ (piano player) :: pianisti
piano {n} /piˈænoʊ/ (a keyboard musical instrument) :: piano; flyygeli [grand piano]
piano {adv} /piˈɑnoʊ/ (music: softly) :: piano, hiljaa
piano accordion {n} (type of accordion) :: pianoharmonikka
piano bench {n} (a rectangular wooden bench used while playing the piano) :: pianotuoli
pianoforte {n} /piˈænəfɔɹt/ (Piano) :: pianoforte
pica {n} /ˈpaɪkə/ (disorder) :: pica-oireyhtymä
picaresque {n} /pɪkəˈɹɛsk/ (picaresque novel) :: pikareskiromaani, veijariromaani
picayune {n} (Something of very little value) SEE: trifle ::
piccolo {n} /ˈpɪkoloʊ/ (musical instrument) :: piccolo, piccolohuilu, pikkolo
piccolo {n} (bottle of champagne) :: pikkolopullo
piccoloist {n} (one who plays piccolo) :: piccolohuilisti
pick {v} (to pick) SEE: choose ::
pick {n} /pɪk/ (pickaxe) :: hakku
pick {n} (tool to open a lock) :: tiirikka
pick {n} (comb with long widely spaced teeth) :: harva kampa
pick {n} (choice) :: valinta
pick {v} (to grasp and pull with fingers) :: tonkia
pick {v} (to remove a fruit or plant for consumption) :: poimia
pick {v} (to decide between options) :: valita
pick {v} (cricket: to recognise the type of ball being bowled) :: lukea
pick {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
pick a fight {v} :: haastaa riitaa
pickaninny {n} /ˈpɪkənɪni/ (black child, see also: black child) :: musta lapsi
pickaxe {n} /ˈpɪkˌæks/ (heavy iron tool) :: hakku
picker {n} (one who picks) :: poimija
picker {n} (computing: any user interface control that selects something) :: valitsin
picket {n} (card game) SEE: piquet ::
picket {n} /ˈpɪkɪt/ (stake driven into the ground) :: paalu
picket {n} (type of punishment) :: paaluun paneminen
picket {n} (mountaineering tool) :: lumikiila
picket {n} (soldiers placed forward of position) :: etuvartio
picket {n} (protester outside a workplace during a strike) :: mielenosoittaja
picketer {n} (someone who pickets; one participating in a demonstration or posted on a picket line) :: lakkovahti
picket fence {n} (a wooden fence made of spaced uprights connected by horizontal rails) :: lauta-aita
picket line {n} (barrier or fortification formed by pickets) SEE: stockade ::
picket line {n} /ˈpɪkɪt laɪn/ (boundary guarded by a unit of soldiers) :: rajatolppa
picket line {n} (boundary created by workers participating in a strike) :: lakkovartio
pickle {n} /ˈpɪkl̩/ (preserved cucumber) :: maustekurkku [in vinegar], suolakurkku [in brine], kurkku [general]
pickle {n} (any vegetable preserved in vinegar and consumed as relish) :: pikkelssi [mixed vegetables]; pikkelöidyt vihannekset {p}
pickle {n} (brine used for preserving food) :: liemi, etikkaliemi, suolaliemi
pickle {n} (difficult situation) :: liemi
pickle {n} (children's game) :: polttopallo
pickle {n} (metalworking: bath of dilute sulphuric or nitric acid, etc.) :: peittausneste
pickle {v} (to preserve food in a salt, sugar or vinegar solution) :: suolata, säilöä, säilöä etikkaliemeen, pikkelöidä
pickle {v} (to remove high-temperature scale and oxidation from metal with heated industrial acid) :: peitata
pickle {n} (baseball: rundown) SEE: rundown ::
pickler {n} (one who pickles) :: pikkelöijä; säilöjä
pickler {n} (type of cucumber) :: avomaankurkku
pickler {n} (machine that pickles metal) :: peittauskone
picklock {n} (device designed to pick locks) :: tiirikka
pick 'n' mix {n} (selection of articles to pick and pay by weight or number) :: irtotavara, or more specifically "irto- + name of article", see e.g. irtokarkki
pick of the litter {n} (best in group) :: valioyksilö
pick one's nose {v} (insert a finger into one's nostril) :: kaivaa nenäänsä
pickpocket {n} /ˈpɪkpɒkɪt/ (one who steals from the pocket of a passerby) :: taskuvaras
pickpocket {v} (to steal) :: varastaa taskusta, varastaa taskuista
pick up {v} (to lift; to grasp and raise) :: nostaa, poimia
pick up {v} (to improve, increase, or speed up) :: nousta, kasvaa
pick up {v} (to restart or resume) :: jatkaa
pick up {v} (to collect an object, especially in passing) :: ottaa samalla
pick up {v} (to collect a passenger) :: ottaa kyytiin
pick up {v} (to learn, to grasp; to begin to understand) :: ymmärtää, oppia
pick up {v} (to receive (a signal)) :: vastaanottaa
pick up {v} (to notice, detect or discern) :: huomata, panna merkille
pick up {v} (to meet and seduce somebody for romantic purposes) :: iskeä
pick up {v} (to answer (a telephone), see pick up the phone) :: vastata
pick up {v} (to pay for) :: maksaa
pickup {n} (pickup truck) SEE: pickup truck ::
pickup artist {n} :: pelimies
pick-up line {n} (vocal introduction intended to garner sexual interest from a stranger) :: iskurepliikki, [colloquial] iskurepla
pick up the phone {v} (to pick up the receiver of a telephone to answer a call) :: vastata puhelimeen
pickup truck {n} (truck with an open cargo bed) :: pick-up, lava-auto, avolava
picky {adj} /ˈpɪki/ (fussy, particular) :: nirso
picnic {n} /ˈpɪknɪk/ (a meal eaten outdoors) :: eväsretki
picnic {n} (an easy or pleasant task) :: huviretki
picnic basket {n} (basket) :: eväskori
picnic basket {n} (food) :: eväät {p}
pico- {prefix} /ˈpaɪ.koʊ/ (multiplying the unit by 10−12) :: piko-
picometer {n} (10-12 of a meter) :: pikometri
picometre {n} (picometer) SEE: picometer ::
pico-ohm {n} (unit of electrical resistance) :: piko-ohmi
picornavirus {n} (RNA virus of the family Picornaviridae) :: pikornavirus
picosecond {n} /ˈpiː.kəʊˌsɛk.ənd/ (10-12 second) :: pikosekunti
picric acid {n} (picric acid) :: pikriinihappo
Pict {n} /pɪkt/ (member of an ancient people of northern and central Scotland) :: pikti
Pictish {adj} (pertaining to the Picts) :: piktiläinen
pictogram {n} (picture that represents a word or an idea) :: piktogrammi
Pictor {prop} (constellation) :: Maalari
pictorial {adj} /pɪkˈtɔɹi.əl/ (of, relating to, composed of, or illustrated by pictures) :: kuvallinen
pictorial {adj} (represented as if in picture) :: kuvauksellinen, elävä
pictorial {adj} (similar to painting) :: maalauksellinen
pictorial {n} (magazine) :: kuvalehti
pictorial {n} (article) :: kuvareportaasi
pictorial {n} (stamp) :: kuvamerkki
picture {n} /ˈpɪk(t)ʃɚ/ (representation of visible reality produced by drawing, etc) :: kuva
picture {n} (photograph) :: valokuva
picture {n} (informal: cinema) :: elokuva
picture {v} (to imagine or envision) :: kuvitella
picture {v} (to depict or describe vividly) SEE: depict ::
picture {n} (painting) SEE: painting ::
picture book {n} (a book for young children with illustrations) :: kuvakirja
picture card {n} (flash memory card) :: muistikortti
picture card {n} (playing card with picture) :: kuvakortti
picture dictionary {n} (dictionary with pictures) :: kuvasanakirja
picturesque {adj} /pɪktʃəˈɹɛsk/ (resembling a picture or painting) :: pittoreski, maalauksellinen, kuvankaunis
picturesquely {adv} /ˌpɪkt͡ʃəˈɹɛskli/ (picturesquely) :: maalauksellisesti, kuvankauniisti
Pi Day {prop} /ˈpaɪ deɪ/ (March 14th, an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi)) :: piin päivä
pie {n} /paɪ/ (type of pastry) :: piirakka, piiras, torttu
pie {n} (nonpastry dish resembling a pie) :: piirakka, piiras, pasteija
pie {n} (whole of wealth or resource) :: kakku
pie {n} (pejorative: gluttonous person) :: rohmu
pie {n} (slang: vulva) :: ripsipiirakka, pipari
pie {v} (to hit in the face with a pie) :: kakuttaa
pie {n} (pizza) SEE: pizza ::
pie {n} (pie chart) SEE: pie chart ::
piebald {adj} /ˈpaɪ.bɔld/ (spotted or blotched) :: laikukas
piece {n} /piːs/ (part of a larger whole) :: pala, palanen; kappale; osa
piece {n} (chess: figure other than pawn; similar counter in other games) :: upseeri [other than pawn in chess]; nappula [generally]
piece {n} (small coin) :: lantti, pikkukolikko
piece {n} (artistic creation) :: [music] kappale; [other] teos
piece {n} (article published in the press) :: juttu
piece {n} (artillery gun) :: tykki
piece {n} (slang: gun) :: ase, tykki
piece {n} (sandwiches, light snack) :: voileipä, voikku
piece {n} (slang: sexual encounter) :: pano
piece {n} (shoddy or worthless object) :: romu
piece {n} (slang: cannabis pipe) :: kapu, zilu, snaga
piece {n} (sometimes derogatory: individual, person) :: tapaus
piece {n} (unit of piece work) :: urakka
piece {n} (distance) SEE: distance ::
piece {n} (castle; a fortified building) SEE: castle ::
piece {n} (pacifier) SEE: pacifier ::
piece {n} (hairpiece) SEE: hairpiece ::
piecemeal {adj} /ˈpiːs.miːl/ (Made or done in pieces or one stage at a time) :: vähittäinen, asteittainen, askelittainen, paloittainen
piecemeal {adv} (piece by piece) :: asteittain, vähä vähältä, pala palalta
piecemeal {adv} (into pieces or parts) :: palasiksi
piece of cake {n} /ˈpiːsə(v)ˈkeɪk/ (simple or easy job) :: helppo nakki
piece of clothing {n} (garment) SEE: garment ::
piece of furniture {n} (item of furniture) :: huonekalu
piece of meat {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
piece of meat {n} (person for sexual gratification) :: lihakimpale
piece of paper {n} (sheet or scrap of paper) :: paperinpala
piece of the pie {n} (personal share) :: osuus, siivu kakusta
piece rate {n} (pay per unit of production) :: urakkapalkka, kappalepalkka
piece together {v} (to physically assemble from fragments or pieces) :: liittää yhteen, yhdistää, koota
piece together {v} ((figuratively) to reconstruct an event or goal from incomplete or flawed elements) :: selvittää
piecewise {adv} (piece at a time) :: paloittain
piecewise {adv} (mathematics: throughout separate parts but not necessarily throughout the whole) :: paloittain
piecewise linear {adj} (mathematics: equal to a sum of finitely many linear functions) :: paloittain lineaarinen
piece work {n} (type of work) :: urakka, urakkatyö
pie chart {n} (graph) :: sektoridiagrammi, ympyräkaavio
pied bushchat {n} (Saxicola caprata) :: nokitasku
Piedmont {prop} /ˈpiːdmɒnt/ (region) :: Piemonte
Piedmontese {prop} /ˌpiːdmɒnˈtiːz/ (language) :: piemonte
pied piper {n} (anyone or anything that draws many in its wake) :: Hamelnin pillipiipari
pied-à-terre {n} /pjeɪ.də.tɛɚ/ (smaller secondary lodging) :: kakkosasunto, kakkoskoti
pied wheatear {n} (Oenanthe pleschanka) :: nunnatasku
pie-eyed {adj} ((extremely) drunk or intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
piehole {n} (mouth (rude)) :: turpa, leipäläpi, naama
pieing {n} (an instance of throwing a pie at someone) :: kakunheitto
pie iron {n} (device for making sandwiches) :: voileipägrilli
Piemontese {prop} (language) SEE: Piedmontese ::
piemontite {n} /ˈpiməntaɪt/ (mineral) :: piemontiitti
pier {n} /pɪə/ (raised platform built from the shore out over water) :: laituri
pier {n} (similar structure used to provide entertainment) :: laituri
pier {n} (structure used to accommodate ships) :: laituri
pier {n} (structure supporting the junction between two spans of a bridge) :: pilari
pier {n} (rectangular pillar, or similar structure, that supports an arch, wall or roof) :: pilari
pierce {v} /pɪɹs/ (puncture) :: lävistää, puhkaista
pierce {v} (interrupt) :: lävistää
pierce {v} (to pierce) SEE: puncture ::
piercing {n} /ˈpɪɹsɪŋ/ (hole for jewelry) :: lävistys
piercing {n} (the jewelry itself) :: lävistys
piercing {adj} (appearing to look deeply into; penetrating) :: läpitunkeva
pier glass {n} (tall, narrow mirror) :: trymoo
pierogi {n} /pɛˈɾoːɡi/ (dumpling) :: piirakka
pietism {n} /ˈpʌɪətɪz(ə)m/ (movement in the Lutheran church) :: pietismi
pietist {n} (supporter of pietism) :: pietisti
piety {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɪ.ti/ (reverence and devotion to God) :: hurskaus
piety {n} (reverence to one's family) :: kunnioitus
piezoelectric {adj} (of or relating to piezoelectricity) :: pietsosähköinen
piezoelectricity {n} (capacity of crystal to generate electricity) :: pietsosähköisyys
piffle {n} /ˈpɪf.əl/ (nonsense, foolish talk) :: höpinä, höpötys
piffle {v} (to act or speak in a futile, ineffective, or nonsensical manner) :: hölmöillä, höperehtiä
pig {n} /ˈpɪɡ/ (mammal of genus Sus) :: sika
pig {n} (someone who overeats or eats rapidly) :: porsas, sika
pig {n} (nasty or disgusting person) :: sika
pig {n} (dirty or slovenly person) :: sika, sottapytty
pig {n} (difficult problem) :: pähkinä
pig {n} (cast metal block) :: harkko
pig {n} (mold for a cast metal block) :: muotti
pig {n} (device to clean or inspect a pipe from inside) :: porsas
pig {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pig {n} (pork) SEE: pork ::
pigeon {n} /ˈpɪ.dʒən/ (bird of the dove and pigeon family Columbidae) :: kyyhky
pigeon {n} (victim of a confidence game) :: uhri, höynäytettävä
pigeonfoot {n} (Geranium molle) SEE: dove's-foot ::
pigeon guillemot {n} (Cepphus columba) :: tyynenmerenriskilä
pigeonhole {n} (one of an array of compartments for pigeons) :: kyyhkyslakka
pigeonhole {n} (one of an array of compartments for mail) :: lokero
pigeonhole {v} (to categorize; especially to limit or be limited to a particular category, role, etc) :: lokeroida, luokitella
pigeonhole principle {n} (combinatorial theorem) :: kyyhkyslakkaperiaate
pigeonite {n} (mineral) :: pigeoniitti
pig-footed bandicoot {n} (small marsupial) :: pussisika
piggery {n} (A place where pigs are kept or raised) :: sikala
piggyback {adv} (on somebody's back or shoulders) :: reppuselässä
piggyback {v} (to carry someone on the back or shoulders) :: kantaa reppuselässä
piggy bank {n} (small container to store small saved coins in) :: säästöpossu
pigheaded {adj} :: härkäpäinen
pigheadedly {adv} (in a pigheaded manner) :: härkäpäisesti
pig in a poke {n} (something whose true value is concealed or unknown) :: sika säkissä [idiomatic]
pig iron {n} (type of crude iron) :: takkirauta
pig Latin {n} (wordplay) :: kontinkieli [wordplay resembling pig Latin]
piglet {n} /ˈpɪɡ.lət/ (young pig) :: porsas
pigling {n} (piglet) SEE: piglet ::
pigman {n} (farm worker who looks after pigs) :: sikojenhoitaja
pigment {n} /ˈpɪɡ.mənt/ (any color in plant or animal cells) :: pigmentti, väriaine
pigment {n} (dry colorant) :: pigmentti, väriaine
pigment {v} (add color or pigment) :: värjätä
pigmentation {n} (coloration of tissue) :: pigmentaatio, värjääntyminen, väritys
Pigovian {adj} :: haitta- [see haittavero]
pigpen {n} (pigsty) SEE: pigsty ::
pigpen {n} (something extremely dirty) :: sikolätti, läävä
pig's ear {n} (cooked ear of a pig) :: possunkorva
pig's trotter {n} (foot of a pig) :: siansorkka
pigsty {n} /ˈpɪɡstaɪ/ (enclosure where pigs are kept) :: sikolätti
pigsty {n} (dirty or very untidy place) :: sikolätti, läävä
pigtail {n} /ˈpɪɡ.teɪl/ (braided plait of hair) :: letti
pigtail {n} (either of two braids or ponytails) :: saparo
pigtail {n} (tail of a pig) :: siansaparo
pigtail macaque {n} (Macaca nemestrina) SEE: southern pig-tailed macaque ::
pigweed {n} (plant of genus Amaranthus) SEE: amaranth ::
pigweed {n} (Chenopodium albumää) SEE: white goosefoot ::
pika {n} /ˈpaɪkə/ (furry mammal of the family Ochotonidae) :: pika
pike {n} (turnpike) SEE: turnpike ::
pike {n} /paɪk/ (long spear) :: piikki
pike {n} (fish of the genus Esox) :: hauki
pikeman {n} (soldier) :: peitsimies
pike-perch {n} (zander) SEE: zander ::
pike pole {n} (tool, see also: setting pole; gaff; hook) :: pokara, keksi
pikestaff {n} (shaft of a pike) :: peitsen varsi
pilaf {n} (dish) :: pilahvi
pilaff {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pilaster {n} /pɪˈlastə/ (a column attached to the wall) :: pilasteri
Pilates {n} /pɪˈlɑːtiːz/ (physical fitness system) :: pilates
pilau {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pile {n} (funeral pile) SEE: pyre ::
pile {n} (nap of a cloth) SEE: nap ::
pile {n} /paɪl/ (heap) :: kasa, pino
pile {n} (group or list of related items) :: pino
pile {n} (galvanic pile) :: paristo
pile {v} (to lay or throw into a pile) :: kasata, pinota
pile {v} (to overload) :: kasata, pinota
pile {v} (to add something to a great number) :: kasata
pile {v} (to create a hold-up) :: ruuhkauttaa
pile {n} (obsolete: dart, arrow) :: piili
pile {n} (head of an arrow or spear) :: pää, nuolenpää (arrow), kärki, keihäänkärki (spear)
pile {n} (stake of pointed timber, steel etc., driven into the earth) :: paalu
pile {n} (heraldry: one of the ordinaries) :: kärki
pile {v} (to drive piles into) :: paaluttaa
pile {n} (fine or short hair) :: haiven, aluskarva
pile {n} (hemorrhoid) SEE: hemorrhoid ::
pile {n} (obsolete: reverse of a coin) SEE: tails ::
pileated woodpecker {n} (large North American woodpecker) :: amerikanpalokärki
pile driver {n} (machine for forcing a pile into the ground) :: paalujuntta, juntta
pile driver {adj} (forceful) :: junttamainen
pileous {adj} (hairy) SEE: hairy ::
piles {n} (plural of pile) SEE: pile ::
piles {n} (haemorrhoids) SEE: haemorrhoids ::
pile up {v} (to form a pile etc.) :: kasata [transitive], kasautua [intransitive]
pile up {v} (idiomatic: to accumulate) :: kasautua
pile-up {n} (pile of crashed cars) :: ketjukolari
pile-up {n} (pile of tackling players) :: pelaajakasa
pile-up {n} (accumulation that occurs over time) :: kasaantuminen, kasautuminen, kasautuma, kasauma
pilfer {v} /ˈpɪl.fɚ/ (to steal in small quantities) :: näpistää, näpistellä
pilferage {n} /ˈpɪlf(ə)ɹɪd͡ʒ/ (theft) :: näpistely
pilgarlic {n} (bald-headed person) SEE: egghead ::
pilgarlic {n} /pɪlˈɡɑːlɪk/ (pitiable or foolish person) :: polo, poloinen
pilgrim {n} /ˈpɪlɡɹɪm/ (traveler, especially to religious sites) :: pyhiinvaeltaja
pilgrimage {n} /ˈpɪlɡɹɪmɪd͡ʒ/ (religious journey, or one to a sacred place) :: pyhiinvaellus, pyhiinvaellusmatka, toiviomatka
pilgrimage {v} (to go on a pilgrimage) :: pyhiinvaeltaa, tehdä pyhiinvaellus
pill {n} /pɪl/ (small object for swallowing) :: pilleri, tabletti
pill {n} (the pill - functions as a contraceptive) :: ehkäisypilleri, pilleri
pill {n} (small piece of any substance) :: hitunen, rahtu
pill {v} (to form small matted balls of fiber) :: nukata, nukkaantua
pill {v} (to form into a shape of pill) :: pyörittää pillereitä
pill {v} (to medicate with pills) :: ottaa pillereitä
pillage {v} /ˈpɪl.ɪdʒ/ (loot or plunder by force) :: ryöstää, hävittää, rosvota
pillage {n} (the spoils of war) :: sotasaalis
pillage {n} (the act of pillaging) :: ryöstäminen, ryöväys
pillar {n} /ˈpɪlɚ/ (large post, often used as supporting architecture) :: pylväs, pilari
pillbox {n} /ˈpɪl bɑːks/ (box for pills) :: pillerirasia
pillbox {n} (gun emplacement) :: bunkkeri
pilling {n} (balls of fibre) :: nukka, nöyhtä
pillion {n} /ˈpɪlɪjən/ (pad behind horse's saddle) :: takasatula
pillion {n} (second saddle on a motorcycle) :: takasatula
pillion {n} (person riding in the pillion) :: matkustaja
pillion {adv} (riding behind the driving rider) :: en croupe
pilliwinks {n} (torture device for squeezing the fingers) SEE: thumbscrew ::
pillory {n} /ˈpɪləɹi/ (framework on a post used as a means of punishment and humiliation) :: häpeäpaalu
pillory {v} (put someone in a pillory) :: panna häpeäpaaluun
pillory {v} (subject someone to humiliation, scorn, ridicule or abuse) :: häpäistä
pillory {v} (criticize harshly) :: soimata, teilata, arvostella ankarasti
pillow {n} /ˈpɛloʊ/ (soft cushion used to support the head in bed) :: tyyny
pillowcase {n} /ˈpɪləʊˌkeɪs/ (sheet for covering a pillow) :: tyynynpäällinen, tyynyliina
pillow fight {n} /ˈpɪləʊ ˌfaɪt/ (a play fight that involves hitting others with pillows) :: tyynysota
pillow lava {n} (rock type) :: tyynylaava
pillow talk {n} (conversation shared by bedmates) :: petipuhe
pilonidal {adj} (having body hairs which have grown in a concentrated area) :: karvainen, pilonidaali
pilot {n} /ˈpaɪlət/ (controller of aircraft) :: lentäjä, pilotti
pilot {n} (steerer) :: ruorimies
pilot {n} (person who helps navigate the harbor or coast) :: luotsi
pilot {n} (sample TV series episode) :: koejakso
pilot {adj} (made or used as a test) :: koe-, pilotti-
pilot {adj} (used as indicator) :: merkki-
pilot {v} (to control an aircraft or watercraft) :: ohjata
pilot {v} (to guide through coastal waters) :: luotsata
pilot {v} (to test) :: kokeilla, testata, pilotoida, demonstroida
pilot light {n} (flame used to ignite gas) :: sytyke
pilot project {n} (prototype, proof of concept) :: pilottihanke
pilot whale {n} (either of two species of whale) :: pallopäävalas
pilsner {n} (pale, light beer) :: pilsner, pilsner-olut
pimento {n} /pɪˈmɛntoʊ/ (red sweet pepper) :: paprika
pimento {n} (tropical berry) :: maustepippuri, maustepippuripuun marja
pimp {n} /pɪmp/ (prostitution solicitor) :: sutenööri, parittaja
pimp {v} (to act as procurer of prostitutes) :: parittaa, toimia sutenöörinä
pimp {v} (to prostitute someone) :: tehdä jostakusta prostituoitu
pimp {v} (to excessively customize) :: tuunata
pimp {v} (medicine) :: tentata, kuulustella
pimp {v} (to promote, tout) :: puffata
pimp {v} (to persuade or trick another into doing something for your benefit) :: taivutella
pimpernel {n} /ˈpɪmpənɛl/ (plant of genus Anagallis) :: punka
pimpernel {n} (Sanguisorba officinalis) :: rohtoluppio
pimpernel {n} (someone resembling Scarlet Pimpernel) :: Prinssi Rohkea
pimpernel {n} (Pimpinella saxifraga) SEE: burnet saxifrage ::
pimpernel {n} (Sanguisorba minor) SEE: salad burnet ::
pimping {n} /ˈpɪmpɪŋ/ (practise of procuring prostitutes) :: paritus
pimping {n} (process of modifying a vehicle) :: tuunaus
pimple {n} /ˈpɪmp(ə)l/ (inflamed spot on the surface of the skin) :: näppy, finni, märkänäppylä
pimply {adj} (having pimples; pimpled) :: näppyläinen
pimp up {v} (informal: to decorate, prettify) :: tuunata, kruusata
pin {n} /pɪn/ (needle without an eye, used for fastening) :: nuppineula
pin {n} (small nail) :: listanaula
pin {n} (cylinder of wood or metal used to fasten or as a bearing between two parts) :: tappi, sokka
pin {n} (wrestling: certain victory condition) :: selätys
pin {n} (slender object specially designed for use in bowling) :: keila
pin {n} (informal: leg) :: tolppa, koipi
pin {n} (any of the individual connecting elements of a multi-pole electrical connector) :: piikki, pinni [electronics], jalka
pin {n} (US: accessory attached with a pin) :: pinssi
pin {n} (in chess) :: kiinnitys
pin {n} (curling: spot at the exact centre of the house) :: nänni
pin {n} (mood, a state of being) :: tuuli
pin {n} (thing of small value; a trifle) :: rahtu
pin {n} (peg in musical instrument) :: tappi, viritystappi
pin {n} (engineering: short shaft) :: kara
pin {n} (tenon of a dovetail joint) :: tappi
pin {n} (brewing: eighth of a barrel) :: ottinki
pin {v} (to fasten/attach with a pin) :: kiinnittää
pin {v} (in chess) :: kiinnittää
pin {n} (jewellery attached with a pin) SEE: brooch ::
PIN {n} (personal identification number) :: PIN-koodi, tunnusluku
pinata {n} /pɪnˈjɑːtə/ (candy-filled container that is hit with a stick) :: piñata
pinball {n} (game) :: flipperi
pinball {n} (ball) :: flipperipallo, pallo
pinball {v} (to dart about rapidly) :: singahdella
pinball machine {n} (machine) :: flipperi, flipperikone
pin bone {n} (bone in a fish) :: ruoto
pince-nez {n} /pænsˈneɪ/ (type of eyeglasses) :: nenälasit {p}, pinnelasit {p}
pincer attack {n} (attack from multiple sides) :: pihtiliike
pincers {n} /ˈpɪnsəɹz/ (gripping tool) :: hohtimet
pincers {n} (front claws) :: sakset {p}
pinch {v} /pɪntʃ/ (to squeeze a small amount of skin) :: nipistää
pinch {v} (to steal) :: näpistää
pinch {v} (to arrest or capture) :: napata
pinch {v} (horticulture: to cut shoots or buds) :: leikata, latvoa
pinch {v} (nautical: to sail close-hauled) :: piinata
pinch {n} (action of squeezing a small amount of skin) :: nipistys
pinch {n} (small amount of powder) :: hyppysellinen, hyppynen
pinch {n} (difficult situation) :: pinteessä
pinch of salt {n} (small amount of salt) :: ripaus suolaa, suolaripaus
pinch of salt {n} (taken with caution) :: varauksella
pinchpenny {n} (fussy, particular) :: penninvenyttäjä, saituri
pincushion {n} /ˈpɪnˌkʊʃn̩/ (device designed to have sewing pins and needles stuck into it) :: neulatyyny
pincushion {n} (flowering plant in the genus Leucospermum) :: neulaprotea
pincushion {n} (flowering plant in the genus Scabiosa) :: törmäkukka
pincushion {n} (Nertera granadensis) :: korallimätäs
pincushion {n} (pincushion cactus) :: keräkaktus [Escobaria]; syyläkaktus [Mammillaria]
pincushion {n} (flowering plant in the genus Navarretia) :: neulio
pine {n} /paɪn/ (tree of the genus Pinus) :: mänty
pine {n} (tree which resembles pine in some respect) :: mänty
pine {n} (wood of pine tree) :: mänty
pine {n} (painful longing) :: piina
pine {v} (to languish, to droop) :: riutua, nääntyä [to languish]; nuukahtaa [to droop]
pine {v} (to long for sufferingly) :: ikävöidä, riutua, räytyä
pine {v} (to grieve or mourn for) :: ikävöidä, surra
pine {v} (to inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict) :: piinata, kiduttaa, kiusata, rääkätä
pineal {adj} /ˈpɪnɪəl/ (in the shape of pine cone) :: kävynmuotoinen
pineal {adj} (pertaining to pineal gland) :: käpyrauhasen, käpyrauhas-
pineal gland {n} /ˈpaɪ.niːəl ˌɡlænd/ (small endocrine gland) :: käpyrauhanen, epifyysi
pineapple {n} /ˈpaɪnæpəl/ (plant) :: ananas, ananaskasvi
pineapple {n} (fruit) :: ananas
pineapple bun {n} (sweet bun) :: ananaspulla
pineapple cake {n} (small sweet cake) :: ananastorttu
pineapple guava {n} (feijoa) SEE: feijoa ::
pineapple weed {n} (Matricaria discoidea) :: pihasaunio
pinecone {n} (seed-bearing cone of a pine tree) :: männynkäpy
pinecone fish {n} (fish) :: ananaskala
pine marten {n} (Martes martes) :: näätä
pinene {n} (chemical compound) :: pineeni
pine needle {n} (leaf of a pine tree) :: männynneulanen
pine nut {n} /ˈpaɪn ˌnʌt/ (edible seeds of evergreen pine) :: pinjansiemen
pine oil {n} (mixture of monoterpene alcohols) :: mäntyöljy
pinery {n} (pinewood) SEE: pinewood ::
pinesap {n} (Monotropa hypopitys) :: mäntykukka
pine tree {n} (pine) SEE: pine ::
pine weevil {n} (species of weevil) :: tukkimiehentäi
pinewood {n} (wood of the pine) :: mänty
pinewood {n} (forest or grove of pines) :: mäntymetsä
ping {n} /pɪŋ/ (A high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound) :: kilahdus
ping {n} (An email or other message sent requesting acknowledgement) :: kilahdus
ping {v} (To make a high-pitched, short and somewhat sharp sound) :: kilahtaa
ping {v} (To emit a signal and then listen for its echo in order to detect objects) :: kaikuluodata
ping {v} (To send a packet in order to determine whether a host is present) :: pingata
ping {v} (To flick) :: näpäyttää
ping {v} (To bounce) :: kimmota
ping {v} (To cause something to bounce) :: kimmottaa
pingo {n} /ˈpɪŋɡəʊ/ (conical mound of earth with an ice core) :: pingo
pingo {n} (flexible pole with a load suspended from each end) SEE: carrying pole ::
ping pong {n} (table tennis) SEE: table tennis ::
ping pong ball {n} (type of ball) :: pöytätennispallo
ping-pong diplomacy {n} (exchange of ping pong players) :: ping-pong-diplomatia
pinhead {n} /ˈpɪn.hɛd/ (head of a pin) :: nuppineulanpää
pinhead {n} (ignorant, naive, foolish, and stupid person) :: ääliö, tomppeli, tollo
pinhead {n} (telemark skier) :: tellumies
pin header {n} (type of electrical connector) :: piikkirima
pinion {v} (restrain) SEE: restrain ::
pink {n} /piŋk/ (flower) :: neilikka
pink {n} (pale red colour) :: vaaleanpunainen, pinkki, roosa
pink {adj} (colored/coloured between red and white) :: vaaleanpunainen, pinkki [colloquial]
pink-collar {adj} /pɪŋk ˈkɒlə/ (pertaining to employees in predominantly female service industries) :: naisvaltainen
pink dollar {n} (business generated by homosexuals) SEE: pink pound ::
pinkie {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinkie {n} /ˈpɪŋ.ki/ (little toe) :: pikkuvarvas
pinking shears {n} (scissors with zigzag cutting edges) :: harkkosakset
pink money {n} (business generated by homosexuals) SEE: pink pound ::
pinkness {n} (condition) :: vaaleanpunaisuus
pink noise {n} (signal or process) :: vaaleanpunainen kohina
pink pound {n} (business generated by homosexuals) :: pinkki raha
pink slime {n} (pink microbial mass in paper making) :: vaaleanpunainen lima
pink slime {n} (meat by-product) :: muu lihaan verrattava valmistusaine
pink slip {n} (notice of termination of employment) :: irtisanomisilmoitus
pink slip {n} (title for an automobile) :: rekisteriote
pink slip {n} (auto inspection certificate) :: katsastustodistus
pinky {n} (little finger) SEE: little finger ::
pinky {n} /ˈpɪŋki/ (slang: methylated spirits) :: tenttu, tenu
pinky {n} (baby mouse) :: pinkki
pinky promise {n} (promise made by entwining pinky fingers) :: pikkurillivala
pinky swear {v} (swear (promise) with the pinky fingers entwined) :: vannoa pikkurillin kautta, luvata pikkurillit ristissä
pinky swear {n} (pinky promise) SEE: pinky promise ::
pinna {n} (visible part of the ear) :: korvalehti
pinnacle {n} /ˈpɪnəkəl/ (highest point) :: huippu, huippukohta
pinnacle {n} (tall, sharp and craggy rock or mountain) :: terävä huippu, kalliopaasi
pinnacle {n} (figuratively: all-time high) :: kohokohta, huippuhetki
pinnacle {v} (put something on a pinnacle) :: asettaa huipulle
pinnate {adj} /pɪnˈneɪt/ (resembling a feather) :: sulkamainen
pinnate {adj} (having two rows of members arranged on each side of a common axis) :: pariosainen [lobes]; parilehdykkäinen [leaflets]; sulkasuoninen [veins]
pinnatifid {adj} (of leaves, having lobes with incisions that extend less than half-way toward the midrib) :: halkoinen
pinniped {n} (marine mammal) :: eväjalkainen
pinniped {adj} (pertaining to pinnipeds) :: eväjalkainen
PIN number {n} (PIN) SEE: PIN ::
Pinocchio {prop} /pɪˈnoʊki.oʊ/ (protagonist) :: Pinokkio
Pinocchio {prop} (fairy tale) :: Pinokkio
Pinot Noir {n} /ˌpiːnəʊ ˈnwɑː(ɹ)/ (black grape) :: Pinot Noir
Pinot Noir {n} (wine) :: Pinot Noir
pins and needles {n} (tingling felt in limb) :: kihelmöinti
pinscher {n} /ˈpɪnʃə(ɹ)/ (dog breed) :: pinseri
pinstripe {n} /ˈpɪnˌstɹaɪp/ (thin stripe on fabric) :: liituraita
pinstripe {n} (fabric with thin stripes) :: liituraitakangas
pinstripe {n} (suit made of such fabric) :: liituraitapuku
pint {n} /paɪnt/ (unit of volume for liquids) :: pintti
pint {n} (pint of milk) :: maitotuoppi
pint {n} (pint of beer) :: tuoppi, oluttuoppi, tuopillinen
pinta {n} (pint) SEE: pint ::
pintail {n} (Anas acuta) SEE: northern pintail ::
pintle {n} /ˈpɪntəl/ (pivot for a hinge) :: saranatappi
pinto bean {n} (variety of common bean) :: pintopapu
pin-up {n} (photograph) :: pin-up-kuva
pin-up {n} (person) :: pin-up-tyttö
pinwheel {n} (fake flower for children) :: väkkärä
pinworm {n} (worms) :: kihomato [human pinworm, Enterobius vermicularis]
Pinyin {prop} /ˈpɪnjɪn/ (romanization of Mandarin Chinese) :: pinyin
pion {n} /ˈpaɪɒn/ (particle) :: pioni
piñon {n} (pine nut) SEE: pine nut ::
pioneer {n} /ˌpaɪəˈnɪəɹ/ (one who goes before) :: pioneeri
pioneer {n} (soldier) :: pioneeri
pioneer {n} (member of a child organization in the Soviet bloc) :: pioneeri
pioneer species {n} (pioneer species) :: pioneerilaji
pious {adj} /ˈpaɪəs/ (of or pertaining to piety) :: hurskas, harras, jumalinen, jumalaapelkääväinen
pious {adj} (practiced under the pretext of religion) :: tekopyhä, muotojumalinen
piously {adv} (in a pious manner) :: hurskaasti
pip {n} /pɪp/ (seed) :: siemen (orange, apple), kivi (peach)
pip {n} (dot, symbol on domino, die, etc.) :: piste
pip {n} (short electronically produced tone) :: piippaus, piippi
pipa {n} (Chinese lute) :: pipa
pipe {n} /paɪp/ (wind instrument) :: puhallin, puhallinsoitin
pipe {n} (organ pipe) :: urkupilli
pipe {n} (high-pitched sound, especially of a bird) :: viserrys [of birds]; piipitys [more general]
pipe {n} (rigid tube) :: putki
pipe {n} (water pipe) :: putki
pipe {n} (tubular passageway in the human body) :: suoni [blood vesse], torvi [windpipe etc.]
pipe {n} (textiles: decorative edging) :: päärme
pipe {n} (geology: vertical conduit through the Earth's crust) :: purkauskanava
pipe {n} (lacrosse: goalpost) :: maalitolppa
pipe {n} (elongated or irregular body of ore) :: putki
pipe {n} (computing: mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another) :: putki
pipe {n} (data backbone or broadband Internet access) :: letku
pipe {n} (the character <nowiki>) :: pystyviiva
pipe {n} (smoking implement) SEE: tobacco pipe ::
pipe cleaner {n} (wire which is used to clean small crevices) :: rassi, piippurassi, piipunpuhdistaja
pipe dream {n} (near impossibility) :: pilvilinna
pipeful {n} (enough tobacco to fill a pipe for smoking) :: piipullinen
pipeline {n} /ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/ (conduit made of pipes) :: johto, putki, putkisto
pipeline {n} (channel by which information is transmitted) :: kanava, liukuhihna
pipeline {n} (system through which something is conducted) :: putki, liukuhihna
pipeline {n} (inside of a breaking wave) :: kanava
pipeline {v} (To convey something by a system of pipes) :: johtaa putkessa
pipeline {v} (To lay a system of pipes through something) :: rakentaa putkisto
pip emma {adv} (informal: in the evening) :: ii pee
pipe organ {n} (musical instrument) :: pilliurut {p}
piper {n} (baby pigeon) SEE: squab ::
piper {n} (bagpiper) SEE: bagpiper ::
pipes of Pan {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes ::
pipette {n} /paɪˈpɛt/ (small glass tube used for transferring liquid) :: pipetti
pipette {v} (to transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a pipet) :: pipetoida
pipe wrench {n} (adjustable wrench) :: putkipihdit
pipistrelle {n} /pɪpɪˈstɹɛl/ (bat of the genus Pipistrellus) :: piippa
pipit {n} /ˈpɪpɪt/ (passerine bird from the genus Anthus) :: kirvinen
pip-squeak {n} (small and insignificant person) :: hiirulainen
piquant {adj} /ˈpiːkənt/ (favorably stimulating to the palate) :: pikantti
pique {n} /piːk/ (feeling of irritation or resentment) :: närkästys
piqued {adj} /piːkt/ (mildly and temporarily annoyed) :: närkästynyt
piquet {n} /pɪˈkɛt/ (a game of cards) :: piketti
piracy {n} /ˈpaɪɹəsi/ (robbery at sea) :: merirosvous
piracy {n} (hijacking) :: kaappaus
piracy {n} (unauthorized duplication) :: piratismi
piracy {n} (unlicensed broadcasting) :: piraattiradiotoiminta
Piraeus {prop} (city) :: Pireus
piranha {n} /pɪˈɹɑnjə/ (South American fish) :: piraija
pirarucu {n} (arapaima) SEE: arapaima ::
pirate {n} /ˈpaɪ̯(ə)ɹɪt/ (one who plunders at sea) :: merirosvo
pirate {n} (armed ship) :: merirosvolaiva
pirate {n} (one who breaks intellectual property laws) :: piraatti
pirate {v} (appropriate by piracy) :: kaapata
pirate {v} (make and/or sell an illegal copy) :: harjoittaa piratismia
pirate {v} (engage in piracy) :: harjoittaa merirosvousta
pirate {adj} (illegal imitated or reproduced) :: piraatti
pirate ship {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɹət ˌʃɪp/ (ship manned by pirates) :: merirosvolaiva
Pirkkala {prop} (municipality) :: Pirkkala
pirog {n} (baked good) :: piirakka
pirouette {n} /ˌpɪ.ɹəˈwɛt/ (whirling or turning on the toes) :: piruetti
pirouette {n} (the whirling about of a horse) :: piruetti
pirouette {v} (to perform a pirouette) :: tehdä piruetti
pirozhki {n} /pɪˈɹɒʒkɪ/ (small pastries) :: piirakka [singular], piirakat {p}
pirozhok {n} (pirozhki) SEE: pirozhki ::
piscatory {adj} (of, about, or pertaining to the act of fishing) :: kalastus-
Pisces {prop} /ˈpaɪsiːz/ (constellation) :: Kalat
Pisces {prop} (astrological sign) :: Kalat
pisciculture {n} /ˈpɪsɪˌkʌlt͡ʃə(ɹ)/ (rearing of fish) :: kalanviljely, kalankasvatus
Piscis Austrinus {prop} (constellation) :: Etelän kala
piscivore {n} /ˈpɪsɪvɔɹ/ (fish eater) :: kalansyöjä
pisiform bone {n} (os pisiforme) :: herneluu
pismire {n} (ant) SEE: ant ::
piss {n} /pɪs/ (urine) :: kusi [vulgar], pissa [euphemistic], virtsa [standard]
piss {v} :: kusta, [euphemistic, childish] pissata
pissass {adj} (worthless, backward, or small) :: kuppainen
piss down {v} (piss it down) SEE: piss it down ::
pissed {adj} /pɪst/ (drunk) :: kännissä, humalassa
pissed {adj} (annoyed, angry) :: vihainen, vittuuntunut
pissed as a newt {adj} (drunk to the point of incapacity; inebriated) :: kännissä kuin käki
pissed off {adj} (annoyed, upset, angry) :: vihainen [standard]; vittuuntunut [vulgar]
pisser {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
pisser {n} (vulgar slang for toilet) SEE: shitter ::
pissing contest {n} (competition to determine who can urinate the furthest up a wall) :: pissauskilpailu
pissing contest {n} (pointless competition) :: kauneuskilpailu
piss it down {v} (to rain heavily) :: sataa kaatamalla, sataa kuin Esterin perseestä
piss off {v} (to leave, to go away) :: [vulgar] painua vittuun, [less vulgar] painua hiiteen, häipyä
piss off {v} (to annoy) :: ärsyttää, potuttaa, [vulgar] vituttaa, ottaa päähän, ottaa kupoliin
piss one's pants {v} (wet oneself) SEE: wet oneself ::
piss one's pants {v} (laugh uncontrollably) :: nauraa hervottomasti
pistachio {n} /pɪsˈtæʃioʊ/ (tree) :: mantelipistaasi
pistachio {n} (fruit) :: pistaasipähkinä
piste {n} ((skiing) a downhill trail) :: rinne
piste {n} ((fencing) the field of play of a fencing match) :: miekkailualue
pistil {n} (a discrete unit in the center of a flower which receives the pollen and produces a fruit) :: emi
pistol {n} /ˈpɪstəl/ (handgun) :: pistooli
pistol {n} (lively, bright small boy) :: veitikka
pistol grip {n} (grip of a pistol) :: pistoolin kahva
pistol grip {n} (similarly shaped grip) :: pistoolikahva
piston {n} /ˈpɪstən/ (solid disk or cylinder that fits inside a hollow cylinder) :: mäntä
piston {n} (valve of brass instruments) :: venttiili, työntöventtiili
piston {n} (in firearms) :: mäntä
piston engine {n} (engines having cylinders containing reciprocating pistons) :: mäntämoottori
pit {n} /ˈpɪt/ (hole in the ground) :: kuoppa, monttu
pit {n} (service area at a motor racetrack) :: varikko
pit {n} (music: section of a marching band) :: rumpusektio
pit {n} (archaeology: excavation hole) :: kaivanto, kuoppa
pit {n} (something particularly unpleasant) :: syvältä [idiomatic]
pit {n} (bottom part) :: pohja
pit {n} (small surface hole or depression) :: kolo
pit {n} (indented mark left by a pustule) :: rokonarpi
pit {n} (grave or underworld) :: hauta
pit {n} (part of a theatre) :: permanto
pit {n} (part of a casino) :: pelisali
pit {v} (to make pits in) :: tehdä koloja
pit {v} (to put a dog into dog fight) :: panna taistelemaan
pit {v} (to bring into opposition) :: haastaa
pit {v} (motor racing: to return to the pits) :: mennä varikolle
pit {n} (seed or stone inside a fruit) :: siemen, kivi
pit {n} (the stone of a drupaceous fruit) :: kivi, siemen
pit {v} (remove the stone from) :: poistaa kivi
pit {n} (mine) SEE: mine ::
pit {n} (armpit) SEE: armpit ::
pit {n} (pit bull terrier) SEE: pit bull terrier ::
pita {n} /ˈpɪtə/ (bread pouch used for making sandwiches) :: pitaleipä, pita
pitaya {n} (dragon fruit) SEE: dragon fruit ::
pit bull {n} (pit bull terrier) SEE: pit bull terrier ::
pitbull {n} (pit bull terrier) SEE: pit bull terrier ::
pit bull terrier {n} (breed of dog) :: amerikanpitbullterrieri, pitbull, pitbulli
Pitcairn Islands {prop} (British territory) :: Pitcairnsaaret
pitch {n} /pɪtʃ/ (sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees) :: pihka
pitch {n} (dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar) :: piki
pitch {n} (throw, toss or cast from the hand) :: heitto, syöttö
pitch {n} (act of pitching a baseball) :: syöttö
pitch {n} (field on which cricket, soccer, rugby or field hockey is played) :: kenttä, nurmi
pitch {n} (effort to sell or promote something) :: myyntipuhe, pitch
pitch {n} (distance between evenly spaced objects) :: jako; nousu [distance btw. turns of screw thread]
pitch {n} (angle at which an object sits) :: kallistus
pitch {n} (rotation angle about the transverse axis) :: nyökkääminen
pitch {n} (level or degree) :: taso
pitch {n} (aviation: measure of the degree to which an aircraft's nose tilts up or down) :: nyökkääminen
pitch {n} (measure of the angle of attack of a propeller) :: nousu
pitch {n} (nautical: measure of extent to which a vessel's bow and stern go up and down) :: nyökkääminen
pitch {n} (area in a market allocated to a particular trader) :: toripaikka
pitch {n} (point or peak, the extreme point or degree of elevation or depression, a limit or bound) :: huippu [point or peak], pohja [depression], raja [limit or bound]
pitch {n} (caving: vertical cave passage) :: kuilu
pitch {n} (person's or animal's height) :: mitta
pitch {n} (descent, fall, a thrusting down) :: pudotus
pitch {n} (point where a declivity begins, descending slope, the degree or rate of descent) :: harja [point where declivity begins]; lasku, alamäki [descending slope]; jyrkkyys [rate of descent]
pitch {v} (to throw) :: heittää
pitch {v} (baseball: to throw the ball toward home plate) :: syöttää
pitch {v} (to play baseball in the position of pitcher) :: syöttää
pitch {v} (to throw away; discard) :: heittää menemään
pitch {v} (to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell) :: kaupata, myydä, mainostaa; pitsata, pitchata [slang: to give a quick promotional speech]
pitch {v} (to deliver in a certain tone or style) :: virittää, säätää
pitch {v} (to assemble or erect (a tent)) :: pystyttää
pitch {v} (to fix or place a tent or temporary habitation) :: leiriytyä
pitch {v} (to move so that the front of the craft goes alternatively up and down) :: keinuttaa [transitive], keinua [intransitive], nyökkiä
pitch {v} (golf: to play a short, high, lofty shot that lands with backspin) :: lyödä pitch
pitch {v} (cricket: to bounce on the playing surface) :: pomppia
pitch {v} (of snow, to settle and build up, without melting) :: kinostua
pitch {v} (to come to rest from flight) :: laskeutua
pitch {v} (to fix one's choice) :: valita
pitch {v} (to plunge or fall) :: kaataa, kaatua; viettää [of a slope]
pitch {v} (to set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones) :: levittää sepeliä
pitch {v} (to set or fix, as a price or value) :: lyödä lukkoon
pitch {v} (card games: to discard a card for some gain) :: uhrata
pitch {n} (the perceived frequency of a sound or note) :: sävelkorkeus
pitch {n} (pitchstone) SEE: pitchstone ::
pitch-black {adj} (of the blackest black) :: pikimusta, sysimusta
pitchblende {n} /ˈpɪtʃblɛnd/ (a type of uraninite) :: pikivälke
pitch-dark {adj} (absolutely dark or black; as dark as pitch) :: säkkipimeä, pilkkopimeä
pitched battle {n} (pitched battle) :: valmisteltu taistelu
pitcher {n} /ˈpɪtʃɚ/ (the player who throws the ball to the batter) :: syöttäjä
pitcher {n} (A wide-mouthed, deep vessel for holding liquids) :: vesikannu
pitcher {n} (A tubular or cuplike appendage or expansion of the leaves of certain plants) :: vesikannu
pitchfork {n} /ˈpɪtʃˌfɔɹk/ (farm tool with tines) :: hanko, heinähanko
pitch pipe {n} (device) :: virityspilli
pitch simultaneity {n} (pitches which occur simultaneously) :: sävelten samanaikaisuus
pitchstone {n} (natural glass) :: laavalasi
piteous {adj} (pitiful) :: säälittävä, surkea
Pite Sami {prop} (language) :: piitimensaame
pitfall {n} /ˈpɪtfɔl/ (potential problem, hazard, or danger) :: sudenkuoppa; vaara, riski
pitfall {n} (trapping pit) :: ansakuoppa
pitfall {n} (antipattern) SEE: antipattern ::
pith {n} /pɪθ/ (soft spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees) :: ydin
pith {n} (spongy interior substance of a feather) :: ydin
pith {n} (essential or vital part) :: ydin
pith {n} (albedo) SEE: albedo ::
pith {n} (spinal cord; marrow) SEE: spinal cord ::
pith helmet {n} (type of hat) :: hellekypärä
pithy {adj} /ˈpɪθi/ (Concise and meaningful) :: ytimekäs
pitiful {adv} /ˈpɪt.ɪ.fl̩/ (so appalling or sad that one feels or should feel sorry for it) :: säälittävä
pitiful {adv} (of an amount or number: very small) :: säälittävä
pitiless {adj} (having no pity) :: armoton
Pitjantjatjara {prop} (the aboriginal language mainly spoken in central Australia) :: pitjantjatjara
pit lane {n} (lane adjacent) :: varikkosuora
piton {n} /ˈpiːˌtɒn/ (a spike, wedge, or peg (climbing)) :: haka, kiila
pitot tube {n} (pressure measuring instrument) :: pitot-putki
pit prop {n} (beam) :: kaivospölkky
pit stop {n} /ˈpɪt.stɑp/ (stop made during an automobile race at the pit to refuel) :: varikkopysähdys, varikkokäynti
pit stop {n} (brief stop for fuel, rest and/or refreshment during an automobile journey) :: tankkaustauko
pitta bread {n} (flat bread made from wheat flour) SEE: pita ::
pittance {n} /ˈpɪtəns/ (small allowance of food and drink; a scanty meal) :: mitätön ateria
pittance {n} (meagre allowance of money or wages) :: nälkäpalkka, pikkuraha, pikkusumma
pittance {n} (a small amount) :: mitätön määrä
pitter-patter {n} (soft percussive sound) :: tepsutus [tiny feet], ropina [rain]
pituitary {n} /pɪˈtuːɪˌtɛɹi/ (pituitary gland) :: aivolisäke
pituitary gland {n} (endocrine gland) :: aivolisäke
pity {n} /ˈpɪti/ (feeling of sympathy) :: sääli
pity {n} (something regrettable) :: sääli, ikävä
pity {v} :: sääliä
pity {interj} (what a pity) SEE: what a pity ::
pivot {n} /ˈpɪvət/ (that on which something turns) :: tappi, sarana
pivot {v} (to turn on an exact spot) :: kääntyä
pivotal {adj} /ˈpɪvətəl/ (being of crucial importance; central, key) :: keskeinen, ratkaiseva, käänteentekevä
pixel {n} /ˈpɪksəl/ (one of the tiny dots that make up the representation of an image in a computer's memory) :: pikseli, kuvapiste
pixelate {v} (divide an image into pixels) :: pikselöidä
pixelate {v} (transform an image into large pixels) :: pikselöidä
pixelated {adj} /ˈpɪk.səˌleɪt.əd/ (of an image, having pixels that are large enough to be individually visible from a normal viewing distance) :: pikselöity
pixellated {adj} (pixelated) SEE: pixelated ::
pixie {n} /ˈpɪksi/ (playful sprite or elflike or fairy-like creature) :: keiju
pizza {n} /ˈpiːt.sə/ (baked Italian dish) :: pizza, pitsa
pizza {n} (a single instance of that dish) :: pizza, pitsa
pizza cutter {n} (wheel-bladed knife) :: pizzaleikkuri
pizza parlor {n} (pizzeria) SEE: pizzeria ::
pizzazz {n} /pɪˈzæz/ (flair, vitality, or zest) :: säpinä
pizzeria {n} /ˌpiːt.səˈɹiː.ə/ (outlet that primarily sells pizza) :: pizzeria
PKK {prop} (Kurdistan Workers Party) :: PKK
pääkkönenite {n} (mineral) :: pääkköneniitti
placard {n} /ˈplæk.ɑɹd/ (a sheet of paper or cardboard) :: juliste
placate {v} /ˈpleɪkeɪt/ (to calm) :: lepyttää, rauhoittaa
place {n} /pleɪs/ (location, position) :: paikka, alue, kohta
place {n} (open space, courtyard, market square) :: aukio, tori
place {n} (group of houses) :: talot {p}
place {n} (region of a land) :: paikka, paikkakunta, alue, seutu
place {n} (somewhere to sit) :: paikka, istumapaikka
place {n} (frame of mind) :: paikka
place {n} (informal: house or home) :: kämppä
place {n} (a role or purpose, a station) :: tehtävä, asia, asema
place {n} (numeric: the column counting a certain quantity) :: paikka
place {n} (the position of a contestant in a competition) :: sija
place {n} (the position as a member of a team) :: paikka
place {v} (to put in a specific location) :: panna, laittaa, asettaa, sijoittaa
place {v} (to earn a given spot in a competition) :: sijoittua
place {v} (to remember where and when something or someone was previously encountered) :: paikantaa
place {v} (passive: to achieve (a certain position)) :: sijoittua, päästä
place {v} (to sing (a note) with the correct pitch) :: laulaa oikein
place {v} (to arrange for, make (a bet)) :: sijoittaa
place {v} (to recruit or match an appropriate person for a job) :: sijoittaa
placebo {n} /pləˈsi.boʊ/ (a dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment) :: lumelääke, plasebo
placebo effect {n} (tendency for a substance to exhibit results due to belief of the recipient) :: lumevaikutus, plasebovaikutus
place card {n} (card showing one's seat) :: nimikortti
place mat {n} (protective table mat) :: tabletti
placement {n} /ˈpleɪsmənt/ (the act of placing or putting in place) :: sijoittaminen, sijoitus
placement {n} (a location or position) :: sijoitus, sijainti
placement {n} (the act of matching a person with a job) :: työhönsijoitus
placename {n} /ˈpleɪsːneɪm/ (the name of a place) :: paikannimi
placenta {n} /pləˈsɛntə/ (anatomy: placenta) :: istukka
place of articulation {n} (point of contact) :: ääntöpaikka
place of decimals {n} (position of digit to the right of the decimal point) SEE: decimal place ::
place of honor {n} (place of honor) :: kunniapaikka
place of worship {n} (place where people can practise their faith) :: palvontapaikka
place setting {n} (items arranged for a person at a dining table) :: kattaus
plagiarism {n} /ˈpleɪdʒəˌɹɪzm/ (copying of someone's ideas) :: plagiointi
plagiarism {n} (act of plagiarizing or something plagiarized) :: plagiaatti
plagiarist {n} /ˈpleɪdʒəɹɪst/ (one who plagiarizes) :: plagioija
plagiarize {v} (use, and pass off as one's own, someone else's writing/speech) :: plagioida
plagiocephaly {n} (congenital condition) :: vinokalloisuus, plagiokefalia
plagioclase {n} /ˈplædʒɪəkleɪz/ (group of feldspar minerals) :: plagioklaasi
plague {n} /pleɪɡ/ (specific disease "the Plague") :: rutto
plague {n} (an epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence) :: kulkutauti
plague {n} (widespread affliction, calamity) :: vitsaus
plague {n} (a nuisance) :: riesa
plague {v} (to harass) :: kiusata, vaivata
plague {v} (to afflict with disease or calamity) :: vaivata
plaice {n} /pleɪs/ (Pleuronectes platessa) :: punakampela
plaice {n} (Hippoglossoides platessoides) :: liejukampela
plain {adj} /pleɪn/ (ordinary; lacking adornment or ornamentation) :: selvä, yksinkertainen, tavallinen
plain {adj} (unseasoned) :: maustamaton, tavallinen
plain {n} (an expanse of land with relatively low relief) :: tasanko, tasamaa
plain as the nose on one's face {adj} :: päivänselvä
plainclothes {adj} (wearing civilian clothes) :: siviilipukuinen
plainclothes {n} (ordinary civilian clothes) :: siviiliasu
plain leaf warbler {n} (Phylloscopus neglectus) :: pikkutiltaltti
plainly {adv} /ˈpleɪnli/ (In a plain manner) :: yksinkertaisesti
plainly {adv} (Obviously; clearly) :: selvästi, ilmiselvästi
Plain of Jars {prop} (plateau in Laos) :: Ruukkujen tasanko
plains-wanderer {n} /ˈpleɪnz.ˌwɒndəɹɜ/ (Pedionomus torquatus) :: arojuoksija
plains zebra {n} (Equus quagga) :: aroseepra, savanniseepra
plain text {n} (data that consists only of human-readable text) :: raakateksti
plain text {n} (unencrypted text) SEE: cleartext ::
plaintiff {n} /ˈpleɪntɪf/ (party bringing a suit in civil law against a defendant) :: kantaja
plain-winged antshrike {n} (bird) :: savipuumuura
plain-woven {adj} (woven with plain weave) :: palttinasidoksinen
plait {n} (braid) SEE: braid ::
plait {v} (to interweave) SEE: braid ::
plait {v} (to double in narrow folds) SEE: pleat ::
plait {n} /pleɪt/ (flat fold) :: taite, vekki
plan {n} /plɛən/ (technical drawing) :: kaava, kaavapiirros
plan {n} (set of intended actions) :: suunnitelma
plan {n} (2-dimensional drawing from above) :: pohjakaava, pohjapiirros
plan {n} (subscription plan) :: liittymä
plan {v} (to design) :: suunnitella, kaavailla
plan {v} (to create a plan for) :: suunnitella, kaavailla
plan {v} (to intend) :: suunnitella, aikoa, kaavailla, meinata [informal]
plan {v} (To make a plan) :: varautua
Planalto slaty antshrike {n} (bird) :: vaaleapuumuura
plan B {n} (alternative solution) :: varasuunnitelma
planche {n} /plɑːn(t)ʃ/ (position where the gymnast is horizontal and face-down) :: nojavaaka
Planck's constant {n} (constant) :: Planckin vakio
plane {adj} /pleɪn/ (of a surface: flat or level.) :: tasainen
plane {n} (level or flat surface) :: taso
plane {n} (math: flat surface extending infinitely in all directions) :: taso
plane {n} (level of existence) :: taso
plane {n} (structure to create lateral force) :: siipi
plane {n} (a tool) :: höylä
plane {v} (to smooth with a plane) :: höylätä
plane {n} (airplane) :: lentokone, kone
plane {v} (to move in a way that lifts the bow of a boat out of the water) :: liukua, plaanata, nousta plaaniin
plane {v} (to glide) :: liitää, liukua
plane {n} (deciduous tree) :: plataanipuu
plane angle {n} (angle formed by two intersecting straight lines) :: tasokulma
planeful {n} (amount) :: lentokoneellinen
plane geometry {n} (study of figures having parts that lie in a singular plane) :: tasogeometria
planer {n} (woodworking tool) :: höylä
planet {n} /ˈplænɪt/ (each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky) :: planeetta
planet {n} (rocky or gaseous spherical bodies orbiting the Sun) :: planeetta
planet {n} (similar body in orbit around a star) :: planeetta
planetarium {n} /plænɪˈtɛːɹɪəm/ (museum which displays images of space) :: planetaario
planetary {adj} /ˈplæ.nə.ˌtɛr.i/ (of or relating to planets) :: planetaarinen
planetary gear {n} (system of gears) :: planeettapyörästö
planetary nebula {n} (nebulosity) :: planetaarinen sumu
planetary science {n} (branch of astronomy) :: planetologia, planeettatutkimus
planetary system {n} (a group of various non-stellar objects orbiting a star or star system) :: planeettakunta
planetless {adj} (without planets) :: planeetaton
planetology {n} (the study of planets) :: planeettatutkimus
planetree {n} (plane) SEE: plane ::
planetree {n} (sycamore) SEE: sycamore ::
Planet X {prop} (hypothetical planet) :: planeetta X
plangent {adj} /ˈplænd͡ʒənt/ (having a loud mournful sound) :: moikaava
planimeter {n} (measuring device) :: planimetri
plank {n} /plæŋk/ (long, broad and thick piece of timber) :: lankku
plank {n} (political issue) :: periaate
plank {v} (to cover something with planking) :: lankuttaa
plank {v} (to bake on a piece of lumber) :: loimuttaa
plank {v} (to lay down, as on a plank or table) :: latoa
planking {n} (series of planks) :: lankutus
plankton {n} /ˈplæŋktən/ (generic term for all the organisms that float in the sea) :: plankton, keijusto
planned economy {n} (economy in which government directly manages) :: suunnitelmatalous
planned obsolescence {n} (policy) :: suunniteltu vanheneminen
planning {n} /ˈplænɪŋ/ (action of the verb to plan) :: suunnitteleminen
planning {n} (act of formulating of a course of action) :: suunnittelu
planning area {n} (administrative division) :: alue
planning permission {n} /ˈplænɪŋ pəˈmɪʃən/ (legal permission granted by a government authority to construct on one's land, or to change the use of the land) :: rakennuslupa
plan on {v} (to anticipate future actions on) :: laskea jonkin varaan
planosol {n} (soil type) :: pintavesimaannos
plant {n} (factory) SEE: factory ::
plant {n} (organism capable of photosynthesis) :: kasvi
plant {n} (a small or herbaceous organism, rather than a tree) :: kasvi
plant {n} (organism of the kingdom Plantae) :: kasvi
plant {n} (ecology: multicellular eukaryote that includes chloroplasts in its cells) :: kasvi
plant {n} (object placed to incriminate) :: lavaste
plant {n} (person behaving as a member of the public during a covert operation) :: soluttautuja, vakooja
plant {n} (person hidden in audience) :: soluttautuja
plant {n} (large piece of machinery) :: kone
plant {v} (place in soil or other substrate in order that it may live and grow) :: istuttaa, kylvää
plant {v} (to place (an object, or sometimes a person), often with the implication of intending deceit) :: asettaa, sijoittaa, ujuttaa
plant {v} (to place or set something firmly or with conviction) :: asettaa
plantain {n} /ˈplæn.teɪn/ (small plant) :: ratamo
plantain {n} (fruit) :: keittobanaani, jauhobanaani, ruokabanaani
plantar fascia {n} (the thick connective tissue which supports the arch of the foot) :: kantakalvo
plantar fasciitis {n} (painful inflammation of the plantar fascia) :: plantaarifaskiitti, kantapiikki
plantaris {n} (muscle from the knee to the heel) :: hoikka kantalihas
plantation {n} /plænˈteɪʃən/ (large farm) :: plantaasi, suurtila
plantation {n} (area where trees are grown for commercial purposes) :: puuviljelmä, puuplantaasi
plant bug {n} (insect in the family Miridae) :: kunelude
plant community {n} (group of plants that coexist) :: kasviyhdyskunta
planter {n} (box or pot) :: kukkalaatikko, kukkaruukku
planter {n} (machine) :: istuttaja
planter {n} (owner of a plantation) :: plantaasinomistaja
plantigrade {n} /ˈplæntɪɡɹeɪd/ (animal that walks with the entire sole of the foot) :: kanta-astuja
planting {n} /ˈplæntɪŋ/ (freshly planted plant or clipping) :: istukas [plant], pistokas [clipping]
plant milk {n} (milk-like product) :: kasvimaito
plaque {n} /plɑːk/ (flat, thin piece of clay, ivory, metal, etc., used for ornament) :: plaketti, levy
plaque {n} (piece of flat metal with writing on it to remind people of a person or event) :: laatta, muistolaatta
plaque {n} (accumulation of biofilm, or bacteria, on teeth) :: plakki
plaque {n} (accumulation in artery walls) SEE: atheroma ::
plasma {n} /ˈplæzmə/ (high energy state of matter) :: plasma
plasma {n} (component of blood) :: verineste, veriplasma, plasma
plasma cell {n} (form of lymphocyte) :: plasmasolu
plasma membrane {n} (cell membrane) SEE: cell membrane ::
plasma rifle {n} (assault rifle-styled gun that shoots plasma) :: plasmakivääri
plasma wakefield acceleration {n} (method of high-gradient particle acceleration) :: plasmakiihdytys
plasma wakefield accelerator {n} (device that accelerates charged particles) :: plasmakiihdytin
plasmid {n} /ˈplæzmɪd/ (loop of double-stranded DNA that is separate from the chromosomes) :: plasmidi
plasmin {n} (proteolytic enzyme that dissolves the fibrin in blood clots) :: plasmiini
plaster {n} /ˈplæstɚ/ (healing paste) :: voide
plaster {n} (mixture for coating) :: laasti
plaster {n} (cast) :: kipsivalos
plaster {v} (to cover with plaster) :: rapata
plaster {v} (to cover up, as with plaster) :: peittää, tapetoida, teipata
plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
plaster {n} (plaster of Paris) SEE: plaster of Paris ::
plasterboard {n} (rigid panel of several layers of fibreboard or paper bonded to a gypsum core) :: kipsilevy
plaster cast {n} (healing aid) :: kipsi
plaster cast {n} (copy) :: kipsivalos, valos
plasterer {n} (a person who plasters walls) :: rappari
plaster of Paris {n} (hemihydrate of calcium sulfate) :: kipsi, kipsilaasti
plasterwork {n} /ˈplæstɚˌwɝk/ (work in plaster) :: kipsityö
plastic {n} /ˈplæstɪk/ (synthetic thermoplastic polymer) :: muovi
plastic {n} (any similar synthetic material) :: muovi
plastic {n} (colloquial: credit cards or debit cards) :: muoviraha, muovi
plastic {adj} (capable of being moulded; malleable, flexible, pliant) :: muovailtava, plastinen
plastic {adj} (creative, formative) :: luova
plastic {adj} (biology: capable of adapting to varying conditions) :: plastinen, mukautuva, muuntautumiskykyinen
plastic {adj} (of or pertaining to the inelastic, non-brittle, deformation of a material) :: plastinen
plastic {adj} (made of plastic) :: muovinen, muovi-
plastic {adj} (inferior or not the real thing) :: muovinen, muovi-; keinotekoinen, keino-
plastic {adj} (slang, of a person: fake, snobbish) :: falski
plastically {adv} /ˈplastɪkli/ (in a plastic way) :: plastisesti
plastic art {n} (three-dimensional art form) :: plastinen taide
plastic bag {n} (type of packaging) :: muovikassi, muovipussi
plasticine {n} (modeling clay) :: plastoliini, muovailuvaha
plasticity {n} (quality of being plastic) :: plastisuus
plasticity {n} (property of a solid body) :: plastisuus, muokattavuus
plasticizer {n} /ˈplæs.tɪ.saɪ.zə/ (substance added for pliability in plastics) :: pehmitin
plastic surgeon {n} (performer of plastic surgery) :: plastiikkakirurgi
plastic surgery {n} (surgery involving the transfer of tissue) :: plastiikkakirurgia
plastic surgery {n} (cosmetic surgery) :: plastiikkakirurgia
plastid {n} (any of various organelles) :: plastidi
plat {n} (a braid; a plait) SEE: braid ::
plat {v} (to braid, plait) SEE: braid ::
plat {n} (plot of land) SEE: lot ::
plate {n} (Cockney rhyming slang: foot) SEE: foot ::
plate {n} /pleɪt/ (flat dish) :: lautanen
plate {n} (such dishes collectively) :: lautaset {p}
plate {n} (contents of a plate) :: lautasellinen
plate {n} (course at a meal) :: ruokalaji
plate {n} (agenda of tasks, problems, or responsibilities) :: työlista
plate {n} (flat metallic object) :: levy, laatta
plate {n} (vehicle license plate) :: kilpi
plate {n} (layer of a material on the surface of something) :: päällyste, pinta, pinnoite
plate {n} (material covered with such a layer) :: pinnoitettu materiaali
plate {n} (item coated with silver) :: hopeoitu astia [dish], hopeoitu esine [other object]
plate {n} (weightlifting: weighted disk) :: levy
plate {n} (printing: engraved surface used to transfer an image to paper) :: painolaatta, laatta, painolevy
plate {n} (printing, photography: image or copy) :: planssi
plate {n} (printing, publishing: full page illustration) :: planssi
plate {n} (dental plate) :: hammasproteesin pohjalevy
plate {n} (construction: horizontal framing member) :: laatta
plate {n} (historical: plate armour) :: haarniska
plate {n} (herpetology: large reptilian scale) :: suomu
plate {n} (flat electrode) :: levy
plate {n} (anode of vacuum tube) :: anodi
plate {n} (silver coin) :: hopearaha
plate {n} (chemistry: flat piece of material) :: levy
plate {n} (aviation: ability of a travel agent to issue tickets on behalf of a particular airline) :: lipunkirjoitusoikeus
plate {n} (VIN plate) :: VIN-kilpi
plate {n} (very light steel horseshoe) :: ravikenkä
plate {n} (skins sewn together for fur lining) :: turkislevy
plate {n} (music: record) :: levy; lätty [slang]
plate {v} (to cover the surface material of an object with a thin coat of another material) :: päällystää, pinnoittaa
plate {v} (to perform cunnilingus) :: nuolla
plate {v} (baseball: to score a run) :: tehdä juoksu
plate {n} (baseball: home plate) SEE: home plate ::
plate {n} (prize given to the winner in a contest) SEE: prize ::
plate {n} (geology: tectonic plate) SEE: tectonic plate ::
plateau {n} /plæˈtoʊ/ (level expanse) :: ylätasanko, ylänkö
plateau {n} (stable level) :: vakiintunut taso
plateau {v} (level off) :: tasaantua, tasoittua
plateful {n} (the quantity contained on a plate) :: lautasellinen
platelet {n} (particle found in the blood of mammals) :: verihiutale
platen {n} (printing: part of a printing press]) :: tela
platen {n} (part of a typewriter or printer on which the paper) :: tela
plater {n} (someone who installs sheet metal) :: peltiseppä
plater {n} (machine) :: kalanteri
plater {n} (inferior racehorse) :: kaakki
plate tectonics {n} (large-scale movement of tectonic plates) :: laattatektoniikka
platform {n} /ˈplætfɔːm/ (stage for speeches and performances) :: lava, esiintymislava; puhujakoroke [stage for speeches]
platform {n} (place or opportunity to express one's opinion) :: puheenvuoro
platform {n} (high shoe type) :: platformi
platform {n} (foundation or stage) :: lähtökohta
platform {n} (automotive: set of components shared by several vehicle models) :: pohjalevy
platform {n} (computing: particular type of operating system or environment) :: alusta, sovellusalusta
platform {n} (politics: political stance on a broad set of issues) :: ohjelma, periaateohjelma
platform {n} (travel: raised structure for passengers) :: asemalaituri, laituri
platform {n} (plan, sketch, model, pattern) :: malli
platform game {n} (A video game characterized by jumping to and from suspended platforms or over obstacles) :: tasohyppely, tasohyppelypeli, tasoloikka
platinize {v} (to coat with platinum) :: platinoida
platinoid {n} (metal resembling platinum) :: platinoidi
platinum {n} /ˈplæt.nəm/ (metal) :: platina
platinum {n} (colour) :: platinanvaalea
platinum {n} (recording that has achieved platinum sales) :: platinalevy
platinum {adj} (colour) :: platinanvaalea
platinum {adj} (musical recording) :: platina-
platinum {v} (to reach platinum) :: päästä platinatasolle
platinum blond {adj} (of a silvery blond color) :: platinanvaalea
platinum blond {n} (a silvery blond color) :: platinanvaalea
platinum blonde {n} (woman) :: platinablondi
platinum group {n} (group of elements) :: platinaryhmä
platitude {n} /ˈplætɪtjuːd/ (often-quoted saying) :: klisee, latteus
platitude {n} (triteness) :: latteus
Plato {prop} /ˈpleɪ.toʊ/ (Greek philosopher) :: Platon
platometer {n} (planimeter) SEE: planimeter ::
platonic {adj} /pləˈtɔnɪk/ (not sexual in nature) :: platoninen
Platonic {adj} (related to Plato) :: platonilainen
platonic love {n} (intimate but non-sexual affection) :: platoninen rakkaus
Platonic solid {n} (Any one of five polyhedra) :: Platonin kappale
Platonism {prop} (phillosophy of Plato) :: platonismi
Platonist {n} (follower of Plato; holder of similar ideas) :: platonikko
platoon {n} /pləˈtuːn/ (unit of 30-40 soldiers) :: joukkue
platter {n} (tray for serving food) :: tarjotin
platter {n} (main dish and sides on same plate) :: annos
platter {n} (part of a turntable on which a gramophone record rests) :: levylautanen
platykurtic {adj} /ˌplatɪˈkəːtɪk/ (having negative excess kurtosis) :: huiputon, litteähuippuinen, platykurtinen
platypus {n} /ˈplætɪpəs/ (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) :: vesinokkaeläin
platypusary {n} /ˈplætɪpʊsəɹi/ (place where platypuses are nurtured) :: vesinokkaeläintarha
platypussary {n} (platypusary) SEE: platypusary ::
plausible {adj} /ˈplɔːz.ɪ.bəl/ (likely, acceptable) :: uskottava
plausible {adj} (obtaining approbation) :: uskottava, pettävä, harhaanjohtava
plausible deniability {n} (organization of a clandestine activity) :: uskottava kiistettävyys
play {v} /pleɪ/ (act in a manner such that one has fun) :: leikkiä
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (transitive sense), affecting a noun) :: soittaa
play {v} (produce music using a musical instrument (intransitive sense, not affecting a noun)) :: soittaa
play {v} (deal with a situation in a diplomatic manner) :: hoitaa
play {v} (act in a performance) :: näytellä
play {v} (participate in (a sport or game)) :: pelata
play {v} (use a device to hear (a recording)) :: toistaa, soittaa
play {v} (manipulate or deceive someone) :: naruttaa
play {v} (feign, pretend) :: leikkiä
play {n} (playful activity) :: leikki, peli
play {n} (individual's performance in a sport) :: peli
play {n} (literary composition intended to be represented) :: näytelmä
play {n} (theatrical performance) :: näytelmä
play {n} (major move by a business) :: siirto
play {n} (geological formation) :: kenttä, esiintymä
play {n} (action carried out when it is one's turn to play) :: siirto, peli
play {n} (instance of watching or listening to digital media) :: toisto, toistokerta
play {n} (area of free movement for a part of a mechanism) SEE: backlash ::
playability {n} (overall quality of a gameplay) :: pelattavuus
playable {adj} (able to be played) :: soitettavissa, soittokelpoinen
playback {n} (replaying of recorded sound or moving images) :: toisto
playbill {n} (poster) :: ohjelmajuliste
playbill {n} (program) :: ohjelma, ohjelmavihkonen
playboy {n} /ˈpleɪbɔɪ/ (man who devotes himself to pleasure) :: playboy, rattopoika
Playboy Bunny {n} /ˈpleɪbɔɪ ˈbʌni/ (waitress at a Playboy Club) :: Playboy-pupu
play by ear {v} (play music guided by one's musical ear) :: soittaa korvakuulolta
play by ear {v} (do by guessing) :: tehdä sormituntumalta
playdough {n} (childrens' modeling clay) :: muovailuvaha
play down {v} (play down) SEE: downplay ::
play dumb {v} (to pretend to be mute) :: esittää mykkää
play dumb {v} (to pretend to be slow-witted) :: esittää tyhmää
player {n} /ˈpleɪɚ/ (one who plays any game or sport) :: pelaaja
player {n} (dramatic actor) :: näyttelijä
player {n} (one who plays a musical instrument) :: soittaja
player {n} (gambler, see also: gambler) :: peluri
player {n} (mechanism that actuates a player piano or similar) :: koneisto
player {n} (electronic device) :: soitin
player {n} (software application) :: soitin, soitto-ohjelma
player {n} (one without serious aims) :: peluri
player {n} (significant participant) :: tekijä
player {n} (person "playing the field") :: pelimies, pleijeri
player character {n} (character in a role-playing game) :: pelaajahahmo
playfield {n} (playing field) SEE: playing field ::
playfield {n} (area within which a game is played) :: pelikenttä
play for time {v} (to delay until one is prepared) :: pelata aikaa
playful {adj} /ˈpleɪfəl/ (liking or prone to play) :: leikkisä
playful {adj} (funny, humorous, jesting, frolicsome) :: hauska
playful {adj} (fun, recreational, not serious) :: hauska, viihdyttävä
playground {n} /ˈpleɪɡɹaʊnd/ (large open space to play on, usually for children) :: leikkikenttä, leikkipuisto
playground {n} (open-air space on a school campus where the children can play) :: leikkipaikka, leikkikenttä, leikkipuisto
playground {n} (small area for children) :: leikkipaikka
playground {n} (space to do what one pleases) :: leikkikenttä, temmellyskenttä
playgroup {n} (group of children) :: leikkipiiri, leikkiryhmä
playgroup {n} (group of gamers) :: peliporukka
play hard to get {v} (to be coy; to feign lack of romantic interest in a certain person, so as to force that person to be more overt in expressing interest) :: esittää vaikeasti tavoiteltavaa
play hooky {v} (to stay away from school, work, etc. without suitable permission or excuse) :: lintsata
play house {n} (toy house for children to play in) SEE: Wendy house ::
play house {v} (to act out family roles) :: leikkiä kotia
play house {v} (to live unmarried as if being married) :: elää avoliitossa
play house {n} (toy house for dolls) SEE: doll's house ::
playhouse {n} (venue for performing plays) SEE: theater ::
playing card {n} (one of usually 52 rectangular pieces of card) :: pelikortti
playing field {n} (field on which a game is played) :: pelikenttä
playing field {n} (any place or context of competitive activity) :: pelikenttä
playland {n} (area of free recreation) :: puuhamaa
playlist {n} /ˈpleɪˌlɪst/ (record) :: soittolista
playlist {n} (computing) :: soittolista
playmate {n} (companion to play with) :: leikkitoveri, leikkikaveri
playmate {n} (woman who has appeared in Playboy magazine) :: Playmate
playmate {n} (someone's lover) :: leikkitoveri, leikkikaveri
playoff {n} :: pudotuspelit, pudotuspeli
playoff beard {n} (beard grown during postseason) :: pudotuspeliparta, playoff-parta
play one's cards right {v} :: pelata korttinsa oikein
play on words {n} (pun or similar humorous use of language) :: sanaleikki
playpen {n} (enclosure for children to play in) :: leikkikehä
playroom {n} (room dedicated for playing) :: leikkihuone
play the field {v} (to date more than one person) :: pyörittää useampaa naista kerralla
play the fool {v} (behave in a foolish manner) :: pelleillä, hölmöillä
play the fool {v} (pretend ignorance) :: teeskennellä tietämätöntä
play the game {v} :: noudattaa pelisääntöjä
play the victim {v} (act as a victim to gain sympathy) :: uhriutua
playthrough {n} (playing a game from start to finish) :: läpipeluu
play truant {v} (be absent from school without permission) :: lintsata
play with fire {v} (put oneself in a precarious situation) :: leikkiä tulella
playwright {n} /ˈpleɪˌɹaɪt/ (writer of plays for the theatre) :: näytelmäkirjailija, dramaturgi
playwriter {n} (playwright) SEE: playwright ::
plaza {n} /ˈplɑːzə/ (a towns' public square) :: aukio, tori
PLC {n} (Abbreviation for public limited company) :: oyj (or Oyj, OyJ, OYJ)
plea {n} /pliː/ (appeal, petition, entreaty) :: vetoomus, anomus
plea {n} (excuse) :: selitys, tekosyy, puolustelu
plea {n} (that which is presented in defense or justification) :: puolustus, perustelu
plea {n} (law: defendant's answer to plaintiff’s declaration) :: vastine, vastaus
plea {n} (law: cause in court) :: oikeusjuttu
plea bargaining {n} (negotiating a verdict and sentence without a trial) :: syyteneuvottelu
pleasant {adj} /ˈplɛzənt/ (giving pleasure; pleasing in manner) :: miellyttävä, mukava, rattoisa, kiva
pleasantry {n} (courteous remark) :: kohteliaisuus, kehu
pleasantry {n} (jest) :: vitsailu
please {v} /pliːz/ (to make happy or satisfy) :: miellyttää
please {v} (to desire; to will; to be pleased by) :: haluta, mieliä, lystätä
please {adv} (interjection to make a polite request) :: olkaa hyvä [V-form]; ole hyvä [T-form]
please {adv} (affirmative to an offer) :: kiitos, kyllä kiitos, mieluusti, oikein mielellään
please {adv} (expression of annoyance or impatience) :: pliis [slang]
pleased {adj} /pliːzd/ (happy, content) :: hyvillään, mielissään, tyytyväinen, iloinen
pleased as Punch {adj} (idiom: pleased with one's achievements) :: iloinen kuin peipponen
pleased to meet you {phrase} (polite formula used when being introduced to somebody) :: hauska tavata, hauska tutustua
please help me {phrase} (please help me) :: voisitteko auttaa minua
please pass the salt {phrase} (please pass the salt) :: saisinko suolaa, kiitos
please repeat after me {phrase} (phrase) :: toistakaa mitä sanon, sanokaa (minun) perässäni
please say that again {phrase} (please say that again) :: ole hyvä, sano se uudelleen; voisitteko toistaa
please sit down {phrase} (please sit down) :: istu, ole hyvä [informal and singular]; istukaa, olkaa hyvä [polite or plural]
please speak more slowly {phrase} (please speak more slowly) :: voitko puhua hitaammin? [informal], voitteko puhua hitaammin? [formal]
please turn left {phrase} (please turn left) :: kääntykää vasemmalle
please turn right {phrase} (please turn right) :: kääntykää oikealle
pleasurable {adj} /ˈplɛʒəɹəbəl/ (that gives pleasure) :: miellyttävä
pleasure {n} /ˈplɛʒə/ (a state of being pleased) :: mielihyvä, nautinto, ilo
pleasure boat {n} (pleasure boat) SEE: pleasure craft ::
pleasure center {n} (region of the brain) :: mielihyväkeskus
pleasure craft {n} (boat used for recreation) :: huvialus
pleasure principle {n} (principle that human decisions are motivated by desire) :: mielihyväperiaate
pleat {n} /pliːt/ (fold in a fabric of a garment) :: vekki
pleat {n} (botany: fold in an organ) :: taite
pleat {v} (To form pleats in a piece of fabric or garment) :: vekittää, vekata, pliseerata
pleat {n} (plait) SEE: plait ::
pleating {n} (action or arrangement) :: vekkaus
pleb {n} /plɛb/ (common person) :: rahvas, prole
plebe {n} (plebeian) SEE: plebeian ::
plebe {n} /plib/ (first-year cadet) :: simppu
plebeian {n} /plɪˈbiːən/ (one of the common people of ancient Rome) :: plebeiji
plebeian {adj} (of or pertaining to the common people) :: rahvaanomainen
plebiscite {n} /ˈplɛbɨsaɪt/ (A referendum, especially one that concerns changes in sovereignty) :: kansanäänestys
plebvision {n} (television (pejorative)) SEE: idiot box ::
pleco {n} (type of fish) :: pleko
plectrum {n} /ˈplɛk.tɹəm/ (music: small piece for plucking strings) :: plektra; kynsi [harpsichord]
pledge {v} /plɛdʒ/ (to make a solemn promise) :: luvata, sitoutua, lupautua
pledge {v} (to deposit something as a security; to pawn) :: pantata
pledge {v} (to drink) :: juoda jonkun malja
pledge {n} (solemn promise) :: lupaus
pledge {n} (security to payment) :: pantti, vakuus
pledge {n} (security to guarantee the payment of a debt) :: vakuus
pledge {n} (person who has taken a pledge of allegiance to a fraternity) :: kokelas
pledge {n} (drinking toast) :: maljapuhe
pledge {n} (promise to abstain from drinking alcohol) :: raittiuslupaus
Pleiades {prop} /ˈpliːədiːz/ (Greek mythology) :: Plejadit
Pleiades {prop} (astronomy) :: Seulaset {p}, Plejadit {p}
pleiotropic {adj} (pertaining to pleiotropy) :: pleiotrooppinen
Pleistocene {adj} /ˈplaɪstəˌsiːn, -toʊ-/ (of the Pleistocene epoch) :: pleistoseenikautinen
Pleistocene {prop} ((geology) the Pleistocene epoch) :: pleistoseenikausi
plenary {adj} /ˈpliːnəɹi/ (fully attended) :: täys-
plenary session {n} (plenary session) :: täysistunto, yleisistunto
plenary talk {n} (talk in plenary session) :: pleenumiesitelmä
plenipotentiary {n} /ˌplɛn.ɪ.pəʊˈtɛn.ʃəɹ.i/ (person invested with supreme authority) :: täysivaltainen edustaja
plenipotentiary {adj} (invested with full power) :: täysivaltainen
plenipotentiary {adj} (of or relating to a plenipotentiary) :: täysivaltainen
plentiful {adj} /ˈplɛntɪfl̩/ (existing in large number) :: suuri, runsaslukuinen
plentiful {adj} (yelding abundance) :: runsas
plenty {n} /ˈplɛnti/ (a more-than-adequate amount) :: runsaasti
plenty {adv} (more than sufficiently or very) :: riittävästi
plenty {adj} (plentiful) SEE: plentiful ::
plenum {n} /ˈpliːnəm/ (a space that is completely filled with matter) :: täysi tila
plenum {n} (a legislative meeting (especially of the Communist Party) in which all members are present) :: täysistunto, yleiskokous
plenum {n} (enclosed space having greater than atmospheric pressure) :: ylipainetila
plenum {n} (space above a false ceiling used for cables, ducts etc.) :: alakaton ontelo, alakaton yläpuolinen tila, alakaton päällä oleva tila
pleonasm {n} /ˈpliːənæzəm/ (redundancy in wording) :: pleonasmi
pleonasm {n} (phrase involving pleonasm) :: pleonasmi
pleonastic {adj} (redundant) SEE: redundant ::
pleonastic {adj} (of, or relating to pleonasm) :: pleonastinen
pleonastic {adj} (characterised by redundancy or the use of an excess number of words) :: pleonastinen, liikasanainen
pleophony {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages) :: täysääntymä
plesiosaur {n} /ˈpliːsiəsɔːɹ/ (extinct marine reptile) :: joutsenlisko
plethora {n} /ˈplɛθəɹə/ (excess, abundance) :: yletön määrä, ylenpalttisuus
pleura {n} (serous membrane that covers the lungs and thorax) :: keuhkopussi
pleural cavity {n} (body cavity) :: keuhkopussinontelo
pleurisy {n} (inflammation of lung pleura) :: keuhkopussintulehdus
pleuronectiform {n} (member of Pleuronectiformes) :: kampelakala
pleuston {n} (organisms) :: pleuston
pleuston {n} (plants) :: irtokellujat {p}
plexiglass {n} (common language term for polymethyl methacrylate) :: pleksilasi
pliable {adj} /ˈplaɪəbəl/ (easily bent or formed) :: taipuisa, notkea
plicate {adj} /ˈplaɪkət/ (folded) :: poimuinen, poimukas
plicate {v} (biology: to fold) :: poimuttua
pliers {n} /ˈplaɪ.ə(ɹ)z/ (gripping tool which multiplies the strength of the user's hand) :: pihdit {p}, tongit {p}
plight {n} /plaɪt/ (unfortunate situation) :: ahdinko
plight {n} (condition or state) :: tilanne
plight {n} (that which is exposed to risk) :: panos, sijoitus, vakuus, vastuu, lupaus
plimsoll {n} (early sports shoes) :: tennari [low cut]; koripallokenkä [over ankle]
Plimsoll line {n} (International Load Line) :: lastimerkki, Plimsollin merkki, Plimsollin lastimerkki
plinth {n} /plɪnθ/ (base for column, pedestal or statue) :: jalusta
plinth {n} (bottom course of stones supporting a wall) :: kivijalka, sokkeli
plinth {n} (base for a cabinet) :: jalusta, sokkeli
plinthosol {n} (soil type) :: anturamaannos
Pliny {prop} /ˈplɪni/ (Roman praenomen) :: Plinius
Pliocene {prop} (geology, the Pliocene epoch) :: plioseenikausi
Pälkäne {prop} (municipality) :: Pälkäne
plod {v} /plɒd/ (to walk slowly) :: raahustaa, laahustaa
plogging {n} (jogging and picking up litter) :: roskajuoksu
plop {v} (Heavy landing) :: rojahtaa
plosive {n} /ˈploʊsɪv/ (consonant) :: klusiili
plot {n} /plɑt/ (course of a story) :: juoni
plot {n} (area of land used for building on or planting on) :: tontti [to build on]; palsta [to plant on]
plot {n} (graph or diagram) :: kuvio, käyrä
plot {n} (secret plan to achieve an end) :: juoni, salajuoni, salahanke
plot {n} (ability to plot or intrigue) :: juonikkuus
plot {n} (participation in any stratagem or conspiracy) :: juonittelu
plot {n} (plan; purpose) :: juoni
plot {v} (transitive: to conceive) :: juonia, suunnitella
plot {v} (to trace out a graph or diagram) :: tulostaa, plotata, piirtää käyrä, piirtää
plot {v} (to mark a point on a graph) :: merkitä
plot {v} (intransitive: to conceive) :: juonitella, vehkeillä, punoa juonia
plotter {n} (person) :: piirtäjä, juonittelija
plotter {n} (device) :: piirturi, plotteri
plot twist {n} (change in the direction or expected outcome of the plot) :: juonenkäänne
plough {n} /plaʊ/ (device pulled through the ground) :: aura
plough {n} (alternative name for Ursa Major) :: Iso Karhu
plough {n} (plane for making grooves) :: urahöylä
plough {n} (bookbinder's implement) :: tasausleikkuri
plough {v} (to use a plough on to prepare for planting) :: kyntää
plough {v} (to use a plough) :: kyntää [to prepare for planting]; aurata [to use a plough e.g. for removing snow]
plough {v} (vulgar: to have sex with) :: köyriä
plough {v} (to move with force) :: jyrätä
plough {v} (to furrow) :: urittaa; kynsiä [with nails]
plough {v} (nautical: to run through water) :: kyntää
plough {v} (bookbinding: to trim) :: tasata
plough {v} (joinery: to cut a groove in) :: tehdä ura
Plough {prop} (brightest seven stars of the constellation Ursa Major) SEE: Big Dipper ::
plov {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
plover {n} /ˈplʌvɚ/ (wading bird of the family Charadriidae) :: kurmitsa
plow {n} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plow {v} (plough) SEE: plough ::
plowman {n} /ˈplaʊ.mən/ (male plower) :: kyntömies, kyntäjä [gender neutral]
plowshare {n} (cutting edge of a plow) :: vannas, auranvannas
pluck {v} /plʌk/ (to pull something sharply; to pull something out) :: nykäistä, kiskaista
pluck {v} (music: to gently play a single string) :: näppäillä
pluck {v} (to remove feathers from a bird) :: kyniä
pluck {n} (nerve, fortitude, persistence) :: sinnikkyys
plucky {adj} /ˈplʌki/ (having or showing pluck) :: rohkea, sisukas
plug {n} /plʌɡ/ (electric connecting device) :: pistoke, pistotulppa, töpseli [colloquial]
plug {n} (hole filler) :: tulppa
plug {v} (to stop with a plug) :: tukkia, sulkea
plug {v} (to blatantly mention) :: puffata
plug {v} (to persist or continue with something) :: työstää
plug {v} (to shoot a bullet into something) :: tärskäyttää
plug {v} (slang: to have sex with) :: tuikata
plug in {v} (connect an electrical device) :: laittaa töpseli seinään
plug-in {n} /ˈplʌɡɪn/ (computer add-on) :: liitännäinen
plug nickel {n} (nearly worthless amount) :: puupenni
plum {n} /plʌm/ (fruit of Prunus domestica) :: luumu
plum {n} (tree) :: luumupuu
plum {n} (colour) :: luumunpunainen
plum {n} (desirable thing) :: herkkupala
plum {n} (slang: testicle) :: palli
plum {adj} (colour) :: luumunpunainen
plum {adj} (choice) :: huippu-
plum {adv} (completely; utterly) :: umpi-
plum {n} (raisin when used in pudding or cake) SEE: raisin ::
plum {n} (fruit of Prunus mume) SEE: ume ::
plumage {n} /ˈpluːmɪdʒ/ (collection of feathers covering a bird’s body) :: höyhenpeite, höyhenet, höyhenpuku
plumb {adj} /plʌm/ (truly vertical) :: kohtisuora
plumb {adv} (in a vertical direction) :: kohtisuoraan, kohtisuorasti, kohtisuorassa
plumb {adv} (squarely, completely) :: suoraan [squarely]; täysin, kokonaan [completely]
plumb {n} (mass attached to a line to indicate vertical direction) :: luoti, lyijypaino
plumb {n} (nautical: mass attached to a line to indicate depth) :: luoti
plumb {v} (to determine the depth) :: luodata
plumb {v} (to attach to water supply or drain) :: liittää vesijohtoon, liittää viemäriin
plumb {v} (to explore in depth) :: syväluodata
plumb {v} (to use plumb bob) :: luodata
plumb {v} (to accurately align) :: rihdata
plumb {v} (to seal with lead) :: juottaa lyijyllä
plumb {v} (to work as plumber) :: olla putkimiehenä
plumb {v} (to fall or sink like a plummet) :: pudota kuin kivi, upota kuin kivi
plumb {v} (to trace a road or track) :: seurata
plumbago {n} /pləmˈbeɪɡoʊ/ (leadwort) :: lyijykukka
plumbago {n} (graphite) :: grafiitti
plumb bob {n} (metal weight) :: luoti
plumber {n} /ˈplʌmə/ (one who works in lead) :: lyijytyöntekijä
plumber {n} (one who fits, etc, pipes for water, gas or drainage) :: putkimies [male]; putkiasentaja [neutral]
plumber's helper {n} (plunger) SEE: plunger ::
plumber's snake {n} (flexible rotating tool used to unclog a pipe) :: viemärinavausjousi, viemärirassi
plumbery {n} (business of a plumber) SEE: plumbing ::
plumbing {n} /ˈplʌmɪŋ/ (pipes, etc, of a water/gas/sewage system in a building) :: putkisto
plumbing {n} (informal: system of vessels or ducts in the human body, especially the genitourinary system) :: suolisto, suolet, ruoansulatus
plumbism {n} (lead poisoning) :: lyijymyrkytys
plumb line {n} (plummet) SEE: plummet ::
plum blossom {n} (the blossom of the Prunus mume) :: luumukukka
plume {n} /ˈpluːm/ (feather) :: sulka, höyhen
plume {n} (furry, curved tail of certain dogs) :: kiehkura, pörröhäntä
plume {n} (cluster of feathers) :: töyhtö
plume {n} (upward spray) :: suihku
plume {n} (geology: upwelling of molten material) :: pluumi
plume {v} (to preen and arrange feathers) :: sukia
plume {v} (to congratulate oneself proudly) :: rehvastella
plume {v} (to form a plume) :: tupruta
plume {v} (to write; to pen) :: kynäillä
plumed thistle {n} (spear thistle) SEE: spear thistle ::
plummet {n} /ˈplʌm.ət/ (lead on a line, plumb bob, plummet line) :: koho, luotilanka
plummet {v} (to drop swiftly, in a direct manner; to fall quickly) :: syöksyä, romahtaa
plump {adj} /plʌmp/ (Having a full and rounded shape, chubby) :: pyylevä, pullea, pulska
plum pudding {n} (pudding containing a large amount of dried fruit) :: luumuvanukas
plum tomato {n} :: luumutomaatti
plum tree {n} (tree that bears plums) SEE: plum ::
plumule {n} (the first bud) :: alkeissilmu
plum wine {n} (fruit wine) :: luumuviini
plum wine {n} (plum wine) SEE: umeshu ::
plunder {v} /ˈplʌndə(ɹ)/ (to take all the goods of, by force (as in war) (transitive)) :: ryöstää
plunder {v} (to take by force or wrongfully) :: ryöstää
plunder {v} (to commit robbery or looting (intransitive)) :: ryöstää
plunder {v} (to use or use up wrongfully) :: ryöstää
plunder {n} (instance of plundering) :: ryöstö
plunder {n} (loot attained by plundering) :: ryöstösaalis
plunge {v} /plʌndʒ/ (to thrust into water, or into any substance that is penetrable; to immerse) :: syöstä
plunge {n} (The act of thrusting into or submerging; a dive, leap, rush, or pitch into, or as into, water; as, to take the water with a plunge) :: sukellus
plunger {n} /ˈplʌndʒɚ/ (device for removing blockages by suction) :: viemäripumppu
plunger {n} (internal piece of syringe) :: mäntä
plunger {n} (sliding activator of an exploder) :: mäntä
plunger {n} (part of cafetière) :: mäntä
plunger {n} (one who plunges) :: sukeltaja
pluperfect {n} (pluperfect tense) SEE: pluperfect tense ::
pluperfect {n} /pluːˈpɜː(ɹ)fɛkt/ (verb in this tense) :: pluskvamperfekti
pluperfect tense {n} (tense) :: pluskvamperfekti
plural {adj} /ˈplʊə.ɹəl/ (more than one) :: monikollinen, monikko-
plural {n} (word in plural form) :: monikko
plurale tantum {n} /plʊˌɹɑleɪ̯ˈtɑntəm/ (a noun without a singular form) :: pluratiivi, monikkosana
pluralism {n} (quality or state of being plural) :: monikollisuus
pluralism {n} (state of pluralist) :: pluralismi
pluralism {n} (social system with multiple cultural identities) :: moniarvoisuus, pluralismi
pluralist {n} (advocate of pluralism) :: pluralisti
pluralistic {adj} (characteristic of pluralism) :: moniarvoinen
plurality {n} (the state of being plural) :: monikollisuus, moninaisuus
plurality {n} (most votes in election, but less than 50%) :: suhteellinen enemmistö
plurality {n} (group composed of more than one entity) :: monikollisuus
pluridimensional {adj} (multidimensional) SEE: multidimensional ::
plus {n} (plus sign) SEE: plus sign ::
plus {prep} /plʌs/ (arithmetic: sum) :: plus, ynnä
plus {n} (useful addition) :: etu, plussa
plus {adj} (being positive rather than negative or zero) :: plus, positiivinen
plus {adj} (positive, involving advantage) :: positiivinen, hyvä, myönteinen
plush {adj} /plʌʃ/ (having a soft, fluffy exterior) :: pehmolelu
plush {n} (textile fabric) :: plyysikangas, teddykangas
plush {n} (toy) SEE: plush toy ::
plush toy {n} (soft toy with a plush covering) :: pehmolelu
plus sign {n} (mathematical symbol) :: plusmerkki
Plutarch {prop} /ˈplu.tɑɹk/ (Greek historian) :: Plutarkhos
plutino {n} (planetoid) :: plutino
Pluto {prop} /ˈplutoʊ/ (god) :: Pluto
Pluto {prop} (Kuiper belt object - a dwarf planet) :: Pluto
plutocracy {n} /pluːˈtɑːkɹəsi/ (government by the wealthy) :: rahavalta, plutokratia
plutocracy {n} (controlling class of the wealthy) :: rikkaat {p}
pluton {n} (geology) :: plutoni
Plutonic {adj} /pluːˈtɒnɪk/ (of or pertaining to rocks formed deep in the Earth's crust) :: plutoninen, syvä- [see syväkivi]
plutonium {n} /pluːˈtoʊniəm/ (chemical element) :: plutonium
Pluviôse {prop} /ˈpluvioʊs/ (the fifth month of the French Republican Calendar) :: pluviôse
ply {n} /plaɪ/ (layer of material) :: kerros
ply {n} (strand making up rope or yarn) :: säie
ply {n} (in two-player sequential games, a "half-turn" or a move made by one of the players) :: vuoro
ply {v} ((transitive, obsolete) to bend; to fold) :: taivuttaa, taittaa
ply {v} ((intransitive) to bend, flex; to be bent by something, to give way or yield) :: taipua
ply {v} (to work at (something) diligently) :: harjoittaa, uurastaa [+ inessive]
ply {v} (to wield or use (a tool, a weapon, etc.) steadily or vigorously) :: käyttää
ply {v} (to press upon; to urge persistently) :: painostaa
ply {v} (to persist in offering something to) :: tyrkyttää
ply {v} (to travel over regularly) :: kuljeskella, kulkea
plywood {n} (construction material) :: vaneri
plywood {n} (specific type or grade of this material) :: vaneri
p.m. {adv} (after noon) :: p.m., iltapäivällä
PM {n} /ˌpiː ˈɛm/ (after 12:00:00) :: ip., j. pp.
pneumatic {adj} /n(j)ʊˈmæ.tɪk/ (of or relating to air or other gases) :: pneumaattinen
pneumatic {adj} (of or relating to pneumatics) :: pneumaattinen
pneumatic {adj} (powered by, or filled with compressed air) :: pneumaattinen
pneumatic {adj} (spiritual: of or relating to the pneuma) :: hengellinen
pneumatic {adj} (of a woman: well-rounded) :: pullea
pneumatic {n} (person focused on spiritual reality) :: hengellinen (ihminen)
pneumatic bone {n} (hole that contains many hollows) :: onteloluu
pneumatic drill {n} (pneumatic drill) SEE: jackhammer ::
pneumatics {n} (branch of mechanics) :: pneumatiikka
pneumococcus {n} (Streptococcus pneumoniae) :: pneumokokki
pneumoconiosis {n} (disease of the lungs) :: pölykeuhko
pneumonia {n} /nuˈmoʊniə/ (inflammation of the lungs) :: keuhkokuume, pneumonia
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis {n} /njuːˌmɒnəʊʌltɹəmaɪkɹəʊˈskɒpɪkˌsɪlɪkəʊvɒlkeɪnəʊkəʊniˈəʊsɪs/ (disease of the lungs) :: pneumonoultra­mikroskopiko­silikovulkanokonioosi
pneumothorax {n} (presence of air inside the pleural cavity) :: ilmarinta
p-n junction {n} (interface between a p-type and n-type semiconductor) :: pn-liitos
Po {prop} (longest river in Italy) :: Po-joki, Po
poach {v} /ˈpoʊtʃ/ (to cook in simmering liquid) :: hauduttaa
poach {v} (to be cooked in simmering liquid) :: hautua
poach {v} (to become soft or muddy) :: pehmetä
poach {v} (to make soft or muddy) :: pehmentää
poach {v} (to take game or fish illegally) :: salametsästää, metsästää salaa, salakalastaa, kalastaa salaa
poach {v} (to take illegally or unfairly) :: kaapata
poach {v} (to entice an employee or customer to switch) :: kaapata
poached egg {n} (type of cooked egg) :: uppomuna
poacher {n} /ˈpoʊ.tʃɚ/ (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally) :: salametsästäjä
poaching {n} (trespassing in search of game) :: [hunting] salametsästys
PO box {n} (box hired as a collection point for mail) SEE: post office box ::
pochard {n} /ˈpəʊtʃəd/ (duck) :: punasotka
pock {n} /pɒk/ (pus filled swelling) :: rokko, rakkula
pocket {n} /ˈpɑkɪt/ (bag stitched to an item of clothing) :: tasku
pocket {n} (billiards: net into which balls are struck) :: pussi
pocket {n} (enclosed volume of one substance surrounded by another) :: tasku
pocket {n} (military: area where military units are completely surrounded by enemy units) :: motti
pocket {n} (bowling: ideal spot to hit the pins) :: tasku
pocket {v} (to put into a pocket) :: pistää/panna/laittaa taskuun
pocket {v} (to cause a ball to go into a pocket of a billiard table) :: pussittaa
pocket {v} (to take and keep (especially money) that is not one's own) :: pistää/panna/laittaa taskuunsa
pocket {adj} (of a size suitable for putting into a pocket) :: taskukokoinen, tasku-
pocket {adj} (smaller or more compact than usual) :: taskukokoinen, tasku-
pocketbook {n} (notebook) SEE: notebook ::
pocketbook {n} (woman's purse) :: käsilaukku
pocketbook {n} (one's personal budget) :: lompakko; taskukirja, pokkari
pocket dictionary {n} (portable dictionary) :: taskusanakirja
pocket door {n} (type of sliding door) :: taskuovi
pocket flask {n} (pocket-size container for alcoholic beverages) SEE: hip flask ::
pocket gopher {n} (rodent of the family Geomyidae) :: taskurotta
pocketknife {n} (small knife whose blades or tools can fold in its handle) :: taskuveitsi, linkkuveitsi
pocket money {n} (money given to a child) :: taskuraha
pocket money {n} (small amount of cash) :: taskuraha
pocket pool {n} (masturbation through a pocket) :: taskubiljardi
pocket-sized {adj} (small) :: taskukokoinen, tasku-
pocket-sized {adj} (small-scale) :: taskukokoinen, tasku-
pocket watch {n} (watch) :: taskukello
pockmark {n} (mark or scar) :: rokonarpi
pockmarked {adj} (having pockmarks) :: rokonarpinen
pockmarked {adj} (pitted) :: kuoppainen
pod {n} /ˈpɑd/ (seed case) :: palko
pod {n} (group of whales or similar mammals) :: parvi; lauma [seals, hippos]
pod {v} (To remove peas from their case) :: kuoria (herneitä)
podcast {n} (podcast) :: podcast, puheohjelma
podcast {v} (to deliver audio via an RSS feed) :: lähettää podcastina, podcastata
Podgorica {prop} /ˌpɒdɡəˈɹɪtsa/ (capital city of Montenegro) :: Podgorica
pod hotel {n} (capsule hotel) SEE: capsule hotel ::
podiatrist {n} /pəˈdaɪətɹɪst/ (specialist in foot care) :: podologi
podium {n} /ˈpəʊ.dɪi.ʌm/ (platform) :: koroke
podium {n} (stand used to hold notes when speaking publicly) :: puhujakoroke, puhujapönttö
podium {n} (sports: steepled platform) :: palkintokoroke, palkintopalli
podium {n} (sports: result amongst the best three) :: palkintosija, palkintopalli
podzol {n} (soil type) :: podsoli
poem {n} /ˈpoʊ̯əm/ (literary piece written in verse) :: runo
poem {n} (piece of writing in the tradition of poetry) :: runo
poem {n} (piece of poetic writing) :: runo
poet {n} /ˈpoʊət/ (person who writes poems) :: runoilija
poetess {n} (female poet) :: runoilijatar
poetic {adj} /poʊˈɛtɪk/ (relating to poetry) :: runollinen
poetic licence {n} (departure from convention) :: runollinen vapaus
poetics {n} (the theory of poetry) :: poetiikka, runousoppi
poetry {n} /ˈpəʊɪtɹi/ (literature composed in verse) :: runous
pogo stick {n} (toy used for hopping) :: hyppykeppi
pogrom {n} /ˈpoʊɡɹəm/ (riot with the intent to massacre or terrorize a certain group, usually Jews) :: vaino, pogromi
Pohnpeian {prop} (Micronesian language) :: ponape
poignancy {n} (the quality of being poignant) :: sattuvuus, kipeys, pistävyys
poignant {adj} /ˈpɔɪn.jənt/ (sharp-pointed; keen) :: terävä
poignant {adj} (neat; eloquent; applicable; relevant) :: osuva
poignant {adj} (evoking strong mental sensation) :: (evoking sharp mental pain') kipeä, arka; [emotionally moving] liikuttava
poignant {adj} (piquant; pungent) :: pikantti, kirpeä, pistävä
poignant {adj} (incisive; penetrating) :: kärkevä, pisteliäs
poignant {adj} (piercing) :: läpitunkeva
poignant {adj} (inducing sharp physical pain) :: pistävä, kivulias
poikilothermic {adj} (capable of maintaining constant body temperature) :: vaihtolämpöinen
Poincaré disk {n} (hyperbolic plane) :: Poincarén kiekko
poinsettia {n} /ˌpɔɪnˈsɛ.ɾ(i)ə/ (plant) :: joulutähti
point {n} /pɔɪnt/ (element in larger whole) :: yksityiskohta
point {n} (particular moment in an event or occurrence) :: piste, vaihe, hetki
point {n} (archaic: condition, state) :: kunto
point {n} (opinion which adds to the discussion) :: näkökohta, pointti
point {n} (a focus of conversation or consideration) :: ajatus, pointti
point {n} (purpose or objective) :: mieli, järki
point {n} (smallest quantity of something) :: rahtu, hitunen
point {n} (tiny amount of time) :: hetki
point {n} (location or place) :: piste, paikka
point {n} (geometry: zero-dimensional object) :: piste
point {n} (full stop) :: piste
point {n} (distinguishing quality) :: puoli
point {n} (something tiny) :: piste
point {n} (tenth part) :: kymmenys
point {n} (mark or stroke above letter) :: piste
point {n} (unit of scoring in a game or competition) :: piste
point {n} (arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)) :: desimaalipilkku, pilkku [decimal comma], piste [decimal point]
point {n} (economics: unit of change) :: piste
point {n} (typography: unit of size) :: piste
point {n} (sharp tip) :: kärki
point {n} (any projecting extremity) :: kärki
point {n} (object with sharp tip) :: piikki
point {n} (backgammon: one of the twelve triangular positions) :: kiila
point {n} (peninsula) :: niemi, niemenkärki, nokka, niemimaa
point {n} (position at the front or vanguard of an advancing force) :: kärki
point {n} (compass point) :: ilmansuunta
point {n} (railroad switch) :: vaihde
point {n} (area of contrasting color) :: pilkku, täplä
point {v} (to extend finger) :: osoittaa, [frequentative] osoitella
point {v} (direct) :: osoittaa, näyttää
point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket ::
point-and-shoot {adj} (designed for quick use) :: kompakti- [as in kompaktikamera]
point-blank {adj} (so close that a weapon may be aimed directly at its target) :: lähietäisyydeltä
pointe {n} /pwɑnt/ (ballet position) :: pointe
pointed {adj} /ˈpɔɪntɪd/ (sharp at one end) :: terävä, teroitettu, teräväkärkinen, kärjekäs
pointer {n} (advice) SEE: advice ::
pointer {n} /ˈpɔɪntə/ (anything that points or is used for pointing) :: osoitin
pointer {n} (teacher's pointer) :: karttakeppi
pointer {n} (needle of a timepiece or measuring device) :: osoitin, viisari [colloquial]
pointer {n} (hunting dog) :: pointteri, seisoja, kanakoira
pointer {n} (computer programming: variable that stores the address of another variable) :: osoitin, pointteri [colloquial]
pointer {n} (computing: icon indicating mouse position) SEE: cursor ::
point guard {n} (ballhandling guard in basketball) :: pelintekijä
pointillism {n} (painting technique) :: pointillismi
pointing stick {n} (computing device) :: tappihiiri
pointing-trowel {n} (tool) :: saumauslasta
point in time {n} (moment) :: ajanhetki
pointless {adj} /ˈpɔɪntləs/ (having no point or sharp tip) :: tylsä
pointless {adj} (having no purpose) :: turha
point mass {n} (theoretical point with mass assigned to it) :: massapiste
point of contact {n} (person who represents an organization) :: yhteyshenkilö
point of contact {n} (person associated with an internet entity) :: yhteyshenkilö
point of contact {n} (specific intersection) :: yhtymäkohta
point of inflection {n} (point on a curve) :: käännepiste
point of no return {n} ((aviation) the point in a flight when there is insufficient fuel to return to the origin) :: toimintasäde
point of no return {n} ((idiomatic) the point when it is no longer possible to stop the process) :: piste, josta ei ole paluuta
point of order {n} (motion) :: työjärjestyspuheenvuoro
point of sale {n} /ˌpɔɪnt əv ˈseɪl/ (location at which payment for goods is made) :: myyntipiste, kassa
point of view {n} (position from which something is seen; outlook; standpoint) :: näkökulma, näkökanta
point of view {n} (attitude, opinion, or set of beliefs) :: kanta, mielipide, näkökanta, näkemys
point of view {n} (perspective from which a narrative is related) :: näkökulma
point out {v} (identify with a bodily gesture) :: osoittaa, näyttää
point out {v} (tell, remind, indicate to someone) :: tuoda esille, huomauttaa
points {n} /pɔɪnts/ (moveable rails used to switch a train from one track to another) :: vaihde
point the finger at {v} (to accuse or blame) :: osoittaa sormella
pointwise {adj} (occurring at each point) :: pisteittäinen
pointwise {adv} (in a pointwise manner) :: pisteittäin
poise {n} /pɔɪz/ (state of balance, equilibrium or stability) :: tasapaino
poise {n} (composure; freedom from embarrassment or affectation) :: itsevarmuus, arvokkuus, luontevuus
poise {n} (a cgs unit of dynamic viscosity) :: poisi
poised {adj} /pɔɪzd/ (Possessing poise, having self-confidence) :: itsevarma
poised {adj} (Ready,prepared) :: valmis
poison {n} /ˈpɔɪz(ə)n/ (substance harmful to a living organism) :: myrkky
poison {v} (to use poison to kill or paralyse) :: myrkyttää
poison dart frog {n} (frog of the family Dendrobatidae) :: nuolimyrkkysammakko
poisoned chalice {n} /ˈpɔɪzn̩d ˈtʃælɪs/ (something initially regarded as advantageous but which is later recognized to be disadvantageous or harmful) :: karhunpalvelus, myrkkymalja
poisoner {n} (person who poisons something or someone) :: myrkyttäjä
poison gas {n} (gas used as a weapon) :: myrkkykaasu
poison gland {n} (specialized gland) :: myrkkyrauhanen
poison hemlock {n} (poisonous plant) SEE: hemlock ::
poisoning {n} (administration of a poison) :: myrkyttäminen
poisoning {n} (state of being poisoned) :: myrkytys
poison ivy {n} (one of several ivy-like urushiol-producing plants) :: myrkkymuratti
poisonous {adj} /ˈpɔɪzənəs/ (containing sufficient poison to be dangerous) :: myrkyllinen
poison sumac {n} (Toxicodendron vernix) :: suomyrkkysumakki
Poisson's ratio {prop} (ratio) :: Poissonin suhde
POJ {n} (a Latin alphabet-based orthography for Min Nan) SEE: Pe̍h-ōe-jī ::
poke {v} /poʊk/ (to jab with an object such as a finger or a stick) :: tökkiä, sorkkia, tökätä
poke {v} (to poke a fire to remove ash or promote burning) :: kohentaa
poke {v} (computing: to modify the value stored in a memory address) :: kirjoittaa
poke {v} (to stick out the tongue) :: tökätä
poke {n} (sack or bag) :: säkki, pussi
poke {n} (pokeweed) SEE: pokeweed ::
poke {v} (rummage) SEE: rummage ::
poke {n} (ice cream cone) SEE: ice cream cone ::
poke around {v} (To search for something) :: koluta
poker {n} /ˈpoʊkɚ/ (metal rod for poking) :: hiilihanko
poker {n} (one who pokes) :: kohentaja
poker {n} (card game) :: pokeri
poker face {n} (impassive facial expression preventing determining whether one's actions in the game are the result of a quality hand or of bluffing) :: pokerinaama, pokka
poker face {n} (any similar expression preventing giving away one's motives etc.) :: pokka
pokeweed {n} (Phytolacca americana) :: kermesmarja
pokey {n} /ˈpoʊ.ki/ (prison) :: pose [slang]
pokie {n} /ˈpəʊki/ :: peliautomaatti, hedelmäpeli, kolikkopeli
Polack {n} /ˈpoʊlɑk/ (derogatory: Polish person) :: polakki
Polack {n} (archaic: Polish person) :: polakki
Poland {prop} /ˈpoʊ.lənd/ (European country) :: Puola
polao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
polar {adj} /ˈpoʊ̯lɚ/ (relating to a geographic pole) :: napa-, napaseudun, napaseutu-, polaarinen
polar {adj} (of an orbit passing near a geographic pole) :: napa-, polaarinen, polaari-
polar {adj} (having a dipole) :: poolinen, polaarinen
polar {adj} (of a certain coordinate system) :: polaarinen, napa-
polar bear {n} (Ursus maritimus) :: jääkarhu
polar cap {n} (high-latitude region covered by ice) :: napajäätikkö
polar circle {n} (either of the two parallels of the Earth) :: napapiiri
polar cod {n} (Boreogadus saida) :: jäämerenseiti
polar coordinates {n} :: napakoordinaatit {p}
polar fox {n} (arctic fox) SEE: arctic fox ::
Polaris {prop} /pɔʊˈlɑɹɪs/ (star) :: Pohjantähti
polarity {n} /pəˈlærɪti/ (separation, alignment) :: vastakohtaisuus, napaisuus, polariteetti
polarity {n} (one of two extremes) :: ääripää, napa
polarity {n} (chemistry: dipole-dipole intermolecular force) :: poolisuus, polaarisuus, polariteetti
polarize {v} /ˈpoʊləɹaɪz/ (to cause to have a polarization) :: polarisoida
polarize {v} (to cause a group to be divided into extremes) :: jakaa, polarisoida
polarized {adj} (having polarization) :: polarisoitunut
polar night {n} (period of darkness) :: kaamos
polarography {n} (electrochemical technique) :: polarografia
polar vortex {n} (polar vortex) :: napapyörre
polar willow {n} /ˈpoʊ̯lɚ ˈwɪloʊ/ (Salix polaris) :: napapaju
polder {n} /ˈpəʊldə/ (area of ground reclaimed from a sea or lake by means of dikes) :: polderi
pole {n} /poʊl/ (long and slender object for construction or support) :: paalu, pylväs, salko, tanko, seiväs, sauva
pole {n} (type of fishing rod) :: vapa
pole {n} (implement for pole-vaulting) :: seiväs
pole {n} (telescope) :: putki
pole {n} (motor racing: pole position, see also: pole position) :: paalu
pole {v} (propel by pushing with poles) :: sauvoa
pole {n} (extreme of an axis) :: napa
pole {n} (magnetic point) :: napa
pole {n} (contact on an electrical device) :: napa
pole {n} (isolated point of a meromorphic function (complex analysis)) :: napa
Pole {n} /poʊl/ (person from Poland) :: puolalainen
polecat {n} /ˈpəʊlkæt/ (weasel of the genus Mustela) :: kärppä
polecat {n} (Mustela putorius) :: hilleri
polecat {n} (skunk) SEE: skunk ::
pole dance {n} (dancing centred around a pole) :: tankotanssi
polemarch {n} (military commander in chief in ancient Athens) :: polemarkki
polemic {n} /pəˈlɛmɪk/ (argument or controversy) :: polemiikki
polemic {adj} (having the characteristics of a polemic) :: poleeminen
polemicize {v} (to engage in argument) :: polemisoida
polemology {n} /ˌpɒləˈmɒlədʒi/ (study of human conflict and war) :: polemologia
polenta {n} /pəˈlɛntə/ (starchy accompaniment to a meal) :: polenta
pole position {n} (top qualifying position) :: paalupaikka
pole position {n} (first place) :: paalupaikka
poler {n} (boater) :: sauvoja
poler {n} (horse) :: aisahevonen
poles apart {adj} (totally opposite) :: täysin vastakkainen
pole star {n} (the star) :: napatähti
pole star {n} (a guiding principle) :: johtotähti
Pole Star {prop} (star) :: Pohjantähti
pole vault {n} (jumping event where an athlete vaults over a high bar with the aid of a pole) :: seiväshyppy
pole-vault {v} (to perform a pole vault) :: hypätä seivästä
pole-vault {v} (to vault over something using a pole vault) :: hypätä seivästä
pole vaulter {n} (athlete who competes in the pole vault) :: seiväshyppääjä
pole-vaulting {n} (sport of performing pole vaults) :: seiväshyppy
police {n} /pə̆ˈliˑs/ (an organisation that enforces the law) :: poliisi
police brutality {n} (use of excessive force by a police officer) :: poliisiväkivalta
police car {n} (automobile used by a police officer) :: poliisiauto, partioauto
police department {n} (local branch of a national police force) :: poliisilaitos
police dog {n} (trained dog for police work) :: poliisikoira
police force {n} (police organization, constabulary) :: poliisi, poliisivoimat {p}
policeman {n} /pəˈliːsmən/ (a member of a police force) :: poliisi
police officer {n} (an officer in a law enforcement agency) :: poliisi, konstaapeli
police state {n} (nation whose government controls people by police) :: poliisivaltio
police station {n} (building of police force) :: poliisiasema
policewoman {n} (a female police officer) :: naispoliisi
policy {n} /ˈpɑləsi/ (principle of conduct) :: politiikka, linja
policy {n} (prudent conduct) :: linja, politiikka
policy {n} (law: insurance document) :: vakuutuskirja
policy {n} (law: insurance) SEE: insurance ::
policymaker {n} (one involved in the formulation of policies) :: linjanvetäjä, vaikuttaja
poliomyelitis {n} /ˌpɒlɪəʊmaɪəˈlaɪtɪs/ (infection by the poliovirus) :: polio, lapsihalvaus, poliomyeliitti
poliorcetics {n} /ˌpɒliɔː(ɹ)ˈsɛtɪks/ (art of siege warfare) :: piiritystaito
polish {n} /ˈpɑlɪʃ/ (substance used to polish) :: kiillote, kiillotusaine
polish {n} (cleanliness; smoothness; shininess) :: [shininess] kiilto, [smoothness] tasaisuus
polish {n} (cleanliness in performance or presentation) :: viimeistely, selkeys, tyyli
polish {v} (make a surface smooth or shiny) :: kiillottaa (make shiny), hioa (make smooth), puunata [colloquial]; lankata [shoes]
polish {v} (to refine; improve imperfections from) :: hioa, parannella, kehittää
polish {v} (to apply shoe polish) :: kiillottaa kenkiä, lankata
Polish {adj} /ˈpoʊlɪʃ/ (of Poland or its language) :: puolalainen
Polish {n} (the language of Poland) :: puola, puolan kieli
polish a turd {v} (work on a time-consuming and ultimately pointless task) :: hinkata
polished {adj} /ˈpɑlɪʃt/ (made smooth or shiny by polishing) :: kiillotettu
polished {adj} (refined, elegant) :: hieno, hienostunut
polisher {n} (person who makes something smooth and shiny) :: kiillottaja
polisher {n} (tool) :: kiillotin
polisher {n} (machine) :: kiillotin, kiillotuskone
polisher {n} (person who refines) :: viimeistelijä
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth {prop} (confederation of Poland and Lithuania) :: Puolan kuningaskunta ja Liettuan suuriruhtinaskunta
Polishness {n} (quality of being Polish) :: puolalaisuus
Polish notation {n} (notation for arithmetic formulae) :: puolalainen notaatio
politburo {n} /ˈpɒlɪtˌbjʊəɹəʊ/ (the governing Communist council) :: politbyroo
politburo {n} (policymaking body) :: politbyroo
polite {adj} /pəˈlaɪt/ (well-mannered) :: kohtelias
political {adj} /pəˈlɪtɪkəl/ (concerning or relating to politics) :: poliittinen
political {adj} (motivated by political calculation) :: poliittinen
political {adj} (of or relating to views about social relationships that involve power or authority) :: poliittinen
political animal {n} (person driven by political motives) :: poliittinen eläin
political asylum {n} (protection by a sovereign state) :: poliittinen turvapaikka
political cartoon {n} (editorial cartoon) SEE: editorial cartoon ::
political cartoonist {n} (editorial cartoonist) SEE: editorial cartoonist ::
political climate {n} /pəˈlɪtɪkəl ˈklaɪmət/ (aggregate mood) :: poliittinen ilmapiiri
political conservative {n} (person) :: poliittinen konservatiivi
political consumerism {n} (standpoint) :: eettinen kuluttaminen
political correctness {n} (being politically correct) :: poliittinen korrektius
political economy {n} (interdisciplinary study) :: poliittinen kansantaloustiede
political football {n} (often discussed yet unresolved issue) :: kuuma peruna
political football {n} (ongoing wrangling) :: poliittinen pallottelu
politically {adv} (in a political manner) :: poliittisesti
politically correct {adj} (avoiding offense, selectively) :: poliittisesti korrekti
politically incorrect {adj} (not politically correct) :: poliittisesti epäkorrekti
political machine {n} (political organization) :: poliittinen voimatekijä
political opposition {n} (minority party or parties) :: poliittinen oppositio, oppositio
political party {n} (political organization) :: poliittinen puolue, puolue
political prisoner {n} (person) :: mielipidevanki, poliittinen vanki
political risk {n} (risk) :: poliittinen riski
political science {n} (study of politics) :: valtiotiede
political scientist {n} (political science expert) :: valtiotieteilijä
political system {n} (set of institutions) :: poliittinen järjestelmä
political vacuum {n} (state of relative anarchy) :: poliittinen tyhjiö
politician {n} /pɑl.ɪˈtɪʃ.ən/ (one engaged in politics) :: poliitikko
politicize {v} (to discuss politics) :: politikoida
politicize {v} (to give something political characteristics) :: politisoida
politicize {v} (to make someone politically active) :: politisoida
politics {v} /ˈpɑl.ɪˌtɪks/ (a methodology and activities associated with running a government) :: politiikka
politology {n} (political science) SEE: political science ::
polity {n} /ˈpɑ.lɪ.ti/ (an organizational structure of the government) :: hallinto, hallintokoneisto
polity {n} (politically organized unit) :: hallintoalue
polka {n} /ˈpoʊ(l)kə/ (dance) :: polkka
polka {n} (music for this dance) :: polkka
poll {n} /poʊl/ (an election or a survey of a particular group) :: äänestys, mielipidemittaus
poll {n} (place to vote) :: äänestyspaikka
poll {v} (to solicit mock votes from (a person or group)) :: suorittaa mielipidetutkimus
poll {v} (to remove the horns of (an animal)) :: leikata sarvet
pollakiuria {n} (abnormally frequent passage of relatively small quantities of urine) :: tiheä virtsaaminen
pollen {n} /ˈpɒlən/ (fine granular substance produced in flowers) :: siitepöly
pollen grain {n} (single male reproductive particle of which the pollen of a plant consists) :: siitepölyhiukkanen
pollinate {v} (To apply pollen to) :: pölyttää
pollinator {n} /ˈpɒlɪˌneɪtə(ɹ)/ (agent) :: pölyttäjä
pollinator {n} (source of pollen) :: pölyttäjä
polling {n} (action of taking a poll) :: äänestäminen [voting], kysely [opinion survey]
polling {n} (technique of interrogating a peripheral device) :: kiertokysely
polling booth {n} (voting booth) SEE: voting booth ::
polling day {n} (election day) :: vaalipäivä
polling station {n} (place where voters go to cast their ballot) :: äänestyspaikka
pollock {n} /ˈpɑlək/ (food fish related to cod) :: seiti [P. virens], lyyraturska [P. pollachius]
pollster {n} (person who conducts polls) :: mielipidetutkija
poll tax {n} (uniform tax per individual) :: henkiraha, henkivero
pollutant {n} (something that pollutes) :: saaste, epäpuhtaus
pollute {v} /pəˈluːt/ (to make something harmful) :: saastuttaa
pollute {adj} (polluted) :: saastunut, pilaantunut
polluted {adj} (defiled) :: saastunut
polluter {n} (subject that pollutes) :: saastuttaja
pollution {n} /pəˈl(j)uːʃn̩/ (archaic: emission of semen at other times than in sexual intercourse) :: itsesaastutus [masturbation]
pollution {n} (the contamination of the environment by harmful substances) :: saastuminen [state], saastuttaminen [act]
pollution {n} (something that pollutes; pollutant) :: saaste
pollution {n} (desecration) SEE: desecration ::
polnoglasie {n} (disyllabic reflex in East Slavic languages) SEE: pleophony ::
polo {n} (polo shirt) SEE: polo shirt ::
polo {n} /ˈpoʊloʊ/ (ball game) :: poolo, hevospoolo
polonaise {n} (dance) :: poloneesi
polo-neck {n} /ˈpəʊləʊ ˌnɛk/ (high collar covering the neck, see also: turtleneck) :: poolokaulus
polo-neck {n} (light type of shirt with such a collar) :: poolopaita
polonium {n} /pəˈloʊni.əm/ (chemical element) :: polonium
polo shirt {n} /ˈpəʊləʊ ˌʃɜːt/ (casual, usually short-sleeved, shirt with a protruding collar) :: kauluksellinen t-paita; pikeepaita [such shirt made of piquet]
poltergeist {n} /ˈpoʊl.tɚˌɡaɪst/ (a disruptive ghost) :: räyhähenki, poltergeist, kummitus
poltroon {adj} (cowardly) SEE: cowardly ::
poltroon {n} /pɑlˈtɹun/ (an ignoble or arrant coward) :: lusmu
Polvijärvi {prop} (municipality) :: Polvijärvi
poly- {prefix} /ˈpɑli/ (many) :: moni-, poly-
polyamory {n} /ˌpɒliˈæm(ə)ɹi/ (practices involving relationships with multiple partners) :: polyamoria, monisuhteisuus
polyandry {n} (plurality of husbands at the same time) :: polyandria, monimiehisyys
polyarchic {adj} (of or pertaining to a polyarchy) :: poliarkinen
polyarchy {n} (government in which power is invested in multiple people) :: poliarkia
polycarbonate {n} (polymer of aromatic carbonates) :: polykarbonaatti
polychete {n} (annelids of the class Polychaeta) :: monisukasmato
polyclinic {n} (a clinic in which diseases of many sorts are treated) :: poliklinikka
polycyclic {adj} (having two or more rings of atoms in the molecule) :: polysyklinen
polyester {n} (polymer) :: polyesteri
polyester {adj} (of or consisting of polyester) :: polyesteri, polyesterinen
polyethene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
polyethism {n} (different work activities) :: erikoistuminen
polyethylene {n} (polyethylene) :: polyeteeni
polyethylene terephthalate {n} (type of polyester) :: polyetyleenitereftalaatti
polygamous {adj} /pəˈlɪɡəməs/ (of, relating to, or practicing polygamy) :: moniavioinen
polygamy {n} /pəˈlɪɡəmi/ (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time) :: moniavioisuus, polygamia
polygamy {n} (zoology: the state or habit of having more than one mate) :: polygamia
polygamy {n} (botany: the condition or state of a plant which bears both perfect and unisexual flowers) :: polygamia
polygamy {n} (polygyny) SEE: polygyny ::
polygenetic {adj} (having many sources) :: polygeneettinen
polyglot {adj} /ˈpɒliːɡlɒt/ (Versed in, or speaking, many languages) :: monikielinen
polyglot {adj} (Containing, or made up of, several languages) :: monikielinen
polyglot {adj} (Comprising various linguistic groups) :: monikielinen
polyglot {n} (one who masters, notably speaks, several languages) :: kielitaituri
polygon {n} /ˈpɑliɡɑn/ (plane figure bounded by straight edges) :: monikulmio, polygoni
polygonal {adj} /pəˈlɪɡənəl/ (having many angles) :: monikulmio-, polygonaalinen
polygon mesh {n} (collection of vetrices, edges and faces) :: polygoniverkko, tahkoverkko
polygraph {n} (device to discern if a subject is lying) :: valheenpaljastin
polygynous {adj} /pəˈlɪdʒɪnəs/ (plurality of wives at the same time) :: monivaimoisuus, polygynia
polygyny {n} /pəˈlɪdʒɪnɪ/ (plurality of wives at the same time) :: monivaimoisuus, polygynia
polyhedron {n} /pɒliˈhiːdɹən/ (geometry: solid figure) :: monitahokas, polyedri, tahokas
polyketide {n} :: polyketidi
polylectic {adj} (of or relating to a term) :: monisanainen
polyline {n} (continuous line composed of line segments) :: murtoviiva
polymath {n} /ˈpɒlɪmæθ/ (person with extraordinarily broad and comprehensive knowledge) :: monitietäjä, polyhistori, yleisnero
polymer {n} /ˈpɑ.lɪ.mɚ/ (molecule) :: polymeeri
polymer {n} (material) :: polymeeri
polymerase {n} (enzyme that catalyses the formation of polymers) :: polymeraasi
polymeride {n} (polymer) SEE: polymer ::
polymerization {n} /ˌpɒl.ɪ.məɹ.aɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ (process in which polymers are formed) :: polymerisaatio
polymerize {v} /ˈpɑləməˌɹaɪz/ (to convert a monomer to a polymer) :: polymeroida
polymerize {v} (to undergo polymerization) :: polymeroitua
polymethyl methacrylate {n} (transparent tough plastic) :: polymetyylimetakrylaatti; pleksilasi, akryyli
polymethyl methyacrylate {n} (tough, transparent thermoplastic polymer) :: pleksilasi
polymorphic {adj} /ˌpɑliˈmɔɹfɪk/ (relating to polymorphism) :: monimuotoinen
polymorphism {n} /pɑliˈmɔɹfɪz(ə)m/ (ability to assume different forms or shapes) :: monimuotoisuus, muunneltavuus
polymorphism {n} (biology: coexistence of two or more distinct forms independent of sex) :: monimuotoisuus, polymorfismi
polymorphism {n} (computer science: feature of object-oriented programming) :: polymorfismi, monimuotoisuus
polymorphism {n} (crystallography: ability of a material to exist in more than one form) :: polymorfia, polymorfismi
polymorphism {n} (genetics: regular existence of two or more different genotypes within a given species or population) :: monimuotoisuus, polymorfismi
polymorphous {adj} (Having, or assuming, a variety of forms, characters, or styles) :: monipuolinen, monimuotoinen
polymorphous {adj} (Having, or occurring in, several distinct forms) :: polymorfinen
polymorphous {adj} (Crystallizing in two or more different forms; polymorphic) :: monimuotoinen
Polynesia {prop} /ˌpɑːləˈniːʒə/ (part of Oceania) :: Polynesia
Polynesian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia) :: polynesialainen
Polynesian {n} (person from Polynesia) :: polynesialainen
polynomial {n} (algebraic expression) :: polynomi
polynomial {adj} (in algebra) :: polynominen
polynomial equation {n} (algebraic equation) :: polynomiyhtälö
polynomial function {n} ((mathematics)) :: polynomifunktio
polynomially {adv} (in a polynomial way) :: polynomisesti
polynya {n} /pə(ʊ)ˈlɪnjə/ (area of open water surrounded by sea ice) :: polinja
polyomino {n} (polyform made of squares) :: polyomino
polyp {n} (growth) :: polyyppi
polyp {n} (coelenterate) :: polyyppi
polypeptide {n} (organic chemistry: any polymer amino acids joined via peptide bonds) :: peptidi
polypeptide {n} (biochemistry: any such polymer that is not folded into a secondary structure of a protein) :: polypeptidi
polypeptide {n} (biochemistry: a small protein containing up to 100 amino acids) :: polypeptidi
polyphonic {adj} (of or relating to polyphony) :: moniääninen, polyfoninen
polyphyletic {adj} (having multiple ancestral sources) :: polyfyleettinen
polyploidy {n} /ˈpɒlɪplɔɪdi/ (state or condition of being a polyploid) :: polyploidia
polypod {adj} (having many feet) :: monijalkainen
polypod {adj} (of or pertaining to Polypodiales) :: monijalkaisten (genitive of noun)
polypod {n} (animal with many feet) :: monijalkainen
polypod {n} (fern of the family Polypodiaceae) :: kallioimarrekasvi
polypody {n} /ˈpɒlɪpəʊdi/ (any fern of the genus Polypodium) :: kallioimarre
polypoid {adj} (resembling a polyp) :: polyyppimainen
polypore {n} (tough, leathery, poroid mushroom) SEE: bracket fungus ::
polyposis {n} (hereditary disease) :: polypoosi
polypropylene {n} (resin) :: polypropeeni
polyptoton {n} /ˌpɑ.ləpˈtoʊ.tɑn/ (stylistic scheme) :: polyptoton
polypurine {n} (continuous sequence of purines in a protein) :: polypuriini
polysaccharide {n} (complex carbohydrate) :: polysakkaridi
polysemic {adj} /pɒ.lɪ.ˈsiː.mɪk/ (having a number of meanings, interpretations or understandings) :: monimerkityksinen
polysemous {adj} /ˌpɑːl.iˈsiː.məs/ (having multiple meanings) :: monimerkityksinen
polysemy {n} /ˈpɒ.lɪ.siː.mi/ (ability to have multiple meanings) :: polysemia, monimerkityksisyys
polyspast {n} (machine consisting of many pulleys) SEE: block and tackle ::
polysyllabic {adj} /ˌpɑ.li.sɪˈlæ.bɪk/ (having more than one syllable) :: monitavuinen
polysynthetic {adj} /ˌpɒlisɪnˈθɛtɪk/ (polysynthetic) :: polysynteettinen
polytechnic {adj} :: polyteknillinen
polytechnic {n} (educational institute) :: ammattikorkeakoulu
polytetrafluoroethylene {n} /ˌpɑlitɛtɹəˌflɔɹoʊˈɛθɪlin/ (synthetic resin) :: polytetrafluorieteeni
polytheism {n} /pɒl.ɪˈθiː.ɪz.əm/ (belief in the existence of multiple gods) :: monijumalisuus, polyteismi
polytheist {n} /pɒlɪˈθiːɪst/ (believer in polytheism) :: polyteisti
polytheistic {adj} /ˌpɒlɪθiːˈɪstɪk/ (of or relating to polytheism) :: polyteistinen, monijumalainen
polythene {n} (polyethylene) SEE: polyethylene ::
polytropic {adj} :: polytrooppinen
polyunsaturated {adj} (relating to long chain organic compounds) :: monityydyttymätön
polyunsaturated fat {n} (a fat or oil containing a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids) :: monityydyttymätön rasva
polyurethane {n} (any of various polymeric resins containing urethane links) :: polyuretaani
polyuria {n} (production of an abnormally large amount of urine) :: polyuria, runsas virtsaneritys
polyvinyl chloride {n} (thermoplastic resin) :: PVC-muovi
pomace {n} /ˈpʌmɪs/ :: mäski, puristusjäte
pomade {n} (greasy substance) :: hiusrasva, pomada
pomarine skua {n} (Stercorarius pomarinus) :: leveäpyrstökihu
pomegranate {n} /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡɹæn.ɪt/ (shrub/tree) :: granaattiomena, granaattiomenapuu
pomegranate {n} (fruit) :: granaattiomena
pomelo {n} (grapefruit) SEE: grapefruit ::
pomelo {n} /ˈpɒmɪləʊ/ (large fruit of the C. maxima or grandis) :: pomelo, pummelo
pomelo {n} (tree) :: pomelo
Pomerania {prop} (region of Europe on the southern shores of the Baltic Sea) :: Pommeri
Pomeranian {prop} (Kashubian) SEE: Kashubian ::
Pomeranian {adj} (of, or relative to Pomerania) :: pommerilainen
Pomeranian {n} (native or inhabitant of Pomerania) :: pommerilainen
Pomeranian {n} (breed of small, fluffy, energetic spitz-dogs) :: pomeranian, pommi
pomfret {n} /ˈpɒm.fɹɪt/ (fish of family Bramidae) :: pomfretti
pommel {n} (knob forming the finial of a turret or pavilion) SEE: finial ::
pommel {n} /ˈpɑ.məl/ (upper front brow of a saddle) :: nuppi
pommel {n} (knob on the hilt of an edged weapon such as a sword) :: ponsi
pommel horse {n} (gymnastic apparatus) :: hevonen
pommel horse {n} (athletic event) :: hevonen
pomology {n} :: pomologia
pomp {n} /ˈpɑːmp/ (show of magnificence) :: mahtipontisuus, prameus, prameilu
Pompeii {prop} /pɑːmˈpeɪi/ (a historical city) :: Pompeji
pomposity {n} (quality) :: pompöösiys, mahtipontisuus, suurellisuus
pompous {adj} /ˈpɒmpəs/ (affectedly grand) :: mahtipontinen, suurellinen
pompously {adv} (in a pompous manner) :: mahtipontisesti
poncho {n} /ˈpɑn.tʃoʊ/ (simple garment of cloth) :: poncho
poncho {n} (waterproof garment with hood) :: sadeviitta
poncy {adj} (effeminate) SEE: effeminate ::
poncy {adj} (intended to impress others, particularly in an ostentatious way) SEE: affected ::
poncy {adj} (gay, homosexual) SEE: gay ::
pond {n} /pɑnd/ (small lake) :: lampi [natural]; allas [artificial]
pond {n} (the Atlantic Ocean) :: rapakko
ponder {v} /ˈpɒn.də(ɹ)/ (to think deeply) :: pohtia
ponder {v} (to consider carefully) :: pohtia
ponderous {adj} /ˈpɑn.dɚ.əs/ (heavy, massive, weighty) :: raskas, painava, järkälemäinen
ponderous {adj} (serious, onerous, oppressive) :: rasittava, raskas
ponderous {adj} (clumsy, unwieldy, or slow, especially due to weight) :: kömpelö, raskas
ponderous {adj} (dull or boring) :: rasittava, pitkäveteinen, uuvuttava, raskas
ponderous {adj} (characterized by or associated with pondering) :: pohdiskeleva, raskassoutuinen
ponderous {adj} (dense) SEE: dense ::
pond-skater {n} (any of various predatory insects) SEE: water strider ::
pondweed {n} (plant of the genus Potamogeton) :: vita
pondweed {n} (plant of the genus Elodea) :: vesirutto
pondweed {n} (plant of the genus Aponogeton) :: verkkolehti
pondweed {n} (alga of the order Charales) :: näkinpartaislevä
pong {n} (bad smell) :: lemu, löyhkä
pong {v} (to stink) :: lemuta, löyhkätä
pongee {n} /ˈpɑndʒi/ (soft unbleached silk) :: pongee-silkki
pons {n} /pɒnz/ (part of the brain) :: aivosilta
pontiff {n} /ˈpɒntɪf/ (pope) :: pontiff
pontifical {adj} (Of or pertaining to a pontiff) :: paavillinen
pontifical {adj} (Pompous, dignified or dogmatic) :: mahtava, mahtipontinen
pontificate {n} /pɑːnˈtɪfɪkət/ (state of a pontifex) :: paavius, pontifikaatti
pontificate {v} /pɑːnˈtɪfɪkeɪt/ (speak in a patronizing, supercilious or pompous manner) :: saarnata
pontoon {n} /pɒnˈtuːn/ (support for a temporary bridge) :: ponttoni
pontoon {n} (floating structure supporting a bridge or dock) :: ponttoni
pontoon {n} (box used to raise a sunken vessel) :: ponttoni
pontoon {n} (float of a seaplane) :: ilmatyyny
pontoon bridge {n} (a temporary bridge built over floating pontoons) :: ponttoonisilta
pony {n} /ˈpoʊni/ (small horse) :: poni
ponytail {n} /ˈpoʊniˌteɪl/ (hairstyle) :: poninhäntä
Ponzi scheme {n} (illicit money-making scheme) :: Ponzi-huijaus
poo {n} /puː/ :: kakka
poo {n} (slang: marijuana resin) :: tymi
poo {n} (slang: champagne) :: skumppa
poo {v} :: kakata
pooch {n} (slang: dog) :: piski, murre
pooch {n} (mongrel) :: rakki
pooch {n} (bulge) :: pullistuma
pooch {n} (distended or swelled condition) :: pullistuma
pooch {v} (to extend beyond normal limits) :: pullistua
pood {n} (Russian unit of mass) :: puuta
poodle {n} /ˈpuː.dəl/ (any of various breeds of poodle) :: villakoira, puudeli
poof {interj} /pʊf/ (deflating object or a magical disappearance) :: puff
poof {n} (A male homosexual.) :: hintti
Pooh {prop} /puː/ (short for Winnie the Pooh) :: Puh
pool {n} /pul/ (body of water) :: lampi, suvanto, lammikko [natural]; allas [reservoir]
pool {n} (small body of standing or stagnant water; a puddle) :: lammikko, lätäkkö
pool {n} (supply of resources) :: varanto, piiri
pool {n} (computing: set of resources kept ready to use) :: varanto
pool {n} (small amount of liquid on a surface) :: lammikko
pool {n} (localized glow of light) :: keila
pool {n} (cue sport played on a pool table) :: biljardi
pool {n} (any gambling or commercial venture in which several persons join) :: kimppa
pool {n} (stake played for in certain games; aggregated stake) :: panos [individual]; potti [aggregated]
pool {n} (legal: aggregation of properties or rights) :: yhtymä
pool {v} (to put together) :: yhdistää
pool {v} (to combine or contribute with others) :: yhdistyä
pool {n} (swimming pool) SEE: swimming pool ::
pool noodle {n} (toy) :: lötköpötkö
poop {v} /puːp/ (to make a short blast) :: töräyttää
poop {n} (low-pitch sound of a whistle) :: tuut
poop {v} (to tire, exhaust) :: väsähtää
poop {n} (slothful person) :: vätys, laiskamato, laiskuri
poop {v} (to poop) SEE: poo ::
poop {n} (feces) SEE: poo ::
poop {n} (stern) SEE: stern ::
poop {v} (to break wind) SEE: break wind ::
poop bag {n} (bag) :: koirankakkapussi
poop deck {n} (stern deck on top of the cabin(s)) :: puuppikansi, hyttikansi
pooper scooper {n} (scoop for the collection of pet excrement) :: kakkalapio
poor {adj} /poː/ (with little or no possessions or money) :: köyhä
poor {adj} (of low quality) :: huono, kehno, heikkolaatuinen, surkea
poor {adj} (used to express pity) :: raukka, rukka, rassu, raasu, poloinen
poor {adj} (deficient in a specified way) :: -köyhä
poor {adj} (inadequate, insufficient) :: riittämätön
poor {adj} (free from self-assertion; not proud or arrogant) :: nöyrä, vaatimaton; köyhä [in Matthew 3:5]
poor {n} (those with no possessions) :: köyhät {p}
poor as a church mouse {adj} (very poor) :: köyhä kuin kirkonrotta, rutiköyhä
poorly {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
poor man's asparagus {n} (Lincolnshire spinach) SEE: Good King Henry ::
poormouth {v} (claim to be poor) :: väittää olevansa köyhä
poor relation {n} :: köyhä sukulainen
poor thing {n} (someone or something to be pitied) :: raukka, [exclamation] voi sinua, [exclamation] voi raukkaa, [exclamation] voi ressua, [exclamation] voi rukkaa, [exclamation] voi parkaa
pop {v} (to hit) SEE: hit ::
pop {n} /pɑp/ (loud, sharp sound) :: poksahdus
pop {n} (soda pop) :: limsa, limu, limppari
pop {v} (to make a sharp quick sound) :: poksahtaa
pop {v} (to burst something) :: poksauttaa
pop {v} (to enter, or issue forth, with a quick, sudden movement) :: ponnahtaa, pompata, pullahtaa
pop {v} (to place something somewhere) :: tyrkätä
pop {v} (computing: to remove a data item from the top of a stack) :: vetää, poistaa
pop {v} (slang: to swallow) :: nappailla
pop {v} (to perform a move while riding a board or vehicle) :: vetäistä
pop {v} (to undergo equalization of pressure when the Eustachian tubes open) :: poksahtaa, aueta
pop {interj} (sound) :: poks
pop {n} (pop music) :: pop, poppi
pop {v} (to ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate ::
popcorn {n} /ˈpɑp.kɔɹn/ (a snack food made from corn kernels popped by dry heating) :: popcorn, paukkumaissi, paahtomaissi
pop culture {n} (popular culture) SEE: popular culture ::
pope {n} /poʊp/ (head of the Roman Catholic Church) :: paavi
Popemobile {n} (any of various vehicles with bulletproof glass sides used to transport the Pope) :: paavimobiili
Popeye {prop} /ˈpɒp.ˌaɪ/ (tough cartoon sailor) :: Kippari-Kalle
pop group {n} (musical group specializing in pop music) :: pop-yhtye
pop gun {n} (a toy gun) :: korkkipyssy
popinjay {n} (Picus viridis) SEE: green woodpecker ::
popinjay {n} (parrot) SEE: parrot ::
popinjay {n} /ˈpɑpənˌdʒeɪ/ (decorative image of a parrot) :: papukaija
popinjay {n} (heraldic representation of a parrot) :: papukaija
popinjay {n} (vain, gaudy person) :: pintaliitäjä
popinjay {n} (archery: target to shoot at) :: papukaija [rare]; maali
poplar {n} /ˈpɒplə(ɹ)/ (any of various deciduous trees of the genus Populus) :: poppeli
poplin {n} /ˈpɒplɪn/ (certain kind of fabric) :: popliini
poplit {n} /ˈpɒplɪt/ (fossa at the back of the knee joint) :: polvitaive
popliteal {adj} /pɒˈplɪtɪ.əl/ (area behind the knee) :: polvitaive-, polvitaipeen
popliteal fossa {n} (shallow depression located at the back of the knee joint) SEE: poplit ::
popliteus {n} (area behind the knee) :: polvitaivelihas
pop music {n} (music intended for or accepted by a wide audience) :: pop-musiikki, populäärimusiikki
poppy {n} /ˈpɒpi/ (plant) :: unikukka, unikko
poppy {n} (artificial poppy) :: unikko
poppy {adj} (music style) :: popahtava
poppycock {n} (nonsense) :: hölynpöly
poppyhead {n} (head of a poppy) :: unikonkota
poppyseed {n} (the seed of the poppy) :: unikonsiemen
pop quiz {n} (test without notice) :: pistokoe
pop rivet {n} (a pin with an expandable head) :: vetoniitti, popniitti
popsicle {n} /ˈpɑpsɪkl̩/ (serving of frozen juice on a stick) :: mehujääpuikko
pop someone's cherry {v} (deflower) SEE: deflower ::
pop the question {v} (pop the question) :: kosia
populace {n} (inhabitants of a nation) SEE: population ::
popular {adj} /ˈpɑpjələɹ/ (of or pertaining to the common people) :: kansan-, kansanomainen
popular {adj} (aimed at the general public) :: helppotajuinen
popular {adj} (adapted to the means of the common people; cheap) :: talous-, kansan-
popular {adj} (liked by many people) :: suosittu
popular culture {n} (prevailing vernacular culture) :: populaarikulttuuri
popularise {v} (to make popular) :: tehdä suosituksi, tehdä tunnetuksi
popularise {v} (to present in a widely understandable form) :: helppotajuistaa, popularisoida, kansantajuistaa
popularity {n} /ˌpɒp.jəˈlæɹ.ɪ.ti/ (the quality or state of being popular) :: suosio
popularly {adv} (in a popular manner) :: suositusti
popular music {n} (genre that has wide appeal amongst the general public) :: populaarimusiikki, pop, pop-musiikki
popular opinion {n} (public opinion) SEE: public opinion ::
popular science {n} (interpretation of science) :: populaaritiede
popular science {n} (of, or having to do with popular science) :: populaaritieteellinen, yleistajuinen, tiedettä yleistajuistava
population {n} /ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃən/ (all people living within a political or geographical boundary) :: väestö
population {n} (biology: collection of organisms) :: kanta, populaatio
population {n} (number of residents in a given area) :: asukasluku, väkiluku
population {n} (statistics: greater group of units from which a sample can be drawn) :: perusjoukko, populaatio
population density {n} (average number of people per area) :: väestöntiheys
population inversion {n} (creation of a system) :: käänteinen miehitys, populaatioinversio
population mean {n} (mean of all members of a population) :: perusjoukon keskiarvo, populaation keskiarvo
populism {n} (a political doctrine or philosophy) :: populismi
populist {n} (person who advocates populism) :: populisti
populist {n} (politician who advocates policies just because they are popular) :: populisti
populist {n} (person who advocates democratic principles) :: demokraatti
populist {adj} (democratic) :: demokraattinen
populist {adj} (put forward just because it would be popular) :: populistinen
populist {adj} (of or pertaining to populism) :: populistinen
populous {adj} /ˈpɑpjələs/ (having a large population) :: väkirikas, runsasväkinen
populous {adj} (densely populated) :: tiheästi asuttu
populous {adj} (crowded with people) :: ruuhkainen
pop up {v} (to appear without warning) :: ilmestyä
pop-up {n} (advertisement that pops up when one accesses an Internet page) :: ponnahdusikkuna
pop-up menu {n} (context menu) :: ponnahdusvalikko
porbeagle {n} (a pelagic shark) :: sillihai
porcelain {n} /ˈpɔɹ.sə.lɪn/ (hard white translucent ceramic) :: posliini
porcelain {n} (items (esp. dishware or objets d'art) made of porcelain) :: posliini
porch {n} /pɔɹtʃ/ (a covered and enclosed entrance to a building) :: porstua, kuisti
porch {n} (a portico; a covered walk) :: pylväshalli
porcine {adj} /ˈpoʊɹ.saɪn/ (of or pertaining to the pig) :: sika-, sian-
porcine {adj} (morbidly obese) :: liikalihava
porcini {n} /pɔːɹˈtʃiː.ni/ (mushroom, Boletus edulis) :: herkkutatti
porcupine {n} /ˈpɔː(ɹ)kjʊˌpaɪn/ (large rodent) :: piikkisika
pore {n} /pɔɹ/ (a tiny opening in the skin) :: huokonen
pore {n} (by extension any small opening) :: huokonen
porgy {n} (fish of the family Sparidae) :: hammasahven
Pori {prop} (city in Finland) :: Pori
poriferan {n} (any sponge of the phylum Porifera) :: sienieläin
pork {n} /pɔɹk/ (meat of a pig) :: sianliha, sika, porsas, possu
pork barrel {n} /ˈpɔːkˌbaɹəl/ (funds assigned for local expenditure) :: tukiaiset {p}
pork-barrelling {n} (practice of giving favours or money for support) :: siltarumpupolitiikka, tukipolitiikka
pork belly {n} (boneless cut of fatty meat) :: porsaankylki
porky {adj} /pɔː(ɹ).ki/ (rather fat) :: tanakka, pullea, pulska
porn {n} /pɔɹn/ (pornography) :: porno, pornografia
porn {n} (pornographic work) :: porno- [used as modifier with a head which specifies the kind of work]
porn {n} (pornography) SEE: pornography ::
porno {n} /ˈpɔːnəʊ/ (pornography) :: porno, pornografia
pornocracy {prop} /pɔːˈnɒkɹəsɪ/ (period of the papacy known as the saeculum obscurum) :: pornokratia
pornocracy {n} (government by, or dominated by, prostitutes or corrupt persons) :: pornokratia
pornographer {n} (person involved in creation or dissemination of pornography) :: pornotuottaja [producer]; pornonäyttelijä [actor]; pornotyöläinen, pornoammattilainen [unspecified]
pornographic {adj} (containing an explicit depiction of sexual activity) :: pornografinen, siveetön
pornographically {adv} (in a pornographic manner) :: pornografisesti
pornography {n} /pɔɹˈnɑ.ɡɹə.fi/ (depiction of sexual subject matter with prurient intent) :: pornografia
porn star {n} (actor or actress famous for appearing in pornographic films) :: pornotähti
porosity {n} (state of being porous) :: huokoisuus
porous {adj} /ˈpɔːɹəs/ (full of tiny pores) :: huokoinen
porphyrite {n} (rock with a porphyritic structure) :: porfyriitti
porpoise {n} /ˈpɔːɹpəs/ (cetacean) :: pyöriäinen
porpoise {n} (imprecisely, any small dolphin) :: delfiini
porridge {n} /ˈpɒɹɪdʒ/ (breakfast cereal dish, see also: oatmeal) :: puuro
porridge {n} (slang: prison sentence) :: kakku
port {n} /pɔɹt/ (dock or harbour) :: satama
port {n} (left-hand side of a vessel when facing the front) :: paapuuri
port {adj} (of or relating to port, the left-hand side of a vessel) :: paapuurin
port {n} (opening where a connection is made) :: liitin, portti [computing]
port {n} (computing: logical or physical construct into and from which data are transferred) :: portti
port {v} (to carry, bear, or transport) :: siirtää; kantaa
port {v} (computing: to adapt a program so that it works on a different platform) :: siirtää, portata
port {v} (to carry or transfer a telephone number) :: siirtää
port {v} (to transfer a voucher or subsidy from one jurisdiction to another) :: siirtää
port {n} (computing: program adapted to work on a different platform; act of adapting) :: sovitus, sovittaminen, porttaaminen [informal], porttaus [informal]
port {n} (fortified wine) :: portviini
port {n} (entryway, portal) SEE: portal ::
port {n} (port city) SEE: port city ::
portability {n} (quality of being portable) :: siirrettävyys
portable {adj} /ˈpɔɹtəbəl/ (able to be carried or moved) :: kannettava, matka-, siirrettävä
portable {adj} (running on multiple systems) :: siirrettävä
portable {n} (portable toilet; self-contained outhouse) :: bajamaja
portable {n} (temporary building that is portable, especially one located at a school) :: siirrettävä rakennus
portable {n} (hand-held electronic gaming device) :: kannettava pelilaite
portable toilet {n} (portable toilet, see also: toilet) :: bajamaja
portal {n} /ˈpɔːɹtəl/ (entry point) :: portti
portal {n} (website) :: portaali
porta-potty {n} (portable toilet) SEE: portable toilet ::
porta-potty {n} (chemical toilet) SEE: chemical toilet ::
Port-au-Prince {prop} /ˌpɔɹtoʊˈpɹɪns/ (capital of Haiti) :: Port-au-Prince
port authority {n} (public authority) :: satama
port city {n} (city built around a port) :: satamakaupunki, satama
porte cochère {n} /pɔːt kɒˈʃɛː/ (open-walled roof over a driveway) :: sisäänkäyntikatos
portend {v} /pɔɹˈtɛnd/ (to serve as a warning or omen) :: tietää
portend {v} (to signify) :: merkitä
portent {n} /ˈpɔɹtɛnt/ (omen) :: enne, ennusmerkki
porter {n} /ˈpɔɹtɚ/ (person who carries luggage) :: kantaja
porter {n} (strong, dark ale weaker than a stout) :: portteri
porter {n} ((Ireland) another name for stout) SEE: stout ::
portfolio {n} /pɔɹtˈfoʊ.liˌoʊ/ (case) :: salkku
portfolio {n} (collection) :: portfolio
portfolio {n} (post) :: ministerinsalkku
portfolio {n} (investments) :: arvopaperisalkku, osakesalkku
porthole {n} (circular window) :: hytti-ikkuna
portico {n} /ˈpɔːtɪkəʊ/ (small space with a roof supported by columns, serving as the entrance to a building) :: portiikki
portion {n} /ˈpɔɹʃən/ (allocated amount) :: annos, osuus, osa
portion {n} (separated part of anything) :: osa
portion {n} (one's fate, see also: fate) :: osa
portion {n} (part of an estate given or falling to a child or heir) :: osa, perintöosa
portion {n} (wife's fortune) SEE: dowry ::
portière {n} (hanging over a doorway) :: oviverho
portmanteau {n} /pɔːɹtˈmæntoʊ/ (case) :: matkalaukku
portmanteau {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word ::
portmanteau word {n} (word which combines the meaning of two words) :: koostesana, sulautuma
Port Moresby {prop} /ˌpɔɹt ˈmɔɹzbi/ (capital of Papua New Guinea) :: Port Moresby
port of call {n} (any port being visited by a ship) :: määräsatama
port of entry {n} (harbor, airport or border crossing) :: maahantuontipaikka, maahantulopaikka, saapumispaikka, rajanylityspaikka
port of entry {n} (location or mechanism) :: tulopaikka, tuloväylä, sisäänkäynti
port of registry {n} :: rekisteröintisatama
portrait {n} /ˈpɔɹtɹeɪt/ (painting of a person) :: muotokuva, potretti
portray {v} /pɔɹˈtɹeɪ/ (to paint or draw the likeness of) :: piirtää (jonkun/jonkin) kuva
portray {v} (figuratively: to describe in words) :: kuvailla
portray {v} (to play a role) :: esittää
portrayal {n} /ˌpɔɹˈtɹeɪ.əl/ (act of portraying) :: kuvaaminen, kuvailu
portrayal {n} (result of portraying) :: kuvaus; muotokuva [portrait]
portscan {n} (scan) :: verkkotiedustelu, porttiskannaus
Portsmouth {prop} (city in southern England) :: Portsmouth
Portugal {prop} /ˈpɔɹt͡ʃəɡəl/ (country) :: Portugali
Portuguese {adj} /ˌpɔː.t͡ʃəˈɡiːz/ (of or relating to the region of Portugal) :: portugalilainen
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the people of Portugal) :: portugalilainen
Portuguese {adj} (of or relating to the Portuguese language) :: portugalinkielinen
Portuguese {n} (person native to Portugal) :: portugalilainen
Portuguese {n} (the language) :: portugali
Portuguese man-of-war {n} (Physalia physalis) :: portugalinsotalaiva
Portugueseness {n} (quality) :: portugalilaisuus
Portuguese Republic {prop} (official name of Portugal) :: Portugalin tasavalta
Portuguese sauce {n} (sauce made from curry powder and coconut milk) :: kookoscurrykastike
Portuguese Water Dog {n} /ˌpɔɹtʃəɡiːz ˈwɔtɚ dɔɡ/ (Portuguese Water Dog) :: portugalinvesikoira
port wine {n} (A type of fortified wine traditionally made in Portugal) :: portviini
portyanki {n} (footwrap) SEE: footwrap ::
Porvoo {prop} (city) :: Porvoo
pose {v} /poʊz/ (assume or maintain a pose) :: poseerata
Poseidon {prop} /pəˈsaɪdn̩/ (the god of the sea) :: Poseidon
posh {adj} /pɑʃ/ (associated with the upper classes) :: yläluokkainen
posh {adj} (stylish, elegant, exclusive) :: hieno
posh {adj} (snobbish) :: leuhka
Posio {prop} (municipality) :: Posio
posit {v} /ˈpɒzɪt/ (to postulate) :: olettaa
posit {v} (to suggest) :: ehdottaa, esittää
posit {v} (to put firmly) :: asettaa
position {n} /pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n/ (place, location) :: paikka, asema, sijainti
position {n} (status or rank) :: asema, arvo
position {n} (post of employment) :: paikka, asema, työpaikka
position {n} (stand) :: kanta, mielipide
position {n} (posture) :: asento
position {n} (place on a playing field) :: paikka
position {v} (to put into place) :: asettaa, sijoittaa, asemoida
position paper {n} (essay or report which expresses a position on a contested issue) :: kannanotto, linjaus, ohjelma
position vector {n} (position vector) :: paikkavektori
positive {adj} /ˈpɒzɪ̈tɪv/ (legal: formally laid down) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (stated definitively and without qualification) :: varma, vakuuttava
positive {adj} (fully assured in opinion, confident) :: varma
positive {adj} (mathematics: greater than zero) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (characterised by constructiveness) :: rakentava, myönteinen
positive {adj} (overconfident, dogmatic) :: itsevarma
positive {adj} (philosophy: actual, real, concrete) :: todellinen
positive {adj} (physics: having more protons than electrons) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (grammar: describing the primary sense) :: perusasteinen, perusmuotoinen
positive {adj} (derived from an object by itself; absolute) :: absoluuttinen
positive {adj} (characterised by the existence rather than absence of qualities or features) :: todellinen
positive {adj} (characterised by features which support a hypothesis) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (photography: of a visual image true to the original) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (favorable, desirable) :: myönteinen, positiivinen
positive {adj} (downright, entire, outright) :: todellinen, varsinainen, kokonainen
positive {adj} (optimistic) :: optimistinen, positiivinen, myönteinen
positive {adj} (slang: HIV positive) :: positiivinen
positive {adj} (New Age jargon: good, desirable, healthful, pleasant, enjoyable) :: positiivinen
positive {n} (thing capable of being affirmed) :: tosiasia
positive {n} (favourable point or characteristic) :: etu, hyvä puoli, myönteinen asia
positive {n} (thing having a positive value) :: positiivinen suure, positiivinen luku
positive {n} (the positive degree of adjectives and adverbs) :: positiivi, perusaste
positive {n} (photography: a positive image) :: positiivi
positive {adj} (chemistry: electropositive) SEE: electropositive ::
positive economics {n} (branch of economics) :: positiivinen taloustiede
positively {adv} /ˈpɒzɪtɪvli/ (in a positive manner) :: myönteisesti, positiivisesti
positively {adv} (with certainty) :: varmasti
positively {adv} (very) :: erittäin, erinomaisen
positive number {n} (positive number) :: positiivinen luku
positive reinforcement {n} (giving of encouragement to a person who exhibits a particular behaviour) :: positiivinen vahvistaminen
positivism {n} /ˈpɒzɪtɪvˌɪzm/ (philosophical doctrine) :: positivismi
positivism {n} (school of thought in jurisprudence) SEE: legal positivism ::
positivist {adj} (related to positivism) :: positivistinen
positron {n} /ˈpɑ.zɪ.tɹɑn/ (positron) :: positroni
positron emission tomography {n} (a medical imaging technique) :: positroniemissiotomografia
posse {n} /ˈpɑ.si/ (A group of people summoned to help law enforcement) :: järjestyspartio
posse {n} (A search party) :: etsintäpartio
posse {n} (A criminal gang) :: jengi
possess {v} /pəˈzɛs/ (to have; to have ownership of) :: omistaa, olla, omata [a quality]
possess {v} (to take control of someone's body or mind) :: ottaa valtaansa, riivata
possessed {adj} /pəˈzɛst/ (controlled by evil spirits) :: riivattu
possession {n} /pəˈzɛʃən/ (control or occupancy without legal ownership) :: hallussapito
possession {n} (something that is owned) :: omaisuus
possession {n} (ownership; taking, holding, keeping something as one's own) :: omistajuus
possession {n} (a territory under the rule of another country) :: alusmaa
possession {n} (the state of being possessed by a spirit or demon) :: riivaus
possession {n} (control of the ball in a disputed sports game) :: hallinta, hallussapito
possessive {n} (possessive case) SEE: possessive case ::
possessive case {n} (case used to express direct possession) :: genetiivi
possessive pronoun {n} (pronoun which expresses possession) :: possessiivipronomini
possessive suffix {n} (Suffix indicating possession) :: omistusliite, possessiivisuffiksi
possessor {n} /pɒˈzɛsɔː/ (One who possesses) :: haltija
possibility {n} /ˌpɑsɪˈbɪliti/ (quality of being possible) :: mahdollisuus
possibility {n} (a thing possible) :: mahdollisuus
possibility {n} (option) :: vaihtoehto
possible {adj} /ˈpɑsəbl̩/ (able but not certain to happen) :: mahdollinen
possible {adj} (capable of being done or achieved; feasible) :: mahdollinen
possibles bag {n} (hunter's day-bag) :: metsästyslaukku
possibly {adv} /ˈpɑsəbli/ (adverb indicating that an action may successfully be performed) :: mahdollisesti; mitenkään [with negation]
possibly {adv} (adverb indicating that a proposition may be true or false) SEE: perhaps ::
possum {n} /ˈpɒsəm/ (any of the marsupials in several families of the order Diprotodontia of Australia and neighboring islands) :: harvaetuhampainen
possum {n} (opossum) SEE: opossum ::
possumhaw {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry ::
post {n} /pəʊst/ (long dowel or plank protruding from the ground) :: tolppa
post {n} ((construction) stud; two-by-four) :: kakkosnelonen
post {n} (pole in a battery) :: napa
post {n} (goalpost (sports)) :: tolppa
post {v} (to hang a notice in a conspicuous manner) :: laittaa esille
post {v} (to send to an electronic forum) :: postata
post {n} (method of delivering mail) :: posti
post {n} (individual message in a forum) :: viesti, postaus
post {v} (to send mail) :: lähettää viesti
post {v} ((Internet) to publish a message) :: lähettää viesti, postata
post {adv} (with the post, on post horses; express, with speed) :: postitse
post {adv} (sent via the postal service) :: postitse
post {n} (assigned station) :: piste
postage {n} /ˈpoʊstɪdʒ/ (charge) :: postimaksu
postage {n} (postage stamp affixed as evidence of payment, see also: postage stamp) :: postimerkki
postage meter {n} (machine) :: postimaksukone, frankeerauskone
postage stamp {n} (piece of paper indicating postage has been paid) :: postimerkki, merkki
postage stamp {n} (small area) :: postimerkki
postal {adj} /ˈpoʊstl̩/ (relating to mail) :: posti-
postal address {n} (the address to which mail is delivered) :: postiosoite
postal code {n} (postcode) SEE: postcode ::
postal order {n} (money order processed by official post offices) :: postiosoitus
postalveolar {adj} /ˌpəʊstælviˈəʊlə(ɹ)/ (articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge) :: postalveolaarinen
postalveolar {n} (any sound articulated with the tongue near or touching the back of the alveolar ridge) :: postalveolaari
postbariatric {adj} (after bariatric surgery) :: postbariatrinen, lihavuusleikkauksen jälkeinen
postbellum {adj} (of the period following a war) :: sodanjälkeinen
post box {n} (box in which post can be left to be picked up) SEE: mailbox ::
postcard {n} /ˈpoʊstˌkɑɹd/ (rectangular piece of thick paper to be mailed without an envelope) :: kirjekortti, postikortti
post chaise {n} (a horse-drawn carriage, closed and with four-wheels) :: postivaunu
postcode {n} /ˈpəʊs(t)kəʊd/ (sequence of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address) :: postinumero
postcode {n} (region) :: postinumeroalue
postcoital {adj} (following sexual intercourse) :: yhdynnän jälkeinen; see also jälkiehkäisy
postcoital test {n} (test in evaluation of fertility) :: Huhnerin testi
postcolonialism {n} (era or attitude) :: postkolonialismi, jälkikolonialismi
postcolonialism {n} (discipline) :: jälkikolonialismin tutkimus
poster {n} /ˈpoʊstɚ/ (picture intended to be attached to a wall) :: juliste
poster {n} (advertisement, see also: placard) :: juliste, mainosjuliste
poster {n} (internet: one who posts a message) :: postaaja
poster {n} (shot that hits a goalpost) :: tolppa, tolppalaukaus
poste restante {n} (a service where the post office holds mail until the recipient calls for it) :: poste restante, noutoposti
posterior {adj} /pɒsˈtɪəriə(r)/ (located towards the rear) :: perä-, perässä oleva, perällä oleva, perempi
posterior {adj} (following in order or time) :: jäljempi, jälkikäteinen
posterior {n} (buttocks) :: peräpää
posterity {n} /pɒˈstɛɹɪti/ (all the future generations) :: jälkipolvet {p}, jälkimaailma {s}; jälkeläiset {p}
posterolateral {adj} (situated on the side and toward the posterior aspect) :: posterolateraalinen
postglacial rebound {n} (rise of depressed lithosphere) :: maankohoaminen
postgraduate {n} (a person continuing to study after completing a degree) :: jatko-opiskelija
postgraduate {adj} (of studies taking place after completing a degree) :: jatko-opinto-
post horn {n} (horn formerly used by postmen) :: postitorvi
posthumous {adj} /ˈpɒs.tʃə.məs/ (born after one's father's death) :: postuumi
posthumous {adj} (taking place after one's death) :: kuolemanjälkeinen, postuumi
posthumous {adj} (in reference to a work, published after the author's death) :: postuumi
posthumously {adv} (after death) :: kuoleman jälkeen, postuumisti
posthumous name {n} (posthumous title of a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese emperor) :: kuolemanjälkeinen nimi, postuumi nimi
posthypnotic suggestion {n} (type of suggestion) :: jälkisuggestio
postil {n} /ˈpɒstɪl/ (marginal note) :: reunahuomautus
postil {n} (collection of homilies) :: postilla, saarnakokoelma, hartauskirja
postimpressionism {n} (genre of painting) :: postimpressionismi
postindustrial {adj} (describing a type of economy) :: jälkiteollinen
postinvasive {adj} (following invasion) :: postinvasiivinen
post-it {n} (post-it note) SEE: post-it note ::
post-it note {n} (a small piece of paper with an adhesive strip on one side) :: tarralappu, muistilappu, viestilappu
postman {n} (mailman) SEE: mailman ::
postmark {n} (marking made by a postal service on a letter) :: postileima
postmark {v} (to apply a postmark on) :: leimata
postmaster {n} (head of a post office) :: postitoimiston johtaja [large office], postitoimiston päällikkö, postipäällikkö [small]; postimestari [archaic]
postmodern {adj} (Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of postmodernism) :: postmodernistinen
postmodernism {n} /pəʊstˈmɑdɚnɪzəm/ (a style of art, literature, etc) :: postmodernismi
postmodernist {adj} (postmodern) :: postmoderni
postmodernist {n} (follower of postmodernism) :: postmodernisti
post mortem {adv} (occurring after death) :: kuolemanjälkeinen
post mortem {n} (investigation of a corpse to determine the cause of death; an autopsy) :: ruumiinavaus, kuolinsyyn selvitys
post mortem {n} (investigation after something considered unsuccessful) :: jälkiselvittely, jälkipuinti, jälkipyykki
post office {n} (place) :: posti, postitoimisto
post office {n} (organization) :: posti
post office box {n} (box hired as collection point for mail) :: postilokero
postpartum {adj} (after giving birth) :: synnytyksen jälkeinen
postpartum depression {n} (parent’s depression after childbirth) :: synnytyksen jälkeinen masennus
postpone {v} /poʊstˈpoʊn/ (to delay or put off an event) :: siirtää myöhemmäksi, lykätä, myöhäistää
postponed {adj} (Done later than originally planned; delayed) :: lykätty, myöhemmäksi siirretty
postposition {n} ((grammar) words that come after the noun) :: postpositio
postpositional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a postposition) :: postpositionaalinen
postpositionally {adv} (in a postpositional manner) :: postpositionaalisesti, postposition omaisesti
postpositionally {adv} (as a postposition) :: postpositiona
postprandial {adj} /ˌpəʊs(t)ˈpɹan.dɪ.əl/ (after a meal) :: aterian jälkeinen
post-production {n} (stages of film production happening between the actual filming and the completed film) :: jälkituotanto
postscript {n} /ˈpoʊst.skɹɪpt/ (addendum to a letter) :: jälkikirjoitus
postscriptum {n} /ˌpəʊstˈskɹɪptəm/ (something written afterward) :: jälkikirjoitus
poststructuralism {n} (extension of structuralism) :: jälkistrukturalismi, poststrukturalismi
post-traumatic stress disorder {n} (condition that develops following some stressful situation) :: traumaperäinen stressihäiriö
post-truth {adj} /ˌpəʊst ˈtɹuːθ/ (post-truth) :: totuudenjälkeinen
post-truth {n} (post-truth) :: totuudenjälkeisyys
postulate {n} /ˈpɑstʃələt/ (logic: an axiom) :: oletus
postulate {v} (to assume as a premise) :: postuloida
posture {n} /ˈpɑːstʃɚ/ (position of body) :: asento
post-war {adj} (pertaining to a period following the end of a war) :: sodanjälkeinen
pot {n} /pɑt/ (vessel for cooking or storing food etc.) :: ruukku, pata, kattila
pot {n} (money wagered) :: potti
pot {n} (favourite horse) :: suosikkihevonen
pot {n} (trap for crabs and other seafood) :: merta
pot {n} (iron hat) :: pata
pot {n} (glass of beer) :: lasi
pot {n} (protruding belly) :: möhömaha
pot {n} (ruin or deterioration) :: vessanpönttö
pot {n} (cue sports: act of causing a ball to fall into a pocket) :: pussitus
pot {n} (rail transport: non-conducting stand that supports the third rail) :: eriste
pot {n} (earthen or pewter cup for liquors; mug) :: jumpru
pot {n} (extension of a flue) :: savutorvi
pot {n} (slang: toilet) :: pönttö, pytty
pot {v} (to put (something) into a pot) :: ruukuttaa, purkittaa
pot {v} (to preserve) :: pullottaa [bottling]; tölkittää, purkittaa [canning]
pot {v} (to cause a ball to fall into a pocket) :: pussittaa
pot {v} (cue sports: to be capable of being potted) :: mennä pussiin
pot {v} (to shoot with a firearm) :: pudottaa
pot {v} (to take a pot shot) :: ampua umpimähkään
pot {v} (to secure; gain; win; bag) :: ottaa voitto kotiin
pot {v} (to send someone to gaol expeditiously) :: panna kiven sisään, heittää häkkiin
pot {v} (to tipple; to drink) :: kipata
pot {v} (to drain) :: valuttaa
pot {v} (to seat a child onto a potty) :: käyttää potalla
pot {v} (to apply a plaster cast) :: kipsata
pot {n} (marijuana) :: ruoho
pot {n} (crucible) SEE: crucible ::
pot {n} (potshot) SEE: potshot ::
pot {n} (plaster cast) SEE: plaster cast ::
potable {adj} /ˈpəʊtəbəl/ (good for drinking, see also: drinkable) :: juomakelpoinen, juotava
potable {n} (drinkable liquid) SEE: beverage ::
potash {n} /ˈpɒt.æʃ/ (pot ash) :: potaska
potash {n} (potassium carbonate etc) :: potaska
potassium {n} /pəˈtæsiəm/ (the chemical element) :: kalium
potassium aluminium sulfate {n} (sulfate double salt of potassium and aluminium) :: kaliumalumiinisulfaatti
potassium carbonate {n} (alkaline salt) :: kaliumkarbonaatti, potaska
potassium chloride {n} (the salt KCl) :: kaliumkloridi
potassium cyanide {n} (inorganic compound) :: kaliumsyadini, syadini
potassium dichromate {n} (potassium salt of chromic acid) :: kaliumdikromaatti
potassium formate {n} (CHKO2) :: kaliumformiaatti
potassium hydroxide {n} (potassium hydroxide) :: kaliumhydroksidi
potassium nitrate {n} (potassium nitrate) :: kaliumnitraatti, kalisalpietari, salpietari
potassium permanganate {n} (KMnO4) :: kaliumpermanganaatti
potato {n} /pəˈteɪ.təʊ/ (plant tuber eaten as starchy vegetable) :: peruna, pottu [informal]
potato beetle {n} (Colorado beetle) SEE: Colorado beetle ::
potato blight {n} (Phytophthora infestans, disease of potatoes) :: perunarutto
potato chip {n} (potato chip (UK)) :: ranskalainen, ranskalainen peruna, ranskanperuna
potato chip {n} (potato crisp) SEE: potato crisp ::
potato crisp {n} (thin fried slice of potato) :: perunalastu
potato in its jacket {n} (baked potato) SEE: baked potato ::
potato masher {n} (utensil for mashing potatoes) :: perunasurvin
potato salad {n} (salad made from chopped boiled potatoes) :: perunasalaatti
potayto, potahto {interj} (to suggest a distinction without a difference) SEE: tomayto, tomahto ::
potbelly {n} (a large, swollen, or protruding abdomen) :: pallomaha
pot calling the kettle black {n} /ˈpɑt ˈkɔliŋ ðə ˈkɛtl̩ ˈblæk/ (situation in which somebody accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser) :: pata kattilaa soimaa, pata kattilaa simaa, musta kylki kummallakin
potency {n} (strength) :: voima
potency {n} (power) :: valta
potency {n} (ability or capacity to perform) :: kyky, potenssi
potent {adj} /ˈpəʊt(ə)nt/ (powerfully effective) :: voimakas, tehokas, vahva, potentti
potentate {n} /ˈpoʊ.tən.teɪt/ (a powerful leader) :: potentaatti, mahtimies
potential {n} /pəˈtɛnʃəl/ (currently unrealized ability) :: potentiaali
potential {n} (physics: the radial component of a gravitational field) :: potentiaali
potential {n} (energy of a unit electrical charge) :: potentiaali
potential {n} (grammar: verbal construction) :: potentiaali
potential {adj} (existing in possibility) :: mahdollinen, potentiaalinen
potential energy {n} (energy possessed by an object because of its position) :: potentiaalienergia
potentilla {n} (any of many shrubs and herbs of the genus Potentilla) :: hanhikki
potful {n} (as much as a pot will hold) :: padallinen
pothead {n} (a person who smokes cannabis frequently) :: pilviveikko, blossipää
potholder {n} (insulated pad for handling hot cooking utensils) :: patalappu, pannulappu
pothole {n} (a hole in a road) :: kuoppa
pothole {n} (pit in the bed of a stream) :: hiidenkirnu
potion {n} /ˈpoʊ.ʃən/ (small portion or dose of a liquid which is medicinal, poisonous, or magical) :: mikstuura [medicinal], myrkkymalja [poisonous], taikajuoma [magical], rohto, rohdos
potlatch {n} /ˈpɒtlætʃ/ (ceremony amongst certain indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest) :: potlach
potlatch {n} (communal meal to which guests bring dishes to share, see also: potluck) :: nyyttikestit {p}
potluck {n} (shared meal consisting of whatever guests have brought) SEE: potlatch ::
potoroo {n} (marsupial of the genus Potorous') :: päästäiskenguru
potpourri {n} /pəʊˈpʊəɹ.i/ (a medley of songs or music) :: potpuri, purpuri
pot scrubber {n} (mesh of wires used to scrub pots) :: hankaussieni
potsherd {n} /ˈpɒt.ʃɜːd/ (piece of ceramic from pottery) :: ruukunsirpale
pot shot {n} (haphazard shot) :: sokkolaukaus
pot shot {n} (randomly said hurtful words) :: summittainen kritiikki
potshot {n} (shot at an easy target or at random) :: räiskäisy [one]; räiskintä [many]
potshot {n} (criticism of an easy target) :: halpa kritiikki
potshot {v} (to fire potshots) :: räiskiä
potter {n} /ˈpɒtə/ (one who makes pots and ceramic wares) :: savenvalaja
potter {n} (one who places flowers or other plants inside their pots) :: ruukuttaja
potter {n} (one who pots food) :: purkittaja, tölkittäjä
pottering {n} (act) :: savenvalanta
potter's clay {n} (clay used by a potter) :: keramiikkasavi
potter's wheel {n} (machine used by a potter) :: dreija
potter wasp {n} (wasp of the subfamily Eumeninae) :: erakkoampiainen
pottery {n} /ˈpɑtəɹi/ (fired ceramic wares that contain clay when formed) :: keramiikka, savitavara
pottery {n} (workshop where pottery is made) :: keramiikkapaja, savipaja
pottery {n} (practise or craft of making pottery) :: keramiikka
Pott's disease {n} (type of tuberculosis) :: selkärankatuberkuloosi
potty {n} (bathroom) SEE: bathroom ::
potty {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
potty {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
potty {adj} (insane) SEE: insane ::
potty {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
potty {n} /ˈpɒti/ (children's chamberpot) :: potta
potty {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
potty mouth {n} /ˈpɒti maʊθ/ (characteristic) :: rääväsuisuus
potty mouth {n} (person) :: rääväsuu
potty-mouthed {adj} (foul-mouthed) SEE: foul-mouthed ::
pouch {n} /paʊt͡ʃ/ (small bag) :: pussi, pussukka
pouch {n} (pocket in which a marsupial carries its young) :: pussi
pouch {v} (to enclose in a pouch) :: pussittaa
pouch {v} (to transport in a diplomatic pouch) :: lähettää kuriirilla/kuriiripostissa
poult {n} /pɒlt/ (young game bird) :: -poika
poultice {n} /ˈpoʊltɪs/ (A poultice or plaster) :: haude
poultry {n} /ˈpoʊltɹi/ (domestic fowl) :: siipikarja
poultry {n} (fowl meat) :: lintu, linnunliha
pounce {n} /paʊns/ (powder thrown onto the paper to make the ink dry) :: hiekka (sand), sandarakki (sandarac)
pounce {v} (To attack suddenly) :: syöksyä jonkin kimppuun, iskeä kyntensä johonkin
pounce {v} (To eagerly seize an opportunity) :: tarttua tilaisuuteen
pound {n} /paʊnd/ (unit of mass (16 ounces avoirdupois)) :: naula, pauna
pound {n} (unit of mass (12 troy ounces)) :: troy-naula
pound {n} (unit of currency) :: punta
pound {n} (place for the detention of stray animals) :: eläinkoti
pound {n} (place for detention of automobiles) :: takavarikkoalue
pound {n} (part of canal) :: sulkuallas
pound {v} (to strike hard repeatedly) :: takoa, rusikoida
pound {v} (crush to pieces) :: murskata
pound {v} (slang: eat or drink quickly) :: imaista
pound {v} (baseball: to pitch consistently to a certain location) :: pommittaa
pound {v} (to beat strongly or throb) :: hakata, jyskyttää
pound {v} (slang: to penetrate sexually, with vigour) :: ryskyttää
pound {v} (to advance heavily with measured steps) :: marssia
pound {v} (to make a jarring noise) :: jyskyttää
pound {n} (hard blow) :: isku
pound {n} (US: symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pounder {n} (Something or someone weighing so many pounds) :: -naulainen
pound sign {n} (symbol #) SEE: hash ::
pound sterling {n} /paʊnd ˈstɜː(ɹ).lɪŋ/ (currency of the UK) :: punta, Englannin punta
pound the table {v} (to vehemently assert one's position) :: lyödä nyrkkiä pöytään
pour {v} /pɔɹ/ (to cause to flow in a stream) :: kaataa
pour {v} (to send forth as in a stream or a flood) :: vuodattaa
pour {v} (to send forth from, as in a stream; to discharge uninterruptedly) :: vuodattaa
pour {v} (to flow, pass or issue in or as a stream) :: valua, virrata
pour cold water on {v} (to belittle or dismiss) SEE: throw cold water on ::
pour gasoline on the fire {v} (add fuel to the fire) SEE: add fuel to the fire ::
pour oil on troubled waters {v} (calm, appease or quieten) :: valaa öljyä laineille
pour one's heart out {v} (To express one's innermost thoughts or feelings) :: vuodattaa sydäntään, avautua
pour out {v} (distribute or spread (something), as if it were a liquid) :: vuodattaa
pout {v} /paʊt/ (push out one’s lips) :: mutristaa
pout {v} (sulk, (pretend to) be ill-tempered) :: mököttää
pout {n} (facial expression) :: mutristus, nyrpistys
pout {n} (fit) :: murjotus, mökötys
pouting {n} /ˈpaʊtɪŋ/ (fish, Trisopterus luscus) :: partaturska
pouty {adj} (angry in a cute way) :: nyrpistelevä, mököttävä
Po valley {prop} (large plain in northern Italy) :: Pojoen laakso
poverty {n} /ˈpɑːvɚti/ (quality or state of being poor) :: köyhyys, puute
poverty {n} (deficiency of elements) :: puute, köyhyys
poverty line {n} (threshold of poverty) :: köyhyysraja
poverty-stricken {adj} (very poor) :: rutiköyhä
poverty trap {n} (cycle which allows poverty to persist) :: köyhyysloukku
powder {n} /ˈpaʊ.də(ɹ)/ (fine particles of any dry substance) :: jauhe, pulveri
powder {n} (cosmetic product) :: puuteri
powder {v} (to reduce to fine particles) :: hienontaa, pulveroida; jauhaa hienoksi
powder {v} (to sprinkle with powder) :: sirotella; puuteroida [use cosmetic powder]
powder {v} (to use powder on the hair or skin) :: puuteroida
powder {v} (to be reduced to powder) :: jauhautua, pulveroitua
powder {v} (to sprinkle with salt) :: sirotella suolaa, suolata
powder {n} (gunpowder) SEE: gunpowder ::
powder {n} (type of snow) SEE: powder snow ::
powder cap {n} (Asterophora lycoperdoides) :: haperonvieras
powdered {adj} (which has been made into a powder) :: jauhettu; -jauhe [requires modifier]
powdered {adj} (which has been covered with powder) :: puuteroitu
powdered milk {n} (dairy product) SEE: milk powder ::
powdered sugar {n} /ˈpaʊ.dɚd ˈʃʊɡ.ɚ/ (very finely ground sugar used in icings, etc) :: tomusokeri
powder keg {n} (barrel of gun powder) :: ruutitynnyri
powder keg {n} (volatile situation) :: ruutitynnyri
powder puff {n} (ball or pad of soft material used to apply powder) :: puuterihuisku
powder snow {n} (uncompacted snow) :: pakkaslumi, puuterilumi, puuteri
powdery {adj} /ˈpaʊdəɹi/ (of or pertaining to powder) :: jauhemainen, jauhoinen
powdery mildew {n} (type of mildew) :: härmäsieni
power {n} /ˈpaʊ.ɚ/ (capability or influence) :: valta, vaikutusvalta
power {n} (control, particularly legal or political) :: valta
power {n} (people in charge of legal or political power) :: vallanpitäjät {p}
power {n} (influential nation, company etc.) :: suurvalta [nation]; suuryhtiö [company]; voimatekijä, mahti, mahtitekijä [general]
power {n} (physical force or strength) :: voima
power {n} (electricity, electricity supply) :: sähkö [electricity]; sähköt {p}, sähkönsyöttö, virta [supply]
power {n} (physics: measure of the rate of doing work or transferring energy) :: teho
power {n} (physics: rate to magnify an optical image) :: suurennus
power {n} (maths: product of equal factors) :: potenssi
power {n} (statistics: probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis) :: voimakkuus
power {n} (biblical: level of angels) :: voima
power {v} (to provide power for) :: toimia
power {v} (to hit or kick something forcefully) :: pamauttaa; survoa
power {n} (set theory: cardinality) SEE: cardinality ::
power {n} (power) SEE: potency ::
powerbank {n} (portable device used to charge mobile phones and tablet computers) :: varavirtalähde, matka-akku
power behind the throne {n} (someone who has great covert influence) :: harmaa eminenssi
power board {n} (power strip) SEE: power strip ::
powerboat {n} (small, fast motorboat) :: pikavene
power broker {n} (person having the ability to influence important decisions, see also: éminence grise) :: harmaa eminenssi
power cable {n} (electrical cable) :: virtajohto
power car {n} (vehicle that propels) :: veturi [train]; vetovaunu [tram]
power car {n} (vehicle equipped with machinery) :: lämmitysvaunu
power dissipation {n} (waste of power as heat) :: tehohäviö, tehonhukka
power dressing {n} (style) :: voimapukeutuminen
power failure {n} (power failure, see also: power cut; outage; blackout) :: sähkökatko
power forward {n} (a basketball player) :: iso laitahyökkääjä
powerful {adj} /ˈpaʊɚfəl/ (having or capable of exerting power, potency or influence) :: voimakas, vahva, mahtava, voimallinen, tehokas
powerhouse {n} (source of power) :: voimanlähde, tehopakkaus, mahtitekijä, mahti
powerhouse {n} (card games: very good hand) :: voittokäsi
power inverter {n} (a device that converts DC electricity into AC) :: vaihtosuuntaaja, invertteri
power law {n} (mathematical relationship) :: potenssilaki
power lead {n} (power lead) SEE: power cable ::
powerless {adj} /ˈpaʊɚləs/ (lacking sufficient power or strength) :: voimaton, heikko
powerless {adj} (lacking legal authority) :: voimaton
powerlessness {n} (The state or character of being powerless) :: voimattomuus
powerlifting {n} (strength sport) :: voimanosto
power line {n} (electrical wire) :: voimajohto, sähkölinja
power line communication {n} (transmission of data over electric power lines) :: datasähkö
power loom {n} (mechanized loom) :: kutomakone
power move {n} (dance move) :: power move
power move {n} (aggressive action) :: valtatemppu, voimatemppu, voimaliike
power nap {n} (short sleep) :: nokoset {p}
power of attorney {n} /ˌpaʊə əv əˈtəːni/ (authorisation) :: valtuutus
power of attorney {n} (document) :: valtakirja
power plant {n} /ˈpaʊə(ɹ) ˌplænt/ (the engine or motor) :: voimanlähde
power plant {n} (power station) SEE: power station ::
power play {n} (tactics) :: valtapeli
power play {n} (strategy or maneuver) :: valtapeli
power play {n} (ice hockey) :: ylivoimapeli
power play {n} (sports) :: ylivoimapeli
power point {n} (wall socket) SEE: wall socket ::
power politics {n} (politics that threatens aggression) :: voimapolitiikka
power saw {n} (type of saw) :: sähkösaha
power station {n} (an industrial complex where electricity is produced) :: voimalaitos
power steering {n} (System in a vehicle) :: ohjaustehostin
powers that be {n} (holders of power) :: esivalta
power strip {n} (block of electrical sockets) :: jatkojohto
power structure {n} (system) :: valtarakenne
power structure {n} (those in the system) :: valtaapitävät {p}
power struggle {n} (a fight to gain dominance) :: valtataistelu
power supply {n} (part of apparatus) :: teholähde, virtalähde [computing]
power take-off {n} (auxiliary shaft) :: voimanottolaite, voimanulosotto
power tool {n} (tool powered by an electric motor) :: sähkötyökalu
power toothbrush {n} (electric toothbrush) SEE: electric toothbrush ::
powertrain {n} /ˈpaʊɚˌtɹeɪn/ (powertrain) :: voimalinja
pox {n} (syphilis) SEE: syphilis ::
pox {n} /pɑks/ (A disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pockmarks) :: rokko
Poznań {prop} (Poznan) SEE: Poznan ::
Poznan {prop} (city in Poland) :: Poznań
pozzolan {n} (type of material) :: potsolaaninen materiaali
pozzolana {n} (type of volcanic ash) :: potsolaani
pozzolanic {adj} (having the characteristics of pozzolana) :: potsolaaninen
practical {adj} /ˈpɹæktɪkəl/ (based on practice or action rather than theory or hypothesis) :: käytännön-
practical {adj} (being likely to be effective and applicable to a real situation) :: käytännöllinen, käytännönläheinen
practical {adj} (having skills or knowledge that are practical) :: käytännöllinen
practicality {n} (state of being practical or feasible) :: käytännöllisyys
practical joke {n} (something done for amusement to the detriment of someone else) :: jekku, kepponen, kuje, pila
practically {adv} /ˈpɹæktɪkli/ (In practice, in effect) :: käytännössä, käytännöllisesti katsoen, käytännöllisesti katsottuna
practically {adv} (almost completely) :: lähes, käytännöllisesti katsoen
practical nurse {n} (licensed individual who provides custodial care) :: lähihoitaja
practice {n} /ˈpɹæktɪs/ (repetition of an activity to improve skill) :: harjoitus, harjoittelu
practice {n} (an ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession) :: ammatinharjoitus, ammatinharjoittaminen
practice {n} (an observance of religious duties) :: uskonnon harjoittaminen
practice {n} (customary action, habit, or behaviour) :: käytäntö
practice {n} (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory) :: käytäntö
practice makes perfect {proverb} (if one practices an activity enough, one will eventually master it) :: harjoitus tekee mestarin
practice what one preaches {v} (act in harmony with one's teachings) :: tehdä niin kuin sanoo
practician {n} (practitioner) SEE: practitioner ::
practicum {n} /ˈpɹæk.tɪ.kəm/ (college course) :: harjoituskurssi
practise {v} /ˈpɹæktɪs/ (to repeat an activity as a way of improving one's skill) :: harjoitella
practise {v} (to perform or execute a craft or skill) :: harjoittaa
practiser {n} (one who practises) :: harjoittelija
practitioner {n} /pɹækˈtɪʃənəɹ/ (person who practices a profession or art) :: ammatinharjoittaja, -harjoittaja, jonkin ammattilainen, praktikko
practitionership {n} (role or status) :: ammatinharjoittajuus
Pradesh {n} (part of the name of a state of India) :: Pradesh
praetor {n} /ˈpɹiːtɔː/ (Roman administrative official) :: preetori
Praetorian {n} (member of that force) :: pretoriaani
pragmatic {adj} /pɹæɡˈmætɪk/ (practical) :: pragmaattinen
pragmatically {adv} (in a pragmatic manner) :: pragmaattisesti
pragmatics {n} (study of the use of the language in a social context) :: pragmatiikka
pragmatism {n} /ˈpɹæɡmətɪzəm/ (pursuit of practicality over aesthetic qualities) :: pragmatismi, pragmaattisuus
pragmatism {n} (political theory that problems should be met with/by practical solutions rather than ideological ones) :: pragmatismi
pragmatism {n} (philosophical idea that beliefs are identified with the actions of a believer) :: pragmatismi
Prague {prop} /pɹɑːɡ/ (capital of the Czech Republic) :: Praha
Praia {prop} /ˈpɹaɪə/ (capital of Cape Verde) :: Praia
Prairial {prop} /pɹɛɹˈjɑl/ (the ninth month of French Republican Calendar) :: prairial
prairie {n} /ˈpɹɛəɹi/ (An extensive area of relatively flat grassland) :: preeria
prairie dog {n} (burrowing rodent) :: preeriakoira, preerikko
prairie dog {v} (to pop up as if from a hole) :: ponnahtaa, ponnahdella
prairie dog {v} (to hold back one's bowel movement) :: pidättää, pidätellä
prairie falcon {n} (Falco mexicanus) :: preeriahaukka
praise {n} /pɹeɪz/ (commendation; favorable representation in words) :: ylistys, kehu, kehuminen
praise {n} (worship) :: ylistys, palvonta
praise {v} (to give praise to) :: ylistää, kehua, palvoa
praise to the skies {v} :: ylistää maasta taivaisiin
prajna {n} /ˈpɹɑːd͡ʒnə/ ((Buddhism) wisdom; understanding; insight) :: viisaus
Prakrit {prop} /ˈpɹɑːkɹɪt/ (any of Middle Indo-Aryan languages, derived from dialects of Old Indo-Aryan languages) :: prakrit, prakrit-kieli
praline {n} /ˈpɹeɪ.liːn/ (confection) :: praliini
pram {n} /pɹæm/ (perambulator) :: lastenvaunut
pram {n} /pɹɑːm/ (flat-bottomed barge) :: proomu
pram {n} (type of dinghy) :: jolla
pranayama {n} (breathing techniques) :: pranayama
Prancer {prop} (reindeer of Santa Claus) :: Siro
prank {n} /pɹæŋk/ (practical joke or mischievous trick) :: kepponen; jäynä
prank call {n} (practical joke made using the telephone) :: pilapuhelu
prankster {n} (one who performs pranks) :: kujeilija, pilailija
praseodymium {n} /ˌpɹeɪzioʊˈdɪmiəm/ (chemical element) :: praseodyymi
prat {n} /pɹat/ (cunning or mischievous trick) :: jekku
prat {n} (buttocks) :: peppu
prat {n} (fool) :: torvi
prat {n} (female genitals) :: pillu
prate {n} /pɹeɪt/ (talk to little purpose) :: pälättää, hölpöttää
prattle {v} /ˈpɹætəl/ (to talk incessantly; to babble) :: pälättää
prattle {n} (babble) :: pälätys
prawn {n} /pɹɒːn/ (large shrimp) :: (iso) katkarapu, jättikatkarapu
praxis {n} /ˈpɹæk.sɪs/ (practical application of learning) :: käytäntö
praxis {n} (drama: deliberate action of a rational being) :: ihmistoiminta, praksis
praxis {n} (philosophy: synthesis of theory and practice) :: praksis
praxis {n} (custom or established practice) :: käytäntö
praxis {n} (example or form of exercise for practice) :: harjoitus, harjoite
pray {v} /pɹeɪ/ (to petition a higher being) :: rukoilla, anoa, pyytää
pray {v} (to beg humbly for aid) :: rukoilla, anoa
pray {v} (to talk to God) :: rukoilla
prayer {n} /pɹɛɚ/ (practice of communicating with one's God) :: rukous, rukoileminen
prayer {n} (the act of praying) :: rukoileminen
prayer {n} (the specific words or methods used for praying) :: rukous
prayer {n} (a meeting held for the express purpose of praying) :: rukoushetki
prayer {n} (a request; a petition) :: pyyntö
prayer beads {n} (string of beads, see also: rosary) :: rukousnauha
prayer book {n} (book) :: rukouskirja
prayer flag {n} (colourful rectangular cloth) :: rukouslippu
prayerless {adj} (without prayer) :: rukoukseton
prayer mat {n} (prayer rug) SEE: prayer rug ::
prayer meeting {n} (meeting where prayers are offered) :: rukouskokous
prayer rug {n} (small rug on which Muslims kneel to pray) :: rukousmatto
prayer wheel {n} (rotating cylinder containing prayers) :: rukousmylly
praying mantis {n} (any of various predatory insects of the Mantidae family) :: rukoilijasirkka
praying mantis {n} (Mantis religiosa) :: rukoilijasirkka, eurooppalainen rukoilijasirkka
pre- {prefix} (before) :: etu-, esi-
preach {v} /pɹiːt͡ʃ/ (give a sermon) :: saarnata
preach {v} (proclaim by public discourse) :: saarnata
preach {v} (advise or recommend earnestly) :: saarnata
preacher {n} /ˈpɹit͡ʃɚ/ (one who preaches) :: saarnaaja
preach to the choir {v} (speaking to those that already believe) :: puhua uskovaisille
preach to the converted {v} (preach to the choir) SEE: preach to the choir ::
preamble {n} /ˈpɹɪiˌæmbl̩/ (short statement or remark, especially an explanatory introduction to a formal document or statute) :: esipuhe
pre-amp {n} (preamplifier) SEE: preamplifier ::
preamplifier {n} (voltage amplifier) :: esivahvistin
preapproval {n} (approval in advance) :: ennakkohyväksyntä
Precambrian {adj} (before the Phanerozoic) :: esikambrinen
precariat {n} (sociological group) :: prekariaatti
precarious {adj} /pɹəˈkɛɹi.əs/ (dangerously insecure or unstable; perilous) :: vaarallinen
precarization {n} (process) :: prekarisaatio, prekarisoituminen
precatalyst {n} (compound that converts to a catalyst) :: esikatalyytti
precaution {n} /pɹiːˈkɔːʃən/ (A measure taken beforehand to ward off evil or secure good or success) :: varotoimi, varokeino, varotoimenpide
precaution {v} (To take precaution against) :: ryhtyä varotoimenpiteisiin
precede {v} /pɹəˈsiːd/ (go before, go in front of) :: kulkea edellä, edeltää
precede {v} (have higher rank than) :: ylittää tärkeydessä, olla tärkeämpi, olla ylempiarvoinen
precedence {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪd(ə)ns/ (the state of preceding in importance or priority) :: arvojärjestys
precedent {n} /pɹɪˈsiː.dənt/ (past act used as example) :: ennakkotapaus
precedent {n} (leading case which is cited to justify a judgment) :: ennakkotapaus
precedent {adj} (earlier in time) :: edeltävä
preceding {adj} /pɹɪˈsiːdɪŋ/ (foregoing; occurring before or in front of something else) :: edeltävä
precept {n} /ˈpɹiːsɛpt/ (rule or principle governing personal conduct) :: sääntö, ohje, ohjenuora
precession {n} (precedence) :: etusija
precession {n} (physics term) :: prekessio
precession {n} (astronomical term) :: prekessio
pre-Christian {adj} (before the arrival of Christianity) :: esikristillinen
precinct {n} /ˈpɹisɪŋkt/ (uncovered shopping area) :: jalankulkualue
precinct {n} (police district) :: piiri, poliisipiiri
precinct {n} (voting district) :: vaalialue, vaalipiiri
precious {adv} (intensifier) SEE: very ::
precious {adj} /ˈpɹɛʃəs/ (of high value or worth) :: kallisarvoinen
precious metal {n} (metallic element with high economic value) :: arvometalli
precious stone {n} (gem) :: jalokivi
precipice {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪpɪs/ (very steep cliff) :: jyrkänne, kalliojyrkänne
precipitate {v} /pɹɪˈsɪpɪteɪt/ (make something happen suddenly and quickly; hasten) :: kiirehtiä, kiihdyttää, nopeuttaa, jouduttaa
precipitate {v} (To throw an object or person from a great height) :: syöstä, paiskata
precipitate {v} (To send violently into a certain state or condition) :: syöstä
precipitate {v} (To come out of a liquid solution into solid form) :: saostua
precipitate {v} (To separate out of a liquid solution into solid form) :: saostaa
precipitate {v} (To have water in the air fall to the ground) :: sataa
precipitate {adj} (Headlong; falling steeply or vertically) :: kohtisuora, äkkijyrkkä, syöksyvä
precipitate {adj} (Very steep; precipitous) :: äkkijyrkkä
precipitate {adj} (With a hasty impulse; hurried; headstrong) :: hätiköity
precipitate {adj} (Moving with excessive speed or haste) :: hätäinen
precipitate {adj} (Performed very rapidly or abruptly) :: hätiköity
precipitate {n} /pɹɪˈsɪpɪtət/ (product) :: tulos
precipitate {n} (chemistry: solid that exits the liquid phase of a solution) :: saos, saostuma
precipitation {n} /pɹɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/ (weather: water falling from the atmosphere) :: sade
precipitation {n} (chemistry: chemical reaction forming solid in liquid) :: saostuminen
precipitous {adj} (steep, like a precipice) :: jyrkkä
precipitous {adj} (headlong) :: äkkijyrkkä
precipitous {adj} (hasty; rash; quick; sudden; precipitate) :: äkillinen
precipitously {adv} (abruptly) :: yllättäen, äkkiarvaamatta
precise {adj} /pɹɪˈsaɪs/ (exact) :: tarkka
precise {adj} ((sciences) clustered close together) :: tarkka
precisely {adv} /pɹɪˈsaɪsli/ (in a precise manner) :: tarkalleen, täsmälleen, tarkasti
precision {n} /pɹɪˈsɪ.ʒ(ə)n/ (the state of being precise or exact; exactness) :: täsmällisyys, tarkkuus
precision {n} (the ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently) :: täsmällisyys, tarkkuus
precision {n} (the number of significant digits to which a value may be measured reliably) :: tarkkuus
precision {n} (the consistency of a number in a linear equation) :: tarkkuus
precision {adj} (used for exact or precise measurement) :: täsmä-, tarkkuus-
precision {adj} (made, or characterized by accuracy) :: tarkkuus-, täsmä-
preclude {v} /pɹɪˈkluːd/ (rule out) :: sulkea pois
preclusion {n} (act) :: poissulkeminen
preclusion {n} (condition) :: poissulkeminen
precocious {adj} /pɹəˈkəʊʃəs/ (characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity) :: varhaiskypsä, pikkuvanha
precocious {adj} (exhibiting advanced skills at an abnormally early age) :: pikkuvanha, edistynyt, etevä
precommunist {adj} (before the introduction of communism) :: kommunismia edeltävä
preconceived {adj} /ˌpɹiːkənˈsiːvd/ (conceived beforehand) :: ennakko-, ennakkoon muodostettu
preconception {n} (prejudice) SEE: prejudice ::
preconception {n} (an opinion considered beforehand with adequate evidence) :: ennakkokäsitys, ennakkoluulo
precondition {n} (preexisting requirement) :: edellytys, ehto, ennakkoehto
pre-cooked {adj} (cooked in advance) :: esikypsennetty
precum {n} (pre-ejaculate) :: touhutippa
precursor {n} /ˈpɹiːˌkɜɹ.səɹ/ (chemical compound) :: esiaste
predation {n} (the preying of one animal on others) :: saalistus
predator {n} /ˈpɹɛd.ə.təɹ/ (animal or organism that hunts) :: saalistaja, peto
Père David's deer {n} (species of deer known only in captivity) :: davidinhirvi, milu
Père David's tit {n} (Poecile davidi) :: bambutiainen
predecessor {n} /ˈpɹɛd.ə.sɛs.ɚ/ (one who precedes) :: edeltäjä
predecessor {n} (model or type which precedes) :: edeltäjä
predefine {v} (To define in advance) :: määrätä ennalta, määrätä etukäteen
predefined {adj} (having been defined previously) :: ennalta määrätty
predestine {v} /pɹiˈdɛstɪn/ (to determine the future of something in advance) :: predestinoida, määrätä ennalta, ennaltamäärätä
predicable {adj} (please put in correct table above) :: ennustettavissa oleva
predicate {n} /ˈpɹɛdɪkət/ ((grammar) part of sentence that states something about its subject) :: predikaatti; predikaattiosa
predicate {n} ((logic) a term of a statement, where the statement may be true or false) :: predikaatti
predicate {n} ((computing) an operator or function that returns either true or false) :: predikaattifunktio
predicate {v} /ˈpɹɛdɪˌkeɪt/ (to announce or assert publicly) :: ilmoittaa, vakuuttaa
predicate {v} (to suppose assume, infer) :: olettaa
predicate {v} ((logic) to assert or state as an attribute or quality of something) :: väittää
predicate calculus {n} (a branch of logic) :: predikaattilogiikka
predicate logic {n} (generic term for symbolic formal systems like first-order logic, second-order logic, many-sorted logic) :: predikaattilogiikka
predicative {adj} /pɹɪˈdɪk.ə.tɪv/ (used after a verb) :: predikatiivinen
predicative {n} (element of the predicate of a sentence which supplements the subject or object by means of the verb) :: predikatiivi
predicative adverbial {n} (type of adverbial) :: predikatiiviadverbiaali
predicative case {n} (case marking a predicative nominative) :: predikatiivi
predicatively {adv} (in a predicative manner) :: predikatiivisesti
predict {v} /pɹɪˈdɪkt/ (to state, or make something known in advance) :: ennakoida, ennustaa
predict {v} (to foretell or prophesy) :: ennustaa
predictability {n} (The characteristic of being predictable) :: ennakoitavuus, ennustettavuus
predictable {adj} /pɹɪˈdɪktəbl̩/ (able to be predicted) :: ennustettava, ennalta arvattava
prediction {n} /pɹɪˈdɪkʃn/ (a statement about the future) :: ennustus, ennuste, prognoosi
predictive text {n} (function on certain text messaging software) :: ennakoiva tekstinsyöttö, ennustava tekstinsyöttö
predilection {n} /ˌpɹɛ.dəˈlɛk.ʃn̩/ (tendency towards) :: mieltymys
predisposed {adj} (inclined) :: altistettu
predisposed {adj} (made susceptible) :: altistettu
predominant {adj} (common or widespread; prevalent) :: vallitseva
predominant {adj} (significant or important; dominant) :: vallitseva, hallitseva
predominantly {adv} (in a predominant manner) :: lähinnä, etupäässä, valtaosin, valtaosaltaan
predominate {adj} (predominant) SEE: predominant ::
preeclampsia {n} (complication of pregnancy) :: raskausmyrkytys, pre-eklampsia
pre-ejaculate {n} (pre-ejaculate) :: touhutippa
preeminence {n} (status of being preeminent) :: etevämmyys, paremmuus
preeminence {n} (high importance) :: ylemmyys [superiority]
preeminent {adj} /pɹiːˈɛmɪnənt/ (exceeding others in quality or rank) :: erinomainen, esimerkillinen
preen {v} /pɹiːn/ (to groom) :: sukia
preexist {v} (to exist prior to) :: olla olemassa
prefab {n} (prefabricated building) :: valmistalo
prefab {n} (prefabricated section of a building) :: elementti
prefabricated {adj} (manufactured in advance) :: valmis
prefabricated {adj} (invented in advance) :: keksitty
preface {n} /ˈpɹɛfəs/ (introduction before the main text) :: alkusanat {p}, johdanto
prefatory {adj} (introductory) :: alustava, alku-
prefect {n} /ˈpɹiːfekt/ (an official of ancient Rome) :: prefekti
prefect {n} (a school pupil in a position of power over other pupils) :: valvojaoppilas
prefecture {n} /ˈpɹiˌfɛk(t)ʃəɹ/ (The office of a prefect) :: perfektuuri
prefecture {n} (The district governed by a prefect) :: prefektuuri
prefer {v} /pɹɪˈfɝ/ (to favor) :: pitää parempana
preferable {adj} /ˈpɹɛf(ə)ɹəb(ə)l/ (Better than some other option) :: parempi
preferably {adv} /ˈpɹɛfɹəˌbli/ (in preference) :: mieluiten
preferans {n} (a card game) :: preferenssi, preferanssi
preference {n} /ˈpɹɛf(ə)ɹ(ə)ns/ (selection) :: valinta, preferenssi
preference {n} (option to select or selected) :: valinta
preference {n} (state of being preferred) :: suosikkiasema, suosituimmuus
preference {n} (liking) :: preferenssi, mieltymys
preference {n} (bias) :: puolueellisuus
preference {n} (card game) SEE: preferans ::
preferences {n} (user-specified settings of parameters in computer software) :: asetukset
preferences {n} (plural of "preference") SEE: preference ::
preferred {adj} /pɹɪˈfɝd/ (favoured) :: suositeltu, ensisijainen
prefix {n} /ˈpɹiːfɪks/ (morpheme at the beginning of a word) :: prefiksi, etuliite
prefix {n} (telecommunications: set of digits placed before a telephone number) :: suuntanumero
prefix {n} (title added to a person's name) :: titteli
prefixlike {adj} (resembling or characteristic to a prefix) :: prefiksimäinen
prefrontal cortex {n} (the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain) :: aivokuoren etuosa
pregnancy {n} (condition) :: raskaus, tiineys
pregnancy {n} (period of time) :: raskausaika, tiineysaika
pregnancy {n} (progression from conception to birth) :: raskaus, sikiönkehitys
pregnancy test {n} (a piece of test equipment) :: raskaustesti
pregnant {adj} (fertile) SEE: fertile ::
pregnant {adj} /ˈpɹɛɡnənt/ (carrying developing offspring within the body) :: raskaana oleva
pregnant {adj} (having many possibilities or implications) :: monitahoinen, monisyinen
pregnant woman {n} :: raskaana oleva nainen
preheat {v} (to heat something in preparation for further action, especially cooking) :: esilämmittää
preheater {n} (engineering device) :: esilämmitin
prehensile {adj} /pɹiˈhɛnsəl/ (able to take hold of objects) :: tarttuma-
preheritance {n} (financial support) :: ennakkoperintö
prehistoric {adj} (of relating to the epoch before written record) :: esihistoriallinen
prehistorically {adv} :: esihistoriallisesti
prehistory {n} (study of events and conditions before written records) :: esihistoria
prehistory {n} (history of events leaving up to something) :: historia
prehnite {n} (mineral) :: prehniitti
prehung {adj} (delivered as unit with frame) :: valmis-
preignition {n} (premature detonation in four-stroke cycle engines) :: aikainen sytytys
preimage {n} (set of all elements that map into a given subset of the codomain of a function) :: alkukuva
preindustrial {adj} (before industry) :: teollistumaton, esiteollinen
prejudge {v} (form a judgement in advance) :: tuomita ennalta
prejudice {n} /ˈpɹɛd͡ʒədɪs/ (adverse judgement formed beforehand) :: ennakkoluulo
prejudice {n} (any preconceived opinion) :: ennakkokäsitys
prejudice {n} (irrational hostile attitude) :: ennakkoluuloisuus, ennakkoluulo
prejudice {v} (to have a negative impact) :: vahingoittaa, vaarantaa
prejudice {v} (to cause prejudice) :: tehdä ennakkoluuloiseksi, aiheuttaa ennakkoluuloja
prejudiced {adj} (having prejudices) :: ennakkoluuloinen, puolueellinen
prelapsarian {adj} /pɹiːlapˈsɛːɹɪən/ (innocent, unspoiled) :: syntiinlankeemusta edeltävä
prelate {n} /ˈpɹɛlət/ (clergyman) :: prelaatti
prelature {n} (office of a prelate) :: prelatuuri
preliminary {adj} /pɹɪˈlɪmɪnɛɹi/ (in preparation for the main matter) :: alustava, preliminaarinen, esi-
preliminary {n} (introduction) :: johdatus; johdanto
preliminary {n} (any of a series of sports) :: karsinta, karsintaottelu
preliminary {n} (minor contest before major one) :: lämmittelyottelu
preliminary examination {n} (qualifying exam) :: preliminäärikoe
preliminary ruling {n} (decision) :: ennakkoratkaisu
prelude {n} /ˈpɹɛl(j)uːd/ (short piece of music) :: alkusoitto, preludi
premarital {adj} (before one’s marriage) :: esiaviollinen
premature {adj} /ˌpɹi.məˈtʊɹ/ (occurring before a state of readiness or maturity) :: ennenaikainen
premature {adj} (taking place earlier than anticipated) :: ennenaikainen
premature birth {n} (birth of an infant prior to the completion of its prenatal development) :: ennenaikainen synnytys
premature birth {n} (childbirth occurring earlier than 37 completed weeks of gestation) :: ennenaikainen synnytys
premature ejaculation {n} (premature ejaculation) :: ennenaikainen siemensyöksy
prematurely {adv} (in a premature manner) :: ennenaikaisesti
premaxilla {n} (bone) :: välileuanluu
premeditated {adj} (planned, considered or estimated in advance; deliberate) :: suunniteltu, harkittu
premier {n} (prime minister of a country) SEE: prime minister ::
premier {adj} /pɹɪˈmɪəɹ/ (foremost, very first or very highest in quality or degree) :: tärkein, johtava
premier {n} (Australia, Canada: head of a state or provincial government) :: osavaltion pääministeri, provinssin pääministeri
premiere {n} /pɹəˈmɪɚ/ (first showing of a film, play or other form of entertainment) :: kantaesitys, ensi-ilta
Premier League {prop} (division) :: valioliiga
premillennialism {n} /pɹiːmɪˈlɛnɪəlɪz(ə)m/ (concept in Christian eschatology) :: premillennialismi
première {n} (premiere) SEE: premiere ::
première danseuse {n} (lead female dancer) SEE: prima ballerina ::
premise {n} /ˈpɹɛ.mɪs/ (proposition antecedently supposed or proved) :: premissi, peruste, lähtökohta
premise {n} (either of the first two propositions of a syllogism, from which the conclusion is deduced) :: premissi, peruste, lähtökohta
premise {n} (matters previously stated or set forth) :: lähtökohta
premise {n} (piece of real estate) :: kiinteistö, tila
premises {n} /ˈpɹɛməsɪs/ (land, and all the built structures on it, considered as a single place) :: kiinteistö
premium {adj} /ˈpɹimiəm/ :: korkean luokan, korkealuokkainen
premium {n} (a prize or award) :: palkkio, palkinto
premium {n} (something offered at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else) :: ilmaisetu, houkutin
premium {n} (a bonus paid in addition to normal payments) :: lisä, lisäpalkkio, bonus, preemio
premium {n} (the amount to be paid for an insurance policy) :: vakuutusmaksu
premolar {n} (tooth) :: välihammas
premonition {n} (clairvoyant or clairaudient experience) :: enneuni, enne
premonition {n} (strong intuition) :: ennakkoaavistus, etiäinen
premonitory {adj} (serving as warning) :: varoittava
prenatal {adj} (being or happening before birth) :: syntymää edeltävä, prenataali, prenataalinen
prenup {n} (prenuptial agreement) SEE: prenuptial agreement ::
prenuptial agreement {n} (document stating legal claims upon a divorce) :: avioehto
preoccupy {v} /pɹiˈɑkjupaɪ/ (distract) :: siirtää jonkun huomio johonkin, kiinnittää jonkun huomio johonkin, askarruttaa
preon {n} (particle) :: preoni
preorder {v} (to order in advance) :: ennakkotilata
preorder {n} (order in advance) :: ennakkotilaus
preorder {n} (binary relation) :: esijärjestys
prep {n} /pɹɛp/ (abbreviation of preposition) :: prep.
prep {v} (informal: to prepare) :: prepata [for an exam etc.]
prep {n} (homework) SEE: homework ::
prep {n} (preparation) SEE: preparation ::
prep {n} (preparatory school) SEE: prep school ::
prep {n} (student or graduate of a prep school) SEE: preppy ::
prepaid {adj} /pɹiːˈpeɪd/ (paid for in advance) :: ennalta maksettu, ennakolta maksettu
preparation {n} /pɹɛpəˈɹeɪʃən/ (act) :: valmistelu, valmistautuminen; esikäsittely; preparointi
preparation {n} (substance) :: valmiste; preparaatti
preparation {n} (music: object placed between strings of a piano) :: esine
preparator {n} (person) :: preparaattori
prepare {v} /pɹɪˈpɛəɹ/ (to make ready for a specific future purpose) :: valmistella
prepare {v} (to make ready for eating or drinking) :: valmistaa
prepare {v} (to make oneself ready) :: valmistautua
prepare {v} (to produce by combining elements) :: valmistaa
prepared piano {n} (piano that has had its sound altered) :: preparoitu piano
preparty {n} (party before main event) :: etkot
prepay {v} (to pay in advance) :: maksaa ennakkoon
prepayment {n} (payment in advance) :: ennakkomaksu, ennakko; (if it is considered "credit expected to be paid in a latter accounting period") siirtosaaminen
prepone {v} (to reschedule to an earlier time) :: aikaistaa, aientaa, varhentaa
preposition {n} /ˌpɹɛpəˈzɪʃən/ (grammar: a type of word like "of, from, for, by") :: prepositio
prepositional {n} (the prepositional case) SEE: prepositional case ::
prepositional case {n} (case serving as object of a preposition) :: prepositionaali
prepositionally {adv} (in a prepositional manner) :: prepositionaalisesti, preposition omaisesti
prepositionally {adv} (as a preposition) :: prepositiona
prepositional phrase {n} (phrase containing both a preposition and its complement) :: prepositiolauseke
preposterous {adj} (absurd, or contrary to common sense) :: järjetön, mieletön, naurettava, posketon
preppy {n} /ˈpɹɛpi/ (student of a prep school) :: lukiolainen [high school level]; yksityiskoulun oppilas [in private prerp school]
pre-primary {adj} (taking place before primary school) :: esi- [as in esiopetus]
preprocess {v} :: esikäsitellä
preprocessor {n} (program that processes input data before it is used by another program) :: esikääntäjä
prep school {n} /ˈpɹɛpˌskuːl/ (US: school that prepares for university) :: yksityislukio [private]; lukio [any], preppauskoulu
prep school {n} (UK: private school that prepares for common entrance examination) :: yksityinen peruskoulu
prepubescent {adj} (before the age at which a person begins puberty) :: alle murrosikäinen, esipuberteettinen, esimurrosikäinen
prepuce {n} (foreskin of certain animals) SEE: sheath ::
prepuce {n} (foreskin) SEE: foreskin ::
prequel {n} /ˈpɹiːkwəl/ (in a series of works, an installment that is set chronologically before its predecessor) :: esiosa, etko-osa
preraphaelite {adj} (Pre-Raphaelite) SEE: Pre-Raphaelite ::
preraphaelite {n} (Pre-Raphaelite) SEE: Pre-Raphaelite ::
Pre-Raphaelite {adj} (of or pertaining to Pre-Raphaelism) :: prerafaeliittinen
Pre-Raphaelite {n} (advocate of Pre-Raphaelism) :: prerafaeliitti
prerequisite {n} /pɹiˈɹɛkwəzət/ (Something that must be gained in order to gain something else) :: edellytys, ennakkoehto
prerequisite {n} (In education, a course or topic that must be completed before another course or topic can be started) :: esitietovaatimus
prerogative {n} (right, generally) SEE: right ::
prerogative {n} /pɹəˈɹɑɡ.ə.tɪv/ (hereditary or official right or privilege) :: etuoikeus
prerogative {n} (right or power that is exclusive to a monarch etc.) :: valtaoikeus
prerogative {n} (inherent advantage or privilege) :: kyky, lahjakkuus
prerogative {adj} (having a hereditary or official right or privilege) :: etuoikeutettu
presage {n} /ˈpɹɛsɪdʒ/ (warning; omen) :: enne
presage {n} (intuition; presentiment) :: aavistus
presage {v} (to predict or foretell something) :: ennustaa
presage {v} (to make a prediction) :: ennustaa
presage {v} (to have a presentiment of) :: aavistaa, uumoilla, ounastella
presbyopia {n} (inability of the eye, due to ageing, to focus on nearby objects) :: ikänäkö
Presbyterian {adj} /ˌpɹez.bɪˈtɪɹ.i.ən/ (relating to the Presbyterian Church) :: presbyteerinen
Presbyterian {n} (person belonging to the Presbyterian Church) :: presbyteeri
Presbyterianism {n} (form of Protestantism) :: presbyterismi
presbytery {n} (chancel) SEE: chancel ::
preschool {adj} (relating to years before primary school) :: esikoulu-
preschool {n} (nursery school) SEE: nursery school ::
preschooler {n} (a child who is educated at preschool) :: esikoululainen
preschooling {n} (the early education that occurs at preschool) :: esiopetus
prescience {n} /ˈpɹɛʃɨns/ (Knowledge of events before they take place; foresight; foreknowledge) :: etukäteistieto
prescient {adj} /ˈpɹɛsɪənt/ (exhibiting or possessing prescience) :: laajanäköinen
prescribe {v} /pɹɪˈskɹaɪb/ (to order a drug or medical device) :: kirjoittaa resepti, määrätä
prescribe {v} (to specify as a required procedure or ritual) :: säätää, määrätä
prescriber {n} (a person who prescribes medication) :: reseptin kirjoittaja
prescription {n} /pɹəˈskɹɪpʃən/ (the act of prescribing a rule or law) :: säätäminen
prescription {n} (extinctive or liberative prescription) :: vanhentumisaika
prescription {n} (written order for the administration of a medicine) :: resepti
prescription {n} (the prescribed medicine) :: reseptilääke
prescription {n} (formal description of the lens geometry) :: resepti
prescription {adj} (available with prescription) :: resepti-
prescription drug {n} (licensed medicine) :: reseptilääke
prescription glasses {n} :: silmälääkärin määräämät silmälasit
prescriptivism {n} /pɹəˈskɹɪp.tɪ.vɪzm̩/ (prescribing idealistic language norms) :: preskriptiivinen kielioppi
presence {n} /ˈpɹɛzəns/ (fact or condition of being present) :: läsnäolo
presence of mind {n} (alertness, resourcefulness, stability of thought and feeling, good sense) :: mielenmaltti, maltti, harkintakyky
present {n} (gift) SEE: gift ::
present {n} (present tense) SEE: present tense ::
present {adj} /ˈpɹɛzənt/ (pertaining to the current time) :: nykyinen, tämänhetkinen
present {adj} (in the immediate vicinity) :: paikalla, läsnä [adverb]
present {n} (current time) :: nykyhetki, nykyisyys
present {v} (bring into the presence of) :: esittää, näyttää
present {v} (bring before court) :: esittää
present {v} (give (someone) as gift or award) :: myöntää
presentability {n} (quality) :: edustavuus, hyvännäköisyys
presentable {adj} /pɹəˈzɛntəbəl/ (able to be presented) :: edustava
presentation {n} /ˌpɹɛzənˈteɪʃən/ (presenting to an audience) :: esitys, esitelmä
present continuous {n} (tense that describes an ongoing action in the present) :: kestopreesens
present-day {adj} (in existence now) :: nykypäivän, nykyajan, tämän päivän
presentee {n} (person) :: lahjansaaja [one who gets a present]; palkittava [one who gets an award]
presenteeism {n} (being at work when sick) :: presenteismi
presentiment {n} /prɪˈzen.tɪ.mənt/ (a premonition; a feeling that something, often of undesirable nature, is going to happen) :: aavistus
present participle {n} (verb form that indicates an ongoing action) :: partisiipin preesens
present perfect {n} (tense that expresses action in the past with consequences in the present time) :: perfekti
present perfect continuous {n} (tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing at the present time) :: kestoperfekti
present tense {n} (form of language) :: preesens
preservation {n} /pɹɛ.zɝˈveɪ.ʃən/ (the act of preserving) :: säilyttäminen
preservative {n} (any agent, natural or artificial that acts to preserve) :: säilöntäaine
preservative {adj} (tending to preserve) :: säilyttävä
preserve {n} /pɹəˈzɜːv/ (sweet spread) :: marmeladi, hillo
preserve {n} (nature preserve) :: luonnonpuisto
preserve {v} (to protect) :: säilyttää, säilöä, taltioida
preshared {adj} (shared between communicating parties) :: esijaettu
presidency {n} /ˈpɹezɪdənsi/ (office or role of president) :: presidentintoimi, presidentinvirka, presidenttiys
presidency {n} (bureaucratic organization and governmental initiatives) :: presidentti
presidency {n} (time during which one is president) :: presidenttikausi
president {n} /ˈpɹɛzɨdənt/ (the head of state of a republic) :: presidentti
president {n} (the primary leader of a corporation) :: hallituksen puheenjohtaja
president {n} (a person presiding over a meeting, chair, presiding officer, presider) :: puheenjohtaja
president-elect {n} /ˌpɹɛzɪdənt ɪˈlɛkt/ (person who has been elected to a presidency but has not yet been inducted into office) :: tuleva presidentti
presidential palace {n} (White House) SEE: White House ::
presidential palace {n} (presidential palace) :: presidentinlinna [especially the Finnish one]; presidentin palatsi
presidium {n} /pɹɪˈsɪdi.əm/ (executive committee) :: puhemiehistö
press {v} (to press) SEE: bear ::
press {n} /pɹɛs/ (device used to apply pressure) :: puristin [active], paino [passive]
press {n} (printed media) :: lehdistö
press {n} (enclosed storage space) :: kaappi, komero
press {n} (printing machine) :: painokone, paino
press {n} (weightlifting exercise) :: punnerrus
press {v} (to apply pressure) :: painaa
press {n} (publisher) SEE: publisher ::
Pressburg {prop} (Bratislava) SEE: Bratislava ::
press card {n} (identification) :: lehdistökortti
press conference {n} (question and answer session with members of television, print and other media) :: lehdistötilaisuus
presser foot {n} (part of a sewing machine) :: paininjalka
press pot {n} (cafetière) SEE: cafetière ::
press release {n} (official written media statement) :: lehdistötiedote
pressroom {n} (room for press conference) :: lehdistöhuone
pressure {n} /ˈpɹɛʃ.ɚ/ (a pressing; force applied to a surface) :: paine, puristus
pressure {n} (a contrasting force or impulse of any kind) :: taakka, paine
pressure {n} (mental strain) :: paine, stressi
pressure {n} (physics: amount of force divided by area) :: paine
pressure cooker {n} (cooking vessel) :: painekattila, painekeitin
pressure group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group ::
pressure point {n} (specific small area of the body targeted in martial arts) :: hermopiste
pressure ulcer {n} (bedsore) SEE: bedsore ::
pressure vessel {n} (container designed to maintain a volume) :: paineastia
pressure washer {n} :: painepesuri
pressurize {v} (to put pressure on) :: paineistaa
prestidigitation {n} /ˌpɹɛstəˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪʃən/ (sleight of hand) :: silmänkääntötemppu [performance]; sorminäppäryys, näppäryys [skill]
prestige {n} /pɹɛsˈti(d)ʒ/ (dignity, status, or esteem) :: maine, arvovalta
prestigious {adj} /pɹɛˈstɪdʒəs/ (of high prestige) :: maineikas, arvovaltainen
prestress {v} (to apply stress) :: esijännittää
prestressed {adj} (having been stressed) :: esijännitetty
prestressed concrete {n} (concrete which has been prestressed) :: jännebetoni, esijännitetty betoni
presumably {adv} /pɹɪˈzuːməbli/ (able to be sensibly presumed) :: oletettavasti
presume {v} /pɹiˈz(j)um/ (to assume to be true, suppose) :: otaksua
presumedly {adv} (presumably) SEE: presumably ::
presumption {n} (the act of presuming, or something presumed) :: otaksuma, otaksuminen
presumption {n} (the belief of something based upon reasonable evidence, or upon something known to be true) :: otaksuma, oletus, olettamus
presumption {n} (the condition upon which something is presumed) :: otaksuma
presumption of innocence {n} (legal principle) :: syyttömyysolettama
presumptively {adv} (as is presumed to be the case) SEE: presumably ::
presumptuous {adj} /pɹəˈzəmptʃuəs/ (going beyond what is proper) :: röyhkeä
presumptuousness {n} (state of being presumptious) :: nousukasmaisuus
presuppose {v} (to assume some truth without proof) :: olettaa
pretax {adj} (before the payment of taxes) :: veroton
preteen {adj} (of or relating to child btw. 10 and 12 yrs of age) :: esiteini- [of or relating to]; esiteini-ikäinen [being]
preteen {n} (child btw. 10 and 12 yrs of age) :: esiteini
pretend {v} /pɹɪˈtɛnd/ (to allege falsely) :: teeskennellä
pretend {v} (to feign) :: teeskennellä, tekeytyä
pretend {v} (to lay claim to) :: teeskennellä
pretend {v} (to make oneself appear to do something) :: teeskennellä, olla tekevinään
pretender {n} (person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold) :: teeskentelijä
pretender {n} (claimant to a throne) :: kruununtavoittelija
pretending {n} (act of imagining) :: teeskentely
pretentious {adj} /pɹɪˈtɛnʃəs/ (marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) :: mahtaileva
pretentious {adj} (intended to impress others) :: näyttävä
pretentiously {adv} /pɹɪˈtɛnʃəsliː/ (in a manner with unwarranted claim to importance or distinction) :: tärkeilevästi, mahtailevasti
preterite {n} /ˈpɹɛtəɹət/ (preterite tense; simple past) :: preteriti
pretext {n} /ˈpɹiːtɛkst/ (false, contrived or assumed purpose) :: tekosyy, veruke
pretonic {adj} (immediately preceding a stressed syllable) :: painollista tavua edeltävä
prettify {v} /ˈpɹɪtɪfʌɪ/ (make pretty or prettier) :: kaunistaa, kaunistella
prettily {adv} (in a pretty manner) :: sievästi
pretty {adj} /ˈpɝti/ (cunning, clever, skilful) :: nätti
pretty {adj} (especially of women and children: pleasant, attractive) :: sievä, viehättävä
pretty {adj} (of objects: nice-looking) :: sievä, viehättävä
pretty {adj} (only superficially attractive) :: sievä
pretty {adj} (dated: moderately large) :: melkoinen
pretty {adj} (dated: excellent, pleasing) :: kiva
pretty {adj} (ironic: awkward, unpleasant) :: melkoinen, aikamoinen
pretty {adv} (somewhat) :: aika, melko, ihan, varsin, sangen
pretty much {adv} (almost completely; very nearly; mostly) :: aika lailla, suurin piirtein
pretty penny {n} (considerable amount of money) :: pitkä penni, maltaita
pretty please {interj} (an emphatic interjection to make commands more polite) :: jooko
pretzel {n} /ˈpɹɛt.səl/ (toasted bread or cracker in the shape of a knot) :: rinkeli, viipurinrinkeli
pretzel {n} (anything that is knotted, twisted, or tangled) :: solmu, hässäkkä
prevail {v} /pɹɪˈveɪl/ (To succeed in persuading or inducing) :: taivutella, suostutella
prevailing {adj} /pɹɪˈveɪ.lɪŋ/ (predominant) :: vallitseva
prevalence {n} (wide extension) :: hallitsevuus, vallitsevuus, prevalenssi
prevalence {n} (number of cases compared to a total population) :: sairastavuus
prevalent {adj} /ˈpɹɛvələnt/ (widespread, preferred) :: vallitseva
prevaricate {v} /pɹɪˈvæɹɪkeɪt/ (shift or turn from direct speech or behaviour, to equivocate) :: vältellä
prevent {v} /pɹɪˈvɛnt/ (to keep from happening) :: estää, ehkäistä
preventable {adj} (capable of being prevented) :: estettävissä
preventer {n} (arrangement that prevents the boom from jibing) :: preventteri
preventible {adj} (preventable) SEE: preventable ::
prevention {n} /pɹɪˈvɛnʃən/ (The act of preventing or hindering) :: ennaltaehkäisy, ennaltaehkäiseminen, ehkäisy, ehkäiseminen, torjunta, torjuminen
preventive {adj} /pɹɪˈvɛntɪv/ (preventing, hindering, or acting as an obstacle to) :: ennaltaehkäisevä, estävä
preventive {adj} (carried out to deter military aggression) :: ennaltaehkäisevä
preventive {adj} (slowing the development of an illness) :: ennaltaehkäisevä
preventive war {n} (type of war) :: ennaltaehkäisevä sota
preview {n} /ˈpɹiːvjʉː/ (foretaste of something) :: esimaku
preview {n} (computing facility) :: esikatselu
preview {v} (to see something in advance) :: esikatsella
previous {adj} /ˈpɹivi.əs/ (prior) :: edellinen, aikaisempi, aiempi
previously {adv} /ˈpɹiːvi.əsli/ (at an earlier time) :: aikaisemmin, aiemmin
prevocalic {adj} (preceding a vowel) :: vokaalia edeltävä
prewash {n} (quick rinse) :: esipesu
prewash {v} (to rinse before washing) :: esipestä
prey {n} /pɹeɪ/ (booty, anything taken by force) :: saalis
prey {n} (that which may be seized by animals) :: saalis
Prey Nokor {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
prez {n} (informal, president) :: pressa
priapism {n} (medical condition) :: priapismi, priapismus, kestoerektio
price {n} /pɹaɪs/ (cost required to gain possession of something) :: hinta
price {n} (cost of an action or deed) :: hinta
price {v} (determine or put a price on something) :: hinnoitella
price-earnings ratio {n} (ratio of share price to earnings per share) :: P/E-luku
price floor {n} (imposed lowest price) :: vähimmäishinta
priceless {adj} /ˈpɹaɪsləs/ (so precious as not to be sold at any price) :: mittaamattoman arvokas
price level {n} (average market price of certain goods or services) :: hintataso
price list {n} (list of items with prices) :: hinnasto
price stability {n} (state of economy characterized by low inflation) :: hintavakaus
price tag {n} (the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price) :: hintalappu
price war {n} (repeated undercutting of prices) :: hintakilpailu
pricing {n} /ˈpɹaɪsɪŋ/ (act) :: hinnoittelu
pricing {n} (level) :: hinnoittelu
prick {n} /pɹɪk/ (small pointed object) :: nasta, piikki, oka
prick {n} (feeling of being pierced or punctured) :: pisto
prick {n} ((slang) a penis) :: kyrpä, mulkku, kulli
prick {n} (an annoying person) :: mulkku
prick {v} (pierce) :: pistää
prickle {n} /pɹɪkəl/ (A small, sharp pointed object, such as a thorn) :: oka, piikki
prickle {n} (A tingling sensation of mild discomfort) :: pistely
prickly hornwort {n} (Ceratophyllum demersum) :: karvalehti
prickly lettuce {n} (Lactuca serriola) :: piikkisalaatti, kompassikasvi
prickly pear {n} /ˌpɹɪkli ˈpɛː/ (any of various spiny cacti of the genus Opuntia) :: viikunakaktus
prickly pear {n} (cactus fruit) :: kaktusviikuna
prickly saltwort {n} /pɹɪ sɑlt.wɚt/ (Kali turgidum) :: meriotakilokki
prick up one's ears {v} (to listen attentively) :: höristää korviaan
pride {n} /pɹaɪd/ (quality or state of being proud; inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, rank etc.) :: ylpeys
pride {n} (sense of one's own worth, and abhorrence of what is beneath or unworthy of one) :: ylpeys
pride {n} (proud or disdainful behavior or treatment; insolence or arrogance of demeanor; haughty bearing and conduct) :: ylpeys, kopeus
pride {n} (that of which one is proud; that which excites boasting or self-gratulation; the occasion or ground of self-esteem) :: ylpeydenaihe
pride {n} (show; ostentation; glory) :: ylvästely
pride {n} (highest pitch; elevation reached; loftiness; prime; glory) :: huippu
pride {n} (lust; sexual desire; especially, an excitement of sexual appetite in a female beast) :: kiima
pride {n} (company of lions) :: lauma
pride comes before a fall {proverb} (Translations) :: ylpeys käy lankeemuksen edellä
priest {n} /ˈpɹiːst/ (clergyman (clergywoman, clergyperson)) :: pappi
priest {n} (tool for killing fish) :: kalanuija
priestess {n} /priːˈstɛs/ (woman with religious duties) :: papitar
priesthood {n} /ˈpɹistˌhʊd/ (role or office) :: pappeus
priesthood {n} (clergy) :: papisto
priesthood {n} (authority) :: pappeus
prima {adj} /pɹiːmə/ (most important) :: tärkein
prima ballerina {n} (lead female dancer) :: ensitanssijatar
primal {adj} /ˈpɹaɪməl/ (Being the first in time, or history) :: alkukantainen
primal {adj} (Being of greatest importance; primary) :: tärkein, perus-
primal scene {n} (in Freudian theory, the first time a child witnesses (and understands) its parents copulating) :: kantanäky
primal therapy {n} (form of psychotherapy) :: primaaliterapia
primaquine {n} (medication) :: primakiini
primarily {adv} /pɹaɪˈmɛɹəli/ (of a primary or central nature) :: pääasiassa, ensisijaisesti, ennen muuta, ennen kaikkea
primariness {n} (quality or state) :: ensisijaisuus
primary {adj} /ˈpɹaɪməɹi/ (first in a group or series) :: ensimmäinen, perus-, ensi-, ala-
primary {adj} (that which is placed ahead of others) :: ensisijainen
primary {n} (preliminary election) :: esivaalit
primary {n} (first year of grade school) :: ensimmäinen luokka, ekaluokka
primary {n} (base or fundamental component) :: perusta
primary {n} (ornithology: flight feather) :: siipisulka
primary care {n} (medical attention that a patient receives upon first contact with a healthcare system) :: perusterveydenhuolto
primary colour {n} (any of three colours which can generate all other colours) :: pääväri
primary election {n} (preliminary election to select a candidate) :: esivaali
primary goods {n} (goods which are presumed to be desired by all rational individuals) :: perushyödykkeet {p}
primary healthcare {n} (primary care) SEE: primary care ::
primary industry {n} (industry providing raw materials) :: perusteollisuus, raaka-aineteollisuus
primary key {n} (key in database table) :: pääavain
primary production {n} (primary production) :: perustuotanto
primary rate interface {n} :: järjestelmäliittymä
primary school {n} (first formal, obligatory school) :: peruskoulu, ala-aste, alakoulu
primary school student {n} :: peruskoululainen
primary sector {n} :: alkutuotanto, alkutuotantosektori
primary source {n} (original work) :: primaarilahde
primary source {n} (document) :: primaarilähde
primate {n} /ˈpɹaɪmeɪt/ (mammal) :: kädellinen
primate {n} (archbishop or bishop) :: priimas
primatologist {n} (scientist whose speciality is primatology) :: primatologi
primatology {n} (branch of zoology) :: primatologia
prime {adj} /pɹaɪ̯m/ (first in time, order, or sequence) :: ensimmäinen, ensi-, alku-, primaarinen
prime {adj} (first in excellence, quality, or value) :: ensiluokkainen, priima
prime {adj} (mathematics: having no factors except itself and unity) :: jaoton
prime {adj} (first in importance, degree, or rank) :: tärkein, pää-
prime {adj} (mathematics: having its complement closed under multiplication) :: alku-
prime {n} (first hour after dawn) :: aamunkoitto
prime {n} (Christianity: the liturgical service of the first hour of daylight) :: prima
prime {n} (early morning) :: aamunkoitto
prime {n} (earliest stage) :: alku, synty
prime {n} (most active, thriving, or successful stage or period) :: kukoistus
prime {n} (chief or best individual or part) :: paras, paras pala
prime {n} (music: first note or tone of a musical scale) :: juurisävel, priimi
prime {n} (fencing: first defensive position) :: priimi
prime {n} (algebra: prime element of a mathematical structure) :: alkuluku
prime {n} (backgammon: six consecutive blocks) :: kuuden blokki
prime {n} (symbol ( ′ ) ) :: yläpuolinen indeksointipilkku [name of character], pilkku [other uses]
prime {n} (chemistry: number expressing the combining weight or equivalent of any particular element) :: massaluku
prime {n} (priming in a flintlock) :: sytytysruuti
prime {v} /pɹaɪ̯m/ (to prepare a mechanism) :: valmistella
prime {v} (to apply a coat of primer paint to) :: pohjamaalata
prime {v} (to serve as priming for the charge of a gun) :: sytyttää
prime factor {n} (factor) :: alkutekijä
primehood {n} (primeness, arithmetic sense) SEE: primeness ::
prime meridian {n} (reference line) :: nollameridiaani
prime minister {n} (chief member of the cabinet and head of the government) :: pääministeri
prime mover {n} (philosophy: initial agent) :: alkusyy
prime mover {n} (machine) :: voimakone
prime mover {n} (tractor) :: vetoauto
primeness {n} (quality of being first) :: ensimmäisyys [rare]; ensimmäisenä oleminen
primeness {n} (quality of being excellent) :: erinomaisuus
primeness {n} (math: quality of being prime) :: alkulukuus [rare]; jaottomuus [indivisibility]
prime number {n} (natural number) :: alkuluku
prime of life {n} (period of peak ability) :: paras ikä
primer {n} /ˈpɹɪ.mɚ/ (prayer book) :: rukouskirja
primer {n} (children's book introducing basic literacy) :: aapinen
primer {n} (introductory textbook) :: alkeiskirja, alkeet {p}
primer {n} /ˈpɹaɪmɚ/ (substance used to ignite a fire) :: sytyke
primer {n} (small charge used to ignite gunpowder or other explosive) :: sytytin; nalli [small explosive]
primer {n} (person who primes explosives) :: panostaja
primer {n} (substance used to prime wood, metal, etc.) :: pohjamaali
primer {n} (layer of priming substance) :: pohjamaali
primer {n} (person who primes wood, metal etc.) :: pohjustaja
primer {n} (biology: molecule required for replication of DNA) :: aluke
primer {n} (device used to prime an internal combustion engine with gasoline) :: sytytin
primer {n} (person who prunes trees) :: karsija
prime suspect {n} (most likely suspect) :: pääepäilty
prime time {n} (block of television programming) :: [television] paras katseluaika, [radio] paras kuunteluaika
primeval {adj} /ˈpɹaɪˌmi.vəl/ (belonging to the first ages) :: alku-, iki-
primeval forest {n} (large forest unaffected by humans) :: aarniometsä
primeval soup {n} (mixture of organic compounds which gave rise to life) :: alkuliemi
priming {n} /ˈpɹaɪmɪŋ/ (psychology) :: alustus
priming {n} (substance) :: sytytin
primitive {n} /ˈpɹɪmɪtɪv/ (word not derived from another) :: kantasana
primitive {n} (person from a primitive society) :: alkukantainen ihminen
primitive {n} (simple-minded person) :: yksinkertainen ihminen
primitive {n} (computing data type) :: primitiivi
primitive {adj} (one of the adjectival senses) :: alkeellinen
primitive element {n} (element that generates a field extension) :: primitiivinen alkio
primitive element {n} (element of a finite field that generates its multiplicative group) :: primitiivinen alkio
primitive element {n} (element of a lattice that is not a positive multiple of another element) :: primitiivinen alkio
primitive element {n} (element of a coalgebra satisfying a particular condition) :: primitiivinen alkio
primitiveness {n} (quality or state of being primitive) :: alkukantaisuus
primitive root {n} (number such that gka (mod n) exists for every a coprime to n, see also: generator; primitive element) :: primitiivinen juuri
primitivity {n} (primitiveness) SEE: primitiveness ::
primogeniture {n} (state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents) :: esikoisuus
primogeniture {n} (exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest child) :: esikoisoikeus
primordial {adj} /pɹaɪˈmɔɹ.di.əl/ (earliest) :: alku-, alkuperäinen
primordial soup {n} (state of the Earth's oceans at a very early time in the planet's history) :: alkuliemi
primordium {n} (first stage of development of an organ) :: alkio
Primorsky Krai {prop} (federal subject of Russia) :: Primorjen aluepiiri
primrose {n} /ˈpɹɪmˌɹoʊz/ (plant of the genus Primula) :: esikko
primrose {n} (Primula acaulis) :: kääpiöesikko
primrose {n} (plant of the family Primulaceae) :: esikkokasvi
primrose {n} (flower of a primrose) :: esikko
primrose {n} (plant of the genus Oenothera) SEE: evening primrose ::
Primus stove {n} (portable kerosene stove) :: priimuskeitin
Primus stove {n} (portable gas stove) :: kaasukeitin
prince {n} /pɹɪns/ (male ruler or head of a principality) :: ruhtinas
prince {n} (son or male-line grandson of a reigning monarch) :: prinssi
prince {n} ((figuratively) great person) :: kunkku [figuratively]
prince {n} (Agaricus augustus) :: upeaherkkusieni
Prince Albert {n} (piercing through the glans penis) :: penislävistys
prince bishop {n} (bishop who also holds a secular princely rank) :: ruhtinaspiispa
Prince Charming {n} (the fictional character) :: unelmien prinssi, satuprinssi
Prince Charming {n} (romantically ideal man) :: unelmien prinssi
prince consort {n} (husband of queen) :: prinssipuoliso
Prince Edward Island {prop} (Province in eastern Canada) :: Prinssi Edwardin saari
Prince of Wales {prop} (royal title) :: Walesin prinssi
princess {n} /ˈpɹɪnsɛs/ (female member of royal family) :: prinsessa
princess {n} (female monarch, or wife of a ruler) :: ruhtinatar; kuningatar [queen]
princess {n} (wife of a prince; female ruler of a principality) :: ruhtinatar
princess {n} (term of endearment for young girl) :: prinsessa
princess {n} (young girl or woman who is vain, prima donna) :: prinsessa
princess {n} (Tarot card) :: prinsessa
princesse dress {n} (type of ladies' dress) :: prinsessalinjainen puku
princesslike {adj} (resembling a princess) :: prinsessamainen
princessliness {n} (quality) :: prinsessamaisuus
principal {n} (essential point or rule) SEE: principle ::
principal {adj} /ˈpɹɪnsɪp̬əl/ (primary, main) :: pää-
principal {n} (money originally invested or loaned) :: pääoma
principal {n} (chief administrator of a school) :: rehtori; johtajaopettaja [in a small school]
principal {n} (chief executive and chief academic officer of a university or college) :: rehtori
principal {n} (legal: one on behalf of whom an agent or gestor acts) :: päämies
principal {n} (legal: primary participant in a crime) :: päätekijä
principal {n} (partner or owner) :: omistaja
principal {n} (architecture: construction that gives shape and strength to a roof) :: kurkihirsi
principal {n} (dancer at the highest rank) :: ensitanssija
principality {n} /pɹɪnsɪˈpælɪti/ (region) :: ruhtinaskunta
principality {n} (in angelology) :: hallitus
Principality of Monaco {prop} (official name of Monaco) :: Monacon ruhtinaskunta
principal photography {n} (phase of film production during which the film is actually shot) :: kuvaukset {p}, pääkuvaukset {p}
principal root {n} (number) :: ei-negatiivinen juuri
principate {n} (principality) SEE: principality ::
principate {n} (preeminence) SEE: preeminence ::
principle {n} /ˈpɹɪnsɪpəl/ (fundamental assumption) :: perusoletus, peruste, prinsiippi
principle {n} (rule to solve a problem) :: periaate
principle {n} (moral rule or aspect) :: periaate, prinsiippi
principle {n} (rule of nature) :: luonnonlaki
principled {adj} /ˈpɹɪnsɪpəld/ (having principles) :: periaatteellinen, periaatteen-
principle of charity {prop} (principle) :: suopeuden periaate
principle of least astonishment {prop} (user interface principle) :: vähimmän kummastuksen periaate
principle of relativity {n} (principle that only motion of objects can be measured) :: suhteellisuusperiaate
Pringle {n} (individual potato snack of the Pringles brand) :: Pringle
print {v} /pɹɪnt/ (to produce a copy of a text or image on a surface, especially by machine) :: painaa, tulostaa
print {v} (to produce an integrated circuit in a process resembling the printing) :: painaa
print {v} (to write clearly) :: tekstata
print {v} (to publish in a book, newspaper, etc.) :: painaa
print {v} (to stamp or impress with coloured figures or patterns) :: painaa
print {v} (to fix or impress, into or upon something) :: painaa
print {v} (computing: to display a string on the terminal) :: printata
print {n} (books and other printed material as a medium) :: painettu media; printti [slang], printtimedia
print {n} (clear handwriting without connected letters) :: tekstaus
print {n} (letters forming the text of a document) :: präntti, teksti
print {n} (visible impression on a surface) :: kuva, jälki
print {n} (visual art: picture created in multiple copies by printing) :: painokuva
print {n} (photograph that has been printed onto paper from the negative) :: vedos
print {n} (motion pictures: copy of a film) :: elokuvakopio, kopio
print {n} (cloth that has a pattern printed on it) :: painokangas
print {n} (fingerprint) SEE: fingerprint ::
print {n} (footprint) SEE: footprint ::
printed circuit board {n} (board holding chips etc.) :: piirilevy
printed matter {n} (printed material) :: painotuote
printer {n} /ˈpɹɪntə(ɹ)/ (one who makes prints) :: painaja, vedostaja, tulostaja
printer {n} (operator of a printing press) :: painaja
printer {n} (computing: device used to print text or images) :: tulostin, printteri
printer's ink {n} (printing ink) SEE: printing ink ::
print head {n} (part of a printer) :: kirjoituspää
printing {n} /ˈpɹɪntɪŋ/ (the process or business of producing printed material, see also: typography) :: kirjapainotaito
printing {n} (all the copies of a publication that have been printed in one batch) :: painos
printing form {n} (object used to apply ink on printed surface) :: kehilö, painokehilö, painomuotti
printing house {n} (commercial company) :: painotalo
printing ink {n} (ink used for printing) :: painomuste
printing press {n} (machine for printing) :: painokone
printshop {n} (printing house) SEE: printing house ::
prion {n} /ˈpɹiːɒn/ (misfolded protein) :: prioni
prion {n} /ˈpɹʌɪən/ (petrel from the genus Pachyptila) :: prioni
prior {adj} (former) SEE: former ::
prior {n} /ˈpɹaɪɚ/ (a high-ranking member of a monastery, usually lower in rank than an abbot) :: priori
prior {n} (a previous criminal offense on someone's record) :: aiempi tuomio, aiempi rangaistus
prior {adv} (previously) SEE: previously ::
prioritization {n} (process of assigning priorities to things or tasks) :: priorisointi
prioritize {v} /pɹaɪˈɔːɹətaɪz/ (to arrange or list in order of priority or importance) :: priorisoida, asettaa/laittaa tärkeysjärjestykseen
prioritize {v} (to rank as having priority) :: priorisoida
priority {n} /pɹaɪˈɒɹɨti/ (item's relative importance) :: prioriteetti, tärkeys
priority {n} (goal of a person or an organisation) :: tärkeysjärjestys, tavoite
priority seat {n} (seat reserved by use for people in need) :: vanhuksille ja liikuntaesteisille varattu paikka
prior knowledge {n} (knowledge from experience) :: aikaisempi tieto
prior knowledge {n} (knowledge of circumstances) :: tietoisuus
prior to {prep} (before (formal)) :: ennen kuin
priory {n} (monastery or convent governed by a prior or prioress) :: luostari
prise {v} /pɹaɪz/ (to force open with a lever, to pry) :: vääntää, kangeta
prise {n} (prize) SEE: prize ::
prism {n} /ˈpɹɪzəm/ (geometry: polyhedron with parallel ends of the same size and shape) :: särmiö, prisma
prism {n} (block used to split or reflect light) :: prisma
prison {n} /ˈpɹɪzən/ (place of long-term confinement for those convicted of serious crimes) :: vankila, tyrmä
prison {n} (confinement in a prison) :: vankeus, vankeusrangaistus
prison {v} (imprison) SEE: imprison ::
prison camp {n} (camp for prisoners) :: vankileiri
prison cell {n} (room to which a prisoner is confined) :: selli
prisoner {n} /ˈpɹɪzənə/ (person incarcerated in a prison) :: vanki
prisoner {n} (figurative: any person held against his or her will) :: vanki
prisoner of conscience {n} (person) :: mielipidevanki
prisoner of war {n} (soldier or combatant captured by the enemy) :: sotavanki
prison guard {n} (person working to provide order to in a jail) :: vanginvartija
priss {v} /pɹɪs/ (to behave in a prissy manner) :: tärkeillä
prissy {adj} /ˈpɹɪsi/ (excessively prim, proper, particular or fussy) :: sievistelevä
Pristina {prop} (city) :: Pristina
pristine {adj} /ˈpɹɪstiːn/ (unspoiled) :: tahraton, koskematon, turmeltumaton
privacy {n} /ˈpɹaɪ.və.si/ (state of being private) :: yksityisyys
privacy policy {n} (statement detailing policies that an organization uses to collect information about users) :: yksityisyyskäytäntö, tietosuojakäytäntö, tietosuojaseloste
private {adj} /ˈpɹaɪvɪt/ (belonging to, concerning, or accessible only to an individual person or a specific group) :: yksityinen, henkilökohtainen
private {adj} (not accessible by the public) :: yksityinen; yksityis- [in compounds]
private {adj} (not in governmental office or employment) :: yksityinen
private {adj} (not publicly known; not open; secret) :: yksityinen
private {adj} (protected from view or disturbance by others; secluded) :: rauhallinen, yksityinen
private {adj} (not traded by the public) :: yksityinen
private {adj} (secretive; reserved) :: varautunut
private {adj} (not shared with another patient) :: yksityinen
private {n} (soldier) :: sotamies
private {n} (euphemisms for genitals) :: sukuelimet
private car {n} (privately owned car) :: yksityisauto
private detective {n} (any agent hired by a private party for the purpose of investigation or evidence gathering) :: yksityisetsivä
privateer {n} /ˌpɹaɪvəˈtɪəɹ/ (privately owned warship) :: kaapparilaiva
privateer {n} (officer or crew of a privateer ship) :: kaappari
privateer {n} (motor racing: private individual entrant) :: yksityiskuski
private eye {n} (A private personal detective) :: yksityisetsivä
private good {n} :: yksityishyödyke, yksityinen hyvä, yksityinen omaisuus
private international law {n} (law) :: kansainvälinen yksityisoikeus
private investigator {n} (agent hired by a private party) :: yksityisetsivä
private key {n} (unpublished key) :: yksityinen avain
private law {n} (area of law) :: yksityisoikeus
private life {n} (aspect of one's life that are personal) :: yksityiselämä
privately {adv} /ˈpɹaɪvɪtli/ (in a private manner) :: yksityisesti
private member's bill {n} (proposed law introduced by a member who is not acting on behalf of the executive) :: edustaja-aloite, aloite
private parts {n} (genitals or sex organs) SEE: genitalia ::
private parts {n} (intimate parts of the human body) :: sukuelimet {p}
private property {n} (belongings owned by individuals) :: yksityisomaisuus
private property {n} (property to which the state does not have rights) :: yksityisomaisuus
private school {n} (fee-charging school) :: yksityiskoulu
private sector {n} (organizations not controlled by government) :: yksityissektori, yksityinen sektori
privatization {n} (transfer from the government to private ownership) :: yksityistäminen
privatize {v} /ˈpɹaɪvətaɪz/ (to release government control to private industry) :: yksityistää
privet {interj} (hello) SEE: hello ::
privet {n} /ˈpɹɪ.vɪt/ (Any of various shrubs and small trees in the genus Ligustrum) :: likusteri
privilege {n} /ˈpɹɪv(ɪ)lɪdʒ/ (exemption from certain laws granted by the Pope) :: erioikeus
privilege {n} (particular benefit, advantage, or favor) :: erioikeus, erivapaus, etuoikeus
privilege {n} (rare or fortunate opportunity) :: etuoikeus, harvinainen onni
privilege {n} (status or existence of privileges) :: etuoikeudet {p}, erioikeudet {p}
privilege {n} (right or immunity enjoyed by a legislative body) :: koskemattomuus
privilege {n} (finance: stock market option) :: optio-oikeus
privilege {n} (legal doctrine) :: luottamuksellisuus
privilege {n} (computing: selectively granted ability) :: käyttöoikeus
privilege {v} (to grant some particular right or exemption to) :: myöntää erioikeus; vapauttaa, myöntää erivapaus [to grant exemption]
privileged {adj} /ˈpɹɪv(ɪ)lɪdʒd/ (having special privileges) :: etuoikeutettu
privy {n} (lavatory or toilet) SEE: toilet ::
privy {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
privy {adj} /ˈpɹɪv.i/ (private, exclusive, particular) :: salainen, yksityinen
privy {adj} (with knowledge of; party to; let in on) :: tietoinen, perillä
privy {n} (a partaker) :: intressitaho
privy {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
privy council {n} (body of advisors to a sovereign) :: salaneuvosto
privy councillor {n} (member of a privy council) :: salaneuvos
prize {n} /pɹaɪz/ (honor or reward striven for in a competitive contest) :: palkinto
prize {v} (to move with a lever; to force up or open; to pry) :: kangeta, vääntää
prize money {n} (money offered as a prize) :: palkintorahat {p}
Pärnu {prop} (city in Estonia) :: Pärnu
pro {n} /pɹoʊ/ (advantage of something) :: etu, hyvä puoli
pro {prep} (in favor of) :: puolesta
pro {n} (a professional sportsman) :: ammattilainen
proactive {adj} (acting in advance) :: proaktiivinen, ennakoiva
probability {n} /pɹɒbəˈbɪlɪti/ (state of being probable; likelihood) :: todennäköisyys
probability {n} (event that is likely to occur) :: todennäköinen tapahtuma
probability {n} (relative likelihood of an event happening) :: todennäköisyys
probability {n} (mathematical probability) :: todennäköisyys
probability density {n} (probability density function) :: tiheysfunktio
probability density function {n} (function) :: tiheysfunktio
probability distribution {n} (mathematical function) :: todennäköisyysjakauma
probability paper {n} (type of graph paper) :: todennäköisyyspaperi
probability theory {n} (study of probability) :: todennäköisyysteoria
probable {adj} /ˈpɹɑbəbl̩/ (likely to be true) :: todennäköinen, luultava
probable {adj} (likely to happen) :: todennäköinen
probable cause {n} (standard) :: todennäköinen syy
probable cause {n} (conclusion) :: todennäköinen syy
probably {adv} /ˈpɹɒbəbli/ (in all likelihood) :: todennäköisesti, luultavasti
probate {n} (legal process of verifying the legality of a will) :: testamentin vahvistaminen
probate {n} (copy of a legally recognised will) :: vahvistettu testamentti
probate {v} (establish the legality of a will) :: vahvistaa testamentti
probate {n} (probate court) SEE: probate court ::
probate court {n} (court or tribunal that administers estates and proves wills) :: perintötuomioistuin
probation {n} /ˌpɹoʊˈbeɪʃən/ (period of conditional employment or engagement) :: koeaika
probation {n} (type of sentence) :: ehdollinen vankeusrangaistus, ehdollinen
probationary period {n} (probationary period) :: koeaika
probation officer {n} (law enforcement officer) :: valvoja, ehdonalaisen valvoja
probative {adj} (tending to prove a particular proposition) :: todistusvoimainen
probe {n} /pɹoʊb/ (investigation or inquiry) :: tutkimus, selvitys
probe {n} (sciences: electrode or other small device) :: luotain, koetin, anturi, sondi
probe {v} (to explore, investigate, or question) :: tutkia, tunnustella, tiedustella, ottaa selko
probiotic {n} (food or dietary supplement) :: probiootti
probiotic {adj} (that contains live bacteria for therapeutic purposes) :: probioottinen
problem {n} /ˈpɹɒbləm/ (difficulty) :: ongelma, [old slang] probleemi, vaikeus
problem {n} (schoolwork exercise) :: harjoitus, harjoitustehtävä
problematic {adj} /ˌpɹɑbləˈmætɪk/ (posing a problem) :: ongelmallinen, problemaattinen
problematic {adj} (uncertain, debatable, questionable) :: ongelmallinen, problemaattinen, epävarma
problematic {n} (problem in a particular field of study) :: problematiikka, ongelmakenttä
problematical {adj} (problematic) SEE: problematic ::
problematically {adv} (in a problematic manner) :: ongelmallisesti
problematicness {n} (quality) :: ongelmallisuus
problematology {n} :: problematologia
problem child {n} (difficult child) :: ongelmalapsi
problem child {n} (something difficult) :: ongelmatapaus, murheenkryyni
problemsolver {n} (one that solves problems) :: ongelmanratkaisija
proboscis {n} (slang: a nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
proboscis {n} /pɹoʊˈbɒsɪs/ (elongated tube) :: imukärsä, kärsä (of elephant)
procedural {adj} (related to procedure) :: menetelmällinen, proseduraalinen; prosessuaalinen, prosessi- [in law]
procedural {adj} (generated by means of procedure) :: proseduraalinen
procedural law {n} (area of law) :: prosessioikeus
procedural memory {n} :: proseduraalinen muisti, taitomuisti
procedure {n} /pɹəˈsidʒɚ/ (method for performing a task) :: toimintatapa, menetelmä, menettely, menettelytapa, prosessi, työtapa, metodi
procedure {n} (series of small tasks to accomplish an end) :: menettely, menettelytavat
procedure {n} (set of established forms or methods of an organized body) :: toimintamalli, menettelytavat {p}
procedure {n} (steps taken in a legal proceeding) :: menettely, oikeudenkäyntimenettely, työjärjestys
procedure {n} (computing: subroutine or function coded to perform a specific task) :: aliohjelma, proseduuri
procedure mask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask ::
proceed {v} /pɹəˈsiːd/ (go forward) :: edetä, mennä eteenpäin, jatkaa
proceed {v} (pass from one point to another) :: edetä
proceed {v} (come forth as a source or origin) :: lähteä
proceeding {n} /pɹəˈsiːdɪŋ/ (law: act of one who proceeds) :: kanne
proceeding {n} (progress or movement) :: liike
proceeding {n} (measure taken in business, transaction) :: toimenpide
proceedings {n} /pɹəˈsiːd.ɪŋz/ (course of procedure) :: menettely, oikeudenkäynti
proceedings {n} (published record) :: pöytäkirja
proceeds {n} /ˈpɹəʊsiːdz/ (revenue) :: tuotto
process {n} /ˈpɹəʊsɛs/ (series of events to produce a result) :: prosessi
process {n} (path of succession of states through which a system passes) :: prosessi
process {n} (successive physiological responses to keep or restore health) :: prosessi
process {n} (a structure that arises above a surface) :: uloke
process {n} ((computing) An executable task or program) :: prosessi
process {v} (to perform a particular process) :: käsitellä
process {v} (to think information over, and assimilate it) :: käsitellä
process art {n} (style of art) :: prosessitaide
processed cheese {n} (any of several types of natural cheese) :: sulatejuusto
processing {n} /ˈpɹɑsəsɪŋ/ (action of the verb to process) :: prosessointi
processing {n} (act of taking something through a set of prescribed procedures) :: prosessointi
procession {n} /pɹəˈsɛʃən/ (group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner) :: kulkue
processor {n} /ˈpɹɑˌsɛsə˞/ (microprocessor) :: suoritin, prosessori
processual {adj} (of, or relating to a process) :: prosessuaalinen
process worker {n} (unskilled worker) :: prosessityöntekijä
proclaim {v} /pɹoʊˈkleɪm/ (to state excitedly, verbosely and candidly) :: julistaa, kuuluttaa
proclamation {n} /ˌpɹɑkləˈmeɪʃən/ (a statement which is proclaimed) :: julistus
proclivity {n} /pɹoʊˈklɪvɪti/ (A predisposition or natural inclination, propensity, or a predilection) :: taipumus
procrastinate {v} /pɹoʊˈkɹæstəneɪt/ (put off; to delay taking action) :: viivytellä, vitkastella
procrastinate {v} (put off; delay something) :: lykätä, viivyttää
procrastination {n} /pɹəʊˌkɹæs.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (act of postponing, delaying or putting off) :: lykkäys
procreate {v} (to beget) :: hedelmöittää, siittää
procreate {v} (to procreate) SEE: beget ::
procreation {n} (the process by which an organism produces others of its kind, see also: reproduction) :: lisääntyminen
procreation {n} (the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring) :: lisääntyminen
procrustean bed {n} (arbitrary standard to which compliance is enforced) :: Prokrusteen vuode
Procrustes {prop} (legendary highwayman of Attica) :: Prokrustes
proctitis {n} (inflammation) :: peräsuolentulehdus
proctology {n} (branch of medicine) :: peräsuolioppi, proktologia
proctology {n} (colorectal surgery) :: peräsuolileikkaus
proctor {n} (person who supervises students as they take an examination) :: valvoja
procurable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable ::
procurator {n} /ˈpɹɑkjəˌɹeɪtɚ/ (tax collector) :: veronkantaja
procurator {n} (agent or attorney) :: prokuristi, edustaja, asiamies
procurator {n} (legal officer in communist country collector) :: prokuraattori
procurator {n} (Ancient Rome: governor of small province) :: prokuraattori
procure {v} /pɹəˈkjʊə/ (To acquire or obtain an item or service) :: hankkia
procure {v} (To obtain a person as a prostitute for somebody else) :: parittaa
procure {v} (To induce or persuade someone to do something) :: yllyttää
procurement {n} /pɹəˈkjʊə.mənt/ (purchasing department of a company) :: hankintaosasto, osto-osasto
procurement {n} (act of procuring or obtaining) :: hankinta, ostaminen
prod {n} /pɹɑd/ (device used to goad livestock into moving) :: piiska; sähköpiiska [electric]
prodigal {adj} /ˈpɹɑdɪɡəl/ (wastefully extravagant) :: tuhlaavainen
prodigal {adj} (lavish) :: tuhlaavainen
prodigal {adj} (profuse, lavishly abundant) :: ylenpalttinen
prodigal {n} (prodigal) SEE: spendthrift ::
prodigal son {n} (one who returns) :: tuhlaajapoika
prodigious {adj} /pɹəˈdɪd͡ʒəs/ (gigantic or huge) :: suunnaton, mahtava
prodigious {adj} (amazing) :: ällistyttävä, hämmästyttävä
prodigy {n} /ˈpɹɒdɪdʒi/ (something from which omens are drawn) :: enne, ennusmerkki
prodigy {n} (amazing or marvelous thing) :: ihme
prodigy {n} (wonderful example of something) :: malliesimerkki
prodigy {n} (extremely talented person, especially a child) :: ihmelapsi
prodrome {n} (medicine: an early symptom) :: esioire
produce {v} /pɹəˈdus/ (to make or manufacture) :: tuottaa, valmistaa, tehdä
produce {v} (to make available to) :: esittää
produce {v} (to sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc)) :: tuottaa
produce {n} /ˈpɹɒdjuːs/ (that which is produced) :: tuotanto, tuotteet {p}
produce {n} (harvested agricultural goods collectively) :: tuotteet {p}
produce {n} (offspring) SEE: offspring ::
producer {n} /pɹəˈduːsɚ/ (in economics) :: tuottaja
producer {n} (in arts) :: tuottaja
producer {n} (in biology) :: tuottaja
producer price index {n} (statistical estimate) :: tuottajahintaindeksi
product {n} /ˈpɹɒd.əkt/ (commodity for sale) :: tuote
product {n} (amount created by a process) :: tuotanto
product {n} (consequence of efforts) :: tuote, tulos
product {n} (result of chemical reaction) :: reaktiotuote, yhdiste
product {n} (multiplication result) :: tulo
product {n} (any tangible output) :: tuote
product {n} (illegal drugs as commodity) :: kama {s}
product differentiation {n} (creating differences between products) :: tuotedifferointi
production {n} /pɹəˈdʌkʃən/ (the act of producing) :: valmistaminen, tuotanto, valmistus, produksiyon
production {n} (the act of being produced) :: tuotanto, valmistus
production {n} (the total amount produced) :: tuotanto, valmistus
production line {n} (set of operations) :: tuotantolinja
productive {adj} /pɹəˈdʌktɪv/ (capable of producing something) :: tuottava, tuottoisa; hedelmällinen [fertile]
productive {adj} (yielding good or useful results; constructive) :: tuloksellinen, tuloksekas
productive {adj} (of, or relating to the creation of goods or services) :: tuotannollinen
productive {adj} (linguistics: consistently applicable to any of an open set of words) :: produktiivinen
productive {adj} (medicine: producing mucus or sputum) :: limainen, limaa irrottava, produktiivinen
productive {adj} (medicine: producing new tissue) :: produktiivinen
productive {adj} (in set theory) :: produktiivinen
productiveness {n} (state of being productive) :: tuottavuus
productivity {n} /ˌpɹoʊdʌkˈtɪvəti/ (state of being productive) :: tuottavuus, tuotteliaisuus; hedelmällisyys [fertility]; tehokkuus [efficiency]
productivity {n} (rate at which goods or services are produced by a standard population of workers) :: tuottavuus; joutuisuus
productivity {n} (rate at which crops are grown on a standard area of land) :: satoisuus
productization {n} (act of modifying something to make it suitable as commercial product) :: tuotteistaminen, tuotteistus
productize {v} (to make into a commercial product) :: tuotteistaa
product placement {n} (a form of advertising) :: tuotesijoittelu
pro-European {adj} (supporting European peoples or integration) :: eurooppamyönteinen
profane {adj} /pɹəˈfeɪn/ (Unclean; impure; polluted; unholy) :: epäpyhä, maallinen, profaani
profane {adj} (Not sacred or holy) :: maallinen, profaani, epäpyhä
profane {adj} (Treating sacred matters with contempt, disrespect, irreverence, or undue familiarity) :: rienaava, epäkunnioittava, profaani
profane {v} (To violate, as anything sacred; to treat with abuse, irreverence, obloquy, or contempt) :: häpäistä
profane {v} (To put to a wrong or unworthy use) :: häpäistä
profanity {n} (quality of being profane) :: rienaus, hävyttömyys
profanity {n} (obscene, lewd or abusive language) :: kirosana
profession {n} /pɹəˈfɛʃən/ (declaration of faith, belief or opinion) :: uskontunnustus [of faith], julistus, vakuutus [of opinion]
profession {n} (occupation) :: ammatti
profession {n} (practitioners of a profession collectively) :: ammattikunta, professio
profession {n} (promise or vow made on entering a religious order) :: lupaus
professional {n} /pɹəˈfɛʃənəl/ (person who belongs to a profession) :: ammattilainen
professional {n} (person who earns their living from a specified activity) :: ammattilainen, ammattimies
professional {n} (expert) :: ammattilainen, ekspertti, asiantuntija
professional {adj} (of, pertaining to, or in accordance with the standards of a profession) :: ammattimainen, ammatillinen
professional {adj} (that is carried out as a livelihood) :: ammattimainen
professional {adj} (expert) :: ammattimainen, ammattitaitoinen
professionalism {n} (status or methods of a professional) :: ammattimaisuus
professionalism {n} (use of professionals) :: ammattilaisuus
professionality {n} (condition) :: ammattilaisuus
professionalization {n} /pɹəˌfɛʃn̩əlʌɪˈzeɪʃən/ (act pr process) :: ammatillistuminen, ammattimaistuminen, professionaalistuminen
professionally {adv} (in a professional manner) :: ammattimaisesti
professional sport {n} (sport by paid athletes) :: ammattilaisurheilulaji
professional university {n} (university of applied sciences) SEE: university of applied sciences ::
professional wrestling {n} (Entertainment characterized by choreographed wrestling) :: showpaini
profession of faith {n} (creed) :: uskontunnustus
professor {n} /pɹəˈfɛsɚ/ (a higher ranking for a teacher or faculty member at a college or university) :: opettaja
professorship {n} (the office of a professor) :: professuuri
proficiency {n} /pɹəˈfɪʃənsi/ (ability or skill) :: pätevyys, taitavuus
proficient {adj} /pɹoʊˈfɪʃ.ənt/ (skilled) :: taitava; sujuva [of language]
proficient {n} (expert) :: taituri
profile {n} /ˈpɹoʊfaɪl/ (outermost shape) :: profiili, ääriviiva
profile {n} (shape, view, or shadow of a person's head from the side) :: profiili, sivukuva, siluetti
profile {n} (summary or collection of information, especially about a person) :: profiili, henkilökuva
profile {n} (space with personal information in software or Internet systems) :: profiili
profile {n} (amount by which something protrudes) :: profiili
profile {n} (prominence; noticeability) :: profiili
profile {n} (archaeology: smoothed vertical surface of an excavation) :: profiili, leikkaus
profile {n} (totality of related characteristics) :: ominaisuudet {p}
profile {n} (architecture: section of any member) :: profiili, poikkileikkaus
profile {n} (civil engineering: drawing exhibiting a vertical section of the ground) :: profiili, poikkileikkaus
profile {n} (military: exemption from duty) :: vapautus
profile {v} (to create a summary or collection of information) :: profiloida
profile {n} (reputation) SEE: reputation ::
profit {n} /ˈpɹɒfɪt/ (benefit) :: tuotto, etu, hyöty
profit {n} (total income or cash flow minus expenditures) :: voitto, netto, tulos
profit {v} (To benefit, be of use to) :: hyödyttää [+ partitive], olla hyödyksi [+ allative], hyödyntää, hyötyä, olla eduksi [+ allative]
profit {v} (To benefit, gain) :: hyötyä [+ elative], olla hyödyksi [+ allative]
profit {v} (To take advantage of, exploit, use) :: käyttää hyväkseen, käyttää, hyötyä, riistää
profitability {n} (The quality or state of being profitable) :: tuottoisuus, kannattavuus
profitable {adj} /ˈpɹɑfɪtəbl̩/ (producing profit) :: tuottava, tuottoisa, kannattava
profiteer {n} (one who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by their corresponding assumption of risk) :: kiskuri
profiteer {v} (to make an unreasonable profit) :: rahastaa
profiterole {n} (choux pastry with filling) :: tuulihattu
profit margin {n} (ratio of income to sales) :: tuottoprosentti
profit warning {n} (an announcement by a company that its profits are likely to be less than expected) :: tulosvaroitus
profligate {adj} /ˈpɹɒflɪɡət/ (inclined to waste resources or behave extravagantly) :: tuhlaavainen
profligate {adj} (immoral; abandoned to vice) :: paheellinen
pro forma {adj} (for the sake of form only) :: muodon vuoksi
profound {adj} /pɹəˈfaʊnd/ (descending below the surface) :: syvä
profound {adj} (intellectually deep) :: syvällinen, syväluotaava
profound {adj} (characterized by intensity) :: perusteellinen
profoundly {adv} /pɹəˈfaʊndli/ (in a profound manner) :: syvällisesti
profoundly {adv} (deeply) SEE: deeply ::
profuse {adj} /pɹəˈfjuːs/ (In great quantity or abundance) :: ylenpalttinen
profusely {adv} /pɹəˈfjusli/ (in great quantity or abundance; in a profuse manner) :: runsaasti, vuolaasti
profusion {n} /pɹoʊˈfjuʒən/ (abundance) :: runsaus, ylenpalttisuus, yltäkylläisyys
profusion {n} (lavish or imprudent expenditure) :: törsäys
progenitor {n} (founder) SEE: founder ::
progenitor {n} /pɹoʊˈdʒɛn.ɪ.tɚ/ (any of a person's direct ancestors) :: esi-isä, kantaisä
progenitor {n} (a predecessor of something) :: edeltäjä
progenitor {n} (someone who originates something) :: isä
progeny {n} /ˈpɹɒdʒəni/ (offspring) :: jälkeläiset {p}, jälkikasvu
progeny {n} (result of a creative effort) :: saavutus, aikaansaannos, tuotos
progeria {n} (genetic condition wherein symptoms resembling aging are manifested at an early age) :: progeria
progesterone {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛstəɹəʊn/ (the steroid hormone) :: progesteroni
progestin {n} (synthetic progestagen) :: progestiini
prognathism {n} (abnormal projection of jaws) :: prognatia
prognosis {n} /pɹɒɡˈnəʊsɪs/ (forecast of the future course of a disease) :: ennuste, prognoosi
prognosis {n} (forecast of the future course, or outcome, of a situation) :: ennuste, prognoosi
prognostic {adj} (of or pertaining to prognosis) :: ennusteellinen
prognosticate {v} /pɹɒɡˈnɒstɪke͡ɪt/ (predict, foretell) :: ennustaa
prognosticate {v} (betoken) :: enteillä
prognostication {n} (A statement about or prior knowledge of the future) :: ennustus, varoitus
program {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹæm/ (set of structured activities) :: ohjelma, suunnitelma
program {n} (leaflet listing information about a play, game or other activity) :: ohjelma, ohjelmalehtinen
program {n} (performance of a show or other broadcast on radio or television) :: ohjelma, esitys
program {n} (software application) :: ohjelma
program {v} (to enter a program or other instructions into a computer) :: ohjelmoida
program {v} (to write code) :: ohjelmoida
program {v} (to put together the schedule of an event) :: suunnitella ohjelma
program {v} (to cause to automatically behave in a particular way) :: ehdollistaa
program counter {n} (register) :: ohjelmalaskuri
program evaluation and review technique {n} (method) :: PERT-menetelmä
program guide {n} (periodical) :: ohjelmaopas
program guide {n} (section within another publication) :: ohjelmaopas
programmable {adj} /pɹəʊˈɡɹæməbəl/ (capable of being programmed) :: ohjelmoitava
programmable logic controller {n} (programmable electronic device) :: ohjelmoitava logiikka
programmatic {adj} (of or relating to a step-by-step program) :: ohjelmallinen
programmatical {adj} (programmatic) SEE: programmatic ::
programmatically {adv} /pɹoʊɡɹəˈmætɪk(ə)li/ (programming: doing something by code) :: ohjelmallisesti
programme {n} (programme) SEE: program ::
programmer {n} /ˈpɹoʊɡɹæmɚ/ (one who writes computer programs) :: ohjelmoija
programmer {n} (one who decides which programs will be shown on a television station) :: ohjelmapäällikkö
programming {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹəmɪŋ/ (broadcasting: designing, scheduling, or planning of a radio or TV program) :: ohjelmisto
programming {n} (act of writing a computer program) :: ohjelmointi
programming {n} (software) :: ohjelmisto
programming {n} (brain-washing) SEE: brain-washing ::
programming language {n} /ˈpɹəʊɡɹæmɪŋ læŋɡwɪdʒ/ (code of reserved words and symbols) :: ohjelmointikieli
program music {n} (form of art music) :: ohjelmamusiikki
program trading {n} (programmed trading) :: robottikauppa
progress {n} /ˈpɹɑɡɹɛs/ (movement or advancement through a series of events, or points in time) :: eteneminen, edistyminen
progress {n} (advancement to a more developed state) :: edistys
progress {n} (official journey) :: vierailu
progress {n} (journey forward; travel) :: kulkeminen
progress {n} (movement onwards or forwards) :: eteneminen
progress {v} /pɹəˈɡɹɛs/ (to move forward) :: edetä
progress {v} (to become better or more complete) :: edistyä
progress bar {n} (computing: a bar that indicates the progression of a task) :: edistymispalkki, etenemispalkki
progression {n} (moving from one thing to another) :: edistyminen, eteneminen
progression {n} (mathematical sequence) :: lukujono
progressive {adj} (continuous) SEE: continuous ::
progressive {adj} /pɹəˈɡɹɛsɪv/ (favouring or promoting progress; advanced) :: edistyksellinen, edistysmielinen [favoring or promoting progress]; edistynyt [advanced]
progressive {adj} (gradually advancing in extent; increasing) :: lisääntyvä, enenevä
progressive {adj} (promoting or favoring progress towards improved conditions or new policies, ideas or methods) :: edistyksellinen, edistysmielinen
progressive {adj} (of or relating to progressive education) :: progressiivinen
progressive {adj} (increasing in rate as the taxable amount increases) :: progressiivinen
progressive {adj} (advancing in severity) :: etenevä, paheneva
progressive {adj} (politically liberal) :: edistyksellinen
progressive assimilation {n} :: progressiivinen assimilaatio
progressively {adv} (in a progressive manner) :: edistyksellisesti
progressive metal {n} (heavy metal subgenre) :: progressiivinen metalli
progressive tax {n} :: progressiivinen vero
prohibit {v} /pɹoʊˈhɪbɪt/ (to proscribe officially) :: kieltää
prohibited {adj} (forbidden) SEE: forbidden ::
prohibition {n} /ˌpɹəʊ(h)ɪˈbɪʃən/ (act of prohibiting) :: kielto
prohibition {n} (law that prohibits something) :: kieltolaki
Prohibition {prop} (period) :: kieltolain aika
project {n} /ˈpɹɒdʒɛkt/ (planned endeavor) :: suunnitelma, hanke, projekti
project {v} (to extend beyond a surface) :: tulla esiin, nousta, kohota
project {v} (to cast (image, shadow)) :: heijastaa, langeta, projisoida
project {v} (to extend outward) :: ojentaa
project {v} (to make plans for; forecast) :: ennustaa
project {v} (to present, convey an image) :: välittää, viestittää
project {v} (to assume about others) :: projisoida
projectile {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛk.taɪl/ (object intended to be or having been fired from a weapon) :: ammus
projectile vomit {v} (vomit with great expulsive force) :: oksentaa (voimalla)
projecting {adj} /pɹəˈd͡ʒɛktɪŋ/ (sticking out) :: törröttävä, esiin pistävä, ulkoneva
projection {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛkʃən/ (something which projects) :: uloke, kieleke, ulkonema
projection {n} (action of projecting, throwing or propelling something) :: heittäminen
projection {n} (display of an image by a projector) :: heijastus [image], heijastaminen [act]
projection {n} (forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation) :: projektio
projection {n} (psychology: belief that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself) :: projektio, heijastaminen
projection {n} (photography: image cast by a translucent object) :: heijastuma, heijastus
projection {n} (geometry: image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions) :: projektio, kuvaus
projection {n} (mathematics: transformation extracting a fragment of an object) :: projektio
projection {n} (cartography: system of representing surface of the earth on a flat surface) :: projektio
projection {n} (linear algebra: idempotent linear transformation from a vector space onto a subspace) :: projektio
projective geometry {n} (branch of mathematics) :: projektiivinen geometria
projective variety {n} (Zariski closed subvariety of a projective space) :: projektiivinen varisto
project management {n} (discipline of organizing and managing project resources) :: projektijohtaminen
project manager {n} (one who manages projects) :: projektipäällikkö
projector {n} /pɹəˈdʒɛktɚ/ (optical device) :: piirtoheitin, projektori
prokaryote {n} (organism characterized by absence of nucleus) :: prokaryootti, prokariootti, alkeistumallinen, esitumainen, tumaton
prokaryotic {adj} (of cells, lacking a nucleus) :: prokaryoottinen, esitumallinen
prolactin {n} (hormone) :: prolaktiini
prolapse {n} (a moving out of place) :: esiinluiskahdus, laskeuma
prolative {n} (prolative case) SEE: prolative case ::
prolative case {n} (prolative case) :: prolatiivi
prolegomenon {n} /ˌpɹəʊlɪˈɡɒmɪnɒn/ (prefatory discussion) :: johdanto
proleptic {adj} /pɹoʊˈlɛptɪk/ (calendar: extrapolated to dates prior to its first adoption) :: proleptinen
proletarian {adj} (relating to proletariat) :: proletaarinen
proletarian {n} (member of the proletariat) :: proletaari
proletarianize {v} (to turn into proletariat) :: proletarisoida
proletariat {n} /ˌpɹoʊlɪˈtɛəɹi.ət/ (working class or lower class) :: proletariaatti, työväenluokka, alaluokka
proletariat {n} (wage-earners collectively) :: proletariaatti, palkansaajat
proletariat {n} (lowest class of citizens in Rome) :: proletaarit
pro-life {adj} (opposed to abortion) :: abortinvastainen
proliferate {v} /pɹəˈlɪf.əɹ.eɪt/ (to increase in number or spread) :: lisääntyä nopeasti [to increase in number], levitä nopeasti [to spread]
proliferation {n} /pɹəˌlɪfəˈɹeɪʃən/ (the process by which an organism produces others of its kind) :: lisääntyminen
proliferation {n} (the act of increasing or rising) :: lisääntyminen
prolific {adj} /ˌpɹəˈlɪf.ɪk/ (Fertile, producing offspring or fruit in great abundance) :: hedelmällinen, satoisa [of plants]
prolific {adj} (Similarly producing results or works in abundance) :: tuottelias, tuottoisa
proline {n} (nonessential amino acid; C5H9NO2) :: proliini
prolix {adj} /pɹoʊˈlɪks/ (tediously lengthy) :: pitkäpiimäinen
prolix {adj} (long) SEE: long ::
prolixity {n} /pɹəˈlɪk.sɪ.ti/ (An excess of words) :: monisanaisuus, jaarittelevuus
prolly {adv} /ˈpɹɒ.li/ (eye dialect spelling of probably) :: luultavasti
prolocutrix {n} (female prolocutor) SEE: spokeswoman ::
prolog {n} (prologue) SEE: prologue ::
prologue {n} /ˈpɹoʊlɔɡ/ (speech or section used as an introduction, especially to a play or novel) :: prologi
prolong {v} /pɹoʊˈlɔŋ/ (to extend in space or length) :: pidentää, jatkaa, venyttää
prolong {v} (to lengthen in time; to extend the duration of; to draw out; to continue) :: pidentää, jatkaa, pitkittää, venyttää
prolong {v} (to lengthen; to put off to a distant time; to postpone) :: pidentää, venyttää, pitkittää
prolonged {adj} /pɹoʊˈlɔŋd/ (lengthy in duration; extended; protracted) :: pitkittynyt, pitkällinen, pitkitetty
prolonged abortion {n} (missed abortion) SEE: missed abortion ::
prolyl {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.lɪl/ (the univalent radical derived from proline) :: prolyyli
prom {n} /pɹɑm/ (promenade) :: kävelykatu, promenadi
prom {n} (a formal ball) :: tanssiaiset {p}
promenade {n} /pɹɑməˈneɪd/ (place to walk) :: rantakatu, promenadi
promenade concert {n} (type of concert) :: promenadikonsertti
Prometheus {prop} /pɹoʊˈmiθi.əs/ (Greek mythological figure) :: Prometheus
promethium {n} /pɹoʊˈmiːθiəm/ (chemical element) :: prometium
prominence {n} (being prominent) :: hallitsevuus
prominence {n} (relative importance) :: merkittävyys
prominence {n} (bulge) :: kohouma, pullistuma
prominence {n} (relative height) :: suhteellinen korkeus
prominent {adj} /ˈpɹɑmɪnənt/ (projecting, protuberant) :: silmiinpistävä, esiin työntyvä
prominent {adj} (likely to attract attention) :: silmiinpistävä, huomiota herättävä
prominent {adj} (eminent, distinguished above others) :: huomattava, merkittävä
promiscuity {n} (state or quality of being promiscuous) :: promiskuiteetti
promiscuous {adj} /pɹəˈmɪskjuːəs/ (made up of various disparate elements mixed together) :: sekalainen
promiscuous {adj} (made without careful choice; indiscriminate) :: umpimähkäinen, summittainen
promiscuous {adj} (indiscriminate in choice of sexual partners) :: kevytkenkäinen [of a woman]
promiscuousness {n} (promiscuity) SEE: promiscuity ::
promise {n} /ˈpɹɒmɪs/ (vow) :: lupaus
promise {v} (to commit to something) :: luvata
Promised Land {prop} (land promised by God) :: Luvattu maa
Promised Land {n} (place which one eagerly seeks) :: luvattu maa
promise the moon {v} :: luvata kuu taivaalta
promissory note {n} (document saying that someone owes a specific amount of money) :: oma vekseli
promo {n} /ˈpɹəʊməʊ/ (promotion) :: promo
promontory {n} /ˈpɹɑməntɔɹi/ (a high point of land extending into a body of water, headland; cliff) :: niemeke, nokka
promote {v} /pɹəˈmoʊt/ (raise someone to a more important, responsible, or remunerative job or rank) :: ylentää
promote {v} (advocate or urge on behalf of something) :: kannattaa, tukea, mainostaa
promoter {n} (One who promotes) :: promoottori
promotion {n} /pɹəˈmoʊʃən/ (advancement in position) :: ylennys
promotion {n} (dissemination of positive information) :: promootio, promo
promotional {adj} (of, or relating to a promotion) :: mainos-
prompt {adj} /pɹɑmpt/ (quick) :: nopea, ripeä, sutjakka
prompt {adj} (on time) :: täsmällinen
prompt {n} (a reminder or cue) :: kehote, muistutus
prompt {n} (a computer prompt) :: kehote
prompt {v} (to lead someone toward what they should say or do) :: johdatella
prompt {v} (to show or tell an actor/person the words they should be saying, or actions they should be doing) :: kuiskata
prompter {n} (person in a theater) :: kuiskaaja
promptly {adv} /ˈpɹɑmptli/ (in a prompt manner) :: pikaisesti, ripeästi, nopeasti, joutuisasti
promulgate {v} /ˈpɹɑ.məl.ɡeɪt/ (to make known public) :: julistaa, levittää
promulgate {v} (to put into effect as a regulation) :: saattaa voimaan, hyväksyttää
prone {adj} /pɹoʊn/ (lying face downward; prostrate) :: rähmällään, vatsallaan, kasvoillaan
prone {adj} (inclined, sloped) :: vino, kallistunut, kallistettu, kallellaan, viettävä
prone {adj} (shooting from lying down position) :: makuulta
prone {adj} (predisposed) :: altistettu, altistunut; taipuvainen, altis
prone to {adj} (inclined to; having a tendency to) :: altis, taipuvainen
prong {n} /pɹɑŋ/ (thin, pointed, projecting part) :: kärki, piikki
prong {n} (branch) :: haara
pronoia {n} /pɹəʊˈnɔɪə/ (imperial grant) :: pronoia
pronominal {adj} (of a pronoun) :: pronominaalinen
pronominal {n} (type of phrase) :: pronominaali
pronominal adverb {n} (type of adverb) :: pronominaaliadverbi
pronoun {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.naʊn/ (type of noun) :: asemo, pronomini
pronounce {v} (to pronounce) SEE: say ::
pronounce {v} /pɹəˈnaʊns/ (to declare officially) :: julistaa
pronounce {v} (to sound out (a word or phrase); to articulate) :: ääntää, lausua
pronounce {v} (to read aloud) :: lausua
pronounceable {adj} (able to be pronounced) :: äännettävissä oleva, äännettävä
pronouncing dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) SEE: pronunciation dictionary ::
pronto {adv} /ˈpɹɑntoʊ/ (quickly) :: pikaisesti
pronunciation {n} /pɹəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ (sound of a word) :: ääntämys
pronunciation {n} (way in which words are pronounced) :: ääntämys, ääntäminen
pronunciation dictionary {n} (dictionary that provides pronunciations of words) :: ääntämissanakirja
proof {v} (proofread) SEE: proofread ::
proof {n} /pɹuf/ (any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or discover a fact or truth) :: koe, koestus
proof {n} (the degree of evidence which convinces the mind of any truth or fact, and produces belief) :: todisteet, todistus
proof {n} (a proof sheet) :: koevedos
proof {n} (process for testing the accuracy of an operation performed) :: todistus
proof {adj} (used in proving or testing) :: koe-, testi-
proof {adj} (firm or successful in resisting) :: -kestävä, -pitävä
proofing {n} /ˈpɹuːfɪŋ/ (step in creating baked goods) :: nostattaminen, nostatus, kohotus
proofread {v} /ˈpɹuːfɹiːd/ (to check for errors in spelling and grammar) :: oikolukea, korjauslukea
proofreader {n} (person who proofreads) :: oikolukija, korjauslukija
proofreader {n} (person whose occupation is to proofread) :: oikolukija, korjauslukija
proofreading {n} (act or process by which a document is proofread) :: oikoluku
proof sheet {n} (contact print) SEE: contact print ::
proof sheet {n} (page of proofed text) :: korjausvedos, oikovedos
proof spirit {n} (mixture of alcohol and water used as a standard for distilled drinks) :: standardiviina
prop {n} /pɹɒp/ (object placed against or under another, to support it) :: tuki, pönkä, kannatin
prop {v} (support) :: tukea, pönkittää
prop {n} (item placed on a stage to create a scene) :: rekvisiitta, proppi
prop {n} (propeller of an aircraft) :: potkuri
propaedeutic {adj} /ˌpɹoʊpiːˈdjuːtɪk/ (providing preparatory or introductory teaching) :: propedeuttinen
propaganda {n} /ˌpɹɑp.ə.ˈɡæn.də/ (concerted set of messages) :: propaganda
propagandistic {adj} /pɹɒpəɡanˈdɪstɪk/ (having the characteristics of propaganda) :: propagandistinen
propagate {v} /ˈpɹɑpəˌɡeɪt/ (to cause to continue or multiply by generation) :: lisätä
propagate {v} (to cause to spread to extend) :: lähettää, levittää
propagate {v} (to spread from person to person) :: levittää
propagate {v} (to multiply; to increase) :: lisätä
propagate {v} (to generate; to produce) :: aiheuttaa
propagate {v} (to have young or issue) :: lisääntyä
propagation {n} (the multiplication or natural increase in a population) :: lisääntyminen
propagation {n} (the dissemination of something to a larger area or greater number) :: leviäminen, levittäytyminen, levittäminen
propagation {n} (the act of propagating, especially the movement of a wave) :: eteneminen
propagation {n} (winning new converts) :: käännyttäminen
propagator {n} (person who disseminates news or rumour) :: propagoija
propagator {n} (container for germinating seeds or raising seedlings) :: idätysastia, idättämö
propagator {n} (physics: function) :: propagaattori
propane {n} /ˈpɹoʊpeɪn/ (aliphatic hydrocarbon: C3H8) :: propaani
propanol {n} (either of two isomeric aliphatic alcohols) :: propanoli
propanone {n} (C3H6O) :: propanoni
propel {v} /pɹəˈpɛl/ (to cause to move in a certain direction) :: liikuttaa, kuljettaa, työntää
propel {v} (to make to arrive to a certain situation or result) :: aiheuttaa, johdattaa
propellant {n} (engine fuel carried within a vehicle prior to use) :: polttoaine
propellant {n} (compressed gas used to expel the content from a pressurised container) :: ponnekaasu
propeller {n} (mechanical device used to propel) :: potkuri, propelli
propeller head {n} (central part of propeller) :: potkurin napa
propeller head {n} (person absorbed in an academic field or technical interest) :: propellipää
propeller shaft {n} (shaft that transmits power to propeller) :: potkuriakseli
propeller shaft {n} (shaft in a vehicle) :: nivelakseli, vetoakseli
propelling pencil {n} (mechanical pencil) SEE: mechanical pencil ::
propene {n} (organic compound of the formula C3H6) :: propeeni
propenoic {adj} (acrylic) SEE: acrylic ::
propensity {n} /pɹəˈpɛnsɪti/ (tendency) :: taipumus
proper {adj} /ˈpɹɑ.pɚ/ (fit, suitable) :: oikea, kunnon
proper {adj} (following the established standards of behavior or manners) :: kunnollinen, kelpo, kunnon
proper {adj} (in the very strictest sense of the word) :: varsinainen
proper {adj} (grammar: designating a particular person, place or thing) :: erisnimi (proper noun)
proper {adj} (belonging to oneself or itself, own) :: oikea
proper {adj} (complete, thorough) :: kelpo
proper {adj} (entitled to its name, true) :: oikea, varsinainen
proper {adj} (heraldry: having its natural or usual coloration) :: luonnonvärinen
proper {adj} (informal: utter) :: oikea
proper adjective {n} (adjective derived from a proper noun) :: erisnimestä muodostettu adjektiivi
proper fraction {n} (arithmetic: a vulgar fraction) :: aito murtoluku
properly {adv} /ˈpɹɑ.pɚ.li/ (in a proper manner) :: oikein, kunnolla
proper noun {n} (the name of a particular person, place, organization or other individual entity) :: erisnimi, propri
proper subset {n} (a set that is a subset of but not equal to another set) :: aito osajoukko
property {n} /ˈpɹɒp.ət.i/ (something owned) :: omaisuus
property {n} (piece of real estate) :: kiinteistö, tontti, määräala, tila
property {n} (business of selling houses) :: kiinteistöala
property {n} (exclusive right of possessing, enjoying and disposing of a thing) :: omistus, omistusoikeus
property {n} (attribute or abstract quality associated with an object, individual or concept) :: ominaisuus
property {n} (an attribute characteristic of a class of objects) :: omminaisuus
property {n} (computing: an editable parameter associated with an application, or its value) :: ominaisuus
property {n} (an object used in a dramatic production) :: rekvisiitta
property law {n} (area of law concerned with property rights) :: esineoikeus
property management {n} (operation, control and oversight of real estate) :: kiinteistönhoito
property rights {n} (property rights) :: varallisuusoikeudet {p}
property tax {n} (tax based on the value of property) :: kiinteistövero, varallisuusvero
prophecy {n} /ˈpɹɑfəsi/ (prediction) :: profetia
prophet {n} /ˈpɹɑfɪt/ (one who speaks by divine inspiration) :: profeetta
prophet {n} (one who foretells the future) :: profeetta, ennustaja
prophetess {n} /pɹɒfɪˈtɛs/ (female prophet) :: profeetta [gender neutral], profeettatar
prophetically {adv} (in a prophetic manner) :: profeetallisesti
prophetically {adv} (as a prophecy) :: profeetallisesti
propheticalness {n} (quality or state) :: profeetallisuus
prophylactic {n} /pɹɒfəˈlæktɪk/ (a preventive medicine) :: ennalta ehkäisevä lääke, profylaksi
prophylactic {n} (device or mechanism) :: ennalta ehkäisevä toimenpide, suojakeino, suoja
prophylactic {adj} (Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease) :: ennalta ehkäisevä, profylaktinen, preventiivinen
prophylaxis {n} (prevention of, or protective treatment for disease) :: profylaksia
propiska {n} /pɹəˈpɪskə/ (system of mandatory registration in ex-USSR) :: asuinpaikkarekisteri [no established translation], oleskelulupa [residence permit]
propiska {n} (stamp) :: asuinpaikkamerkintä [no established translation]
propiska {n} (domicile) :: asuinpaikka
propolis {n} /ˈpɹɒpəlɪs/ (glue-like substance) :: kittivaha
proponency {n} (advocacy) SEE: advocacy ::
proportion {n} /pɹəˈpɔɹʃən/ (quantity that is part of the whole) :: osa, osuus, suhde
proportion {n} ((mathematics) a statement of equality between two ratios) :: verranto
proportion {n} (size) SEE: size ::
proportional {adj} (at a constant ratio (to)) :: verrannollinen
proportional {adj} (proportionate) :: suhteutettu
proportionality {n} (the property of being proportional) :: suhteellisuus
proportional representation {n} (voting principle) :: suhteellinen vaalitapa
proportionate {adj} /pɹəˈpɔːʃənət/ (proportional) :: suhteellinen
proportionate {adj} (harmonious and symmetrical) :: sopusuhtainen
proposal {n} /pɹəˈpoʊzəl/ (that which is proposed) :: ehdotus, esitys, kosinta
propose {v} /pɹəˈpoʊz/ (to suggest a plan or course of action) :: ehdottaa, esittää; [~ casually/repeatedly] ehdotella
propose {v} (to ask for one's hand in marriage) :: kosia
propose {v} (to intend) :: aikoa
proposition {n} /ˌpɹɑpəˈzɪʃən/ (uncountable: act of offering for consideration) :: esitys, ehdotus
proposition {n} (idea or plan offered) :: esitys, ehdotus
proposition {n} (terms of a transaction offered) :: tarjous
proposition {n} (math: assertion which can be considered true or false) :: väite
proposition {n} (an assertion which is provably true, but not important enough to be a theorem) :: propositio
proposition {v} (make a suggestion of sexual intercourse) :: ehdottaa
proposition {v} (make an offer or suggestion) :: ehdottaa
propositional calculus {n} (propositional logic) SEE: propositional logic ::
propositional logic {n} (formal deductive system) :: propositiologiikka, lauselogiikka
propound {v} /prəˈpaʊnd/ (to put forward; to offer for discussion or debate) :: esittää, ehdottaa
proprietary {adj} /pɹəˈpɹɑɪətɛɹi/ (relating to property or ownership) :: oma, omistus-
proprietary {adj} (of or relating to the quality of being an owner) :: omistava, omistaja-
proprietary {adj} (created or manufactured exclusively by the IPR owner) :: alkuperäinen, alkuperäis-, omisteinen
proprietary {adj} (privately owned) :: yksityisomisteinen
proprietary {n} (a proprietor or owner) SEE: proprietor ::
proprietary eponym {n} (brand name that has come into general use) :: yleisnimistynyt tavaramerkki
proprietor {n} /pɹəˈpɹaɪətɚ/ (owner) :: omistaja
proprietor {n} (sole owner of an unincorporated business, also called sole proprietor) :: omistaja
proprietor {n} (one of the owners of an unincorporated business, a partner) :: omistaja, partneri
proprietously {adv} (properly) SEE: properly ::
proprioception {n} /ˌpɹoʊ.pɹi.oʊˈsɛp.ʃən/ (sense of the position of parts of the body) :: asentoaisti
prop shaft {n} (propshaft) SEE: propeller shaft ::
propulsion {n} /pɹəˈpʌlʃən/ (the action of driving or pushing) :: työntövoima, propulsio
prop wash {n} (mass pushed by propeller) :: potkurivirta
propyl alcohol {n} (1-propanol) SEE: 1-propanol ::
pro rata {adv} /ˌpɹəʊ ˈɹɑːtə/ (in proportion to some factor) :: suhteessa, pro rata
prosaic {adj} /pɹoʊˈzeɪ.ɪk/ (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose) :: proosallinen, proosa-
prosaic {adj} (straightforward; matter-of-fact; lacking the feeling or elegance of poetry) :: proosallinen, arkipäiväinen, ikävä
prosaic {adj} (overly plain or simple, to the point of being boring; humdrum) :: proosallinen, arkipäiväinen, tylsä
prosaically {adv} (in a prosaic manner) :: proosallisesti
prosaicness {n} (characteristic) :: proosallisuus
prosaist {n} (prose writer) :: prosaisti, proosakirjailija
pros and cons {n} (for and against) :: hyvät ja huonot puolet
prosciutto {n} /pɹəˈʃuː.toʊ/ (dry-cured ham from Italy) :: prosciutto
proscribe {v} /ˈpɹoʊˌskɹaɪb/ (forbid or prohibit) :: kieltää
proscribe {v} (denounce) :: kieltää
proscribe {v} (banish or exclude) :: eristää, syrjäyttää
proscription {n} /pɹəˈskɹɪp.ʃən/ (a prohibition) :: kielto
proscription {n} (act of proscribing) :: kieltäminen
prose {n} /ˈpɹəʊz/ (written language not intended as poetry) :: proosa
prosecute {v} /ˈpɹɒsɪkjuːt/ (To start civil or criminal proceedings against) :: nostaa syyte
prosecute {v} (To charge, try) :: syyttää
prosecutor {n} /ˈpɹɑsəˌkjuːtəɹ/ (a person instituting criminal prosecution) :: syyttäjä
proselytize {v} /ˈpɹɒs.əl.ɪ.taɪz/ (convert to one’s own faith) :: käännyttää, tehdä lähetystyötä [religion]
proselytize {v} (induce people to join a cause) :: käännyttää, tehdä käännytystyötä, värvätä
proseminar {n} (type of seminar) :: proseminaari
prose poem {n} (literary text) :: proosaruno
prosimian {n} (primate suborder) :: puoliapina
prosodic {adj} /pɹəˈzɒdɪk/ (relating to prosody) :: prosodinen
prosody {n} /ˈpɹɑzədi/ (linguistics: study of rhythm and other attributes in speech) :: prosodia
prosody {n} (poetry: study of poetic meter etc) :: metriikka
proso millet {n} /ˈpɹoʊsoʊ ˈmɪlit/ (P. miliaceum) :: viljahirssi
prosopagnosia {n} /ˌpɹɑsoʊpæɡˈnoʊʒə/ (disorder of face perception) :: kasvosokeus
prosopopesis {n} (change of personality) :: persoonallisuuden muutos
prospect {n} (position affording a fine view) SEE: lookout ::
prospect {n} /ˈpɹɒspɛkt/ (region which the eye overlooks at one time) :: näkökenttä, näköala, näkymä
prospect {n} (picturesque or panoramic view; landscape, sketch of landscape) :: maisema
prospect {n} (relative position of the front of a building or other structure; face) :: julkisivu; kasvot {p}
prospect {n} (act of looking forward; foresight; anticipation) :: eteenpäin katsominen; näkymä
prospect {n} (potential things that may come to pass, usually favorable) :: mahdollisuus
prospect {n} (hope, hopeful) :: toivo
prospect {n} (sports: player whose rights are owned by a top-level professional team, but who has yet to play a game for said team) :: varaus
prospect {n} (music: façade of an organ) :: julkisivupillistö, julkisivu
prospect {v} (to search as for gold) :: etsiä
prospective {adj} /pɹəˈspɛktɪv/ (likely or expected to happen or become) :: tuleva, mahdollinen
prospector {n} /pɹəˈspɛktə/ (person) :: malminetsijä
prospectus {n} (document which describes an institution, publication or business) :: esite
prosper {v} /ˈpɹɒspə(ɹ)/ (to be successful) :: vaurastua, menestyä
prosperity {n} /pɹɑˈspɛɹ.ɪ.ti/ (condition of being prosperous) :: vauraus
prosperous {adj} /ˈpɹɑs.pə.ɹəs/ (characterized by success) :: menestyvä
prosperous {adj} (well off; affluent) :: vauras
prosperous {adj} (favorable) :: onnekas
prostaglandin {n} /pɹɒstəˈɡlændɪn/ (lipid) :: prostaglandiini
prostate {n} /ˈpɹɒsteɪt/ (prostate gland) :: eturauhanen
prostatectomy {n} (surgical removal of prostate) :: prostatektomia
prostate gland {n} (prostate) SEE: prostate ::
prostatic {adj} (relating to the prostate gland) :: eturauhas-, eturauhasen
prostatism {n} (disorder) :: prostatismi, eturauhasvaivat {p}
prosthesis {n} (prothesis) SEE: prothesis ::
prosthesis {n} (artificial replacement for a body part) :: proteesi
prosthetic {n} (prosthesis) SEE: prosthesis ::
prosthetic {adj} /ˌpɹɑsˈθɛtɪk/ (artificial) :: teko- (in compounds)
prosthodontics {n} (restoration or replacement of damaged or missing teeth) :: hammasprotetiikka
prostitute {v} /ˈpɹɑːstətuːt/ (reflexive: to perform sexual activity for money) :: myydä itseään, myydä seksiä; huorata [degrading]
prostitute {v} (to make another person, or organisation, prostitute themselves) :: saattaa häpeään [Lev. 19:29]; prostituoida
prostitute {v} (derogatory: to use one's talents in return for money or fame) :: huorata
prostitute {v} (figuratively: to exploit for base purposes) :: raiskata, prostituoida
prostitute {n} (a person having sex for profit) :: prostituoitu; huora, hutsu, ilotyttö [female]
prostitute {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: whore ::
prostitution {n} (having sex for profit) :: prostituutio
prostokvasha {n} (soured milk) :: viili
prostrate {v} /ˈpɹɑstɹeɪt/ (to lie flat or face-down) :: maata pitkällään [flat], maata kasvoillaan [facedown], maata vatsallaan
prostrate {v} (to throw oneself down in submission) :: heittäytyä maahan
prostrate {v} (to cause to lie down) :: kaataa, kumota
protactinium {n} /ˌpɹoʊ.tækˈtɪn.i.əm/ (chemical element) :: protaktinium
protagonist {n} /pɹoʊˈtæ.ɡə.nɪst/ (main character) :: päähenkilö
protanomaly {n} (form of colour blindness) :: protanomalia
protanopia {n} (a form of color blindness) :: protanopia
protean {adj} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɪ.ən/ (exceedingly variable) :: monimuotoinen, muuntautumiskykyinen, kameleonttimainen
protease {n} /ˈpɹəʊtɪeɪz/ (enzyme) :: proteaasi
protease inhibitor {n} (class of drugs) :: proteaasi-inhibiittori, proteaasin estäjä
protect {v} /pɹəˈtɛkt/ (to keep safe) :: suojata (against a concrete threat); suojella (against an abstract threat)
protected {adj} /pɹəˈtɛktɪd/ (defended) :: suojattu, suojeltu, turvattu, puolustettu, rauhoitettu
protection {n} /pɹəˈtɛkʃən/ (process of keeping sthg safe) :: suojaaminen, suojaus, suoja, turvaaminen, varjeleminen
protection {n} (state of being safe) :: turva, suoja, turvallisuus
protection {n} (means of keeping or remaining safe) :: suoja, suojain
protection {n} (contraceptive device) :: ehkäisy
protection {n} (insurance: coverage) :: vakuutusturva
protection {n} (immunity from harm obtained by illegal payments, as bribery or extortion) :: suojelu
protection {n} (economics: restrictions on foreign competitors) :: suojaaminen
protection {n} (computing: instance of a security token associated with a resource) :: suojaaminen, suojaus
protectionism {n} /pɹəˈtekʃənɪzəm/ (A policy of protecting the domestic producers of a product by imposing tariffs, quotas or other barriers on imports) :: protektionismi
protectionist {adj} :: protektionistinen
protectionistic {adj} (protectionist) SEE: protectionist ::
protective {adj} /pɹɛtɛktɪv/ (serving, intended or wishing to protect) :: suoja-, suojaava, turvaava
protective {n} (Something that protects) :: suoja
protective {n} (A condom) :: kondomi
protectively {adv} (in a protective manner) :: suojaavasti, suojelevasti
protector {n} /pɹəˈtɛktɚ/ (someone who protects or guards) :: suojelija
protector {n} (a mechanism which is designed to protect) :: suoja, suojamekanismi
protectorate {n} /pɹəˈtɛktəɹɪt/ (government by a protector) :: protektoraatti
protectorate {n} (a protected autonomous state) :: protektoraatti, suojelualue
protege {n} (protégé) SEE: protégé ::
proteid {n} (obsolete term for "protein") :: proteidi
proteid {adj} (of or pertaining to proteins) :: proteiini-
proteid {adj} (containing protein) :: proteiinipitoinen
protein {n} /ˈpɹoʊtiːn/ (biochemistry: complex molecule) :: proteiini, valkuaisaine
protein {n} (class of food) :: valkuainen, valkuaisaine, proteiini
protein shake {n} (beverage) :: proteiinijuoma
proteolysis {n} (the hydrolysis of proteins) :: proteolyysi
proteome {n} /ˈpɹəʊtɪəʊm/ (complete set of proteins) :: proteomi
proteomics {n} (branch of molecular biology) :: proteomiikka
Proterozoic {prop} (eon 2,500-541 Ma) :: proterotsooinen aioni
Proterozoic {adj} (of eon from 2,500 to 541 million years ago) :: proterotsooinen
protest {v} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɛst/ (to make a strong objection) :: vastustaa, protestoida
protest {v} (to affirm) :: vakuuttaa
protest {v} (mostly US: to object to) :: vastustaa, protestoida
protest {n} (formal objection) :: vastalause, protesti
protest {n} (collective gesture of disapproval: demonstration) :: mielenosoitus
Protestant {n} /ˈpɹɑtɪstənt/ (someone who is a member of such a denomination) :: protestantti
Protestantism {n} /ˈpɹɑtɪstəntɪzəm/ (faith) :: protestanttinen usko, protestanttisuus
Protestantism {n} (Protestant churches or the Protestants collectively) :: protestantit {p}
Protestantism {n} (beliefs) :: protestanttinen usko, protestanttisuus
protester {n} /pɹəˈtestəɹ/ (person who protests) :: mielenosoittaja, protestoija
protest song {n} (song associated with social change) :: protestilaulu
protest too much {v} (insist something not being true) :: vakuutella liikaa
protest vote {n} (vote cast as a protest) :: protestiääni
Proteus syndrome {n} (congenital disorder) :: Proteus-syndrooma
protégé {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.təˌʒeɪ/ (person who is guided and supported) :: suojatti
prothesis {n} /ˈpɹɑθəsəs/ (the addition of a sound or syllable at the beginning of a word without changing the word's meaning or the rest of its structure) :: proteesi
prothrombinase {n} (complex) :: protrombinaasi
protist {n} /ˈproʊtɪst/ (eukaryotic unicellular organisms) :: alkueliö, protisti, protoktisti
protistology {n} (scientific study of protists) :: protistologia
protium {n} (lightest isotope of hydrogen) :: protium
protocol {n} /ˈpɹəʊtəˌkɒl/ (rule, guideline etc which guides diplomatic behaviour) :: protokolla
protocol {n} (diplomatic document) :: protokolla, pöytäkirja, muistiinpanot {p}
protocol {n} (treaty amendment) :: pöytäkirja
protocol {n} (computing) :: protokolla
protocol {v} (to make a protocol of) :: pitää pöytäkirjaa
protocollary {adj} :: protokolla-, protokollaarinen
Proto-Germanic {prop} (hypothetical prehistoric ancestor language) :: kantagermaaninen kieli
Proto-Indo-European {prop} /ˌpɹoʊ̯toʊ̯ˌɪndoʊ̯ˌjʊɹəˈpi.ən/ (ancestor language of most European and Indian languages) :: indoeurooppalainen kantakieli, kantaindoeurooppa
Proto-Indo-Germanic {prop} (Proto-Indo-European) SEE: Proto-Indo-European ::
proto-industrialization {n} (phase before the industrialization of a country) :: esiteollinen aikakausi
proto-language {n} (common ancestor language) :: kantakieli
protologism {n} /pɹəʊˈtɒləˌdʒɪzm/ (a newly coined word or phrase defined in the hope that it will become common) :: protologismi
protomartyr {n} (any of the first Christian martyrs) :: protomarttyyri
proton {n} /ˈpɹoʊ.tɑn/ (positively charged nucleon) :: protoni
protonate {v} (To add one or more protons) :: protonoida
Proto-Norse {prop} (Indo-European language) :: kantaskandinaavi
proton pump {n} (protein) :: protonipumppu
protoplanet {n} (astronomical object) :: protoplaneetta
protoplasm {n} (entire contents of a cell) :: alkulima, protoplasma
Proto-Sino-Tibetan {prop} (cluster of dialects from which descend the Sino-Tibetan family of languages) :: sinotiibetiläinen kantakieli
Proto-Slavic {prop} (Proto-Slavic) :: kantaslaavi
Proto-Slavic {adj} (of or pertaining to Proto-Slavic language or people who spoke it) :: kantaslaavilainen
protospecies {n} /ˈpɹəʊtəʊˌspiːʃiːz/ (preexsiting type of species) :: kantalaji
protostome {n} (animal in which the mouth is derived from the embryonic blastophore) :: alkusuinen
prototype {n} /ˈpɹəʊtətʌɪp/ (original form or object which is a basis for other forms or objects) :: prototyyppi
Proto-Uralic {prop} (Proto-Uralic) :: kantaurali, uralilainen kantakieli
protoxylem {n} (first xylem) :: protoksyleemi
protozoal {adj} (protozoan) SEE: protozoan ::
protozoan {n} /ˌpɹoʊtəˈzoʊən/ (any of a diverse group of eukaryotes) :: alkueläin
protozoology {n} (study of protists) SEE: protistology ::
protract {v} /pɹəˈtɹakt/ (To draw out; to extend, especially in duration.) :: pitkittää
protractor {n} (a circular or semicircular tool for measuring angles) :: astelevy
protriptyline {n} (tricyclic antidepressant) :: protriptyliini
protrude {v} (to extend from) :: pistää, työntyä, harottaa, sojottaa, törröttää, pullistua
protrusion {n} (anything that protrudes) :: kohouma, nysty, nystyrä, patti, kumpu, nyppylä
protuberance {n} /pɹoʊˈtuːbəɹəns/ (Something that protrudes) :: [bulge] pullistuma, patti; [swelling] paise; [anything] ulkonema, uloke
proud {adj} /pɹaʊd/ (gratified, feeling honoured, feeling satisfied) :: ylpeä
proud {adj} (possessed of a due sense of what one is worth or deserves) :: ylpeä
proud {adj} (having a too high opinion of oneself; arrogant, supercilious) :: ylpeä, koppava, kopea, ylimielinen
proud {adj} (generating a sense of pride; being a cause for pride) :: kunniakas
proud {adj} (obsolete: brave, valiant; gallant) :: uljas
proud as a peacock {adj} /pɹaʊd əz ə ˈpiːkɒk/ (extremely proud) :: ylpeä kuin riikinkukko, ylpeä kuin kukko
Proustian {adj} /ˈpɹusti.ən/ (reminiscent of Marcel Proust or his works) :: proustilainen
proustite {n} (mineral) :: proustiitti
provable {adj} (of a statement or hypothesis, that can be proven) :: todistettavissa oleva
prove {v} /pɹuːv/ (to demonstrate that something is true; to give proof for) :: todistaa, näyttää toteen
prove {v} (to turn out; to manifest) :: paljastua, osoittautua
proven {adj} /ˈpɹuvən/ (having been proved) :: todennettu, todistettu
Provençal {prop} /ˌpɹɒvɑːnˈsɑːl/ (language spoken in Provence) :: provensaali
provenance {n} /ˈpɹɑ.və.nəns/ (place or source of origin) :: alkuperä
provenance {n} (in archaeology: the place and time of origin of some artifact) :: alkuperä
provenance {n} (in arts: the history of ownership of a work of art) :: alkuperä
provenance {n} (in computing: the copy history of a piece of data) :: alkuperä
provenance {n} (in computing: the execution history of computer processes) :: prosessin kulku, käsittelyhistoria
provenance {n} (of a person: background, history, place of origin, ancestry) :: alkuperä, sukujuuret {p}
provenance {v} (to establish provenance) :: selvittää alkuperä
Provence {prop} (region in France) :: Provence
provenience {n} (source, origin) :: alkuperä, provenienssi
prove oneself {v} (to demonstrate one's own worth) :: todistaa taitonsa
proverb {n} /ˈpɹɑːvɝːb/ (phrase expressing a basic truth) :: sananlasku, sanonta
proverbial {adj} /pɹəˈvɜɹb.iː.əl/ (of a proverb) :: sananlaskumainen
proverbial {adj} (widely known; famous) :: tunnettu, maankuulu, kuuluisa
proverbial {n} (groin) :: sukukalleudet [figuratively]
Proverbs {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Sananlaskut
provide {v} /pɹəˈvaɪd/ (to give what is needed or desired) :: tarjota
provide {v} (to establish as a previous condition) :: edellyttää
provide {v} (to furnish (with)) :: varustaa
provided {conj} /pɹəˈvaɪdɪd/ (only if) :: edellyttäen että, sillä edellytyksellä että, mikäli
providence {n} /ˈpɹɒvɪdəns/ (prudent care and management of resources; thriftiness) :: kaukokatseisuus
providence {n} (careful guardianship exercised by a deity) :: kaitselmus, sallimus, johdatus
providence {n} (manifestation of divine care or direction) :: [care] kaitselmus, [direction] sallimus, johdatus
provident {adj} /ˈpɹɒvɪdənt/ (demonstrating consideration for the future) :: kaukokatseinen, kaukoviisas
providential {adj} /pɹɒvɪˈdɛnʃl̩/ (fortunate) :: onnekas, onnellinen
providently {adv} (in a provident manner) :: kaukokatseisesti, kaukonäköisesti
provider {n} (provider) :: tuottaja
province {n} /ˈpɹɑvɪns/ (a subdivision of government usually one step below the national level) :: provinssi, maakunta, lääni
provincial {adj} /pɹɒvinʃəl̩/ (of or pertaining to a province) :: maakunnallinen
provincial {adj} (exhibiting the ways or manners of a province) :: maalaismainen, maalainen, provinsiaalinen
provincial {adj} (not cosmopolitan or polished) :: maalaismainen, maalainen
provincial {adj} (of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical province) :: hiippakunnallinen [of diocese]; arkkihiippakunnallinen [of archdiocese]
provincial {adj} (limited in outlook; narrow) :: kapeakatseinen, nurkkakuntainen
provincialism {n} (quality of being provincial) :: provinsialismi, maalaismaisuus, maalaisuus
provincialism {n} (linguistics: word or locution characteristic of a region or district, see also: regionalism) :: murresana [word], murteellinen ilmaus [locution]; provinsialismi
provision {n} /pɹəˈvɪʒ.ən/ (item of goods or supplies obtained for future use) :: eväs [food for short term such as work or picnic]; muona [food];varasto, varaus, vara [other items]
provision {n} (act of providing) :: varautuminen
provision {n} (money set aside) :: varaus, vararahasto
provision {n} (accounting: liability or contra account) :: varaus
provision {n} (law: clause in a legal instrument) :: [in statutes] säännös, [in contracts or non-governmental regulations] määräys
provision {v} (to supply with provisions) :: muonittaa
proviso {n} /pɹəˈvaɪzoʊ/ (conditional provision to an agreement) :: varaus, varauma
provisory {adj} /pɹəˈvaɪzəɹi/ (containing provisoes) :: ehdollinen
provisory {adj} (dependent on a condition) :: ehdollinen
provisory {adj} (pending something more permanent) :: väliaikainen, tilapäinen, provisorinen
provitamin {n} (compound) :: provitamiini
provocateur {n} (one who engages in provocative behavior) :: provokaattori
provocation {n} /ˌpɹɑvəˈkeɪʃən/ (act of provoking) :: provokaatio
provocative {adj} /pɹəˈvɒk.ə.tɪv/ (tending to provoke strong negative feeling) :: provosoiva, provokatiivinen, provokatorinen
provocative {adj} (tending to arouse sexual interest) :: provokatorinen
provocatively {adv} (in a provocative manner) :: provokatorisesti, provokatiivisesti
provocativeness {n} (quality) :: provokatorisuus, provokatiivisuus
provoke {v} /pɹəˈvoʊk/ (to cause to become angry) :: suututtaa, provosoida
provoke {v} (to bring about a reaction) :: provosoida
provost {n} /ˈpɹoʊvoʊst/ (equivalent of mayor in some Scottish cities) :: pormestari
provost {n} (senior academic administrator) :: provosti
provost {n} (highest position in a monastery below an abbot) :: provosti
prow {n} /pɹaʊ/ (fore part of a vessel; bow) :: keula
prowess {n} /ˈpɹaʊɪs/ (skillfulness and manual ability; adroitness or dexterity) :: taitavuus
prowess {n} (distinguished bravery or courage) :: sankaruus, urheus
prowl {v} /pɹaʊl/ (To be on the lookout for some prey) :: vaania, väijyä
prowl {v} (To idle; to go about aimlessly) :: kuljeskella
proxenetism {n} (procuring) SEE: pimping ::
proximal {adj} /ˈpɹɒksɪməl/ (Closer to the point of attachment) :: läheinen, proksimaalinen
proximately {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
proximity {n} /pɹɑkˈsɪ.mɪ.ti/ (closeness; the state of being near as in space, time, or relationship) :: läheisyys
proxy {n} /pɹɒ (agent or substitute authorized to act for another person) :: asiamies, valtuutettu, edustaja
proxy {n} (authority to act for another, especially when written) :: valtakirja, valtuutus
proxy {n} ((software) An interface for a service) :: välityspalvelin, proxy
proxy server {n} (hardware server) :: välityspalvelin
proxy war {n} (war where two powers use third parties) :: sijaissota
Prozac {prop} (trade name for fluoxetine) :: Prozac
præstige {n} (Archaic spelling of prestige) SEE: prestige ::
prude {n} /pɹuːd/ (A person who is or tries to be excessively proper) :: sievistelijä
prudence {n} /ˈpɹuːdəns/ (The quality or state of being prudent) :: harkitsevuus, varovaisuus
prudent {adj} /ˈpɹuːdənt/ (sagacious in adapting means to ends) :: harkitsevainen, varovainen, viisas
prudent {adj} (frugal; economical; not extravagant) :: harkitsevainen
prune {v} (plum) SEE: plum ::
prune {v} /pɹuːn/ (dried plum) :: kuivattu luumu
prune {v} (trim a tree or shrub) :: karsia, oksia, vesoa
prune {v} ((figuratively) cut down or shorten) :: karsia
pruner {n} (person who prunes) :: karsija
pruning shears {n} (a tool) :: oksasakset {p}, sekatöörit {p}, puutarhasakset {p}
pruno {n} (an improvised alcoholic drink) :: kilju
prurient {adj} /ˈpɹʊəɹ.i.ənt/ (uneasy with desire; lustful) :: himokas
prusik {n} /ˈpɹʌsɪk/ (friction hitch) :: Prusikin solmu, prusik
Prussia {prop} /ˈpɹʌʃə/ (geographical area) :: Preussi
Prussia {prop} (former Baltic country) :: Preussi
Prussia {prop} (former German province) :: Preussi
Prussian {adj} /ˈpɹuː.ʃən/ (of Prussia) :: preussilainen
Prussian {prop} (language) :: preussi, preussin kieli
Prussian {n} (native or inhabitant of the geographical region of Prussia) :: preussilainen
Prussian {n} (citizen of German state of Prussia) :: preussilainen
Prussian {n} (member of or person descended from the Baltic ethnic group which inhabited Prussia) :: preussilainen
Prussian {n} (member of or person descended from the German ethnic group which settled in Prussia) :: preussilainen
Prussian blue {n} (pigment) :: preussinsininen, berliininsininen
Prussian blue {n} (colour) :: preussinsininen, berliininsininen
Prussian blue {adj} (colour (tinted with green)) :: preussinsininen
pry {v} /pɹaɪ/ (to look where one is not welcome; to be nosey) :: urkkia, nuuskia
pry {v} (to look closely and curiously at) :: töllistellä
pry {n} (an excessively inquisitive person) :: urkkija
pry {n} (lever) :: vipu, kanki
pry {n} (leverage) :: vipuvoima
pry {v} (use leverage to open or widen) :: kangeta
Przewalski's horse {n} (Equus ferus przewalskii) :: przewalskinhevonen, aasianvillihevonen, mongolianvillihevonen
PS {n} (addendum to a letter) :: PS, JK
psalm {n} /sɑm/ (sacred song) :: virsi
psalm {n} (a hymn collected into one book of the Old Testament) :: psalmi
psalm {v} (to extol in psalms; to sing) :: veisata
psalmist {n} (composer of psalms) :: virsisäveltäjä
psalmist {n} (composer of one of the Biblical Psalms) :: psalmien säveltäjä
psalmodic {adj} (relating to psalmody) :: psalmi-
psalmody {n} /ˈsɑː.mə.di/ (singing of psalms) :: virren veisuu, veisuu, veisaaminen; psalmilaulu
psalmody {n} (collection of psalms) :: virsikirja; psalmikokoelma
Psalms {prop} /ˈsɑːmz/ (book of the Bible) :: Psalmit, Psalmien kirja
psalter {n} /ˈsɔːltə(ɹ)/ (The Book of Psalms) :: psalttari
psalterium {n} (omasum) SEE: omasum ::
psaltery {n} (instrument) :: psalttari
psamment {n} (an entisol consisting of unconsolidated sand deposits) :: hiekkamaannos
psephologist {n} (expert in psephology) :: vaalitutkija
psephology {n} /sɨ.ˈfɑl.ə.d͡ʒi/ (the predictive or statistical study of elections) :: vaalitutkimus, psepologia
pseudarthrosis {n} (bony, flexible structure resembling a joint) :: valenivel
pseudo- {prefix} /ˈs(j)uːdəʊ/ (not genuine) :: sala-, vale-, pseudo-
pseudo {adj} (insincere) SEE: insincere ::
pseudo-anglicism {n} (word with an English appearance that is not current in English) :: näennäisanglismi
pseudobulb {n} (storage organ in orchids) :: varsimukula
pseudocarp {n} (accessory fruit) SEE: accessory fruit ::
pseudocode {n} (description of a computer programming algorithm) :: pseudokoodi
pseudocroup {n} (croup) SEE: croup ::
pseudocyst {n} (condition) :: pseudokysta
pseudoephedrine {n} /ˌsuːdoʊˈɛfɨdɹiːn/ (sympathomimetic alkaloid) :: pseudoefedriini
pseudofolliculitis {n} (condition resembling folliculitis) :: pseudofollikuliitti
pseudofruit {n} (accessory fruit) SEE: accessory fruit ::
pseudomalachite {n} (a mineral containing copper, hydrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus) :: pseudomalakiitti
pseudomorph {n} (a mineral that formed by replacement of an existing mineral or organic matter) :: pseudomorfi
pseudomugilid {n} (any member of the Pseudomugilidae) :: sinisilmä
pseudonym {n} /ˈsudoʊnɪm/ (fictitious name) :: salanimi, nimimerkki, pseudonyymi
pseudopod {n} /ˈsuːdə(ʊ)pɒd/ (temporary projection) :: valejalka, pseudopodi
pseudorandom {adj} (appearing to be random) :: näennäissatunnainen
pseudorandomness {n} (state of being pseudorandom) :: näennäissatunnaisuus
pseudorandom number generator {n} (device or algorithms that deterministically produces a succession of apparently random values) :: näennäissatunnaislukugeneraattori
pseudoscience {n} (purported science) :: pseudotiede, näennäistiede
pseudoscientific {adj} (of, relating to, or employing pseudoscience) :: pseudotieteellinen, näennäistieteellinen
pseudoscientifically {adv} (in a pseudoscientific fashion) :: pseudotieteellisesti
pseudoscientist {n} (practitioner of pseudoscience or a pseudoscience) :: pseudotieteilijä
pseudostome {n} (Geomys bursarius) :: tasankotaskurotta
pseudotachylite {n} (a dark, glassy rock generated by frictional heat within faults) :: pseudotakyliitti
pseudounipolar {adj} (having one split axon) :: pseudounipolaarinen
psi {n} /psaɪ/ (Greek letter) :: psii
psilomelane {n} (mineral) :: psilomelaani
Pskov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: Pihkova
psoas {n} /ˈsoʊ.əs/ (muscle) :: lannelihas
psoriasis {n} (facial skin disease) :: psoriaasi, psoriasis, hilsetystauti
psst {interj} (implying secrecy) :: pst
psyche {n} /ˈsaɪ.ki/ (the human soul, mind, or spirit) :: psyyke
psyche {v} /ˈsaɪk/ (to put into required frame of mind) :: psyykata
psyche {v} (to intimidate with psychology) :: kiusata henkisesti
psyche {v} (to treat with psychoanalysis) :: analysoida, hoitaa psykoanalyysilla
Psyche {prop} /ˈsaɪ.ki/ (Greco-Roman goddess) :: Psykhe
Psyche {prop} (Asteroid) :: Psyche
psychedelic {adj} /ˈsaɪ.kəˌdɛl.ɪk/ (of, containing or generating hallucinations, etc.) :: psykedeelinen
psyched up {adj} (in a state of heightened mental preparedness for a difficult enterprise) :: valmis
psychiatric {adj} /ˌsaɪ.ki.ˈæt.ɹɪk/ (of, or relating to, psychiatry) :: psykiatrinen
psychiatric hospital {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
psychiatrist {n} /ˌsaɪˈkaɪ.ə.tɹɪst/ (doctor specializing in psychiatry) :: psykiatri
psychiatry {n} /saɪˈkaɪ.əˌtɹi/ (branch of medicine dealing with mental disorders) :: psykiatria
psychic {n} /ˈsaɪkɪk/ (a person who possesses, or appears to possess, extra-sensory abilities) :: psyykikko
psychic {n} (a person who contacts the dead) :: meedio
psychic {adj} (relating to the abilities of a psychic) :: psyykkinen
psychical {adj} /ˈsʌɪkɪk(ə)l/ (pertaining to the mind; mental) :: henkinen, psyykkinen
psycho {n} /ˈsaɪkoʊ/ (psychotic or otherwise insane person) :: sekopää, kaistapää, psyko
psycho {n} (person acting in a bizarre or dangerous manner) :: kaistapää
psychoactive {adj} (pharmacology: affecting the mind or mental processes) :: psykoaktiivinen
psychoanalysis {n} (family of psychological theories) :: psykoanalyysi
psychoanalyst {n} (practitioner) :: psykoanalyytikko
psychoanalytic {adj} (of or relating to psychoanalysis) :: psykoanalyyttinen
psychoanalytical {adj} (psychoanalytic) SEE: psychoanalytic ::
psychobiology {n} (study of biological basis for mental processes) :: psykobiologia
psychobiology {n} (branch of psychology) :: psykobiologia
psychodynamic {adj} (of or pertaining to psychodynamics) :: psykodynaaminen
psychodynamics {n} (interplay) :: psykodynamiikka
psychogenic {adj} /ˌsʌɪkɒ(ʊ)ˈdʒɛnɪk/ (originating from or caused by state of mind) :: psykogeeninen
psychogerontology {n} (subfield of gerontology) :: psykogerontologia
psychography {n} (act of a spirit controlling someone's writing) SEE: automatic writing ::
psychohistorical {adj} (of or pertaining to psychohistory) :: psykohistoriallinen
psychohistory {n} /sʌɪkəʊˈhɪstəɹi/ :: psykohistoria
psychokinesis {n} /ˌsaɪkoʊkɪˈnisɪs/ (movement inanimate objects by the use of psychic power) :: psykokinesia, telekinesia
psychokinetic {adj} (of or relating to psychokinesis) :: psykokineettinen
psycholinguistic {adj} (pertaining to psycholinguistics) :: psykolingvistinen
psycholinguistics {n} (study of comprehension and production of language) :: psykolingvistiikka
psychological {adj} /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ (of or pertaining to psychology) :: psykologinen
psychologically {adv} (in a psychological manner) :: psykologisesti
psychological warfare {n} (The use of various techniques to demoralize or intimidate someone) :: psykologinen sodankäynti
psychologism {n} (tendency) :: psykologismi
psychologist {n} /ˌsaɪˈkɑl.ə.d͡ʒɪst/ (expert in the field of psychology) :: psykologi
psychology {n} /saɪˈkɑlədʒi/ (study of the human mind) :: psykologia
psychology {n} (the study of the human behavior) :: psykologia, käyttäytymistiede
psychology {n} (the study of animal behavior) :: psykologia, eläinpsykologia
psychology {n} (the mental characteristics of a particular individual) :: mielenlaatu, psyyke
psychometry {n} (paranormal ability) :: psykoskopia, psykometria
psychomotor {adj} (of or pertaining to the function of muscles under the control of the mind) :: psykomotorinen
psychomotricity {n} (mental control of muscles) :: psykomotoriikka
psychonaut {n} :: psykonautti
psychopath {n} /ˈsaɪkoʊˌpæθ/ (person with a personality disorder) :: psykopaatti
psychopath {n} (person diagnosed with antisocial or dissocial personality disorder) :: psykopaatti
psychopath {n} (person who has no moral conscience) :: psykopaatti
psychopath {n} (popular: a person who perpetrates especially gruesome or bizarre violent acts) :: psykopaatti
psychopathology {n} /ˌsaɪkɒpəˈθɒlədʒɪ/ (study of mental illness) :: psykopatologia
psychophysics {n} (a branch of psychology) :: psykofysiikka
psychophysiology {n} (branch of physiology) :: psykofysiologia
psychopolitics {n} (interaction between psychology and politics) :: psykopolitiikka
psychopomp {n} /ˈsaɪkəʊpɒmp/ (entity who assists souls) :: psykopompos
psychosis {n} /saɪˈkəʊsɪs/ (mental disorder) :: psykoosi
psychosocial {adj} (having both psychological and social aspects) :: psykososiaalinen
psychosomatic {adj} /ˌsaɪkoʊsəˈmædɪk/ (of physical effects with mental causes) :: psykosomaattinen
psychosomatics {n} (psychosomatic medicine) :: psykosomatiikka
psychosynthesis {n} (form of psychology based on the direct experience of the self) :: psykosynteesi
psychotherapist {n} (who practices psychotherapy) :: psykoterapeutti
psychotherapy {n} /ˌsaɪkoʊˈθɛɹəpi/ (treatment of those with mental illness) :: psykoterapia
psychotic {adj} /ˌsaɪˈkɒtɪk/ (of, related to, or suffering from psychosis) :: psykoottinen
psychotic {n} (a person affected by psychosis) :: psykootikko
psychoticism {n} (personality pattern) :: psykoottisuus
psychotropic {adj} (affecting the mind or mental processes) :: psykotrooppinen
psychro- {prefix} (cold) :: psykro-
psychrometer {n} (instrument which measures atmospheric humidity) :: psykrometri
psychrophile {n} (type of organism) :: psykrofiili
psychrophilic {adj} (capable of living at relatively low temperature) :: psykrofiilinen
psyllid {n} (any species of family Psyllidae) :: kemppi, lehtikemppi
psyllium {n} (group of plants) :: ratamo
psywar {n} (psychological warfare) SEE: psychological warfare ::
pâté {n} /ˈpæt.eɪ/ (finely-ground paste of meat, fish or vegetables) :: patee
pétanque {n} (form of boules) :: petanque, petankki
ptarmigan {n} /ˈtɑːmɪɡən/ (a small grouse, Lagopus) :: kiiruna
pterosaur {n} /ˈtɛɹəˌsɔɹ/ (extinct flying reptile) :: pterosaurus, siipisaurus, lentolisko
pterygoid {adj} (of or pertaining to the sphenoid bone) :: kitaluu-
Ptolemaic {adj} /ˌtɑːləˈmeɪɪk/ (of, or pertaining to, the Ptolemies) :: ptolemaiolainen
Ptolemy {prop} /ˈtɑləmi/ (name of Greek origin) :: Ptolemaios
ptui {interj} (sound of spitting) :: pthyi
pub {n} /pʌb/ (public house) :: kapakka, pubi, krouvi, baari
pube {n} /pjuːb/ (a single pubic hair) :: häpykarva
puberty {n} (age at which a person is first capable of sexual reproduction) :: murrosikä, puberteetti, varhaismurrosikä
pubescent {adj} (arriving at puberty) :: murrosikäinen
pubescent {n} (individual going through puberty) :: murrosikäinen
pubic {adj} /ˈpjuːbɪk/ (of, or relating to the area of the body adjacent to the pubis) :: häpy-
pubic hair {n} (collectively) :: häpykarvoitus
pubic hair {n} (singular) :: häpykarva
pubicide {n} (any of the various chemicals used to kill pubic lice) :: satiaismyrkky [not a slang word]
pubicide {n} (use of such a chemical) :: satiaisten hävittäminen [not a slang term]
pubic louse {n} (crab louse) SEE: crab louse ::
pubic symphysis {n} (joint) :: häpyliitos
pubis {n} /ˈpju.bɪs/ (the pubic bone) :: häpyluu
public {adj} /ˈpʌblɪk/ (pertaining to people as a whole) :: julkinen
public {adj} (provided (by the government) for the community) :: julkinen, julkisoikeudellinen
public {adj} (open to all members of a community) :: yleinen, julkinen
public {adj} (publicly traded) :: pörssi-
public {n} (people in general) :: yleisö
public administration {n} (implementation of public policy) :: julkishallinto
public administration {n} (field of study) :: julkishallinto
publican {n} /ˈpʌblɪkən/ (landlord of a pub) :: pubinpitäjä
publican {n} (Roman tax collector) :: publikaani
public assistance {n} (public money paid to the needy) :: toimeentulotuki
public assistance {n} (subsidy) :: julkinen tuki
publication {n} /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act of publishing) :: julkistus
publication {n} (an issue of printed or other matter) :: julkaisu
publication {n} (communication of information) :: julkistaminen
public defender {n} (attorney) :: julkinen oikeusavustaja
public domain {n} (realm of intellectual property) :: tekijänoikeudettomuus, tekijänoikeusvapaus
public domain {n} (attributive: not subject to any copyright or patent restrictions) :: tekijänoikeudeton
public eye {n} (focus of public attention) :: julkisuuden valokeila
public figure {n} (person subject to public interest) :: julkisuuden henkilö, julkkis
public good {n} (welfare of the people) :: yleinen hyvä
public good {n} (good that is non-rivalrous and non-excludable) :: julkishyödyke, julkinen hyödyke
public health {n} (science) :: kansanterveys
public historian {n} (professional who works in the field of public history) :: harrastajahistorioitsija
public history {n} (range of activities undertaken by people with training in history who work outside of academic settings) :: historiaharrastus
public holiday {n} (national or regional holiday from work on a specific day) :: yleinen vapaapäivä, kansallinen vapaapäivä
public house {n} (pub) SEE: pub ::
public housing {n} (accommodation subsidised by the government for disadvantaged groups) :: sosiaalinen asuminen
public image {n} :: julkisuuskuva, imago
publicity stunt {n} (staged marketing event) :: julkisuustemppu, julkisuustempaus
public key {n} (the public one of the two keys used in asymmetric cryptography) :: julkinen avain
public-key cryptography {n} (form of cryptography) :: julkisen avaimen salaus
public law {n} (law) :: julkisoikeus
public library {n} (library provided as a public service) :: kirjasto, yleinen kirjasto
public life {n} (aspects of social life which occur in public) :: julkinen elämä
public life {n} (politics, as in the profession of being a politician) :: politiikka
public limited company {n} (publicly traded limited liability company) :: julkinen osakeyhtiö
public limited liability company {n} (publicly traded company) :: julkinen osakeyhtiö, oyj
publicly {adv} /ˈpʌblɪkli/ (in an open and public manner) :: julkisesti
publicly held {adj} (with shares traded through a stock exchange) :: listattu. pörssilistattu
public opinion {n} (opinion of the public) :: yleinen mielipide
public ownership {n} (state ownership) SEE: state ownership ::
public place {n} (space that is generally open and accessible to people) :: julkinen tila
public policy {n} /pʌb.lɪk.ˈpɔ.lɪ.si/ (set of government policies) :: yhteiskuntajärjestys
public property {n} (property owned by the state) :: julkinen omaisuus
public purse {n} (money controlled by the government) :: yhteiset varat {p}
public relations {n} (profession) :: suhdetoiminta, tiedotus- ja suhdetoiminta
public school {n} (publicly administered school) :: yleinen koulu, peruskoulu
public sector {n} (government and entities) :: julkinen sektori, julkissektori
public servant {n} (convict) SEE: convict ::
public servant {n} (civil servant) SEE: civil servant ::
public service {n} (service by for-profit enterprise) :: yksityistetty julkinen palvelu
public service {n} (service for general public or its section) :: julkinen palvelu
public service announcement {n} (advertisement intended to serve the public interest) :: yhteiskunnallinen ilmoitus
public space {n} (public place) SEE: public place ::
public speaking {n} (art of public speaking) SEE: oratory ::
public speaking {n} (speaking to a group of people in a structured manner) :: puheen pitäminen, puhuminen
public telephone {n} (public telephone) :: yleisöpuhelin
public toilet {n} (public toilet) :: yleinen käymälä
public transit {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
public transport {n} (form of transport) :: julkinen liikenne
public transportation {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
public trustee {n} (public office which acts as a trustee) :: julkinen edunvalvoja
publish {v} /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ (to issue a medium (e.g. publication)) :: kustantaa
publish {v} (to issue something (usually printed work) for sale and distribution) :: kustantaa
publish {v} (to announce to the public) :: julkaista
publishable {adj} (able to be published) :: julkaisukelpoinen, julkaisuvapaa, vapaa julkaistavaksi
publisher {n} /ˈpʌblɪʃɚ/ (One who publishes, especially books) :: julkaisija; kustantaja [of print media]
publishing {n} (the industry of publishing) :: julkaisutoiminta
publishing house {n} (company that produces books) :: kustantamo, kirjankustantamo
puce {n} (colour) :: punaisenruskea
puce {adj} (colour) :: punaisenruskea
puck {n} (hockey puck) SEE: hockey puck ::
pucker {v} (to pinch or wrinkle; to squeeze inwardly, to dimple or fold) :: mutristaa, kurtistaa, rypistää, törröttää
pucker {n} (A fold or wrinkle) :: kurttu, ryppy
pucker up {v} (To contract a facial feature so as to form wrinkles) :: mutristaa
pudding {n} /ˈpʊd.ɪŋ/ (sausage made primarily from blood) :: verimakkara
pudding {n} (boiled or steamed cake or dessert) :: kohokas
pudding {n} (savoury dish prepared like a sweet pudding) :: vuoka, paistos
pudding {n} (dessert similar to custard or mousse, containing a starchy thickening agent) :: vanukas
pudding {n} (any dessert) SEE: dessert ::
puddle {n} /ˈpʌdəl/ (a small pool of water) :: lätäkkö
puddle {n} (a homogeneous mixture of clay, water, and sometimes grit) :: tiivistyssavi
puddle {v} (to form a puddle) :: muodostaa lätäkkö
puddle {v} (to play or splash in a puddle) :: leikkiä lätäkössä, läiskyttää
puddle {v} (to process iron by means of puddling) :: putlata
puddle {v} (collection of ideas) :: ryhmitellä
puddling {n} (act of lining a canal with puddling) :: tiivistäminen
puddling {n} (the act of melting iron) :: putlaus
puddling {n} (group of mallards) :: parvi
pudendal cleft {n} (cleft between the labia majora) :: häpyrako
pudu {n} /ˈpuːduː/ (South American deer) :: pudu
puerperal {adj} (Of or pertaining to or associated with childbirth) :: synnytys-, lapsivuode-
puerperal fever {n} (fever due to infection of the uterus) :: lapsivuodekuume
puerperium {n} /ˌpuː.ɝˈpiː.ɹi.əm/ (period of time following childbirth) :: lapsivuodeaika
Puerto Rican {n} /ˈpɔɹ.ɾəˌɹiː.kən/ (person from Puerto Rico) :: puertoricolainen
Puerto Rican {adj} (pertaining to Puerto Rico) :: puertoricolainen
Puerto Rico {prop} /ˌpɔɹtəˈɹikoʊ/ (Caribbean Commonwealth) :: Puerto Rico
puff {v} (pant) SEE: pant ::
puff {n} (homosexual) SEE: poof ::
puff {n} /pʌf/ (sharp exhalation of a small amount of breath through the mouth) :: puhallus, puhahdus
puff {n} (ability to breathe easily while exerting oneself) :: henki
puff {n} (small quantity of gas or smoke in the air) :: haiku, vire, tuprahdus
puff {n} (informal: act of inhaling smoke from a cigarette, cigar or pipe) :: savut {p}
puff {n} (slang: cannabis) :: hasa, pilvi
puff {n} (type of cake) :: pusu
puff {v} (to emit smoke, gas, etc., in puffs) :: tupruttaa, tupruta
puff {v} (to advertise) :: puffata
puff {n} (powder puff) SEE: powder puff ::
puffball {n} (fungi) :: tuhkelo
puffed rice {n} (rice) :: riisimuro
puffed rice {n} (breakfast cereal) :: riisimuro
puffer {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
puffer {n} /ˈpʌfɚ/ (someone or something that puffs) :: tupruttaja, puhisija, pölläyttäjä, puhaltaja, läähättäjä, puffaaja
pufferfish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
pufferfish {n} (a delicacy popular in Japan) :: pallokala, siilikala, fugu
puffer jacket {n} (padded jacket) SEE: down jacket ::
puffin {n} /ˈpʌfɪn/ (Fratercula arctica) :: lunni
puff pastry {n} (light, flaky pastry) :: lehikäinen, lehtitaikinaleivonnainen
puff up {v} (to inflate with air) :: täyttää, puhaltaa
puff up {v} (to become fluffy) :: pöyhistyä, pörhistyä
puff up {v} (to swell due to injury) :: turvota
puff up {v} (to become proud) :: paisua (ylpeydestä)
pug {n} /pʌɡ/ (small dog) :: mopsi
pugilist {n} /ˈpjuː.dʒəlɪst/ (one who fights with his fists; a boxer) :: nyrkkeilijä
Puglian {adj} (Apulian) SEE: Apulian ::
pugnacious {adj} /pʌɡˈneɪ.ʃəs/ (aggressive, belligerent) :: taistelunhaluinen
puh-lease {adv} (expression of annoyance) :: hei hyvää päivää
puke {n} /pjuːk/ (vomit) :: oksennus, yrjö, [informal] laatta
puke {v} (to vomit) :: oksentaa, yrjötä, antaa ylen, laatata, purjota
pulao {n} (pilaf) SEE: pilaf ::
pulchritudinous {adj} /ˌpʌlkɹɪˈtjuːdɪnəs/ (having great physical beauty) :: hyvännäköinen
Pulitzer Prize {n} /ˌpjulɪtsɚ ˈpɹaɪz/ (the award) :: Pulitzer-palkinto
pull {v} /pʰʊːɫ/ (transitive: apply force to (something) so it comes towards one) :: vetää
pull {v} (intransitive: apply force such that an object comes toward the person or thing applying the force) :: vetää
pull {v} (remove (something) from circulation) :: vetää
pull {v} (do, perform) :: tehdä
pull {v} (retrieve or generate for use) :: antaa
pull {v} (slang: persuade (a person) to have sex with one) :: iskeä
pull {v} (succeed in finding a person with whom to have sex) :: saada
pull {n} (act of pulling) :: veto
pull {n} (attractive force) :: veto, vetovoima, imu
pull {n} (device meant to be pulled) :: vedin
pull {n} (influence as means of gaining advantage) :: vaikutusvalta
pull {n} (appeal) :: vetovoima, viehätys
pull {n} (internet: situation where a client sends out a request for data) :: pull
pull {n} (journey made by rowing) :: soutu, soutumatka
pull an all-nighter {v} (work throughout the night) :: valvoa yötä myöten
pull apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble ::
pull a sickie {v} (to feign illness so to take time off work) :: ilmoittautua sairaaksi, pinnata (töistä) [slang]
pullet {n} (spineless person) SEE: chicken ::
pullet {n} /ˈpʊlɪt/ (young hen) :: kananpoika
pulley {n} /ˈpʊli/ (one of simple machines) :: väkipyörä
pull off {v} (To remove by pulling) :: nyppiä pois/irti, repiä irti
pull off {v} (To achieve; to succeed at something difficult) :: onnistua
pull-off cap {n} (type of bottle cap) :: repäisykorkki
pull oneself together {v} (to become mentally focused after a period of being unfocused) :: ryhdistäytyä, koota itsensä
pull one's socks up {v} (start making an effort; to renew or redouble one's efforts) :: kääriä hihansa, ryhdistäytyä
pull out {v} (to withdraw) :: vetäytyä
pull out all the stops {v} (reserve nothing) :: tehdä kaikkensa, poistaa esteet
pull out of one's ass {v} (fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence) :: vetää hatustaan [pull out of one's hat]
pullover {n} (sweater) :: villapaita
pullover {n} (weightlifting over the head) :: yliveto
pullover {n} (bar exercise) :: oikonoja
pull punches {v} (to avoid using all one's strength when punching) :: olla lyömättä kovaa
pull someone's leg {v} (to tease someone) :: vedättää
pull the plug {v} (disconnect from a supply) SEE: unplug ::
pull-up {n} /ˈpʊl.ʌp/ (an exercise done for strengthening the arms and back) :: leuanveto
pulmonary {adj} (related to lungs) :: keuhko-
pulmonary alveolus {n} (small air sac in the lungs) :: keuhkorakkula
pulmonary circulation {n} (part of blood circulation) :: pieni verenkierto
pulmonary edema {n} (accumulation of fluid in lungs) :: keuhkopöhö
pulmonary embolism {n} (embolism or obstruction of a pulmonary artery) :: keuhkoveritulppa
pulmonary emphysema {n} (chronic lung disease) :: keuhkolaajentumatauti
pulmonary tuberculosis {n} (tuberculosis infecting the lungs) :: keuhkotuberkuloosi
pulmonary vein {n} (vein that returns blood to the heart after it has circulated through the lungs) :: keuhkolaskimo
pulp {n} /pəlp/ (soft, moist mass) :: massa
pulp {n} (center of a fruit) :: hedelmäliha
pulp {n} (center of a tooth) :: hammasydin, pulpa
pulp {n} (mass of which paper is produced) :: paperimassa
pulp {n} (mass of chemically processed wood fibres) :: sellu, selluloosa
pulp {n} (lurid style of writing or publishing) :: sensaatiojournalismi
pulp {v} (to make into pulp) :: jauhaa massaksi
pulp {v} (to be made into pulp) :: jauhautua massaksi
pulp fiction {n} (shocking and sensational fiction) :: kioskikirjallisuus
pulpit {n} /ˈpʊl.pɪt/ (raised platform in church) :: saarnastuoli, saarnatuoli
pulpit {n} (raised base for a speaker) :: puhujakoroke
pulpit {n} (nautical: railing at the bow) :: keulakaide
pulpit {n} (plane's cockpit) SEE: cockpit ::
pulp magazine {n} (magazine made with inexpensive paper and printing) :: lukemistolehti
pulp mill {n} (factory) :: selluloosatehdas, sellutehdas
pulpwood {n} (wood used for pulping) :: kuitupuu
pulpy {adj} (having the characteristics of pulp, soft, squishy) :: pehmeä, pehmennyt, vetelä
pulpy {adj} (having the characteristics of pulp fiction) :: tahmainen
pulsar {n} (rotating neutron star) :: pulsari
pulsate {v} /ˈpʌl.seɪt/ (to expand and contract rhythmically; to throb or to beat) :: sykkiä
pulsate {v} (to quiver, vibrate, thrill) :: väristä
pulsate {v} (to produce a recurring increase and decrease) :: sykkiä
pulse {n} /pʌls/ (regular beat caused by the heart) :: pulssi
pulse {n} (beat, throb) :: syke
pulse {v} (to beat, throb or flash) :: sykkiä
pulse {v} (to flow, particularly of blood) :: sykkiä
pulse {v} (to emit in discrete quantities) :: syke
pulse {n} (legume used as food for humans or animals) :: palkokasvi
pulverise {v} (to render into dust or powder) :: jauhaa
pulverise {v} (to completely destroy) :: murskata
pulverise {v} (to defeat soundly) :: murskata
pulverise {v} (intransitive: to be rendered into dust or powder) :: jauhautua, hienontua
pulverize {v} (pulverise) SEE: pulverise ::
puma {n} (Puma concolor) SEE: cougar ::
pumice {n} /ˈpʌmɪs/ (pumice) :: hohkakivi
pummel {v} /ˈpʌməl/ (To hit or strike heavily and repeatedly) :: nuijia, hakata
pump {n} (trainer or sneaker) SEE: trainer ::
pump {n} /pʌmp/ (device for moving liquid or gas) :: pumppu
pump {n} (instance of the action of a pump; one stroke of a pump; any action similar to pumping) :: pumppaus
pump {n} (device for dispensing liquid or gas to be sold, especially fuel) :: pumppu
pump {n} (in bodybuilding) :: pumppaus
pump {n} (ride on a bicycle given to a passenger, usually on the handlebars or fender) :: ritsi, kyyti
pump {n} (slang: heart) :: pumppu
pump {v} (transitive: to use a pump to move liquid or gas) :: pumpata
pump {v} (to fill with air) :: pumpata
pump {v} (to move rhythmically) :: pumpata
pump {v} (to shake hands vigorously) :: veivata, vispata
pump {v} (to gain information by persistent questioning) :: pumpata
pump {v} (intransitive: to use a pump to move liquid or gas) :: pumpata
pump {v} (slang: to be going very well) :: mennä hyvin
pump {v} (sports: to kick, throw or hit the ball far and high) :: tykittää
pump {n} (high-heeled shoe) :: piikkari, piikkikorkokenkä
pump {n} (dancing shoe) :: tanssikenkä
pumpable {adj} (able to be pumped) :: pumpattava
pump iron {v} (to engage in weight training) :: pumpata rautaa
pump-jet {n} (a marine system that creates a jet of water for propulsion) :: vesisuihkumoottori
pumpkin {n} /ˈpʌmpkɪn/ (plant) :: kurpitsa
pumpkin {n} (fruit of this plant) :: kurpitsa, pallokurpitsa
pumpkin {n} (color) :: kurpitsa
pumpkin {n} (term of endearment) :: nuppu
pumpkin pie {n} (pie made from the flesh of pumpkins) :: kurpitsapiirakka
pumpkin pie spice {n} (pumpkin spice) SEE: pumpkin spice ::
pumpkin seed {n} (seed) :: kurpitsansiemen
pumpkin spice {n} (spice blend) :: kurpitsamauste
pump truck {n} (manually operated device for lifting and moving pallets) SEE: pallet jack ::
pump up {v} (to inflate by means of a pump) :: pumpata
pump up {v} (to inflate with a pumping action) :: pumpata
pun {n} /pʌn/ (joke or type of wordplay) :: sanaleikki
punch {n} /pʌntʃ/ (hit or strike with one's fist) :: nyrkinisku
punch {n} (power, strength, energy) :: isku
punch {n} (impact) :: isku
punch {n} (button) :: iskunappula
punch {v} (to strike something or someone with one's fist) :: lyödä nyrkillä
punch {v} (to operate by pressing a button or similar) :: painaa nappia
punch {v} (to enter information) :: naputella
punch {v} (to hit with less than full force) :: tuupata
punch {v} (to make holes) :: rei’ittää
punch {n} (device for creating holes in thin material) :: lävistin, rei’ittäjä, rei’itin, tuurna, meisti
punch {n} (mechanism for punching holes in paper) :: rei’ittäjä, rei’itin
punch {n} (hole or opening created with a punch) :: reikä, läpi
punch {v} (to employ a punch to create a hole) :: stanssata, meistää
punch {v} (to mark a ticket) :: leimata
punch {n} (beverage) :: booli, punssi
punch {v} (to herd cattle) SEE: herd ::
Punch {prop} (character of a puppet show) :: Punch
punch above one's weight {v} /pʌntʃ əˈbʌv wʌnz weɪt/ (achieve or perform at a higher level than would be expected based on one's preparation, attributes, rank, or past accomplishments) :: ylittää kykynsä [overachieve], yrittää liikoja [try to]
punchbowl {n} (punchbowl) :: boolimalja
punch card {n} (card with have holes or notches used for storing data) :: reikäkortti
punch clock {n} (time clock) SEE: time clock ::
punched card {n} (punch card, especially one that has had holes punched in it) :: reikäkortti
punching bag {n} (device used to practice punching) :: nyrkkeilysäkki
punching bag {n} (object of abuse) :: heittopussi
punch list {n} (list of items required to complete a project) :: vikalista
punctilio {n} /pʌŋkˈtɪliˌoʊ/ (exactness, strictness) :: pilkuntarkkuus
punctilious {adj} /pʌŋkˈtɪli.əs/ (strictly attentive to detail) :: pilkuntarkka
punctilious {adj} (precise) :: pilkuntarkka
punctual {adj} /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/ (prompt) :: täsmällinen, ajoissa
punctual {adj} (mathematics: existing as a point or series of points) :: pistemäinen
punctual {adj} (linguistics: expressing momentary action) :: punktuaalinen
punctual {adj} (periodic; occasional) :: ajoittainen
punctually {adv} (in a punctual manner) :: täsmällisesti
punctuate {v} (emphasize, stress) SEE: emphasize ::
punctuation {n} /pʌŋk.tʃuˈeɪ.ʃən/ (set of symbols) :: välimerkit {p}
punctuation {n} (act) :: välimerkitys, välimerkittäminen
punctuation mark {n} (symbol used in writing) :: välimerkki
puncture {v} (puncture) SEE: pierce ::
puncture {n} /ˈpʌŋktʃɚ/ (hole, cut or tear) :: reikä; [in a tyre] rengasrikko
puncture {v} (to pierce) :: puhkaista
puncture vine {n} (Tribulus terrestris) SEE: caltrop ::
pundit {n} /ˈpʌn.dɪt/ (a self-professed expert) :: asiantuntija
pundit {n} (a Hindu scholar) :: pundiitti, pandiitti
pungency {n} /ˈpʌndʒənsi/ (state of being pungent) :: löyhkääminen; kirpeys; kitkeryys; pistävyys; kärkevyys; terävyys
pungency {n} (foul odor) :: löyhkä, haju
pungent {adj} /ˈpʌndʒənt/ (having a strong odour) :: pistävä
Punic {adj} /ˈpjuːnɪk/ (treacherous) :: petollinen
Punic {prop} (language of Carthage) :: puunin kieli, puuni
Punic {adj} (Carthaginian) SEE: Carthaginian ::
Punic War {n} (war between Ancient Rome and Carthage) :: puunilaissota
punish {v} /ˈpʌnɪʃ/ (to cause to suffer for crime or misconduct) :: rangaista
punish {v} (to treat harshly and unfairly) :: rangaista, kurittaa
punishable {adj} (appropriate for punishment) :: rangaistava
punishment {n} /ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ (the act of punishing) :: rankaiseminen, rangaistus
punishment {n} (penalty for wrongdoing) :: rangaistus
Punjab {prop} /pʌnˈdʒɑːb/ (geographical region in South Asia) :: Punjab, Pandžab
Punjabi {adj} /pʌnˈdʒɑːbi/ (of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language) :: punjabilainen, punjabinkielinen [of language]
Punjabi {n} (language spoken in the Punjab region, in Northern India and eastern Pakistan) :: punjabi, pandžabi
Punjabi {n} (resident of or immigrant from the Punjab) :: punjabilainen
punk {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
punk {n} /pəŋk/ (worthless person) :: retku, ketku
punk {n} (petty criminal) :: pikkurikollinen, juippi; punk, punkrock
punk {n} (punk rocker) :: punkkari
punk {n} (punk social movement) :: punk, punk-liike
Punkalaidun {prop} (municipality) :: Punkalaidun
punk rock {n} :: punkrock
punk rocker {n} (punk) SEE: punk ::
punt {n} /pʌnt/ (narrow shallow boat propelled by a pole) :: jokivene, ruuhi
punt {v} (propel a punt with a pole) :: sauvoa
punt {v} /pʌnt/ (American football: drop-kick) :: lentopotku
punt {n} (American football: drop-kick) :: lentopotku
punt {n} /pʌnt/ (bet or wager) :: veto
punt gun {n} (large shotgun) :: venepyssy, ruuhipyssy
puny {adj} /pjuːni/ (of inferior size) :: mitätön, vähäpätöinen
Puolanka {prop} (municipality) :: Puolanka
pupa {n} /ˈpjuːpə/ (insect) :: kotelo
pupil {n} /ˈpjuːpəl/ (learner) :: oppilas
pupil {n} (the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye) :: pupilli, silmäterä
puppet {n} /ˈpʌpɪt/ (movable model of a person or animal) :: nukke [generic]; käsinukke [in glove form]; sätkynukke, marionetti [moved with strings]
puppet {n} (person or country controlled by another) :: nukkevaltio [country], nukkehallitsija [ruler]; sätkynukke, marionetti [person]
puppet {n} (doll) SEE: doll ::
puppet army {n} (army formed by the invader by recruiting the people from the occupation zone) :: nukkearmeija
puppet government {n} (government which is de facto controlled by a foreign power) :: nukkehallitus
puppetry {n} /ˈpə.pə.tri/ (art of making and performing with puppets) :: nukketeatteri
puppet show {n} (theatrical performance with puppets) :: nukketeatteri
puppet state {n} (state) :: nukkevaltio
Puppis {prop} (constellation) :: Peräkeula
puppy {n} /ˈpʌpi/ (young dog) :: pentu, penikka, koiranpentu
puppy {n} (young seal) :: kuutti
puppy dog eyes {n} (facial expression) :: koiranpentuilme
puppy fat {n} (natural fat on the body of a child) :: vauvarasva
puppyish {adj} (With the qualities of a puppy) :: pennun
puppy love {n} (youthful infatuation with another person) :: nuori lempi
puppy mill {n} (farm that breeds dogs) :: pentutehdas
purchase {n} /ˈpɝtʃəs/ (the act or process of seeking and obtaining something for money) :: hankinta
purchase {n} (that which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent) :: ostos
purchase {n} (the acquisition of title to, or property in, anything for a price) :: osto
purchase {n} (acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance) :: hankinta
purchase {v} (to obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price) :: ostaa
purchase {v} (to pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain or acquire) :: hankkia
purchase {v} (to obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger or sacrifice) :: hankkia
purchase order {n} (commercial document) :: hankintatilaus, ostomääräys, hankintamääräys
purchase price {n} (price at which something is purchased) :: ostohinta
purchaser {n} (one who purchases) :: ostaja
purchasing power {n} (amount of goods and services that can be purchased with a unit of currency) :: ostovoima
purchasing power {n} (income available to households) :: ostovoima
purchasing power {n} (ability of company) :: hankintavoima
purchasing power parity {n} (long-term equilibrium) :: ostovoimapariteetti
pure {adj} /ˈpjʊɹ/ (free of flaws or imperfections) :: puhdas
pure {adj} (free of foreign material or pollutants) :: puhdas; pelkkä, silkka
pure {adj} (free of immoral behavior or qualities; clean) :: viaton, puhdas
pure {adj} (of a branch of science: done for its own sake) :: puhdas, yleinen
pure {adj} (phonetics: of a single, simple sound or tone) :: puhdas
pure {adj} (of sound: without harmonics or overtones) :: puhdas, kirkas
pure {adv} (extremely) :: erittäin
pure as the driven snow {adj} (free of flaws or imperfections) :: puhdas kuin pulmunen
pureblooded {adj} (of pure blood) :: puhdasverinen, puhdasrotuinen
purebred {adj} (that which has genuine parents of the same breed) :: puhdasrotuinen
purebred {n} (animal which has genuine parents of the same breed) :: puhdasrotuinen
puree {n} /ˈpjʊəɹeɪ/ (food that has been ground into a thick liquid) :: pyree, sose
puree {v} (to crush or grind food into a puree) :: soseuttaa
pure land {n} (celestial realm) :: puhdas maa
purely imaginary number {n} (imaginary number) SEE: imaginary number ::
pure mathematics {n} (area of mathematics) :: puhdas matematiikka
purgative {adj} (capable of purging) :: puhdistava
purgative {n} (something that purges) :: purgatiivi, laksatiivi, ulostusaine, ulostuslääke; puhdistusaine
purgatory {n} (Purgatory) SEE: Purgatory ::
Purgatory {prop} (intermediate state after physical death) :: kiirastuli
purge {n} /pɝdʒ/ (the act of purging) :: puhdistus, puhdistaminen
purge {n} (evacuation of the bowels or of pipes) :: oksentaminen [vomiting]
purge {n} (forcible removal of undesirable people from political activity, etc.) :: puhdistus
purge {v} (to clean thoroughly; to cleanse; to rid of impurities) :: puhdistaa
purge {v} (to free from sin, guilt, or the burden or responsibility of misdeeds) :: puhdistaa, päästää
purge {v} (to void or evacuate; to defecate or vomit) :: oksentaa; tyhjentää suolensa [defecate]
purge {v} (to clear of a charge, suspicion, or imputation) :: vapauttaa, puhdistaa
purification {n} (act of purifying) :: puhdistaminen, puhdistuminen, puhdistautuminen
purifier {n} (person or device that purifies) :: puhdistin [device], puhdistaja [person]
purify {v} (cleanse something of impurities) :: puhdistaa
purism {n} (insistence on the traditionally correct way) :: puhdasoppisuus, purismi, oikeakielisyys
purism {n} (example of purist language) :: purismi
purist {adj} (pertaining to purism) :: puhdasoppinen, puristinen
purist {n} (advocate of purism) :: puhdasoppinen, puristi
puristic {adj} (purist) SEE: purist ::
puritan {adj} /ˈpjʊɹɪtən/ (having very strict moral standards) :: puritaani, puristi
purity {n} /ˈpjʊəɹɪti/ (the state of being pure) :: puhtaus
purity ring {n} (type of ring) :: siveyssormus
purl {n} /pɝl/ (a particular stitch in knitting) :: nurja silmukka
purlin {n} /ˈpɜːɹlɪn/ (longitudinal structural member of a roof) :: kitapuu
purloin {v} /pɜːˈlɔɪn/ (To convert the property of another) :: varastaa, kähveltää, anastaa
purple {n} /ˈpɜː(ɹ).pəl/ (colour) :: purppura
purple {n} (mollusk) :: purppurakotilo
purple {adj} (colour) :: sinipunainen, violetti
purple coral {n} (mushroom) :: purppuranuijakas
purple emperor {n} (butterfly) :: häiveperhonen
purple heron {n} (Ardea purpurea) :: ruskohaikara
purple loosestrife {n} (Lythrum salicaria) :: rantakukka
purple martin {n} (bird) :: sinipääsky
purpleness {n} (state or condition) :: sinipunaisuus
purple prose {n} (extravagant or flowery writing) :: kukkaiskieli
purple rice {n} (black rice) SEE: black rice ::
purple sandpiper {n} (Calidris maritima) :: merisirri
purple swamphen {n} (Porphyrio porphyrio) :: sulttaanikana
purport {v} /pəˈpɔːt/ (to convey) :: esiintyä, esittää
purport {v} (to intend) :: aikoa
purport {n} (import) :: tarkoitus
purportedly {adv} /pə(ɹ)ˈpɔː(ɹ).tə (supposedly; putatively; reputedly) :: oletettavasti
purpose {n} /ˈpɝpəs/ (target) :: tarkoitus
purposefully {adv} (on purpose) SEE: on purpose ::
purposefully {adv} (in a purposeful manner) :: määrätietoisesti
purposely {adv} /ˈpɝpəsli/ (on purpose; intentionally) :: tahallaan, tarkoituksellisesti, varta vasten, tieten tahtoen
purpure {n} /pəˈpjʊə/ (purple colour on a coat of arms) :: purppura
purpure {adj} (in blazon, of the colour purple) :: purppura
purpurite {n} (mineral) :: purpuriitti
purr {v} /pɜː(ɹ)/ (cat to make a vibrating sound in its throat) :: kehrätä
purr {v} (to speak in a seductive manner) :: kehrätä
purr {v} (to make a vibrating throaty sound) :: kehrätä
purr {v} (of an engine: to make a low rumbling sound) :: kehrätä
purr {n} (vibrating sound made by a cat when contented) :: kehräys, kehrääminen
purrlike {adj} (resembling a purr) :: kehräävä
purse {n} /pɝs/ (small bag for carrying money) :: rahapussi, kukkaro, rahakukkaro
purse {n} (small bag for carrying personal items) :: käsilaukku
purse {n} (quantity of money) :: määräraha, budjetti
purse {v} (press (the lips) together) :: suipistaa, mutristaa
purseweb spider {n} (spider) :: putkihämähäkki
purslane {n} /ˈpɜːslən/ (a plant of the family Portulacaceae) :: portulakka
purslane {n} (Portulaca oleracea) SEE: common purslane ::
pursue {v} /pəˈsjuː/ (to follow urgently) :: ajaa takaa, seurata, ahdistaa
pursue {v} (to travel down a particular way or course of action) :: seurata
pursue {v} (to aim for) :: pyrkiä
pursue {v} (to participate in, practise (an activity, profession)) :: harjoittaa
pursuer {n} (one who pursues) :: seuraaja, takaa-ajaja, pyrkijä
purulent {adj} /ˈpjʊəɹ(j)ʊlənt/ (consisting of pus) :: märkivä, märkäinen
purulent {adj} (leaking or seeping pus) :: märkivä
purveyor {n} (supplier) SEE: supplier ::
pus {n} /pʌs/ (fluid found in regions of infection) :: mätä, märkä, visva
Pusan {prop} (Busan) SEE: Busan ::
push {v} /pʊʃ/ (to apply a force to something so that it moves away) :: työntää, sysiä, tyrkätä, tuupata, lykätä, sysätä
push {v} (to continually attempt to persuade into a particular action) :: painostaa, vaatia
push {v} (to press or urge forward; to drive) :: ajaa, tavoitella; venyttää [luck]
push {v} (to continually attempt to promote point of view, product etc.) :: tyrkyttää
push {v} (to approach; to come close to) :: lähestyä
push {v} (intransitive: to tense the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents) :: ponnistaa, työntää
push {v} (to continue to attempt to persuade a person into a particular course of action) :: painostaa
push {v} (to make a higher bid at an auction) :: korottaa
push {v} (poker: to make an all-in bet) :: panna kaikki peliin
push {v} (chess: to move a pawn directly forward) :: siirtää eteenpäin
push {v} (computing: to add a data item to the top of a stack) :: työntää, lisätä
push {v} (computing: to publish an update, etc. by transmitting it to other computers) :: työntää
push {v} (to burst out of its pot, as a bud or shoot) :: puhjeta
push {v} (snooker: to strike the cue ball in such a way that it stays in contact with the cue and object ball at the same time) :: työntää
push {n} (short, directed application of force; act of pushing) :: työntö
push {n} (act of tensing the muscles of the abdomen in order to expel its contents) :: ponnistus, työntö
push {n} (great effort (to do something)) :: ponnistus
push {n} (attempt to persuade someone) :: painostus
push {n} (military: marching or drill maneuvre) :: siirtyminen eteenpäin
push {v} (to thrust the points of the horns against) SEE: gore ::
push and shove {v} (force oneself through a crowded area) :: töniä, tyrkkiä
push-button {n} /ˈpʊʃˌbʌtn̩/ (electrical switch) :: painonappi
pushcart {n} (small pushable cart) :: työntökärry
pushchair {n} (stroller) SEE: stroller ::
pushdown automaton {n} (automaton) :: pinoautomaatti
push in {v} (jump the queue) SEE: jump the queue ::
Pushkin {prop} (Russian surname) :: Puškin
pushpin {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack ::
pushpit {n} (railing) :: takakaide
pushrod {n} (rod in a piston engine) :: työntötanko
push scooter {n} (a child's foot-operated vehicle) SEE: scooter ::
push the envelope {v} (to go beyond established limits) :: koetella rajoja, rikkoa rajoja
pushup {n} (push-up) SEE: push-up ::
push-up {n} /ˈpʊʃˌʌp/ (exercise performed by resting on one's toes and hands and pushing one's weight off the floor) :: punnerrus
push up daisies {v} (idiomatic: to be dead) :: kasvaa koiranputkea
pusillanimous {adj} /pjuːsəlˈænəməs/ (showing cowardice) :: pelkurimainen
Puss in Boots {prop} (fairy tale) :: Saapasjalkakissa
pussy {n} /ˈpʊsɪ/ (affectionate term for a girl or woman) :: misu, mirri
pussy {n} (informal: affectionate term for a cat) :: kisu, kissimirri, mirri
pussy {n} (slang: female genitalia) :: pillu, tussu [vulgar], pimppi [childish]
pussy {n} (anything soft and furry) :: pörrö
pussy {n} (vulgar: sexual intercourse with a woman) :: pillu
pussy {n} (informal: coward) :: nynny, nössö
pussy {adj} /ˈpʌsi/ (containing pus) :: märkäinen, märkivä
pussy-cat {n} (affectionate term for a cat) :: kisu, kissimirri
pussy-cat {n} (gentle or soft-hearted person) :: lutunen
pussy eating {n} (cunnilingus) :: pillun nuoleminen
pussyfoot {v} /ˈpʊs.iˌfʊt/ (to move silently) :: hiipiä, hipsutella, hipsiä
pussyfoot {v} (to act timidly) :: arastella, hissutella
pussyfoot {v} (to use euphemistic language) :: sievistellä, hyssytellä
pussy magnet {n} (something that attracts women) :: pillumagneetti
pussyman {n} (colloquial: great lover) :: panomies
pussywhipped {adj} (submissive to or dominated by one's wife or other female partner) :: tossun alla, tossutettu
pusta {n} /ˈpʊstə/ (Hungarian steppe) :: pusta
pustule {n} (a small accumulation of pus in the epidermis or dermis) :: märkärakkula, pustula, pusteli
put {v} /pʊt/ (to place something somewhere) :: panna, laittaa, asettaa
put {v} (to bring or set into a certain relation, state or condition) :: panna
put {v} (finance: to exercise a put option) :: käyttää put-optio
put {v} (to express something in a certain manner) :: esittää
put {v} (athletics: to throw an iron ball) :: työntää
put all one's eggs in one basket {v} (to rely on a single source) :: panna kaikki muna sama koriin
put an end to {v} (terminate) :: lopettaa, tehdä loppu
putative {adj} /ˈpju.tə.tɪv/ (commonly believed or deemed to be the case) :: oletettu
put away {v} (to kill someone) SEE: kill ::
put away {v} (to place out of the way) :: panna paikoilleen
put away {v} (to store for later use) :: panna talteen, panna syrjään, panna sivuun, laittaa talteen, laittaa syrjään, laittaa sivuun, säästää
put away {v} (to consume in large quantities) :: ahmia, törsätä
put away {v} (to send (someone) to prison) SEE: imprison ::
put back {v} (to return something to its original place) :: laittaa takaisin, pistää takaisin, panna takaisin
put back {v} (to turn back; to return) :: palata
put back {v} (to postpone an arranged event) :: lykätä
put back {v} (to reset a clock to an earlier time) :: siirtää taaksepäin
put down {v} (set down, stop carrying) :: laskea, laskea maahan
put down {v} (belittle, or demean) :: halventaa, vähätellä
put down {v} (pay a deposit) :: varata, maksaa takuu
put down {v} (halt, eliminate, often by force) :: kukistaa
put down {v} (administer euthanasia to an animal) :: lopettaa
put down {v} (terminate a telephone conversation) :: laskea
put down {v} (add a name to a list) :: kirjata, lisätä, rekisteröidä
put down {v} (drop someone off) :: tiputtaa
put down {v} (cease reading a document) :: laskea käsistään
put down roots {v} (to become settled) :: juurtua
put food on the table {v} :: tuoda leipä pöytään
put forward {v} (to propose for consideration) :: esittää, ehdottaa
Putin {prop} /ˈpuː.tɪn/ (surname) :: Putin
put in a good word {v} (to speak favourably of someone to someone else) :: kehua [+ partitive, for ], suositella [+ partitive, for ]
put in an appearance {v} (attend an event briefly) SEE: make an appearance ::
Putinism {prop} (the political policies of Vladimir Putin) :: putinismi
put in motion {v} (set in motion) SEE: set in motion ::
put in the shade {v} :: jättää varjoonsa
put into practice {v} (make something a practical reality) :: panna täytäntöön
put it there {v} (give me five) :: ylävitonen!
put lipstick on a pig {v} (to superficially alter something) :: kaunistella, laittaa huulipunaa possulle
put off {v} (to delay) :: lykätä
put on {v} (to place upon) :: laittaa ...-n päälle, asettaa ...-n päälle, panna ...-n päälle, pistää ...-lle, pistää ...-n päälle
put on {v} (to don clothing) :: pukea ylleen, laittaa päälle, panna päälle, pistää päälle
put on {v} (to fool, kid, deceive) :: vedättää, laskea leikkiä, pelleillä, vitsailla
put on {v} (to behave in a particular way as a pretense) :: teeskennellä
put on {v} (to play recorded music) :: soittaa, laittaa soimaan, panna soimaan, pistää soimaan
put on {v} (to initiate cooking or warming) :: laittaa tulemaan
put on {v} (to perform for an audience) :: esittää [tr.]; esiintyä [intr.]
put on {v} (to organize a performance for an audience) :: esittää; esiintyä
put on {v} (to hurry up; to move swiftly forward) :: painua tiehensä
put on a brave face {v} :: esittää rohkeaa
put on airs {v} (become haughty, assume a haughty manner) :: mahtailla
put on a pedestal {v} (to hold in very high esteem, especially to an exaggerated degree) :: nostaa jalustalle
put one's affairs in order {v} (prepare for the end of one's life) :: järjestää asiansa
put one's best foot forward {v} (make favorable impression) :: näyttää paras puolensa
put one's cards on the table {v} (to reveal one's true intentions) :: lyödä kortit pöytään
put oneself in someone's shoes {v} (look at a situation as if one were the other person) :: asettua asemaan [+ possessive suffix]
put one's finger on {v} (identify) :: osoittaa sormella
put one's foot in one's mouth {v} (say or do something embarrassing or wrong) :: mokata, päästää sammakko suustaan
put one's pants on one leg at a time {v} (be an ordinary person) :: olla vain ihminen
put one's shoulder to the wheel {v} (work very strenuously) :: tehdä hartiavoimin töitä
put on weight {v} (to become heavier) :: lihoa
put out {adj} (taking offense) :: tuohtunut
put out {v} (place outside or eject) :: laittaa ulos
put out {v} (produce) :: tuottaa
put out {v} (injure a joint in the body) :: vahingoittaa
put out {v} (extinguish) :: sammuttaa
put out {v} (consent to sex) :: antaa
put out of one's mind {v} :: saada pois mielestään
put out of one's misery {v} (informal: to euthanize) :: päästää kärsimyksistä
put out to pasture {v} (to make someone retire) :: siirtää eläkkeelle, panna eläkkeelle
put pen to paper {v} (to write) :: kirjoittaa, kirjoittaa kynällä
put pen to paper {v} (to begin to write) :: tarttua kynään
Putrajaya {prop} (federal territory in Malaysia) :: Putrajaya
Putrajaya {prop} (administrative capital of Malaysia) :: Putrajaya
putrefaction {n} /ˌpjuːtɹəˈfækʃən/ (the act of causing to rot) :: mädätys, mädättäminen, mädännyttäminen
putrefaction {n} (rotted material) :: mätä
putrefaction {n} (the state of being rotted) :: mädäntyminen, mätäneminen
putrescible {adj} /pjuːˈtɹɛsɪb(ə)l/ (Decomposable; capable of becoming putrescent; rottable) :: helposti mätänevä, helposti hajoava
putrid {adj} /ˈpju.tɹəd/ (rotting, rotten, being in a state of putrefaction) :: mätä
put someone in their place {v} (to humble or rebuke) :: näyttää jollekin paikkansa
put something into perspective {v} (to compare with something similar) :: suhteuttaa, asettaa mittasuhteisiin
putt {n} /pʌt/ (act of tapping a golf ball lightly on a putting green) :: putti, puttaus
putt {v} (to lightly strike a golf ball with a putter) :: putata
putt {n} (sound) :: putputus
putt {n} (slang: motorcycle) :: prätkä
putt {v} (to make a putt sound) :: putputtaa
putt {v} (slang: to ride one's motorcycle) :: päristellä
put the blame on {v} (to blame someone) :: syyttää, pitää syyllisenä
put the cart before the horse {v} (to put things in the wrong order) :: toimia nurinkurisesti, mennä takapuoli edellä puuhun, nousta latvasta puuhun
put the cat among the pigeons {v} :: herättää huolta
put the make on {v} (pursue with romantic interest) :: iskeä
put the record straight {v} (set the record straight) SEE: set the record straight ::
putting green {n} (area on a golf course) :: viheriö
putto {n} /ˈpʊtəʊ/ (representation of a small, naked, often winged child) :: putto, kerubi
put to bed {v} (help someone go to bed) :: laittaa nukkumaan
put to death {v} (to kill as punishment) SEE: execute ::
put together {v} (create, assemble or build) :: koota [sthg concrete], koostaa [sthg abstract]
put together {adj} (in total) :: yhteensä, yhdessä
put to good use {v} (make good use of something) :: laittaa hyötykäyttöön, panna hyötykäyttöön
put to shame {v} (to humiliate; disgrace) :: saattaa häpeään
put to shame {v} (to outdo thoroughly) :: saattaa häpeään
put to sleep {v} (to give an anesthetic) :: nukuttaa
put to sleep {v} (to help someone to bed) SEE: put to bed ::
put to the sword {v} (to execute with a sword) :: surmata miekalla
put to use {v} (to utilise) :: käyttää, ottaa käyttöön
put to words {v} (verbally express) SEE: articulate ::
putty {n} /ˈpʌti/ (a form of cement) :: kitti
putty {n} (any of a range of similar substances) :: silote
putty {v} (to fix something using putty) :: kitata
put up {v} (to place in a high location) :: nostaa
put up {v} (to hang or mount) :: ripustaa, kiinnittää
put up {v} (to cajole) :: yllyttää
put up {v} (to store away) :: panna paikoilleen
put up {v} (to house, shelter) :: majoittaa
put up {v} (to present) :: panna pystyyn
put up {v} (to put up with) SEE: put up with ::
put up a fight {v} (to offer some form of resistance to an attack) :: taistella vastaan, tapella vastaan, laittaa vastaan
put up with {v} :: sietää, sulattaa
put words in someone's mouth {v} (say or imply that someone has said a thing) :: laittaa sanoja jonkun suuhun, panna sanoja jonkun suuhun
puukko {n} (type of sharp, pointed knife of Nordic heritage) :: puukko
puzzle {n} (crossword puzzle) SEE: crossword ::
puzzle {n} /ˈpʌzəl/ (anything difficult to understand or make sense of) :: arvoitus
puzzle {n} (game for one person) :: pulma, pähkinä, tehtävä
puzzle {n} (riddle) :: arvoitus
puzzle {v} (to perplex) :: askarruttaa
puzzle {n} (jigsaw puzzle) SEE: jigsaw puzzle ::
puzzled {adj} /ˈpʌ.zl̩d/ (confused or perplexed) :: ymmällään, hämmentynyt
PVC {n} ((organic compound) polyvinyl chloride) SEE: polyvinyl chloride ::
pygidium {n} (The posteriormost portion of certain arthropods) :: peräkilpi
pygmy {n} /pɪɡmiː/ (a member of various African peoples) :: pygmi
pygmy {n} (a member of a mythological race of dwarfs) :: kääpiö
pygmy cormorant {n} (Microcarbo pygmaeus) :: pikkumerimetso
pygmy hippopotamus {n} (Hexaprotodon liberiensis) :: kääpiövirtahepo, pikkuvirtahepo
pygmy sperm whale {n} (whale in the sperm whale family) :: kääpiökaskelotti
Pyhtää {prop} (municipality) :: Pyhtää
pyknic {n} (short, thickset person) :: pyknikko
pykrete {n} (substance) :: pykriitti
pylon {n} (obelisk) SEE: obelisk ::
pylon {n} (traffic cone) SEE: traffic cone ::
pyoderma {n} (infection of the skin) :: pyodermia
Pyongyang {prop} /ˌpjɑŋˈjæŋ/ (capital of North Korea) :: Pjongjang
Pyongyangite {n} (native or inhabitant of Pyongyang) :: pjongjangilainen
pyralid {n} (moth of the family Pyralidae) SEE: snout moth ::
pyramid {n} /ˈpɪɹəmɪd/ (ancient construction) :: pyramidi
pyramid {n} (construction) :: pyramidi
pyramid {n} (in geometry, a solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base) :: pyramidi, särmäkartio
pyramid {n} (pyramid scheme) SEE: pyramid scheme ::
pyramidologist {n} (one who studies pyramidology) :: pyramidologi
pyramidology {n} (study of pyramids, but from a supernatural or new-age perspective) :: pyramidologia
pyramid roof {n} (roof shape) :: pyramidikatto, nelilapekatto
pyramid scheme {n} (illicit money-making scheme) :: pyramidihuijaus
pyranose {n} (cyclic hemiacetal) :: pyranoosi
pyrargyrite {n} (a mineral, silver sulfantimonide) :: pyrargyriitti
pyre {n} /ˈpaɪɚ/ (funeral pile) :: hautarovio, rovio
pyre {n} (heap of combustibles) :: kokko, rovio
Pyrenees {prop} (the mountain range separating Spain from France) :: Pyreneet
pyriform {adj} (pear-shaped) :: päärynänmuotoinen
pyrimidine {n} /paɪˈɹɪ.mɪˌdiːn/ (diazine in which the two nitrogen atoms are in the meta-positions) :: pyrimidiini
pyrite {n} /ˈpaɪ.ɹaɪt/ (mineral iron disulfide) :: pyriitti
pyro {n} /ˈpaɪɹəʊ/ (a pyromaniac) :: pyromaani
pyrochlore {n} (mineral) :: pyrokloori
pyroclastic {adj} (composed of volcanic rock fragments) :: tuliperäinen
pyroclastic flow {n} /ˈpʌɪ.ɹə.kla.stɪk fləʊ/ (pyroclastic flow) :: pyroklastinen tuhkapilvi
pyrokinesis {n} /ˌpaɪroʊkɪˈniːsɪs/ (the ability to set objects or people on fire) :: pyrokinesia
pyrolusite {n} (a mineral, manganese dioxide) :: pyrolusiitti
pyrolysis {n} /pɪˈɹɒlɪsɪs/ (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents) :: pyrolyysi
pyromania {n} /ˌpʌɪɹə(ʊ)ˈmeɪnɪə/ (disorder) :: pyromania
pyromaniac {n} /ˌpaɪɹoʊˈmeɪniæk/ (one who is obsessed with fire) :: pyromaani
pyrope {n} (mineral) :: pyrooppi
pyrophyllite {n} (mineral) :: pyrofylliitti
pyrosis {n} (burning sensation due to reflux) :: närästys, pyroosi
pyrotechnic {adj} /ˌpaɪɹoʊˈtɛknɪk/ (of or relating to fireworks) :: pyrotekninen
pyrotechnic {adj} (of or relating to the use of fire in chemistry or metallurgy) :: pyrotekninen
pyrotechnic {adj} (resembling fireworks) :: ilotulitusmainen
pyrotechnic {adj} (of or relating to pyrotechny) :: pyrotekninen, räjähdystekninen
pyrotechnical {adj} (of or pertaininf to pyrotechnics) :: pyrotekninen
pyrotechnical {adj} (resembling fireworks) :: ilotulitusmainen
pyrotechnics {n} (firework) SEE: firework ::
pyrotechnics {n} /ˌpaɪ.ɹə.ˈtɛk.nəks/ (art and technology of fireworks) :: pyrotekniikka
pyrotechnics {n} (an impressive display) :: ilotulitus
pyrotechny {n} (manufacture and use of fireworks) :: pyrotekniikka
pyrotechny {n} (use of fire in chemistry and metallurgy) :: pyrotekniikka
pyrotechny {n} (manufacture of gunpowder, bombs etc.) :: räjähdysaineiden valmistus
pyroxene {n} /paɪˈɹɑksin/ (mineral) :: pyrokseeni
pyrrhic {adj} /ˈpɪɹ.ɪk/ (Of or characterized by pyrrhics) :: pyrrhinen
Pyrrhic victory {n} /ˌpɪɹ.ɪk ˈvɪk.t(ə)ɹ.i/ (a costly victory) :: Pyrrhoksen voitto
pyrrhotite {n} /ˈpɪɹətaɪt/ :: magneettikiisu, pyrrotiitti
Pyrrhus {prop} /ˈpaɪɹəs/ (Greek given name) :: Pyrrhos
pyrrole {n} /ˈpɪɹəʊl/ (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds) :: pyroli
pyruvate {n} /pʌɪˈɹuː.veɪt/ (any salt or ester of pyruvic acid) :: pyruvaatti
pyruvic acid {n} /pʌɪˌruː.vɪk ˈas.ɪd/ (simplest aliphatic keto acid) :: palorypälehappo
Pythagoras {prop} /pɪˈθæɡ.əɹ.əs/ (Ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher) :: Pythagoras
Pythagorean {n} /pɪˌθaɡəˈɹiːən/ (follower of Pythagoras) :: pythagoralainen
Pythagorean {adj} (of or relating to Pythagoras or his philosophy) :: pythagoralainen
Pythagoreanism {n} (beliefs held by Pythagoras and his followers) :: pythagoralaisuus
Pythagorean theorem {prop} (mathematical theorem) :: Pythagoraan lause
python {n} /ˈpaɪθɑːn/ (constricting snake) :: pyton
pyx {n} /pɪks/ (container for consecrated bread) :: öylättirasia
pyx {n} (anatomy: pyxis) SEE: pyxis ::
pyxis {n} (anatomy: acetabulum) SEE: acetabulum ::
pyxis {n} (nautical compass) :: laivakompassi
Pyxis {prop} (constellation) :: Kompassi