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Documentation for Template:ko-conj-adj. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

See also Template:ko-conj-verb

House of pain


Adjectives with vowel-ending adjective stems


Regular: if stem ending vowel is ㅏ


Regular: if stem ending vowel is ㅐ, ㅔ, ㅗ, ㅚ or ㅣ


Regular: otherwise


Irregular: 하다 and adjectives ending with it


Irregular: 르-ending stem

르 irregular
러 irregular

Irregular: ㅡ-ending stem


Adjectives with consonant-ending adjective stems


Regular: if stem ending consonant is ㄶ or ㅀ


Regular: if stem ending consonant is ㄹ


Regular: if stem ending consonant is ㄺ


Regular: if stem ending consonant is ㅎ


Regular: otherwise


Irregular: ㅂ-ending stem


Irregular: ㅅ-ending stem


Irregular: ㅎ-ending stem
