I learned a new trick from you today, but it is giving an error

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Kephir
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Thank you. While we're on the subject, do you know if it is possible to link to a specific page in a flash book like this one?

Vahag (talk)07:57, 4 July 2014

I examined the viewer thoroughly and found no such functionality in it, even undocumented. But I also noticed that for this particular book, individual pages are stored under URLs of the form http://greenstone.flib.sci.am/gsdl/collect/armenian/Books/bararan/Page_{{{number}}}.swf — so at least you can link to that. Still right-clicking the viewer and downloading the PDF seems better. Good thing you can do that.

You really should not expect a silver bullet here, though.

Keφr08:35, 4 July 2014

Thanks. The silver bullet is uploading it to archive.org, which I shall do presently.

Vahag (talk)09:07, 4 July 2014