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Blend of occult +‎ cultural or occulture +‎ -al.





occultural (not comparable)

  1. (imprecisely) Of or pertaining to the occult; occultic.
    • 1992, Small Press Group of Britain, Yearbook, page 195:
      Temple Press is amongst the leading publishers and distributors of a wide range of radical and occultural material.
    • 2004, Nathaniel Harris, Witcha: A Book of Cunning, page 163:
      Common occultural lingo includes many references to energy.
  2. (properly) Of or pertaining to occulture.
    • 2005, Christopher Hugh Partridge, The Re-Enchantment of the West, volume 1, page 147:
      If there is some truth both to the argument concerning the significance of popular music and also to the argument concerning the emergence and significance of occulture in the West, then one would expect popular music, at certain points, to reflect occultural commitment and to be implicated in the process of sacralization.
    • 2007, Gordon Lynch, The New Spirituality: An Introduction to Progressive Belief in the Twenty-first Century, page 111:
      The increasing pervasiveness of this occultural milieu across society suggests that it is beginning to displace institutional Christianity as the dominant religious culture.



For more quotations using this term, see Citations:occultural.

