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to fill; to fulfil; filled
to fill; to fulfil; filled; packed; Manchurian
to lead to failure modest to benefit; to profit
trad. (滿招損,謙受益) 滿 招損 受益
simp. (满招损,谦受益) 招损 受益


無遠弗屆滿招損,謙受益天道 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
无远弗届满招损,谦受益天道 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: The Book of Documents, circa 4th – 3rd century BCE
Wéi dé dòng tiān, wú yuǎn fú jiè, mǎn zhāosǔn, qiān shòuyì, shí nǎi tiāndào. [Pinyin]
It is virtue that moves Heaven; there is no distance to which it does not reach. Pride brings loss, and humility receives increase - this is the way of Heaven.






  1. A conceited person receives failure, whereas a modest person receives benefits; pride comes before a fall