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Old Church Slavonic




плѣнъ (plěnŭ) +‎ -ьникъ (-ĭnikŭ)



плѣньникъ (plěnĭnikŭm

  1. hostage
  2. captive, prisoner
    • Ретъко, editor (1025±50?), Codex Suprasliensis[1] (in Old Church Slavonic), page (leaf) 230, line 25:
      и҅ сѣдꙙштии҅хъ вь҆ ть҆мѣ и҅ въ сѣни съмрьтьнѣ хоштетъ посѣтити · ибо плѣнника а҅дама и҅ плѣнꙿницѫ е҅угѫ · о҅тꙿ страстии раꙁдрѣшитъ · грꙙдетъ ꙗ҅ко б꙯ъ · и҅ сꙑнъ ѥ҅ю̑ ·
      And he wants to visit those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death, and indeed, to loose the captive Adam and the captive Eve from their suffering, he goes as (both) God and their son.