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From Proto-Mordvinic *tevə~*ťevə, from Proto-Finno-Permic [Finno-Volgaic] *tewe, whence Finnish työ, Veps , Livonian tīe.

Can be reanalyzed as derivative from теемс (ťejems) with (-v) suffix, mostly unproductive.


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тев (ťev)

  1. deed, act, thing
    тевс ютавтнемсťevs jutavtńemsto materialize
    • 1910, Makar Evsevievich Evseviev, Gospoda nashego Iisusa Hrista Svyatoe Evangelie ot Matfeya, Marka, Luki i Ioanna na mordovskom yazyke[1], page 231:
      Мон ёвтынь теҥк мастор лаҥгонь тевде, да тынь а кемдядо, — кода ино кемдядо, ёвтыньдерян теҥк менелень тевде?
      I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?
  2. case
    тевате тевсэнтьťevaťe ťevsenťin this case



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Derived terms



  • B. A. Serebrennikov, R. N. Buzakova, M. V. Mosin (1993) “тев”, in Эрзянь-рузонь валкс [Erzya-Russian dictionary], Moscow: Русский язык, →ISBN
  • Entry #1643 in Uralonet, online Uralic etymological database of the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics.
  • Keresztes, László (1986) Geschichte der mordwinischen Konsonantismus II. Etymologisches Belegmaterial[2], Szeged: Studia Uralo-Altaica 26.