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Borrowed from Polish tłuszcz.[1]


  • IPA(key): [tɫuʂt͡ʂ]
  • Audio:(file)
  • Rhymes: -uʂt͡ʂ
  • Hyphenation: тлушч



тлушч (tluščm inan (genitive тлу́шчу, nominative plural тлу́шчы, genitive plural тлу́шчаў, relational adjective тлу́шчавы, diminutive тлу́шчык)

  1. fat (a water-insoluble oily substance found in animal and plant tissues)
    Synonym: жыр (žyr)
    • 1938 [1848], Charles Dickens, anonymous translator, Домбі і сын, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Dombey and Son, page 341:
      Брудны кнот спачатку гарэў цмяна пад аплываючым тлушчам; калі-ж мутныя і аслабшыя вочы старой здолелі нешта разгледзець пры гэтым святле, госця ўжо сядзела, склаўшы накрыж рукі і апусціўшы вочы, а хустка, якая была завязана на галаве, ляжала каля яе на стале.
      Brudny knot spačatku hareŭ cmjana pad aplyvajučym tluščam; kali-ž mutnyja i aslabšyja vóčy starój zdóljeli nješta razhljedzjecʹ pry hetym svjatlje, hóscja ŭžo sjadzjela, sklaŭšy nakryž ruki i apusciŭšy vóčy, a xustka, jakaja byla zavjazana na halavje, ljažala kalja jaje na stalje.
      [original: Its dirty wick burnt dimly at first, being choked in its own grease; and when the bleared eyes and failing sight of the old woman could distinguish anything by its light, her visitor was sitting with her arms folded, her eyes turned downwards, and a handkerchief she had worn upon her head lying on the table by her side.]
    • 1938 [1883], Robert Louis Stevenson, anonymous translator, Востраў скарбаў, Minsk: ДВБ, translation of Treasure Island, page 53:
      Гэта быў чалавек з трыма пальцамі, з блішчэўшым ад тлушча тварам, той самы, які прыходзіў да нас у карчму.
      Heta byŭ čalavjek z tryma palʹcami, z bliščeŭšym ad tlušča tvaram, toj samy, jaki pryxódziŭ da nas u karčmu.
      [original: It was the tallow-faced man, wanting two fingers, who had come first to the "Admiral Benbow."]
      That was the tallow-faced man with three fingers, the one who had come first to our inn.




  1. ^ Martynaŭ, V. U., Tsykhun, G. A., editors (1978–2017), “тлушч”, in Этымалагічны слоўнік беларускай мовы [Etymological Dictionary of the Belarusian Language] (in Belarusian), Minsk: Belaruskaia navuka

Further reading

  • тлушч”, in Skarnik's Belarusian dictionary (in Belarusian), based on Kandrat Krapiva's Explanatory Dictionary of the Belarusian Language (1977-1984)
  • тлушч” in Belarusian–Russian dictionaries and Belarusian dictionaries at slounik.org