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Borrowed from Classical Syriac ܡܛܚܬܐ (məṭaḥṯā, lambative).





مُطَحْثَا (muṭaḥṯāf (obsolete)

  1. linctus, a lick of a drug
    Synonym: لَعُوق (laʕūq)
    • c. 900, أبو بكر محمد بن زكريا الرازي (Rhazes), edited by Oliver Kahl, The Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian Sources in the Comprehensive Book of Rhazes (كتاب الحاوي) (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science. Texts and Studies; 93), Leiden: Brill, published 2015, →ISBN, rḥ 21.1/331,10ff., page 259:
      الخوز: الكرسنة حب تأكله البقر بالمغرب وهو نافع إذا طلى من السعفة ووجع الأذن وينفع من السعال متى خلط بالمخيطا ويسقى مع المطحثا للسعال أيضا وهو حب يشبه حب السفرجل.
      The Ḫūz: ‘The vetch is a crop that is eaten by cattle in the Maghreb; when applied as a paste, it is useful against scabies and earache; it is (also) useful against coughing when mixed with sebesten, or else taken together with an anti-cough linctus; its seeds resemble those of the quince’.

