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Unclear.[1] The preservation of the cluster -st- universally rules out Sanskrit inheritance; most Indo-Aryan languages would have assimilated that to -tt-. Given the widespread distribution of the term, it would have been an early borrowing or a borrowing from an influential language. Cognate with Assamese সস্তা (xosta), Bengali সস্তা (śosta), Hindustani سستا / सस्ता (sastā), the hypercorrected Marathi स्वस्त (svasta) (earlier सस्त (sasta)), Nepali सस्तो (sasto), Odia ଶସ୍ତା (śastā), Punjabi ਸਸਤਾ (sastā), Sindhi سَستو (sasto), and Sylheti ꠢꠍꠔꠣ (hosta).





સસ્તું (sastũ)

  1. cheap, inexpensive
    Synonym: સોંઘું (soṅghũ)


Declension of સસ્તું
nominative oblique/vocative/instrumental locative
singular plural singular plural
masculine સસ્તો (sasto) સસ્તા (sastā) સસ્તા (sastā) સસ્તા (sastā) સસ્તે (saste)
neuter સસ્તું (sastũ) સસ્તાં (sastā̃) સસ્તા (sastā) સસ્તાં (sastā̃) સસ્તે (saste)
feminine સસ્તી (sastī) સસ્તી (sastī) સસ્તી (sastī) સસ્તી (sastī)
  • Note: If the noun being modified is unmarked, then the masculine and neuter locatives do not apply.


  1. ^ McGregor, Ronald Stuart (1993) “સસ્તું”, in The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, London: Oxford University Press
  2. ^ Dāsa, Śyāmasundara (1965–1975) “સસ્તું”, in Hindī Śabdasāgara [lit. Sea of Hindi words] (in Hindi), Kashi [Varanasi]: Nagari Pracarini Sabha
  3. ^ Platts, John T. (1884) “સસ્તું”, in A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English, London: W. H. Allen & Co.
  4. ^ The template Template:R:Fallon does not use the parameter(s):
    Please see Module:checkparams for help with this warning.
    S. W. Fallon (1879) “સસ્તું”, in A New Hindustani-English Dictionary, Banaras, London: Trubner and Co.
  5. ^ Tulpule, Shankar Gopal; Feldhaus, Anne, “सवंग”, in A Dictionary of Old Marathi, Mumbai: Popular Prakashan, 1999.