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ערבי (arví / araví) (feminine ערבית, masculine plural ערביים, feminine plural עַרְבִיּוֹת)

  1. Arab, Arabic: of or pertaining to Arabs, Arab culture, or the Arabic language
    • a. 217 C.E., Mishnah, Ohalot 18:10:
      • עֲשָׂרָה מְקוֹמוֹת אֵין בָּהֶן מִשּׁוּם מְדוֹר גּוֹיִם. אָהֳלֵי הָעַרְבִיִּים, וְהַסֻּכּוֹת, וְהַצְּרִיפִין, וְהַבֻּרְגָּנִין, וְהָאַלְקְטִיּוֹת, וּבֵית שַׁעַר, וַאֲוִירָהּ שֶׁל חָצֵר, וְהַמֶּרְחָץ, וּמְקוֹם הַחִצִּים, וּמְקוֹם הַלִּגְיוֹנוֹת
        'Asarah m'komot ein ba-hen mishum m-dor goyim. Aholei ha-'ariviyim, v-ha-sukot, v-ha-tsrifin, v-ha-burganin, v-ha-alktiyot, u-veit shá'ar, va-avirah shel ḥatser, v-ha-merḥats, u-m'kom ha-ḥitsim, u-m'kom ha-ligyonot.
        Ten places are not treated as the dwelling place of a non-Jew: Arab tents, huts, lean-tos, sheds, summer houses, a gate house, open space in a courtyard, a bath-house, a place of arrows, and a place of legions.
    • 2019 April 9, Samah Salaime, “מי תהיה הנרצחת הבאה? הרולטה של 2019 התחילה להסתובב [Who will be the next murder victim? The 2019 roulette begins to spin.]”, in HaMakom HaKi Kham b'Geyhinom[1]:
      למלחמה ברצח נשים ואלימות מגדרית יש פתרונות, חלקם קיימים ומתוקצבים - אבל הכסף לא עובר ונשים ממשיכות למות: יהודיות, מהגרות, ובעיקר נשים ערביות.
      There are solutions to the war against the murder of women and gender violence, some of which exist and are budgeted - but the money does not pass and women continue to die: Jewish women, migrant women, and especially Arab women.

Derived terms




עֲרָבִי (aravím (plural indefinite ערבים, singular construct ערבי־, plural construct ערביי־, feminine counterpart ערביה)

  1. a (male) Arab: a (male) Arab person
    • Tanach, Isaiah 13:20, with translation of the English Standard Version:
      לֹא־תֵשֵׁב לָנֶצַח וְלֹא תִשְׁכֹּן עַד־דּוֹר וָדוֹר וְלֹא־יַהֵל שָׁם עֲרָבִי וְרֹעִים לֹא־יַרְבִּצוּ שָׁם׃
      Lo teshev la-netsaḥ v-lo tishkon 'ad dor va-dor v-lo yahel sham 'aravi v-ro'im lo yarbitsu sham.
      It will never be inhabited or lived in for all generations; no Arab will pitch his tent there; no shepherds will make their flocks lie down there.
    • a. 500 C.E., Babylonian Talmud, Yoma 47a:
      אָמְרוּ עָלָיו עַל רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל בֶּן קִמְחִית: פַּעַם אַחַת סִפֵּר דְּבָרִים עִם עֲרָבִי אֶחָד בַּשּׁוּק וְנָתְזָה צִינּוֹרָא מִפִּיו עַל בְּגָדָיו.
      Amru alav al Rabbi Yishma'el ben Qimḥit: Pá'am aḥat siper d'varim im Aravi eḥad ba-shuq v-nat'za tsinnóra mi-piv al b'gadav.
      They said about Rabbi Yishmael ben Kimchit: One time he was speaking with one Arab in the market and a drop was sprayed from his mouth onto his clothes.



עַרְבֵי ('ar'vé)

  1. plural construct state form of עֶרֶב ('érev)
    • a. 217 C.E., Mishnah, Pesachim 10:1:
      עַרְבֵי פְסָחִים סָמוּךְ לַמִּנְחָה
      'Arvei f'saḥim samukh l-minḥah
      The evenings before Passover close to the afternoon service



עַרְבֵי ('ar'vé)

  1. plural construct state form of עֲרָבָה (araváh)
    • Tanach, Job 40:22, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      יְסֻכֻּהוּ צֶאֱלִים צִֽלֲלוֹ יְסֻבּוּהוּ עַרְבֵי־נָחַל׃
      y'sukuhu tse'elim ts'lalo; s'subuhu 'arvei náḥal
      The lotus-trees cover him with their shadow; The willows of the brook compass him about.