Module:links: difference between revisions

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Content deleted Content added
whoops, fix stupid mistake in previous: can no longer get text.args[2] after setting text = text.args[1]
added ¿, ¡, ;, , , , , (Spanish inverted, Devanagari, Greek semicolon, fullwidth Japanese/Chinese, Burmese diacritics
Line 312: Line 312:
-- Remove general punctuation
-- Remove general punctuation
text = gsub(text, "[؟?!՛՜ ՞ ՟]$", "")
text = gsub(text, "[؟?¿!¡;՛՜ ՞ ՟?!।॥။၊]$", "")

-- Replace diacritics and other characters according to the specifications of the language; see entry_name in [[Module:languages#Values]]
-- Replace diacritics and other characters according to the specifications of the language; see entry_name in [[Module:languages#Values]]

Revision as of 00:40, 24 October 2013

This module provides many useful utility functions for creating and processing wikilinks within Wiktionary. It is used by the linking templates {{m}} and {{l}} through the functions in Module:links/templates.



function export.template_l_term(frame)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

function export.full_link(term, alt, lang, sc, face, id, annotations, curtitle)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

function export.format_link_annotations(lang, annotations, face)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

function export.language_link(text, alt, lang, id, curtitle)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.make_pagename(text, lang)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


function export.remove_diacritics(text, lang)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.

function export.remove_links(text)

This function lacks documentation. Please add a description of its usages, inputs and outputs, or its difference from similar functions, or make it local to remove it from the function list.


Contents of data module

Lua error at line 1: data for mw.loadData contains unsupported data type 'function'

local m_languages = mw.loadData("Module:languages")

local export = {}

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub

--TODO: move to [[Module:languages]]
local override_translit = {
	["ab"] = true,
	["abq"] = true,
	["ady"] = true,
	["av"] = true,
	["axm"] = true,
	["ba"] = true,
	["bua"] = true,	
	["ce"] = true,
	["chm"] = true,
	["cv"] = true,	
	["dar"] = true,
	["el"] = true,
	["hy"] = true,
	["inh"] = true,
	["ka"] = true,
	["kk"] = true,
	["kbd"] = true,
	["kjh"] = true,
	["ky"] = true,
	["lbe"] = true,
	["lez"] = true,
	["lzz"] = true,
	["mdf"] = true,
	["mn"] = true,
	["myv"] = true,
	["oge"] = true,
	["os"] = true,
	["sah"] = true,
	["si"] = true,
	["sva"] = true,
	["tab"] = true,
	["tg"] = true,
	["udm"] = true,
	["xal"] = true,
	["xcl"] = true,
	["xmf"] = true,

-- Used in [[Template:l]] and [[Template:term]]
function export.template_l_term(frame)
	local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")

	local face = frame.args["face"]; if face ~= "term" then face = nil end
	-- Compatibility mode.
	-- If given a nonempty value, the function uses lang= to specify the
	-- language, and all the positional parameters shift one number lower.
	local compat = (frame.args["compat"] or "") ~= ""
	local args = frame:getParent().args

	local lang = args[(compat and "lang" or 1)]
	if lang == nil or lang == "" then
		-- Temporary. Unfortunately, many pages are missing the language parameter.
		-- These all need to be fixed, but until then this is needed to avoid
		-- thousands of script errors. See [[:Category:term cleanup]]!
		if compat then
			lang = "und"
			error("The first parameter (language code) has not been given")

	local sc = args["sc"]; if sc == "" then sc = nil end

	local term = args[(compat and 1 or 2)]; if term == "" then term = nil end
	local alt = args[(compat and 2 or 3)]; if alt == "" then alt = nil end
	local id = args["id"]; if id == "" then id = nil end
	local tr = args["tr"]; if tr == "" then tr = nil end
	local gloss = args["gloss"] or args[(compat and 3 or 4)]; if gloss == "" then gloss = nil end
	local pos = args["pos"]; if pos == "" then pos = nil end
	local lit = args["lit"]; if lit == "" then lit = nil end

	-- Gather gender and number specifications
	-- Iterate over all gn parameters (g2, g3 and so on) until one is empty
	local genders = {}
	local g = args["g"] or ""
	local i = 2
	while g ~= "" do
		table.insert(genders, g)
		g = args["g" .. i] or ""
		i = i + 1
	-- Forward the information to full_link
	return export.full_link(term, alt, lang, sc, face, id, {tr = tr, genders = genders, gloss = gloss, pos = pos, lit = lit})

-- A version of {{l}} or {{term}} that can be called from other modules too
function export.full_link(term, alt, lang, sc, face, id, annotations, curtitle)
	local langinfo = m_languages[lang] or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")

	-- Some entries use this as a filler when the native script is missing.
	if term == "..." then error("Term is \"...\", should probably be empty") end
	if alt == "..." then error("Alt is \"...\", should probably be empty") end
	-- Create the link
	local link = ""

	local m_utilities = require("Module:utilities")
	local m_scriptutils = require("Module:script utilities")
	local scFix = false
	-- Is there any text to show?
	if (term or alt) then
		-- Try to detect the script if it was not provided
		if not sc then
			sc, scFix = m_utilities.detect_script(alt or term, lang)
		-- Only make a link if the term has been given, otherwise just show the alt text without a link
		link = m_scriptutils.tag_text(term and export.language_link(term, alt, lang, id, curtitle) or alt, lang, sc, face)
		-- No term to show.
		-- Is there at least a transliteration we can work from?
		link = m_scriptutils.request_script(lang, sc)
		if link == "" or not annotations["tr"] or annotations["tr"] == "-" then
			-- No link to show, and no transliteration either. Just show an error because can't really do anything now.
			error("At least one of the following should be provided: the term, alternative display, transliteration")

	local mantrFix, redtrFix
	local manual_tr = ""

	if annotations["tr"] == "" or annotations["tr"] == "-" then
		annotations["tr"] = nil
	elseif (term or alt) and not ((sc:find("Latn", nil, true)) or sc == "Latinx" or sc == "unicode") and (not annotations["tr"] or override_translit[lang]) then
		-- Try to generate a transliteration if necessary
		local automated_tr
		automated_tr = m_scriptutils.transliterate(export.remove_links(alt or term), lang, sc)
		if automated_tr then
		   if annotations["tr"] ~= automated_tr then
			   if annotations["tr"] then
				   manual_tr = annotations["tr"]
				   mantrFix = true
			   annotations["tr"] = automated_tr
			   redtrFix = true
	return link .. export.format_link_annotations(lang, annotations, face)
				.. (scFix and "[[Category:Terms using script detection fallback]][[Category:Terms using script detection fallback/" .. lang .. "]]" or "")
				.. (mantrFix and "[[Category:Terms with manual transliterations different from the automated ones]][[Category:Terms with manual transliterations different from the automated ones/" .. lang .. "]]" or "")
				.. (redtrFix and "[[Category:Terms with redundant transliterations]]" or "")

-- Format the annotations (things following the linked term)
function export.format_link_annotations(lang, annotations, face)
	local ret = ""
	-- Interwiki link
	if annotations["interwiki"] then
		ret = ret .. annotations["interwiki"]
	-- Genders
	if annotations["genders"] and #annotations["genders"] > 0 then
		local gen = require("Module:gender and number")
		ret = ret .. " " .. gen.format_list(annotations["genders"], lang)
	local glosses = {}
	-- Transliteration
	if annotations["tr"] then
		if face == "term" then
			table.insert(glosses, "<span lang=\"\" class=\"mention-tr\">" .. annotations["tr"] .. "</span>")
			table.insert(glosses, "<span lang=\"\">" .. annotations["tr"] .. "</span>")

	-- Gloss/translation
	if annotations["gloss"] then
		table.insert(glosses, "<span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">“</span><span class='mention-gloss'>" .. annotations["gloss"] .. "</span><span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">”</span>")
	-- Part of speech
	-- TODO: remove
	if annotations["pos"] then
		local pos_template = mw.title.makeTitle("Template", "pos " .. annotations["pos"])

		if pos_template and pos_template.exists then
			table.insert(glosses, mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{title = "pos " .. annotations["pos"]})
			table.insert(glosses, annotations["pos"])

	-- Literal/sum-of-parts meaning
	if annotations["lit"] then
		table.insert(glosses, "literally <span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">“</span><span class='mention-gloss'>" .. annotations["lit"] .. "</span><span class=\"mention-gloss-double-quote\">”</span>")

	if #glosses > 0 then
		ret = ret .. " (" .. table.concat(glosses, ", ") .. ")"

	return ret

-- Creates a basic wikilink to the given term. If the text already contains
-- links, these are replaced with links to the correct section.
function export.language_link(text, alt, lang, id, curtitle)
	local langinfo = m_languages[lang] or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
	-- Do not add a section link to "Undetermined".
	-- TabbedLanguages handles links without a section by linking to the "last visited"
	-- section, but adding "Undetermined" would mess that up when {{term}} lacks a language.
	if lang ~= "und" then
		id = "#" .. langinfo.names[1] .. (id and "-" .. id or "")
		id = ""
	local sectFix = false
	local tracking = ""
	if text and text:gsub("&#[Xx]?[0-9A-Fa-f]+;", ""):find("#", nil, true) then
		sectFix = true
	-- takes target page's title and linktitle and return a standard wikilink if necessary
	local core = function(target, linktitle)
		-- Don't link to appendix if the language is undetermined
		if lang == "und" and target:sub(0, 1) == "*" then
			return linktitle or target
		local target2 = export.make_pagename(target, lang)
		-- Don't link to the current page; return bold form of the linktitle
		if target2 == curtitle then
			return "<strong class=\"selflink\">" .. (linktitle or target) .. "</strong>"
		if linktitle then
			local new = export.remove_diacritics(linktitle, lang)
			if target == new then
				tracking = tracking .. "[[Category:Link alt form tracking/redundant]][[Category:Link alt form tracking/redundant/" .. lang .. "]]"
		return "[[" .. target2 .. id .. "|" .. (linktitle or target) .. "]]"
	-- Do we have embedded wikilinks?
	if text:find("[[", nil, true) then
		-- fix for linking to unattested terms that are consisted of more than one word
		if text:sub(0, 1) == "*" then
			text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^%*][^#%]]-)|", "[[*%1|")
			text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^%*][^#|]-)%]", "[[*%1|%1]")
		-- find embedded wikilinks and improve them
		text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^#|%]]-)|(.-)%]%]", core)
		text = gsub(text, "%[%[([^#|%]]-)%]%]", core)

		-- remove the extra "*" at the beginning
		text = gsub(text, "^%*%[%[(.-)|%*", "[[%1|*")
		-- there is no embedded wikilink
		text = core(text, alt)
	return text .. (sectFix and "[[Category:Link with section]]" or "") .. tracking

-- Creates the appropriate page name from the given term.
-- This removes diacritics and adds Appendix: when necessary.
function export.make_pagename(text, lang)
	langinfo = m_languages[lang] or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
	-- Remove diacritics from the page name
	text = export.remove_diacritics(text, lang)
	-- Link to appendix for reconstructed terms and terms in appendix-only languages
	if mw.ustring.sub(text, 0, 1) == "*" then
		text = "Appendix:" .. langinfo.names[1] .. "/" .. mw.ustring.sub(text, 2)
	elseif langinfo.type == "reconstructed" then
		error("The specified language " .. langinfo.names[1] .. " is unattested,"
			  .. " while the given word is not marked with '*' to indicate that it is reconstructed")
	elseif langinfo.type == "appendix-constructed" then
		text = "Appendix:" .. langinfo.names[1] .. "/" .. text

	return text

-- Removes characters from a term that do not belong in the page name.
-- This includes any diacritics displayed in the headword line or alternative
-- display, but left out of the entry names.
function export.remove_diacritics(text, lang)
	if type(text) == "table" then   text, lang = text.args[1], text.args[2]    end
	local langinfo = m_languages[lang] or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.")
	-- Remove general punctuation
	text = gsub(text, "[؟?¿!¡;՛՜ ՞ ՟?!।॥။၊]$", "")

	-- Replace diacritics and other characters according to the specifications of the language; see entry_name in [[Module:languages#Values]]
	if langinfo.entry_name then
		for i, from in ipairs(langinfo.entry_name.from) do
			local to =[i] or ""
			text = gsub(text, from, to)

	return text

-- Strips all square brackets out or replaces them.
function export.remove_links(text)
	if type(text) == "table" then text = text.args[1] end; if not text then text = "" end

	text = text:gsub("%[%[[^|%]]-|", "")
	text = text:gsub("%[%[", "")
	text = text:gsub("%]%]", "")

	return text

return export