Alpine republic

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Alpine republic (plural Alpine republics)

  1. (informal, often journalistic) A country in the Alps; usually Switzerland or Austria.
    • 2000 February 29, Kate Connolly, “No way out”, in The Guardian[1], →ISSN:
      The normally sleepy Alpine republic has just experienced the worst three weeks in its post-war history after the election of a coalition of the Freedom party and the conservative People's party under the leadership of Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel.
    • 2023 March 22, Philip Oltermann, “Switzerland’s national pride dealt heavy blow by the merger of its banking titans”, in The Guardian[2], →ISSN:
      But after days of turmoil that upended old certainties about the Alpine republic, it is the two snarling dragon gargoyles, restrained by chains, that ominously sum up the state of the nation.

