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English citations of genticide

  1. (rare) The killing of a race or nation of people; the slaughter of an ethnic group; a genocide.
    • 1820 May 13th, Philotheorus (pseudonym), untitled contribution to The Plough Boy, and Journal of the Board of Agriculture, ed. Solomon Southwick, volume I, № 50, page 393/1:
      O! murder! genticide! (exclaimed Jesse, as his father opened the door upon him) what a world we live in!
    • 1837, “a friend of peace” [pseudonym; William Ladd], Dissertation on the Subject of a Congress of Nations, for the Adjustment of International Disputes without Recourse to Arms, New York, N.Y.: Ezra Collier, 146 Nassau Street, →OCLC, page 46:
      When we call unjust war murder, we give it too mild a name. It is wholesale murder; it is what might be denominated genticide, or the murder of nations.
    • 1940 August–September, Ching-Hsiung Wu, editor, T’ien Hsia Monthly, volume XI, Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh; published under the auspices of the Sun Yat-sen Institute for the Advancement of Culture and Education, →OCLC, page 50:
      This cadaverous insistence upon our extinction is curdling my blood. Homicide! More than that — Genticide!
    • 1957, Margaret Willy, Essays and Studies: Being Volume Ten of the New Series of Essays and Studies Collected for the English Association, John Murray, page 6:
      Genocide was at first called “an odious word”, but UNO have apparently forgiven it for not being genticide, and adopted it.
    • 1959, A. Bronson Feldman, The Unconscious in History, New York: Philosophical Library, page 170:
      The term I shall employ is genticide, from the Latin gens meaning blood-relation or kin.
    • ibidem, page 176:
      The place of incest is historically taken by the conquest of nature, the place of genticide by varieties of social violence ranging from crime to war.
    • ibidem, page 252:
      They simply cannot permit the credence that the spinners of these yarns were everywhere and always chiefly concerned with incest and genticide.
    • ibidem, page 253:
      The metamorphosis of actual incest and genticide into astral saga was probably promoted by the savage belief that changes in weather and the aspects of the skies were somehow responses to their outrages of lust.
    • 1965, Mario Andrew Pei, The Story of Language, Philadelphia/New York: J.B. Lippincott Company (revised edition), page 153:
      On a higher plane is the objection to “genocide,” which combines the Greek root for “race” with the Latin root for “kill”; “genticide” has been suggested as a nonhybrid, all-Latin substitute.
    • 2001 October, Charles Lock, “Fredy Neptune: Metonymy and the Incarnate Preposition” in Australian Literary Studies, volume XX, № 2, page 139, endnote 5:
      For the exact reference I am indebted to Klein’s Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, s.v. ‘genocide’. Dr. Ernest Klein lost his entire family in Auschwitz, and sought healing in etymology. Of Lemkin’s coinage Klein notes with surpassing aridity: ‘The correct word would be genticide, in which both elements are of Latin origin.’ One extraordinary lexicographer calls forth another: ‘My great-grandfather’s first cousin, Sir James Murray of the Oxford English Dictionary’ (Les Murray, ‘The Bonnie Disproportion,’ 113).
    • 2008, Bartolomé Clavero Salvador, Genocide or Ethnocide, 1933–2007: How to make, unmake, and remake law with words (Per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, volume LXXXII), Milan: Giuffrè Editore, chapter ii: “Washington, 1944: Two Original Names for One Old Offense, Genocide and Ethnocide”, page 31, footnote 28:
      R. Lemkin, Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress (n. 27), pp. 79–95, starting with the definition of genocide and adding the synonym of ethnocide in a note; in the Preface, p. XI, he puts in fratricide as another precedent for the new wording; regarding the twins, genticide and genoktony would have been better variants as both bear roots from the same language, either Latin or Greek; Lemkin himself also coined the word ktonotechnics for genocidal methods: Genocide as a Crime under International Law, in “The American Journal of International Law”, 41‒1, 1947, pp. 145–151 (http://​www.​preventgenocide.​org/​lemkin/​ASIL1947.htm), p. 147; the former coinage was in fact proposed: Marion Pei, The Story of Language, New York, Lippincott, 1949, p. 154 (“genticide has been suggested as a non-hybrid, all-Latin substitute”); Francisco P. Laplaza, El delito de genocidio o genticidio, Buenos Aires, Arayú, 1953; Chris Pratt, El anglicismo en el español peninsular contemporáneo, Madrid, Gredos, 1980, p. 180 (“la forma debería ser genticide o genericide”, the latter from genus).
    • 2012, Julius Ruiz, translating Francisco Espinosa in “Old Wine in New Bottles: The Historiography of Repression in Spain During and After the Spanish Civil War” in The Spanish Second Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to the Civil War (1931–1936), eds. Manuel Álvarez Tardío and Fernando del Rey Reguillo, Brighton/Portland/Toronto: Sussex Academic Press, →ISBN, chapter 11, page 200:
  • As Espinosa puts it, ‘of course there was programmed death, a plan of extermination and political genocide, although some prefer to talk of politicide or genticide’.
  1. (rare) The killing of a kinsman or kinswoman; the murder of a blood relative.
    • 1916, Ernest W[atson] Burgess, The Function of Socialization in Social Evolution, Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, →OCLC, page 82:
      Thus the hatred of the kin group was the highest penalty for genticide or the murder of a clansman: []
    • 1960, George B. Winzie, “The Psychodynamics of History” in Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, volume IV, pages 162–163:
      To indicate that the desire to kill pertains to either parent, he coins the term “genticide” from the Latin gens meaning family or race.
    • 2013, Evelyn B. Kelly, Encyclopedia of Human Genetics and Disease, Santa Barbara/Denver/Oxford: Greenwood, →ISBN (hardback), →ISBN (ebook), volume I: A–K, “Hereditary Hearing Disorders and Deafness: A Special Topic”, page 360:
      Hearing loss occurs as additional symptoms in a number of conditions caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA. For example, mutations in the mitochondrial gene 125 RNA gene increases risk for hearing loss if the person takes certain antibiotic drugs, such as genticide.