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English citations of ispo-gender, ipso gender, and ipsogender

ipso gender

see Citations:ipso gender


  • 2016, C. G. Costello, Intersex and Trans* Communities: Commonalities and Tensions, in Transgender and Intersex: Theoretical, Practical, and Artistic Perspectives, ed. by Stefan Horlacher (Springer, →ISBN), page 85:
    [...] transgender, genderqueer, neutrois/agenderd, gender-fluid, and/or identify with genders other than male or female (androgyne, two-spirit, hijra, etc.). Those not trans* I refer to as cis-gender if born binary-sex-typical, and ipso-gender if born intersex.
  • 2018, Gary Wood, The Psychology of Gender, Routledge (→ISBN),
    page 20 (section title): Transgender, ipso-gender, agender, genderqueer etc. versus cisgender
    page 23: To counter this issue, Costello proposes the term ipso-gender (ipso meaning 'in the same place') for people with an intersex condition who identify with the sex they were assigned (by others) at birth.


  • 2023, CG Costello, The Intersection of Transgender and Intersex Experiences, in The Rowman & Littlefield Handbook of …:
    [] binary sex, but was surgically assigned to that sex, ipsogender (Costello 2015). (“Cis” is a [] Ipsogender people often object to their infant genital surgeries despite the fact that doctors []