Citations:ipso gender

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English citations of ipso gender

see also Citations:ipso-gender
  • 2018, James W. Messerschmidt, Michael A. Messner, Raewyn Connell, Patricia Yancey Martin, Gender Reckonings: New Social Theory and Research, NYU Press (→ISBN), page 293:
    Costello, C. G. 2015. "Cis gender, ipso gender." June.
  • 2019 December 13, Katie Steele, Julie Nicholson, Radically Listening to Transgender Children: Creating Epistemic Justice Through Critical Reflection and Resistant Imaginations, Lexington Books, →ISBN, pages 45–46:
    Wider than the umbrella terms transgender or trans, gender expansiveness also includes cisgender or ipso gender individuals whose gender expression and/or use of pronouns and gendered language are not limited by binary expectations based on their gender identity.
  • 2020, JE Sumerau, "A tale of three spectrums: deviating from normative treatments of sex and gender", in Deviant Behavior (2020, Taylor & Francis):
    Finally, as noted in Table 2, there is also the ipso gender sex-to-gender pathway intersex [people have ...] What does the ipso gender pathway look like and how varied might it be? [...]
  • 2022 October 22, Celeste E. Orr, Cripping Intersex, UBC Press, →ISBN, page 21:
    Costello (2014a, 2014b, 2015) proposes adding the expression "ipso gender" to trans and cis discourses. "Ipso" simply means "self"; and to clarify, "inter" means "between." "A cis gender intersex person would be one with an intermediate gender identity, since that 'matches' their birth sex," Costello (2014b) posits; "an ipso gender intersex person would identify with the binary sex they were medically assigned ... And a trans gender intersex person would be one who identifies with the binary sex other than the one they were assigned by doctors." [] "In chemistry, which gives us the language of cis and trans isomers, there are chemicals based upon a ring structure, called arene rings. When a chemical substitution is made in the same place on the rings, this is referred to as 'ipso' substitution." According to Costello's suggested terminology, ipso gender intersex people identify with the male or female sex that they were socio-medically assigned; their gender identity remained "in the same place," so to speak.