Help:Dispute resolution/update
If you find yourself in conflict with another editor of Wiktionary, whether in the form of content disagreement, unpleasant discussion, usage sanctions, or otherwise, consult the following process for help in resolving the dispute amicably and in a manner that improves the project.
- Consider the other person's position.
- This step includes several important wiki concepts: although this is a website you are interacting with other human beings, they have feelings, they may make mistakes, they may have different yet valuable perspectives. Therefore you should assume good faith on their part, and until/unless it becomes clear that the person is acting maliciously you should assume that their words and actions arise from a genuine interest in making Wiktionary a better resource.
- Engage in open discourse.
- Before taking action which might further the dispute, navigate to their talk page or the talk page of the relevant content page and begin a dialogue. Let the person know what you are seeing, let them know what your impression of their words or actions is, ask them what their impression of the matter is and why. Avoid judgment in these discussions, it is more helpful to state "According to some resource hrank is the past perfect of hrunk but you wrote hrunked, was that in error?" as opposed to "hrunked is wrong."
- Open the discussion to outside parties.
- If the bilateral conversation is not going anywhere, or if the instigating incident does not lend itself to such conversation, create a public discussion on the matter which states your point of view in as unbiased and congenial manner as you can manage. The Beer Parlour is a general purpose discussion room which most editors read frequently, if you are unsure where else to raise your concern that is a fine place to start. There are more specific discussion rooms for different questions or concerns, they are as follows:
- If you think a word or definition does not exist, open a Request for Verification.
- If you think a word or definition exists but does not belong in Wiktionary, open a Request for Deletion.
- If you think a word or definition belongs under a different headword, open a Request for Move, Merger or Split.
- If you think an entry is formatted incorrectly, open a Request for Cleanup.
- If you think an etymology is incorrect or otherwise questionable, open a Etymology Scriptorium discussion.
- If you think Wiktionary is not functioning as it should from a technical standpoint, open a Grease Pit discussion.
- If you have concerns about another person's behavior, or really anything else, bring that up at the Beer Parlour.
- If the bilateral conversation is not going anywhere, or if the instigating incident does not lend itself to such conversation, create a public discussion on the matter which states your point of view in as unbiased and congenial manner as you can manage. The Beer Parlour is a general purpose discussion room which most editors read frequently, if you are unsure where else to raise your concern that is a fine place to start. There are more specific discussion rooms for different questions or concerns, they are as follows: