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Lymen tauti

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Named after the town of Lyme, Connecticut, USA.



Lymen tauti

  1. (pathology) Synonym of borrelioosi.


Inflection of Lymen tauti (Kotus type 5*F/risti, t-d gradation)
nominative Lymen tauti Lymen taudit
genitive Lymen taudin Lymen tautien
partitive Lymen tautia Lymen tauteja
illative Lymen tautiin Lymen tauteihin
singular plural
nominative Lymen tauti Lymen taudit
accusative nom. Lymen tauti Lymen taudit
gen. Lymen taudin
genitive Lymen taudin Lymen tautien
partitive Lymen tautia Lymen tauteja
inessive Lymen taudissa Lymen taudeissa
elative Lymen taudista Lymen taudeista
illative Lymen tautiin Lymen tauteihin
adessive Lymen taudilla Lymen taudeilla
ablative Lymen taudilta Lymen taudeilta
allative Lymen taudille Lymen taudeille
essive Lymen tautina Lymen tauteina
translative Lymen taudiksi Lymen taudeiksi
abessive Lymen tauditta Lymen taudeitta
instructive Lymen taudein
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of Lymen tauti (Kotus type 5*F/risti, t-d gradation)