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See also: mad cows



Proper noun



  1. (astronomy) Acronym of Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey.[1]

See also



  1. ^ arXiv, "The Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE Survey II: Initial Spectroscopic Confirmation of z ~ 1 Galaxy Clusters Selected from 10,000 Square Degrees", S. A. Stanford, Anthony H. Gonzalez, Mark Brodwin, Daniel P. Gettings, Peter R.M. Eisenhardt, Daniel Stern, Dominika Wylezalek; March 2014, DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/213/2/25 ; bibcode: 2014ApJS..213...25S ; arXiv: 1403.3361 ; August 2014, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 213, Issue 2, article id. 25, 14 pp. (2014)