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Blend of Snape +‎ Draco.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy of the Harry Potter series.
    • 2009 November 21, NurseDarry (@DarryWillis), Twitter[1]:
      You need to talk to Femme. She's the quintessential Snaco fan.
    • 2011 January 2, corinoco (@idlesilver), Twitter[2]:
      I should be tackling the cupboard under the stairs. Instead, I've been sucked into reading Snaco. I don't even ship Snaco!
    • 2016 June 10, A (@vventvvorth), Twitter[3]:
      I ship Snaco even more after reading the first two and a half books. Wtf
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Snaco.