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Strider +‎ -cest

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The incestuous ship of brothers Dave Strider and Dirk Strider from the Homestuck series.
    • 2012 June 24, que snacky, snacky (@badsnacks), Twitter[1]:
      I'm writing Stridercest fic holla if you wanna read it when i am done
    • 2013 June 7, godless neutrois (@the_stars_abide), Twitter[2]:
      I think one of the grossest Homestuck ships is Stridercest because of the fucked-up power dynamic.
    • 2015 March 26, HealthcareBoywife (@das_uberchicken), Twitter[3]:
      Are we going to ignore the fact that almost everyone in Homestuck shipped Stridercest?
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Stridercest.