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From TERF +‎ -ism.



TERFism (uncountable)

  1. (usually derogatory) The beliefs on trans people held by TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminists).
    • 2018, Aniruddha Dutta, “Allegories of Gender: Transgender Autology versus Transracialism”, in Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice, volume 39, number 2, page 90:
      Contemporary TERFism, or trans exclusive radical feminism, extends such arguments to deny the validity of transgender identities.
    • 2019, Rachel Anne Williams, Transgressive: A Trans Woman on Gender, Feminism, and Politics, page 239:
      The validation always comes after the lifelong internalization of transphobic messages we see constantly promulgated in the mainstream media, the numbing regularity of TERFism being splashed across op-ed pages and uttered by prominent feminists, []
    • 2019, Robby Soave, Panic Attack: Young Radicals in the Age of Trump, unnumbered page:
      TERFism is clearly unpopular with Zillennials.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:TERFism.

Usage notes


This term is used mainly in critical discourse by trans-inclusive feminists and other opponents of trans-exclusionary/gender-critical views, although some use it for self-description.



