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Apollo 11


Is the Apollo 11 one really a dictionary definition, is it used much outside of the phrase "eagle has landed" ? --Imran

I'm going to move this sense to a separate proper-noun entry, although it probably belongs in Wikipedia rather than Wiktionary.



I gave the technical Hebrew term for eagle (ayit). There is another, very common word, nesher, which appears often in the Bible and is slangily used as a large bird of prey in modern Hebrew. In biblical Hebrew, it appears in the phrase "on eagles' wings," problem is, the translation is a mistake and nesher literally means "vulture" (ayit also appears in the Bible but less frequently). Should I add nesher here, even though it is technically incorrect, since it is commonly used?

Well put nesher in the Vulture page, and craet a new page עיט saying hebrew for eagle then say complications etc. -fonzy

Hebrew and Arabic scripts do not use capitals. BTW, the Belarussian term is a little odd since it uses a Polish diacretic in a Latin alphabet, and Belarussian uses a Cyrillic script. On Thursday, I will ask a friend at work about the Belarussian spelling (his field is Belarussian history), but if you come up with something before then, cool. Danny

Are you shore its Cryllic, you may be right its just the Soviet Union made some of its countries like Turkmenistan (Turkmen language) and Azerbajani (Azeri) to have a cryllic alpabet when before they had a form of latin alphabet, after teh collapse of the USSR, they brought back a latin alphabet. -fonzu

Yup, it's Cyrillic. Danny

The second definition (coin) is presumably used because of a picture of the eagle (animal, definition 1). Shouldn't this be noted somehow? Such as

Old gold coin with a face value of $10.00 used in the United States. Named due to picture of eagle (see def. 1).

Of course this issue pertains to words other than eagle, and has perhaps been discussed elsewhere? Fagan



I take it all the translations that contain a single word only translate "eagle" in the sense of "bird". They should probably be marked with (1) until translations of the other senses are entered. -- Paul G 14:34, 2 Jan 2004 (UTC)

My (small) Greek dictionary only has αετός - is χρυσαετός a genuine alternative, or a particular type of eagle? Could it be a Katharevousa/Demotic variant or the Ancient Greek word? -- Paul G 14:42, 2 Jan 2004 (UTC)

χρυσαετός means literally "gold-eagle". It exists both in Modern and Ancient Greek; in Ancient Greek it seems to only mean "golden eagle"... I can't really make out whether it means "eagle" in general in the modern language, as my dictionary doesn't explain it either. —Muke Tever 16:57, 22 Apr 2004 (UTC)

For Esperanto someone put in:


Even if this didn't look pluglike for another wiki dictionary project, this isn't wiktionary practice anyway—we don't link the French and Polish in translations to their pages on fr.wiktionary and pl.wiktionary either. This is the English Wiktionary... However, this kind of thing may be addable as a reference on aglo, etc. —Muke Tever 16:57, 22 Apr 2004 (UTC)

RFD discussion: January–April 2020

See Talk:unicorn#RFD discussion: January–April 2020.