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Latest comment: 11 years ago by Equinox
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I stumbled upon this definition through Google because of a quote from Knolles. If you'd like one to use for this page here is a full one I just did containing prefine in regards to the Ottoman Empire. “there is in this world nothing more admirable or ftrange; if the greatneffe and luftre therof, nothing more magnificent or glorious; if the power and ftrength thereof nothing more dreadful or dangerous: which wondering at nothing but at the beautie of it felfe, and drunke with the pleafant wine of perpetuall felicitie, holdeth all the reft of the world in fcorne, thundering out nothing but ftill bloud and warre, with a full perfuafion in time to rule ouer all, perfining unto it felfe no other limits than the uterrmoft bounds of the earth” - Richard Knolles from "The Authors induction to the Chriftian Reader vnto the Hiftorie following." in Generall Historie of the Turkes (1610)

Thanks. Equinox 14:01, 29 March 2013 (UTC)Reply