Edit at [[niveau]]

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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Even if you were going to include gender, the term linked to is the type of compound that would get its gender from niveau, so the addition is more clutter than anything else.

On general priciples, the more information you add about an entry in other entries, the greater the likelihood that some of that information will be changed in the main entry and the other entries will be out of sync. Maintaining that kind of distributed information in a wiki is a nightmare that should be avoided whenever possible.

Chuck Entz (talk)22:18, 16 July 2016

I do wonder why {{l}} has a gender parameter though, if there really is a wider consensus to not add it.

CodeCat22:19, 16 July 2016

In some cases where there are homographs with different genders, it might be useful. My remarks were more general advice than expression of consensus (combined with a bit of grumpiness, I have to admit).

Chuck Entz (talk)00:52, 17 July 2016