Finnish allative is NOT llex

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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One should also be consistent. Why should this be the one and only finesse of Finnish pronunciation that we indicate in the declension table? Wiktionary should also be consistent between languages. We indicate some features of the pronunciaton in Russian and Latin inflection tables but not in French or German ones. Why?

Pronunciation hints may also be confusing. Let's take the word перестройка (perestrojka, perestroika) as an example. Looking only at the translation table in the English entry one might believe the word is spelled "перестро́йка". The netry itself doesn't make things easier. The correct spelling only appears in the page header.

To sum up, I believe it's better to keep spelling and pronunciation in different sections of the entry.

Hekaheka (talk)06:44, 18 October 2015