
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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The point is that keeping the same information in two places risks one or the other getting out of synch with the other if there are additions, deletions or corrections. Click on the link to Appendix:Proto-Germanic/fedwōr, and if there are any missing descendants of the Proto-Germanic term, add them to that page. Just remember to add them in the right place in the list, and be careful about adding hypothetical forms that aren't worthy of their own entries in the appendices (there's an anonymous user who keeps adding Gothic terms that seemed to be made up by extrapolating from other languages, for instance).

Chuck Entz (talk)00:08, 16 December 2013

Oh, that makes sense. Thank you, I'll keep that in mind.

Shikku27316 (talk)01:45, 17 December 2013